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With years of full-time ministry behind them, Uebert and
BeBe Angel are pioneering and leading voices in pro-
claiming the Good News of God’s grace (Euaggelion) and
the prophetic around the world. Between them, they are
best-selling authors of Spiritual Warfare, Intimacy, Prayer
Banks, Supernatural Power of The Believer, etc. Uebert and
BeBe Angel are internationally sought-after conference
speakers and as global leaders, they are highly regarded
for their vision, innovation and boldness. As the founders of
the Good News Church (Spirit Embassy), and holding the
office of the prophet they have impacted millions of lives
worldwide through their passion to win souls by bringing the
revelation of the Good News of God’s grace (Euaggelion).
Friday, April 1 PURE GRATITUDE

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks; for this is the
will of God in Christ concerning you.

Have you ever been without something

and wanted it so bad? You may have de-
sired a job, a spouse, a house or healing
and became very frustrated when it didn’t
happen. As time goes on, you eventually
get what you were hoping for and then
you move on to wanting something else.
You forgot about the waiting period when
you became a prayer warrior and fasting
expert. But as soon as your desires manifest,
those activities eventually ceased. This is an
error my brothers and sisters. As Christians,
we should always give thanks unto God re-
gardless of our current situation.

Gratitude is not dependent on material

things. It is the position of your heart con-
cerning God’s promises. Today’s scrip-
ture tells us that “….this is the will of God
in Christ….”; therefore, giving thanks should be our norm. You should not be
moved to depression or frustration when it seems like you will not obtain the
promises of God. Remember, all of God’s promises are yea and amen. Shift our
mindset today by loading your spirit with God’s Word and you will see the Joy
of the Lord. Hallelujah! You need to confess what He said about you in His Word
and never deviate from that position.

Give God thanks in every situation even if you are believing for bigger and bet-
ter. Hug your spouse, children and loved ones or call them to let them know
you love them. Look at your financial situation and thank God that it will not
always be like this and speak to that contradiction. The Word works, so cheer
up! You are not ignoring your situation, but you are acknowledging that God
is still so good in the midst of it all. Remember, you have the power to change
any situation, but you can’t do it through emotions. Giving thanks to God is a
decision, not a feeling.

I have the Joy of the Lord. This is a great day because I decided
to give God thanks every day. I will no longer operate based on
my emotions. I will give God thanks in every situation of my life.

FURTHER STUDY : 2 Corinthians 2:14

Saturday, April 2 DOUBTING DOUBT

Mark 11:23
For verily I say unto you, That whosoev-
er shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but
shall believe that those things which he
saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith.

What is a mountain to God? Nothing at

all. A mountain is anything that appears
to be greater than the Word of God and
seems impossible to be moved. Today’s
scripture is the blueprint to remove ev-
erything that is blocking you from what
God said you can have. The key part of
this scripture is the action that you need
to take. It says, “whosoever shall say” so
you can’t just read it and go about your
day. You must constantly confess to that
mountain to be removed, Hallelujah! Stop
whining and complaining about that
mountain and speak to it. Don’t speak like
you are afraid and timid but speak to it with boldness and conviction.

Before that mountain is removed, you must remove your fear. How do you
know if fear is crippling you? You know it when after you speak to that moun-
tain you begin to hear things contrary to what you just spoke. Doubt your
doubts my brothers and sisters. Fear and faith can’t dwell together. Doubt is
having faith in the devil and not the Word of God.

After speaking to that mountain, know that it is removed the moment you
spoke. Regardless of how long it takes to manifest, you stand on the truth
that it has been moved. God does not set us up for failure saints. The scripture
states that, “he shall have whatsoever he saith”! You will never go wrong with
doing exactly what the Word tells you to do. Align yourself with the Word of
God and you shall testify this year like never before!

Every mountain in my life is removed. I have spoken, believed
in my heart and have not doubted what I said. It shall it come to
pass. Praise Jesus!

FURTHER STUDY : Psalm 27:1


2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in

Sadly, many Christians believe that they

are set for life because they are a new
creature. When you received the life
of Christ, that was just the beginning. As
child continues to grow physically, they
become less dependent on their parents
to function. Their mentality also increases
by learning new things which continues
into adulthood. This is how we should be
with the things of God. This topic today is
extremely important because countless
Christians have failed because of pride.
Remaining teachable is the acknowledg-
ment that you don’t know it all and that
you need the Word of God to walk this

In Matthew 4:4 we are told, “…..Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. His Word will always
reveal what is inside of us. There is absolutely no way of getting around this.
Humility is the way saints. You can’t expect God to move in your life while
operating in a prideful spirit. Do you remember that pride is what go Lucifer
kicked out of heaven? God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble!!

Jesus is our perfect example. He came not announcing His title or bragging
about what He came to do. He showed us how to walk in humility. As Christ
is so are we. Never be moved from the character of Jesus. Apply the Word
of God to that situation and be changed. Regardless of your age, race or
social status, you must be teachable. Walk in humility and you will see won-
ders in your life today.

Thank You God for Your Grace. I will humble myself before God.
I have a teachable spirit and possess the character of Jesus
Christ. As Jesus is so am I! Praise the Lord!

Ephesians 4:2

Monday, April 4 GODFIDENCE

Ephesians 3:12
In whom we have boldness and access
with confidence by the faith of Him.

