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ENGLISH 11: Unit 11: Sources of energy


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- learn vocabulary related to new sources of energy.
- have further – practice of reading for detailed information and guessing the
meaning of words in contexts.
- enhance knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages about
alternative sources of energy in the future
II. Time: 45’
III. Techniques: Pair/Group work, question and answer, communicative language
discussion, ...
IV. Lexical items and structure(s):
 Vocabulary:
Nouns: dam, fossil fuel, electricity
Adjectives: alternative, exhausted, infinite,
V. Teaching aids: mini boards.
VI. Procedures:
1. Class organization:
- Greetings.
- Checking the attendance.
2. Check old lesson:
3. New lesson:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Suggested answers

WARM UP - Introduces the rule

(5’)  Board race

Topic: Sources of energy

- Divides class into 2 groups

- In one minute, 2 groups give
sources of energy as much as
- The group which has the more
answers is the winner

- Lets students play the game

- Presents the vocabulary

items which are necessary for
the understanding of the
reading text.

 alternative(a)/ ɔl
ˈtɜrnətɪv/: thay thế

(10’) (Alternative resources is one

that you can use if you do not
want to use another one)

 Ex: Because the fossil

fuel is limited and
polluted, we need some
alternative resources to
replace fossil fuel such
as sun, water, wind
 dam(n)/dæm /: đập
 hydroelectric dam:

 exhausted(a)/ig´zɔ:stid/:
cạn kiệt

 exhaustion(n)
 fossil fuel(n)/ 'fɔsl
fjuəl/: nhiên liệu hóa
 infinite/'ɪnfɪnət/ =
 electricity(n) /elɪk
ˈtrɪsəti/: điện

 electric(a)
 electrical(a)
 electrician(n)

- Choral repetition drill ->

pronunciation check ->
memory check - Check
students’ understanding by
asking some questions.

-Pronounces these words and

show them (spelling, part of
speech, stress) on the board.

Task 1: Fill each blank with

the suitable word
- Asks students read the - Work in pair and do Answer key:
instruction in Task 1 task 1
1. released
- Asks students work in pair - Read aloud the
2. alternative
and do Task 1 answer to the whole
3. energy
- Calls some students to read 4. limited
- Listen to teacher’s
whole sentences with the 5. exhausted
filled words
- Checks and corrects the
students’ answers

Task 2: Write down the

advantage(s) and
disadvantage(s) of each
alternative source of energy
SPEAKING - Asks students to read the
(20’) instruction in Task 2 Answer key;
- Read the instruction
- Gives the answer of
of Task 2  Advantages
“Nuclear power” as
- Solar energy: It is not
examples and explains the
only plentiful and
infinite but also clean
- Asks students work in and safe.
group of four to find out - Work in group of four - Wind power: It is a
the answer. and do task 2 clean & unlimited.
- Calls some students to read - Water power: It is a
their answers clean & unlimited.
- Listens to students’ - Stand up and tell the - Geothermal heat: it’s
answers and give them the answer to the teacher available
feedback. - Listen to teacher’s
feedback and correct  Disadvantages
the answer - Solar energy: It’s
possible during day
- Wind power: There's
no wind energy when
there is no wind.
- Water power: It’s
- Geothermal heat: It’s
only possible in few

 Lucky numbers: - Each group take turn

- Shows 9 numbers on the to choose the number
board - Work together to find
- Each number include one out the answer
question about the sources of
- Invite students from each
group take turn to choose the
SPEAKING number.
- Questions are opened for
(10’) them to answer in 30 seconds

 Questions:
1. What is our major source of
2. How many sources of
energy are mentioned in the
text, and which one do you
think has the most potential?
3. Which source of energy do
you think has the most
4. Is our major source of
energy limited? Why/Why
There are two lucky number
having 2 points and getting 1
point from the other group, two
unlucky having -2 points and
give 1 points to the other team

VII. Homework:

-Learn by heart vocabulary.

-Prepare: unit 11-speaking/ page 127-128.

VIII. Teacher’s comment

 Comments:

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