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ACTIVITY 1 (Explicit Correction)


Explicit Correction. The term refers to the response which clearly indicates that

what the learner said is incorrect (e.g., “No, not goes—went”) thus affording the

positive and negative evidence. (Nicholas, Lightbown, and Spada 2001). In this

study, it is providing corrections immediately to the learner.

In this activity, the teacher gives the students an activity to write and read

the essay in class. Since explicit correction deals with a direct indication that the

learner is incorrect, the corrections will take place in class. And as an evaluation

regarding the errors, the class shall be given an essay and identify and explain the

errors found in the essay which meets the item least rated item on identifying and

explaining the errors found in the written or spoken work.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

1. Make a two-paragraph essay using concepts learned from the class;

2. Present it to class to have it evaluated by the teacher;

3. Apply the corrections given by the teacher on the spot to improve work.

Materials Needed:

Writing materials (paper and pen)

Laptop (optional)


1. Each student will be given an assignment to write an essay about a certain

topic discussed in class, depending on the teacher.

2. The essay should be two paragraphs long and should observe proper

grammar such as subject-verb agreement.

3. Students will then present it in front of the class while the teacher gives

immediate correction when an error occurs to facilitate explicit correction.

4. Each student will be graded based on the rubric below:

The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay
focused, focused on focused on
Focus/main purposeful, the topic and the topic andaddresses
point and reflects includes includes topic and
clear insight relevant relevant ideas
and ideas ideas irrelevant
Effectively Organizes Some Little or no
Organization organizes ideas to build organization organization
& Format ideas to build an argument of ideas to of ideas to
(Paragraphs, a logical, build an build an
Transitions) coherent argument argument
Effective and Appropriate Some use of Little or no
Language creative use use of elements of use of
Use, Style & of elements elements of style elements of
Conventions of style to style Uses Contains style Many
(Sentence enhance correct frequent errors in
structure, meaning Uses grammar, errors in grammar,
word choice, correct spelling, and grammar, spelling, and
grammar, grammar, punctuation spelling, and punctuation,
spelling, spelling, with few punctuation makes
punctuation) punctuation errors reader’s
throughout comprehensio
with very few n difficult

Distinctive Sufficient Very little No
experimentati experimentati experimentati experimentati
on with on with on to enhance on nor
Originality language and language and concepts enhancement
(Expression of usage to usage to Does not of concepts
the theme in a enhance enhance exhibit No adherence
creative way concepts concepts creativity to the theme
Applies Applies basic
higher order creative
thinking and skills to relay
creative skills ideas
to relay
The speaker The volume The volume The volume is
delivers the is not too low is too low or so low and
message in a or too loud too loud and the rate is so
confident, and the rate the rate is too fast that you
poised, is not too fast fast or too cannot
enthusiastic or too slow. slow. The understand
Delivery fashion. The The pronunciation most of the
volume and pronunciatio and message. The
rate varies to n and enunciation pronunciation
add emphasis enunciation are unclear. and
and interest. are clear. The listener enunciation
Pronunciation is distracted are very
and by problems unclear. The
enunciation in the speaker
are very delivery of appears
clear.  the message uninterested.
and has
g the words
in the


To know if the students understood the corrections given to them, they are

going to rewrite their essay according to the modifications given by the teacher.


After the task, I realized that






Recast. This is the reformulation of all or part of a learner’s immediately

preceding utterance in which one or more non-target-like (lexical, grammatical

etc.) items are replaced by the corresponding target language form. (Long, 2006).

In this study, it is an indirect response when the teacher reproduces all or a part of

the ungrammatical utterance and gives the correct form by eliminating the error.

In this activity, the students are asked to formulate their own stories as a

group. The teacher will help hint at the errors they have made but will not give

further corrections as its purpose is to meet and improve the least rated item in

recast on reformulating all or parts of the incorrect word or phrase, to show the

correct form without the help of the teacher. This will prompt the students to

identify and give the correct form on their own or within their own groups. As an

evaluation, an oral recitation in class will be done as the teacher will be the one

providing a story for the students to dissect and discuss while identifying the

errors and reformulating them.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

1. Form and present a cohesive and consistent story;

2 Learn new words during the activity.;

3. Apply the corrections given by the teacher without his/her help immediately

after each turn ends.