The Apostle Paul is teaching the saints

about some of the benefits we have as
Christians. Sometimes we think of benefits
as a mean to obtain tangible items such
as an employee discount at a depart-
ment store. In today’s scripture, we learn
that we have boldness and access with
confidence. We don’t pray wishing things
will happen for we already know it before
we pray. This boldness and confidence
is not from us, it is from God. Sometimes
we feel as if we need to create things on
our own to please God. Not at all. God
responds to Himself.

When you move in the boldness that has

been given to you, you have the con-
fidence that victory is yours. Hallelujah!
God loves us so much and he doesn’t
want us to faint. You are born of God, you have already overcome your situ-
ation. Galatians 2:20 states that you now have the faith of God in you which
is the same faith Jesus had. Glory to God! The one who created the heavens
and the earth dwells in the inside of you.

Before the foundations of the world, you were an overcomer. Even before
that situation reared its ugly head, you were an overcomer. You are a child
of God and nothing in this world is greater than Jesus. It may look like you are
going down but continue to speak that “greater is He that is in me, than he
that is in the world”. You will see that situation turn around in no time.

Christ in me the hope of Glory! I have access and boldness. My
life is a testimony of God’s goodness. I will never be moved by
fear. Godfidence is my position hallelujah!

Romans 5:2

Tuesday, April 5 GRACED BY GOD

1 Peter 2:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own
body on the tree, that we, being dead
to sins, should live unto righteousness:
by whose stripes ye were healed.

Sickness is a repeated trick of the devil

to distract Christians. Through the Word,
you will understand that you are already
healed. When you face a contradiction
with divine health, you must confess the
Word daily until it becomes a part of you.
Demons are not afraid of your looks, tears,
gender or location. They are only afraid of
God’s Word. If you don’t believe that you
are healed, you will never see the healing
that is already yours.

You might say why don’t God just give me

my healing. This is the problem, God has
done it all. You have to access this truth
by faith. Too many Christians are sick be-
cause they don’t know that healing is a gift. It is not something you need to
do to get it. Access it by faith today. Declare that you are healed. Find all the
scriptures on healing and make them your daily affirmation. You will never be
sick again! Praise Jesus!

You have the power to obtain your healing. Start confessing what God says
about you today. Refuse the plan of the enemy and cast his demons out of
your body. You have the victory through Christ Jesus!

There is no sickness in the Kingdom of God. Jesus took every
form of sickness to the cross and defeated it. I will never be sick.
Divine healing is mine. Hallelujah!

Isaiah 53:5

Wednesday, April 6 LOVE COVERS

1 John 4:8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for
God is love.

Do you love what you see in the mirror?

You should. God did not make a mistake
when He created you. Be comforted to
know that God does not see what we see.
He sees the finished you. The Bible tells us
that He knows the end of a thing before
the beginning. The love of Christ allows
us to see people as God sees them. You
shouldn’t rejoice when someone is strug-
gling or have slipped in their walk with
God. Those who are mature in the King-
dom must help those who are weak. Love
covers a multitude of sins.

Before you received the life of Christ, He

died for you. His Love is so amazing. Be-
gin to see people as God see them and
when you evangelize, it will become so
much easier. Christians are called to en-
courage and uplift each other. Not the
opposite. When you know the Love of Christ, you are compelled to share it.
You are so overwhelmed with this GoodNews that you can’t hold it in. There
is a wave coming to our life that will raise you to another level in God’s Love.
Your community is blessed because you are there.

Tell everyone about Jesus and what He has done for them. Shake it off when
they don’t seem interested. You planted the seed. One man plants, one
waters but God gives the increase. Hallelujah! You will never struggle to love.

God loves me. I received the love of Jesus and I will never be
afraid. My life is not my own and I live for Jesus. The love of God
is shed aboard in my heart. I will never lose because of His Love!
Praise Jesus!

Psalm 86:5-15

Thursday, April 7 LIFE IN JESUS

2 Peter 1:3
According as his divine power hath giv-
en unto us all things that pertain unto
life and godliness, through the knowl-
edge of him that hath called us to glory
and virtue:

There is nothing that God is going to do.

He has been resting since he finished
creating the heaven and earth. What
you need is already on the inside of you.
When a child is born, there is nothing they
need to do to become an adult. Through
the process of life, it will happen eventual-
ly. You may not see everything that God
said you can have but in due season, it
will be manifested. Believe that you al-
ready have everything that you need to
function in your purpose.

See yourself flowing in the things of God

by His power. All things mean all things.
Call forth what is lacking in your life ac-
cording to His Divine power. You have an inheritance from Jesus that will
never diminish. This power will never cease when you operate it. It will flow
from Glory to Glory to Glory. Hallelujah!

This is the reason why, as a Christian, it’s so important that you encourage
yourself in the Word. The God that dwells on the inside of you will see you
through the rough times. Take your authority and declare what you need

I am a peculiar treasure. My words are filled with life, and noth-
ing will harm me. I do not lack anything. Jesus has already sup-
plied every need. I am the lender and not the borrower. All the
promises of God are yea and amen!

1 Thessalonians 2:12

Friday, April 8 FOOLISHNESS

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for the lack
of knowledge.

If there is anything that should destroy a

Christian, it should be the devil. Today’s
scripture lets us know that His people are
destroyed because of lack of informa-
tion. When you don’t know what God
says about you, your life will a misery even
though you are saved. That is right. There
is no special prayer or oil to give you the
knowledge of God. Your job is to read the
Word. Unfortunately, may people don’t
read the Word. They go to church with the
form of godliness but go home to live a
powerless life. This is not your story.

