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Name: ID:

Course Title: Entomology Time: Two Hours

Course Code: BIOL320 Date: 6 /3/2022

Part 1 (Check the most appropriate answer)

1- make up the largest phylum of animals in the animal kingdom

a. crustaceans
b. Anamilia
c. Arthropod
d. none of the above

2- The grasshopper has _ eyes

a. 3
b. 2
c. 5
d. 1

3- Ants have compound eyes with many units, called

a. head
b. thorax
c. ommatidia
d. abdomen

4- Grasshoppers breathe through tiny holes in their abdomen called

a. mouth
b. spiracles
c. antenna
d. none of the above
5- is used to hold food while it is being chewed in grasshopper

a. labrum
b. labium
c. mandibles
d. none of the above

6- A queen ant (formally known as a 

a. gine
b. gyne
c. gene
d. all of the above

7- Cockroaches are insects of the order called_____ , which also includes termites

a. maxillae
b. Blattodea
c. sclerites
d. none of the above

8- In sand-fly the pupa requires _ days for development

a. 8
b. 10
c. 9
d. none of the above

9- They have a relatively small head and a broad, flattened body, and most species are reddish-brown
to dark brown.

a. Ant
b. Cockroaches
c. grasshoppers
d. Sand fly

10- The leishmaniases include a complex of vector-borne diseases, caused by more than

a. 21 species
b. 20 species
c. 19 species
d. 18 species
Part II
(Put true or false and write the correct false cases)

1. ( ) Like all insects, grasshoppers have six legs the front pair is used for walking, climbing, and holding

2. Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, which also includes termites

3. ( ) the sex of each individual ant is determined by whether or not the egg is fertilized.

4. ( ) Some female ants, such as the Cataglyphis , do not need to mate to produce offspring, reproducing
through asexual parthenogenesis or cloning, and all of those offspring will be female

5. ( ) The fertilized eggs become female worker ants and unfertilized eggs develop as males; if the
fertilized eggs and pupae are well-nurtured, they potentially become queens.

6. ( ) Cockroaches has epipharynx (chemoreceptors) on its inner side.

7. ( ) All arthropods have jointed appendages. Arthropods also have segmented bodies and an
external covering called an exoskeleton.

8. ( ) All insects also have six legs, one or two pairs of wings, one pair of antennae, and a pair of
compound eyes.

9. ( ) tympanum, is located below the second pair of wings on each side of the thorax.

10. ( ) Queen Offspring ants develop from larvae specially fed in order to become sexually mature among

most species.
Part III
State the following

1. Cockroaches Traits (3 traits)

Cockroaches are generalized insects with few special adaptations, and may be among the most primitive living
Neopteran insects.

They have a relatively small head and a broad, flattened body, and most species are reddish-brown to dark brown.
They have large compound eyes, two ocelli, and long, flexible antennae.

2. Ant L.C Stages

When resources are low, all larvae will develop into female worker ants; however, if the parent of a sexually
reproducing colony has a plentiful supply of food, some of the larvae will receive better nourishment than others,
and develop into winged, sexually mature female ants destined to leave the colony. At this stage, the winged
female ants are sometimes known as "princess ants".

3. Three body regions of Grasshopper

Part IV
Write the parts of the following Insect Body Parts diagrams

A _________________________

B _________________________

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