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Jazmine Harris

Professor Diehl

Humanities 2010

30 January 2023

Analog project #1 The Beatles

“Because” by the Beatles is not a catchy toon, it’s not happy, nor is it even that good. However,

it does have worth. When I broke this song down into all its bits and pieces, here’s what I found.

The song is very slow, and short, and expresses multiple different types of sadness. However, it

does not mention a single person the way their other songs do, or just like most songs in general.

I will be breaking this song down into the 5 love languages, 7 Greek types of love, and my initial

thoughts, and comparing it to other songs by the Beatles.

First, let’s start with my initial thought because the first thing I thought of when I played this

song was, my gosh. It felt like I was being sucked into this sad loophole. The tempo is slow and

even the guitar was exaggerated in some ways. Certain notes were dragged out and it put an

emphasis on the heartbreaking vibe of the song. Certain words were also dragged out, like

“because, blue, and cry” which put even more of this sadness into the song. Another thing I

realized was how the Beatles sang it. Each singer sounded connected to the song in their own

way. Usually, in the Beatles song, you hear a lead, but in this one, it was very harmonized.

It's important to recognize that even though this song sounds heartbreaking and sad. I really

don’t think it’s meant to be taken that way; it was just my initial thought about the song.
“Because” still has the love aspect like many of the other Beatle’s songs. This is funny to say

because I am about to explain why I don’t think it falls under any of the 5 love languages. This

song shows no type of need for quality time with anyone. It doesn’t talk about a desire for gifts

or physical touch. It has no mention of acts of service or words of affirmation. The words are

very simple.

Leaning off of simplicity, I believe the songs fall under three different types of Greek love. Some

might think these are far-fetched because there’s not much you can gather from the lyrics, but

here’s what I got. Number 1, this song has a sense of Pragma in the idea that love feels long-

lasting. In the song, they say “Love is old, love is new.” This gives the feeling that long is always

alive. No matter how old the relationship is or how new, there is a growing love. I also got the

sense of long-lasting love when they described the earth and things of the earth. For example,

“the sky is blue” the sky has always been blue. They described all the old things and I felt like it

had a relation to the old love they were singing about. Second, I get Philautia, simply because

they sing “love is all, love is you”. Just the one statement “love is you” is like a reminder to love

yourself because love is within you. Lastly, this song gives me a feeling of Agape because when

they say “love is old, new, all and you” it describes love as having no limit. It’s what I would

consider universal. Some may say that this song falls under Eros because of the passion behind

it. Which can work, they do sing “Because the world is round, it turns me on.” However, even

though it sounds somewhat sexual, I don’t gather much of that from this song. I gather that love

is whatever you want it to be.

Very quickly now I want to compare “Because” to the song “Something” by the Beatles. My

initial thoughts for “Something” was very similar to “Because”. I thought it was a heartbreak

song at first. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize that “Something” just had a tone of
sadness in the beginning, but it was drenched in love. I think this song isn’t drenched in love,

love isn’t the focus to me, it’s just added in there. This song doesn’t really connect to me in any

way, but it was enjoyable to break it down. Especially because it was so hard, seeing that this

was like a minute-long song. I do think the feelings behind the lyrics are strong and I love the

way they sing them. I feel like if it was faster or sharper, the weight of the lyrics would be much


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