Begin to read the Word daily. Find more

time to study the Word and begin to let
Holy Spirit reveal the deeper meaning of
the word to you. The wisdom of God will
overtake you. You don’t have to make up
for lost time, find a man of God that can teach you the Word. Rapture is im-
minent, and seasoned Christians are needed to impact this world for Jesus.
Glory to God!

The entrance of thy Word brings forth light (“fotizo”- stadium lights). The light
that is inside you will blind every demon that tries to stop you. The Glory of
God will overtake you this year. Your mind has been renewed today and you
will never lack the Word. The knowledge of God will shift you to higher levels.
Cheer up, the Word works!


I have the mind of Christ. The wisdom of God is flowing through

me because Christ dwells in me. Divine intelligence is mine!
Glory to God!

Jeremiah 4:22

Saturday, April 9 FAITH OF GOD

Mark 11:22
And Jesus answering saith unto them,
Have faith in God.

Every man has been given a measure of

faith. That faith you received is not meant
to stay on that level. You must work your
faith daily. Believing in God is not just con-
fession. Execution of what you believe is
necessary. As Prophet Uebert Angel says
“Confession is faith at the junior level and
possession is faith at the higher level”.
Have faith in God means to have the God
kind of faith.

Begin to take God at His Word and exer-

cise your faith. When you are born again,
the faith you now possess is the faith of
God. Fear will be the thing of the past.
You take your position as a son of God
and speak the word to any situation. If
the doctor told you that you can’t have
children, demonstrate the power of God
by speaking the opposite. You can be bound in a wheelchair, find every
scripture on healing and confess it daily. You will walk out of that wheelchair

Faith of God is not predicated on a title. You can be a new or seasoned

Christian. Results will vary because faith comes by hearing and hearing by
the Word of God. How far your faith takes you depends on the information
you have about a particular matter. Increase your faith today by increasing
the Word in you!


My faith will grow daily. The Word of God is loaded in me. I have
the faith of God in me. No situation can remove me from God’s
will. The love of Christ is shed abroad in my heart. Hallelujah!

Matthew 17:20

Sunday, April 10 GOD HAS PROVIDED

Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not
sow or reap or store away in barn, and
yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than

Have you ever considered how free the

birds are? If not, pay attention to how
they function. You may say that birds
don’t have emotions so how can you
tell if they are worried. The scriptures tells
us that they expect God to take care of
them. Are you not more valuable to the
Kingdom than a bird? Where you are to-
day may not be the place that God des-
tined for you.

It is very easy to get caught up in what

you don’t have. Never compare yourself
with someone else because it will always
put you on the wrong path. Be thankful
for what you have and use your faith to
obtain the promises of God. There are too
many testimonies in the Word about God meeting the needs of His children.
You shall testify this year of the provisions of God. He has not forgotten you.
Remove every word from the devil that told you your life will never change.

Don’t worry about your situation. Practice singing praises to God. Set your
heart and mind on Him. Never let your situation pull you into an isolated
place and become hopeless. You have God’s DNA inside of you and he
dwells in you. Hallelujah! Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10). When you find
yourself in a bad situation, you can encourage yourself by saying what God
says about you.

I will never lack any good thing. God has already provided ev-
erything I need. I walk by faith and not by sight. My testimony
this year will shock everyone. Divine Provision is my portion to-
day. Thank you Jesus!

FURTHER STUDY : Philippians 4:19


3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that
thou mayest prosper and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.

You are designed to walk, think, speak

and function like God. Just like you have
an immune system for your body, you
have one for your spirit. Based on your
diet intake, you can have a prosperous
or malnutritional spirit. Today’s scripture
tells us that God is concerned about your
spiritual and natural outcome. Immune
systems require food. The Word of God
is food for your spirit. The more you read
the Word the more your spirit grows. You
may not be able to see it but growth takes
place instantly when you feed your spirit.
There are no side effects when you are
overweight spiritually. Glory to God!

You obtain spiritual immunity by feasting

constantly on the Word of God. You will
see yourself prospering and in perfect health because the Word pushed you
into that place. You are a vessel that God is using to expand His Kingdom on
earth. Sickness is not your portion. Lack is not your portion. Defeat is not your
portion. You will not experience all that God has for you by just hoping that
your situation will change. You must believe that everything God says you
can do, it can be done.

Begin to change how you see yourself today. Hold your head up and shout
that you that you are victorious through Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:57).
Nothing can harm you physically because you are exempt by Jesus. He
made you disease and recession proof. Your home is blessed. Your family is
blessed. Your business and finances are blessed. Hallelujah!!

I will never be sick. I have God’s DNA. As I feast on the Word, I
am growing spiritually. I will never be defeated. Prosperity and
divine health is mine! Glory to God!

Romans 8:37

Tuesday, April 12 GOD’S AUTHORITY

Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came and spake unto them,
saying, All power is given unto me in
heaven and in earth.

The authority Jesus had when he walked

on this earth has been given to you. This
authority works when you work it. You
don’t have to fight in the spirit to obtain
this authority. Just operate in it. Declare
what God says you are able to do and
produce it. In today’s world, Christians are
fainting because of the devil’s roar which
has no bite.

Reposition yourself today in God’s author-

ity and cast those demons out. This is your
God given authority and you will never be
moved out of this position. Put everything
that does not line up with God’s Word un-
der your feet. You are victorious through
Christ Jesus. The Bible states that you are
more than a conqueror and that means
that you have already won. Glory be to God. Cut off the devil’s influence
over your children, family and country today.

