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Name : Feby Alea

Class : 9D
Absent : 14

Eid al-Adha are moments that I always wait for every year. However, this year is little bit

different since Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet.

Me and my family usually go to other cities to enjoy our day off. But, we decided to not

going anywhere since we did not want to take any risks. We spent our holiday at home.

After finishing eid al-adha prayers, I talked to my parents about what should we do in this

holiday. I planned to play video game with my brother but it seemed too plain. Then my father

suggested us to have satay party at the frontyard.

We eventually enjoyed our time grilling beef and lamb satay. We also sang together and

had chitchat. My brother was so excited grilling the meat until his eyes turned red.

In the night, we watched Korean drama tv series together and i really like so much

Korean dramas, when i grow up, i hope to be an actress.

On the next day, we cleaned and tidied up the whole house after having breakfast until

afternoon. My mom said that we must do it often.

Staying at home was the best choice for spending time in the holiday since we had to

avoid having contact with people outside.

I was happy to spend my time with my family. Even though we couldn’t go anywhere in

this pandemic, at least the moment we had together was enough. I hope the pandemic end soon

and we can go outside without worrying about anything.

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