Materials Needed:

● Writing materials (paper and pen)


1. Divide the class into two teams and make them create their stories

simultaneously, taking turns. Each team will have the same beginning such as ‘If

we have free time,…’ The catch is that every student needs to use the last part of

the phrase said by a previous student as the first part of his/hers.

2. To add thrill and a little challenge, each student will receive a card with a word

that they need to use in the sentence when their turn comes.

3. In being able to ensure that the sentence/s produced by the students are correct,

the teacher will provide an immediate correction after the error once and will be

reformulated by the student without the help of the teacher after.

4. Each group will be graded based on the rubric below:

4 3 2 1

Uses a variety of Uses a variety of Uses a variety of Uses basic

Grammar structures and grammar structures structures with structures and
there is no but makes some frequent errors. makes many
grammatical errors. errors.

Use vocabulary Use vocabulary
Use a rich appropriate for the inappropriate for the Use a poor
Vocabulary vocabulary and audience. audience. vocabulary.
appropriate to the

The work Clear evidence of Some evidence of No evidence of

includes an array original, creative original, creative original,
of original, ideas throughout the ideas. creative ideas.
creative ideas, work and in the
combining topics presentation. Idea is a weak,
Idea is
explored in class ordinary approach to
with new ideas in Idea is developed, the story line. inappropriate,
Creativity novel ways. good approach to and doesn't fit
It is presented the story line. the storyline.
with the audience
clearly in mind.

Idea is very well

developed and
gives a new
approach to the

All of the events Most of the events Some of the events Few of the
were placed in a were placed in a were placed in a events were in
logical order and logical order. logical order but the order and the
Sequence and were clear to the story chain was story chain was
Consistency listener. slightly messy.
very messy.
Most sentences
were out of

Students worked Students worked Students worked Students

Group very well well together and together but worked
Cooperation together; they contributions were contributions were individually.
compromised and balanced. unbalanced
built off one
another’s ideas.


To check if the students understand the story that they made, they are going

to write a summary of the story applying the corrections provided by the teacher.


After the task, I realized that






Metalinguistic Feedback. In contrast to recast, this is defined as a task that

contains either comments, information or a question that relates to the well-formed

utterances of the student, without explicitly providing the correct form. Lyster and

Ranta (1997: 47). In this study, it refers to the comments, information, or

questions related to the correctness student’s utterances.

In this activity the students are tasked to write a formal letter in any form

and present their letters in class. The teacher will provide corrections and

extensive explanations and information on the errors and how they can be avoided.

A rubric is given to grade their formal letters. For the evaluation, the students will

write the letter presented by the teacher. They will identify and correct the errors

and give the correct form using red ink, just like teachers do. This will be an

individual task to gauge their understanding and also meets the least rated item of

metalinguistic feedback on identifying errors and restructure expressions or

statements in speaking and writing.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

1. Recognize and demonstrate use of appropriate vocabulary, style and tone in

formal letters.;

2. Follow conventions of formal letter with respect to layout, solutions, etc.; and

3. Identify errors and restructure expressions or statements in writing with the

correction aided by explanation provided by the teacher.

Materials Needed:

● Writing materials (pen and paper or computer access)


1. The teacher will give a situation where the students need to write a formal letter.

It can be for a job application, an information inquiry, or a complaint letter.

2. The teacher can group the students so that each student will have a different

purpose of writing.

3. Based on the past lesson, each student will write a letter with a heading, date,

inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature. Their

purpose of writing will depend on the situation assigned by their teacher.