You have the power in you which raised Jesus Christ from the grave. What
can stop you? Nothing. Confess this authority over your finances, health, as-
sets and ministry. Christians are not meant to live a defeated life. Reverse the
fear today and demonstrate the power of God in your life.

Christ has given me His authority and power. My life will never
be the same. I will never be defeated in Jesus name!

Isaiah 9:6

Wednesday, April 13 WONDERS OF GOD

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He
gave His only begotten Son that who-
soever believes in Him should not per-
ish but have everlasting life.

When you plant a physical seed, you have

You remember where you were when you
received the life of Christ. It was a wonder.
Jesus died on the cross so that you might
have life. The life is not a boring one. It is
filled with joy, peace, love, victory and
so much more. Never be deceived into
thinking that your old life is much better
than being a Christian. All you needed to
do is believe in Him. A child does not ask
questions but fully believe whatever their
parents said to them. Even when their par-
ent does not keep their promise, the child
still believes. How much more should you
believe God when all of His promises are
yea and amen. Hallelujah!

You don’t serve a dead God. He is the only true and living God. The way He
saved you is a wonder in itself. The bondage and strong hold over your family
were instantly broken in one millisecond. He called you out of darkness into
His marvellous light. This is year of Wonders without Number, never forget that
you are a wonder too. He has done the hard part and all you need to do is
walk in His will. This race is fixed and you win!

I am God’s Wonder. I will never perish. My God has ordered
my steps and victory is mine. Thank you Jesus for saving me.

John 16:33

Thursday, April 14 GOOD FRUIT

John 12:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a
corn of wheat fall into the ground and
die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it brin-
geth forth much fruit.

When you plant a physical seed, you

have to wait for it to mature. Each seed
has different harvest times, but it will pro-
duce what is on the inside. A mango seed
does not look anything like the ripe fruit,
but it is equipped to produce a harvest.
Just like that mango seed, you are creat-
ed with unseen abilities but on the inside,
you are loaded with possibilities. Today’s
scripture tells us that seeds must die in or-
der to bring forth much fruit.

The fruit of the Spirit is obtained when

you die to yourself. Selflessness produces
good fruit. Consuming the Word, praying
and sowing seeds will produce a massive
harvest. Examine your ground today and
find out what needs to die. Perhaps it may be the type of music you listen to
or the words you speak. Nip it in the bud today so you can see the harvest
that is already destined for you.

God’s Words are seeds. Let those seeds overtake your spirit and wait for the
reaping. Remember, seeds have different harvest times so don’t faint during
the process. You have the strength of God on you and nothing can prevent
your harvest. There is an allotment of time for your seeds to produce a har-
vest. Don’t miss your moment. You shall reap a harvest if you faint not!

I am loved by God. Nothing will separate me from His love. My
heart belongs to Jesus! There is no other love like the Love of
Jesus! Thank You Jesus for first loving me. Hallelujah!

John 4:16

Friday, April 15 AGAPE LOVE

Ephesians 3:19
And to know the love of Christ, which
passeth knowledge, that ye might be
filled with all of the fullness of God

God designed you to worship Him.

Through the Word, you understand more
about His Love. The Love of Christ is amaz-
ing. There is nothing that even comes
close to it. Your works will never qualify you
for His Love. The fullness of God comes
through knowledge. His Love comes
with everything that He is. Glory to God!
It is very important for you to grow in the
knowledge of His Love. Once you get the
fullness of His Love it becomes addictive.

The Love of God does not take count of

wrong doing. You are forever free in Christ
Jesus. Walk in this truth and distribute His
Love to others. The Bible teaches us that
we only owe people God’s Love. He gave
it to us freely and we must distribute His
Love with no strings attached.

God’s Love has no limits. You will never be in this walk alone. You are a giant
in Christ Jesus. His Love is not for when you fall short, it is constant, and it grows
by the day. God is not mad with you, He is madly in love with you.

I know that God loves me. I will never walk in fear or be in bond-
age. The fullness of God dwells in me. Glory to God!

Romans 8:35

Saturday, April 16 SET APART FOR GOD’S WORK

1 Peter 1:16
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am

Too many times Christians have made

the word “Holy” to be some supernatu-
ral term. Holy just means to be set apart.
So in other words, you can read today’s
scripture as, “Be ye set apart, for I am set
apart”. Being set apart is a mindset not an
action. You can still be among your old
friends and not be separated from that
lifestyle. You were bought with a price
and are a new creature in Christ. Don’t
go back and relive the boring, unfulfilled
life you once did. You are called by God
for a great work and to be set apart is a

Since you are told to be holy that means

it is possible for you to do it. God will nev-
er instruct you to do something that you
are not able to do. Your heart is aligned
with the things of God and you will produce what God has put inside of
you. When everyone else is doing what they please, continue to walk with
God. There is not an off and on switch with being set apart for God’s work.
It is a state of being. People will be shocked when you decline their event
because you need to spend time with God. To be set apart produces God-
Kind results.

You no longer at the old address. The life you live now is rooted by God’s
will. Let your bright light shine for Jesus and rejoice for the work of God that
is before you. You will never miss the mark with your assignment. The hand of
God is on you to demonstrate His Glory. Hallelujah!

I serve a Holy God. I am set apart for His will. Nothing will stop
my impact on this earth. I am His peculiar treasure. Thank you
Jesus for making me different!

