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The name of the song is Firework, written and delivered by Katy Perry, it’s in the Teenage Dream

album of her and was officially released on 26 th October 2010, fun fact about Firework, Katy Perry
herself said that this is her favorite song in the Teenage Dream, “People are coming back and almost
adopting it as their own anthem, and it’s hard, I think, to write an anthem that’s not cheesy.” I
personally like the song because, of course, Katy Perry has a mellifluous sound, the song is quite upbeat,
and encourage me to be more optimistic and confident. The lyric I choose is “You don’t have to feel like
a waste of space, you’re original, cannot be replaced.” Because as I stated earlier, this lyric has the moral
value of being optimistic and confident.

Optimism is the first moral value of the song, which im quite relate with. When I got into the
elementary school in the first day, im too shy to introduce myself, so I nearly got no friend that day,
because im scared that they won’t like my personality and eventually bully me. But my dad helped me
to get in touch with others so gradually I started to have some friends. I began to show my real self in
the second week of school, and a lot of people feel comfortable around me, they say im an effervescent
type of person. While I still have the insecurity about my personality up until now, the lyric helps me to
be optimist to socialize with others. It still hurts me when someone judge the way I talk, my accent, or
the place I originally came from. Because many people see me as a ‘newcomer from Jakarta who doesn’t
know his place’ although I just want to befriend them. Some people also identify me as a shut in
introvert in my neighborhood because i don’t go out much and socialize. I experienced a big culture
shock when I got here, so I had a hard time to adapt in this particular situation. Had not I lazed in the
javanese language lesson, i must’ve been able to talk freely with them without any language barrier. All
of that is my personal experience abour optimism problem that I cannot fix just yet. But I surely will fix
my insecurity with the help of this song.

And confident, the second moral value of the song, for which also a two eyed knife for your life,
whilst the right amount of confident can make your life perfect. The lyric “you’re original, cannot be
replaced” can be interpreted that you’re unique, the only one in this world, no one has the same trait as
you do, even a twin. It also makes other people feel worthy of their self. For me, this lyric pierce my
heart because of the pain I experience in the second paragraph. It encourages me to keep moving
forthright towards the horizon of rising spark that carry hope of transformation. Considering the beat of
the song is quite happy-themed, so do I have to happily take the moral value of Firework song. Although
I have this scintilla of regret tailing me because of my insecurity, I must remember that i am original, and
I cannot be replaced. It’s truly a masterpiece that a piece of song can change someone, Katy Perry did a
good job in making this song. Besides the catchy lyrics, the meaning behind those lyrics are so deep. And
the simplicity of it makes the song easy to understand for all audiences, both children and adults.

In my opinion, Firework is an epiphany of music! It can inspire people to not be ashamed of their
talent, confident, and optimistic. I too got influenced by this dulcet music, henceforth, ill be more
confident and optimistic in my life, but in the right proportion. In conclusion, Firework is a modern
inspirational music, for all audiences, and have a positive subliminal message.

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