4. The teacher can also ask some students to present their work in class.

5. Since the language used in writing a formal letter must be professional and

highly technical, and follows a definite pattern, the teacher must provide comment,

explanation, and information whenever the student made an error or showed


6.. Each student will be graded based on the rubric below:

4 3 2 1
Three of the
Format is One of the Two of the following

correct, following parts is following parts are
parts are
including your incorrectly incorrectly
Format address, date, formatted: your formatted: your
inside address, address, date, address, date,
your address,
salutation, inside address, inside address,
date, inside
body, closing, salutation, body, salutation, body,
and signature. closing, and closing, and
signature. signature.
body, closing,
and signature.
Many errors in
Grammar and Grammar and/or Several errors in grammar
Grammar spelling are spelling errors are grammar and/or and/or
correct. minimal (<2 spelling (>2 spelling (>4
and Spelling errors). errors). errors).

Body includes Missing one Missing two Missing three

at least three component from components from or more
complete the following: at the following: at components
paragraphs. A least three least three from the
clear purpose complete complete following: at
is clearly paragraphs, paragraphs, least three
stated and clearly stated clearly stated complete
conveyed to purpose purpose paragraphs,
the reader. clearly stated
Body purpose


Language is One word is not Two words are not More than
Consiceness formal and appropriate for appropriate for the three words
appropriate. the audience. audience. are not
Language is appropriate
formal and for the
appropriate. audience.
The letter
The letter is The letter The letter contains contains so
Language/ free of contains no more more than two much
redundant than two cases of cases of redundant redundant
Audience and/or redundant and/or and/or superfluous and/or

superfluous superfluous wording, but they superfluous
wording. wording. do not distract from information
the message. that the
message is


To confirm that the students understand the activity, the students will

rewrite the letters. They have to apply the correction/s given to the teacher and

change the error/s in the letter.


After the task, I realized that





Direct Me!

In this activity, the students will be learning English vocabulary through

giving specific directions. This activity used elicitation in order to provide the

missing words based on the teacher’s input.

Specific objectives:

1. To learn and to make use of the vocabularies learned:

2. To describe a direction effectively;

3. To engage in deeper cognitive processing instead of being provided with

complete information or language structure from the teacher.


Simple map of the town

Colorful markers



1. Present the map to the class.

2. Each student will be given a specific place to give directions (e.g. Julie's

Bakeshop, Bay Mall or SM). It is suggested that the place of origin will be the

school to avoid confusion to the students.

3. The directions will be prepared by the teacher and will contain missing

words that will be answered by the students. For example, “After passing the

barber shop, you will go ________ to reach your destination.

4. The teacher will help elicit the correct words from the student if he/she is

having trouble in providing the correct answer.


In order to see if the students understand how elicitation as corrective

feedback works, the students will write at least 5 places that they were sure of the

directions given by their classmate.



This activity gives the students time to answer and participate in the

activity, this will encourage the students to answer on their own but with the

assistance of the teacher. The activity meets the least rated item on engaging in

deeper cognitive processing instead of being provided with complete information

or language structure from the teacher.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

1. Use the correct form of the verb in constructing sentences as it is an

essential skill for students of all ages and abilities.

2. Practice their skills in using verb tenses whether it is past, present, or


3. Learn the correct tenses of the verb through elicitation imposed by the


Materials needed:

Verb cards in a bag


1. Students will form a circle and will be given a set of verb cards depending

on the level of the learners.

2. The teacher begins by picking a verb card from the bag and forming a

sentence with the verb.

3. The bag will be passed to the next student in the circle who will pick a card,

and form another sentence that contains the verb on his/her card.

4. If the student is having trouble answering, the teacher will then elicit

answers from the student by asking questions or pausing to let the student continue

the sentence.


Each student will list all the verbs given and make their own sentences to

assess if they understood the topic. This will be passed to the teacher for checking

and grading.