Leviticus 11:44

Sunday, April 17 GOD’S ARMOUR

Ephesians 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole ar-
mour of God, that ye may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having
done all, to stand.

We are in the last days saints. The ene-

my tries to push his full plan in the world,
but we are the ones who are holding him
back. Time will become worse as the Bi-
ble teaches us but we must be prepared.
The whole amour of God is what we use
to stop the devil. This amour is not physical
but spiritual. In this same chapter we learn
that we wrestle not with flesh and blood.
This fight is spiritual brothers and sisters.

Increase your prayer time immediate-

ly. Time is winding down for the rapture
and you don’t want to be left behind.
Load your spirit with the Word to discern
good from evil. If the devil had his way, he
would deceive and destroy you. Only the
Word of God will defeat him. Take inventory of what you need to change
so you can be fully armed by God. You have an assignment to do, and you
must know the strategy of war.

Set your heart on the thing of God and rejoice for the rapture is getting closer
by the day. You will be prepared for anything the devil throws at you. See
yourself as a prayer giant and a faith shaker. You are great in God!

I do not fear the enemy. God is always with me. The protection
of God is around everything that concerns me. I will not worry
about anything because I know God have destroyed the ene-
my’s weapons. Amen!

Romans 13:12

Monday, April 18 ABUNDANT GRACE

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by Grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the
gift of God; Not of works, lest any man
should boast.

When Christians hear about Grace, they

either bask in it or think they need to earn
it by works. It is a gift of God that will nev-
er be removed. For the gifts and callings
of God are without repentance (Romans
11:29). Your concern should never be if
someone deserves the Grace of God or
not. Walk in the Grace given to you and
let God be God. Grace as we know is
not a license to sin. The goodness of God
leads men to repentance. The more you
understand about Grace, the more you
don’t want to frustrate the Grace of God.
He has done all of the hard work for you.

His Grace is amazing. There might be

days when you don’t feel you deserve His
Grace. Remove those thoughts and declare God has given you the gift of
Grace. There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. There is
nothing you can do change God’s mind about you. He knew about every
bad decision you were going to make, and He still called you. Glory be to

Function in the Grace of God and not your abilities. Increase in Grace today
by increasing your knowledge in the Word (2 Peter 3:18). Receive it and nev-
er let go of this truth.

I am not saved by my works but only by the Grace of God. I be-
long to God. My life is hidden in Christ. I will grow in Grace daily.
God has blessed me and there is nothing that will change it. The
blessings of God will overtake me. Hallelujah!

John 4:10

Tuesday, April 19 DUNAMIS POWER

Acts 1:8
But you shall receive power when the
Holy Spirit has come upon you; and
you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusa-
lem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and
to the end of the earth.”

Once you have received the Holy Spir-

it, you immediately received His power.
God is not handing out special doses of
His power because you prayed for it. You
already have it. No matter how many
seeds you sow, fast or pray, nothing new
is coming on you. The truth is that you
need to start using that power. There is no
special class to activate this power either,
just walk in it. God’s Word is true so don’t
doubt that you already have this power.

Dunamis power produces results. If you

really understood the power that dwells
in you, you would never complain again.
This power removes sickness, causes the
lame to walk and the deaf to hear. The same power that raised Jesus Christ
from the grave in now inside you. Glory to God. You have the power to raise
the dead! Who can stop you? From this day forward, walk in your God given
power. Shake up nations, tear down principalities and cast out devils. You
are a power machine!

Go forth and subdue territories for Jesus! The power of God looks good on

The dunamis power is inside of me. I am a walking powerhouse
distributor. My body will be used to display the power of God.
I will function in power just like Jesus! Thank you God for your
Power in me!

Luke 1:35

Wednesday, April 20 FAITH DEVELOPMENT

Jude 1:20
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves
on your most holy faith, praying in the
Holy Ghost.

Faith is progressive. You should not use

yesterday’s faith for today. Too many
people get caught up in the mindset. Be-
cause they saw victory in one area, they
stop building their faith. Do not do this.
Faith is like a muscle. The more you work
it, the stronger it gets. When you don’t use
it, it becomes stagnate. When you move
in faith you remain in that vein until you
see what you spoke. Hallelujah! Don’t let
the devil rob you of your reward through
unbelieve. Increase your faith by praying
in the Holy Ghost!

Pray the Word of God and pray over the

prophecies on your life. This is real faith.
You are not coming to God asking for
anything. In prayer, you are reminding Him of His Word and thanking Him for
every prophecy coming to pass. See yourself in the new home, holding your
child or operating that business. Praise Jesus! This walk if fixed, just walk it out.
There is no limit with your faith. Take it as high as you want to go.

Nothing is able to stop you when you believe in your heart the things you
have spoken. Praying in tongues is a good way to increase your faith. Your
faith is increasing now. Never come down from this position. Continue to
read the Word and pray daily. Your faith is stronger than it has ever been.
Glory to His Holy name!

I walk by faith and not by sight. As I pray in the Holy Ghost, my
faith will grow stronger. I will see the fruit of my prayers. I am a
game changer, a nation shifter and will be known by my Faith.
Praise His Holy Name!

Romans 1:17

Thursday, April 21 LET IT GO!

Romans 12:19
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves,
but rather give place unto wrath: for it
is written, Vengeance is mine; I will re-
pay, saith the Lord.

As long as you live, someone will do some-

thing to you that you will not like. Whether
it is slander, theft, or some form of abuse,
forgiveness is the answer. You may feel as
if you are justified to get even but that is
not a characteristic of Christ. Unforgive-
ness is like drinking poison expecting the
other person to die. It is just not worth
your time or sanity. You cannot hide any-
thing from God. Offense is a decision not
an emotion. I know you instantly feel an
emotion when you are offended but you
have a choice to reject it. Emotions are
not meant to rule you.

It seems unfair to not retaliate in some

form when you are wronged. The ways of
God are not like man. Trust in His Word and do it His way. The peace of God
shall overtake you and then you will find yourself praying for that individual.
Never rejoice when something bad happens to someone when they have
done evil to you. Always walk in the Spirit which to walk in Love. God will
reward you when you do it His way. Anyone who fights you is fighting against
God and you know the outcome. Love your enemies and do good to those
that hate you (Luke 6: 27). Keep your heart in the right place and remain
under God’s protection.

I will not allow unforgiveness overtake me. I am a mature Chris-
tian. All of my battles are the Lord’s and He shall avenge my
enemies. I am divinely protected in Jesus mighty name!

Hebrews 10:36


Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me.

It should be a daily practice to confess

that there is nothing you can’t do through
Christ Jesus. Prophet Uebert Angel taught
us that “We are not human”. You have
countless capabilities as a believer and
the Word of God will cause all of them to
manifest. You may not feel that you can
do all things because of where you live or
your financial condition. Let the Word of
God strengthen you while you are making
your way to His promises. When you get
up in the morning, declare with boldness
that you are a child of God and there is
nothing that can stop you. Praise the Lord!

When you speak with boldness and belief,

do not doubt for a second. Stand on that
conviction and know change has hap-
pened when you declared it. Don’t wait
to see it. Cast out those evil thoughts that try to convince you otherwise. You
can do all things through Christ! Walk in that truth from now on.

When the Word of God dwells in you, the strength of God is evident. You can
do the impossible. Those that doubt you will be amazed. You are not walking
in your ability but in the power of God. Declare who you are today and go
conquer in the name of Jesus!

I declare that nothing will ever hinder me. My mind is focused
on the things of God. My mouth will produce everything God
said I can have. I am a proof producing Christian. Praise the
name of Jesus!

Ephesians 3:16

Saturday, April 23 GOD-KIND RESULTS

Romans 10:8
But what saith it? The word is nigh thee,
even thy mouth, and in thy heart; that
is, the word of faith, which we preach.

Reading and speaking the Word is not

enough. You see, today’s scripture tells
us that faith is when we have the Word
in our mouth and heart. Too many times
Christians just confess the Word and never
act on it. So faith without works is dead
(James 2:26). Failure is not a vocabulary
in the Kingdom of God. You can produce
the same results that Jesus did. Glory be
to God!

The power to speak something into exis-

tence lies in your tongue. The words you
speak daily are either building you up or
tearing you down. You determine the fruit
produced by your spoken word. The devil
has nothing to do with this. You have the
power to change atmospheres, industries
and government. Use that power today to shift any situation. Speak it, be-
lieve it and praise God in advance!

Avoid speaking negative words. Believe the Good News that there is no
bondage in Christ Jesus. You will always have the victory because greater is
He that is in you than he that is in the world.

I believe God’s Word. My mouth and heart are in agreement. I
will always speak life. God has already given me the desires of
my heart. What a mighty God we serve!

Proverbs 18:21

Sunday, April 24 ENTITLEMENT

Proverbs 27:2
Let someone else praise you, and not
your own mouth; an outsider, and not
your own lips.

Most people are very proud of their ac-

complishments, and nothing is wrong with
that. You should celebrate when these
events happen. There is a problem when
you let those accomplishments overtake
you. You know the type of people that
demand praise for every little thing as if
the world would fall apart without them.
Entitlement is rooted in pride. If someone
calls you by your name and not your title
you get offended.

When you give a big seed, you expect

a call from leadership to thank you. This
is wrong my brothers and sisters. Don’t
praise yourself as instructed in today’s
scripture. Focus on God’s Word and the
lost and you will not have enough time to
think about your efforts.
Remember Jesus made Himself of no reputation and neither should you. Un-
fortunately, social media promotes this type of behaviour, and it has crept
into the Body of Christ. We should reverence men and woman of God and
not ourselves. Rid yourself today of the desire to be acknowledged and walk
in humility. Your life should be driven to please God and not man.

Look for the gifts and strengths of others to celebrate. Choose to avoid seek-
ing approval or praise for anything you do. When you do things unto God, it
is recorded in Heaven and that is the best acknowledgement.

My desire is to give God all of the glory. I do not have a need to
be recognized for my works. From this day on, I shall honour and
reverence leaders. Humility is my testimony. Hallelujah!

Philippians 2:3-4


Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow them that
believe; In my name shall they cast
out devils; they shall speak with new
tongues. They shall take up serpents;
and if they drink any deadly thing, it
shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands
on the sick, and they shall recover.

As a child of God you will go through

challenges. I hope you took notice of
“will go through”. As the old saying goes,
“Trouble don’t always last”. Wherever you
find yourself today, know that you are
called to preach the Gospel to every-
one. Never size someone up and draw a
conclusion that they may not need Jesus.
Your emotions are not the driver for signs
to follow you. Believing that you have the
authority and power to win souls will un-
lock so many doors. Just open your mouth
and tell this dying world about Jesus. The
power in you to heal the sick is there, you
just need to move in faith. Flesh will always find an excuse to doubt the Word.
The Word works, cheer up!