After the task, I realized that




Activity 6 (ELICITATION)


In this activity, the students will be given a quiz of probing questions to

elicit the correct answers and understand how elicitation in corrective feedback

works in L2 learning either in grammar, translation or vocabulary in general. This

is a group activity that requires the participation of everyone. It meets the least

rated item of elicitation on correcting the errors through the teacher's probing


Specific objectives:

1. To correct errors through the probing questions.

2. Identify speech errors

3. Reformulate sentences successfully.

Materials needed:

Pen and paper


1. Divide the class into two groups.

1. Each group will be given ten-fifteen questions for two rounds each. Either

about grammar, translation, sentence structure or vocabulary.

2. The teacher will help elicit the correct answers by asking or probing

questions (e.g. how do we say "kumusta ka?" in English?)

3. This is a timed activity. Round 1 gives the students 20 seconds to formulate

answers. Round 2 gives the students 10 seconds with the grace period of 5 more

seconds. The group with the highest score wins.


In order to see if the students understand how elicitation as corrective

feedback works, the students will write their own scenarios on how elicitation is

used in class.






Veni Vidi Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered) Day

Repetition. This is a type of feedback in which the teacher repeats the

erroneous words of the learner by using emphasis or intonation, in this kind of

repair, the student repeats the correct form of the utterance provided by the

teacher’s CF. (Lyster & Ranta, 1997, p.49). In this study, it refers to when the

teacher repeats and gives emphasis to the error produced by the learner.

In this activity, the students are given designated tasks in identifying and

recalling errors respectively as each group will participate in the activities of one

another. This will help the students avoid these errors in the future, either in

speaking or writing. This activity meets the least rated item of repetition on

recalling the errors in various cases and avoids them in speaking and writing.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to…

1. Learn and be able to be familiar with different words, its pronunciation and

correct grammatical use.

2. Demonstrate the use of appropriate words.

3. Identify the speech errors.

Materials needed:

● Pen

● Paper


1. The class will be divided into two groups.

2. The teacher will designate a day for the groups to present their listening test

disguised in a one-act play.

3. The class should be able to point out and repeat the erroneous words and

grammatical errors at the end of each play.

4. These exercises will be compiled creatively and will be passed as a final

project of the class.


The teacher will prepare a final listening test for the students to measure

their understanding on utilizing and catching repetition as a corrective feedback.



Clarification Request. The term refers to the clarification that the teacher

indicates when the learner’s utterance has been misunderstood or is ill-formed; it

is inviting the learner to self-correct but not providing the self-form. (Ellis &

Shintani, 2014). In this study, this means a type of corrective feedback where the

teacher gives a signal that there is an error in an utterance and reproduction of a

correct version is necessary.

In this activity it shows the progress report and the lesson of what the

speech errors are and what expressions could be helpful in correcting the errors as

it establishes a foundation of knowledge for the learners in identifying and

understanding different ways to correct and point these errors out. This meets the

least rated item of clarification request on explaining the cause of the error. The

teacher helps the students identify and explain the cause of the errors.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the activity, the students will be able to…

1. Master the different words or phrases used to indicate

clarification/clarification requests.

2. Learn to express their thoughts and feelings in English well.

3. Enhance their vocabulary.

Materials Needed:

● Pen

● Paper


1. The class will be given a chance to give some clarification phrases to

remember. This will give the students ample time to know and identify the

different phrases to use.

2. Make sure that the students are aware that these phrases are corrections and

helpful hints, not to humiliate them or shame them.

3. Once the phrases are established. The teacher will allow the students to

only use the L2 as their classroom language, and will use the phrases to

help correct each other without the fear of being humiliated. Encourage the

students to use it outside the classroom and use it inside the university.

4. Every week the students will make a progress report on how many times

they were given such phrases and vice versa. The students can creatively

make their own progress report, as long as the necessary details are present,

such as: date, name of each classmate, number of times they gave the

corrections, number of times they were hinted at, and what correction was

indicated to them or by them.

5. The progress report will serve as the student’s reflection report on how to

improve their communication skills in the environment that they’ve set. In

this way, the teacher can monitor their progress and receive reflection

papers creatively.


The teacher will give them a listening test and situational exercises by the

end of the month to see their progress in using clarification requests and finding a

speech error.


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