The only way for you to manifest the power of God is to walk in the Spirit.
Devils and serpents will not bow to the flesh, they respond to the Word. You
are in this world but not of it. The only permanent thing is the Word of God.
Don’t put your trust on anything else. God is with you when you step out on
faith to win souls. Remove tradition and fear of rejection. You are not going
to market your abilities; you are going to let God work through you. Winning
souls is your passion today. Glory be to God!

Today I chose let go of rejection. Christ in me the hope of Glory.
I will not be moved by my emotions. God is always with me.
Thank you Jesus!

1 Corinthians 14:4

Tuesday, April 26 RADICAL FAITH

Mark 2:4-5
And when they could not come nigh
unto him for the press, they uncovered
the roof where he was: and when they
had broken it up, they let down the bed
wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When
Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the
sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be for-
given thee. 

The reason why you are still alive today

is because there is a specific assignment
for you to accomplish. Don’t let anyone
or anything get you off track from your
purpose. In these last days, you need to
make noise more than ever before. Time
is running out and you do not want to be
left behind because of fear. Your faith
must be so radical that everyone who
sees your life will catch the fire of the Holy

Radical faith is when you don’t care what people think

or say about you or God. There is no backing down in the face of the devil.
The only outcome is that one will be defeated and the good news is that it
is not you. Non-believers are very bold in what they do. You have witnessed
the travesty that is taking place in this world. The norm of today contradicts
what the Word says. Christians must influence the world the GoodNews of
Jesus Christ. There is so much work to do. Because you are reading this today,
that means you are among the radical ones.

You are meant to hold up the banner of God and compel the lost to receive
Jesus. Never back down and lose faith. The world is waiting for you to get
into position and transform every place you go. God is for you and with you.

I have a burden to win souls. I will no longer remain quiet. My
purpose has been realigned today. I am a soul winner. I speak
radical faith over me in the mighty name of Jesus.

Luke 5:19

Wednesday, April 27 ETERNAL SUPPLY

Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not

God’s provision is eternal. It is mind blow-

ing sometimes when people doubt they
can live a prosperous life. To set the record
straight, when you lack, it is not God’s
fault. God is not trying to make an exam-
ple out of you by withholding something.
The Bible tells us that all of His promises are
yea and amen (1 Corinthians 1:20). You
can’t dispute the Word of God regardless
of how you may feel. Facts have NO feel-

Imagine if your natural parents told you

that there is a bank account you can use
at anytime. They never indicated the lim-
its but you are aware that you can draw
funds when needed. Would it be their
fault if you kept withdrawing five pounds
every month? No. Knowing that you serve
a God that is rich, why do you lack? There
is Grace for you today to renew your mind and obtain the provisions of God.
His supply can and will never run out. If you desire one million dollars, load
yourself with scriptures about money. If you desire to build a hotel, find every
scripture about that matter and stand on and in it. Go and change that lack
in your life. The Money is Coming. Hallelujah!

My faith has increased today. I know that God has already sup-
plied all my needs. I will never lack. I live a life of abundance!

Philippians 4:19

Thursday, April 28 DOMINATE

Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth.

I love today’s scripture because it details

who we are and what we are capable of
doing. Christians sometimes like to take
the easy road and remain in the back-
ground because they don’t want to of-
fend anyone. Christians should never be
quiet. Wicked people in high positions are
not quite nor do they lack dominating in
every industry. It is now the time for Chris-
tians to stand up and stand out. You have
the power and authority to dominate on
this earth. Everything is subject to you be-
cause Christ lives in you. Go change the
music, government, clothing or medical
industry. Choose your direction and stick to it daily.

It is such an honour to be made in the image of God. No other creature on

this earth can claim this. In addition, you have the ability to dominate. You
can function like God. From this day forward, begin to walk in your God giv-
en authority. Speak to everything that is out of order and call it to align with
the Word of God. What ever you desire, go after it and conquer it. We serve
a mighty, rich, wise and powerful God. You are joint heirs with Christ so go
and dominate today!

I am made in the image of God. I refuse to live beneath what
God has planned for me. My light will shine for Jesus. Dominion
is mine. Glory be to His Holy Name!

Hebrews 12:1-3

Friday, April 29 JUST BELIEVE!

Mark 9:23
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst be-
lieve, all things are possible to him that

You have the ability to believe God’s

Word. It is very difficult to do something
when you don’t believe in what you are
doing. You can get results but not at the
level you expected. The scripture today
instructs us to believe. All of God’s gen-
erals were successful because they be-
lieved God. There may have been times
when fear creeps in when they face
challenging situation but they chose to
believe God. Praise Jesus! You can’t pick
and choose when you will believe God.
Allow the Word of God to transform your

Whether you have seen the impossible

or not, just believe because His Word in-
structs us to. Now is the time for you to get
out of your comfort zone and believe what the Bible says. Full stop! No lon-
ger will you go on wondering if the Word applies to you. All things, not some
things, are possible to you when you believe. Hallelujah!

Regardless of where you are today, pick up the Word with a new focus and
believe it all. Your blessings are expecting you and your belief will unlock
them. You will flourish in the blessings of God because you have made the
decision today to believe God.

All things are possible to me because I believe God’s Word. My
future is extremely bright. I was born to display the Word of God
to the world. Blessed be to God! I believe God!

Matthew 17:20


1 Samuel 17:46
This day will the Lord deliver thee into
mine hand; and I will smite thee, and
take thine head from thee; and I will
give the carcases of the host of the Phi-
listines this day unto the fowls of the air,
and to the wild beasts of the earth; that
all the earth may know that there is a
God in Israel.

David and Goliath is a well known story.

David was a fiery young man when he
defeated Goliath. Before his victory, the
Israel army were surrounded by fear. The
experience David gained when he killed
a lion and a bear, his confidence in God
was very high. He knew that the same
God who delivered him from the lion and
the bear will do the same in any situation.
You must have the same mindset today.
God has delivered you out of danger-
ous situations and you are still here. You
can’t see God move in one area and
then have doubt if He will in another. You must constantly view your situation
through God’s Word.

David knew without a shadow of doubt that God would deliver Goliath into
his hands. Just imagine a giant standing in front of you and there is an army
with heavy artillery behind you but too afraid to help. All you need that mo-
ment is God which is more than enough. Push pass those negative thoughts
and declare the outcome of that situation just like David did. Fear may have
tried to stop David but because he was so confident in God’s ability, he
moved with that perception.

Visualize yourself in every promise of God. You already have the victory
through Christ Jesus.

I refuse to fear! My mind has been renewed by the Word of God.
Thank you Lord Jesus for my new outlook. Doubt has no power
over me. My perception is rooted in the blessings of God. Praise

2 Corinthians 4:18


Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of

The God you talk about is the God who

shows up. If you talk about Jesus the Heal-
er, the Healer shows up. If you talk about
the God who has made you rich, that’s
who shows up. Many Christians struggle
with money because they have never
heard what God has to say about it. Yet
the Word of God talks more about money
than Heaven and Hell combined.

God has a lot to say about your financial

status. However, in a sense, money is like
righteousness that you must be conscious
of what you already have to fully bene-
fit from it. You must know God’s will con-
cerning your finances in order to begin to
function in the wealth He has designated
for you.

The reality is you cannot go beyond your

mindset. It is not possible. That is why it is so important for you to hear the
Word of God concerning your money. It takes faith to bring financial pros-
perity into your life, and faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word
of God. But you cannot hear the Word for healing and expect your bank
account to prosper. Financial prosperity requires you to hear the Word of
God concerning your money. I freely say, “your” money because God has
given you riches. You are not the poor. You are the rich discovering and
manifesting your riches. Part of the process of doing that is to inundate your
spirit with the biblical language of money. Take the time to discover what
He has given you and why. That is the first step to opening the floodgates of
financial wonders in your life.

I was born into a rich family with all the resources I could ever
need. I am armed with the revelation that God wants me rich
and open my spirit to receive all that belongs to me. From this
very moment, attaining wealth will never be a struggle for me,
in Jesus’ mighty Name!

FURTHER STUDY : Psalm 35:27


Joel 2:26
And ye shall eat in plenty, and be sat-
isfied, and praise the name of the Lord
your God, that hath dealt wondrously
with you: and my people shall never be

The Name of the Lord is worthy to be

praised! We can declare this with all cer-
tainty. However, not all praise is the same.
Your praise is often based on your reve-
lation of His ability and capability in your
life. A rich Christian praises God differently
than a Christian who is suffering from lack
simply because their revelation of God
differs. One experiences Him as the God
of abundance who causes you to eat in
plenty and be satisfied. The other does

This is the year your praise is raised to an-

other level. That begins by understanding
that God is not interested in providing you
with just enough. It goes against His nature to do so. His desire is for you to be
satisfied with excess, overflow, and superfluous abundance! That is His stan-
dard of prosperity for you. When you have more than enough, your praise
is different. As your money increases, your praise also increases. You will no
longer only say that the Lord is good. You will look at your bank balances,
your refrigerator, and yourself and declare, “The Lord has dealt wondrously
with me!” Hallelujah!

In this year of Wonders without Number, I testify and declare the
Lord has dealt wondrously with me and prospers me beyond

Psalm 135:1

Tuesday, May 3 DECIDE TO BE RICH!

Proverbs 23:7
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he

2022 is a year of extremes. It is an allot-

ment of time containing a conglomer-
ation of opportunities, an assortment of
possibilities. Among those is the possibility
of being broke or the opportunity to be
rich. It is up to you to choose. Financial
wealth does not start when you have
millions in your account. It starts the mo-
ment you decide to step out of poverty
and into financial prosperity. This very min-
ute, you can decide to walk out of your
poverty and into your riches. The moment
you make that decision, money begins to
come to you. But before such a decision
can be made, you must be convinced
that God wants to prosper you.

The will of God is that you prosper above

everything else. Through the words of
Apostle John, He said, “I wish above all things that you may prosper!” (3
John 1:2). It is paramount that you pray and get the Word of God in you. But
notice He did not say above all things I want you to pray, or above all things
I want you to read the Word. He said I want you to prosper! Then He tells us
how this will happen, “even as your soul prospers.” Your decision to be rich
starts with your mind because you cannot prosper beyond the information
you have. So, begin to fill your heart with the Word of God concerning mon-
ey, prosperity, and riches. When your heart is full of the Word, prosperity is
sure to follow.

My circumstances change now! My broke days are over! And I
am taking over the wealth of the wicked the way God intended
and for the fulfilment of His purposes, plans, and pursuits.

3 John 2:1


Mark 9:23
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe,
all things are possible to him who be-

There is no such thing as an impossible

situation when God is involved. That is
why it is important that you remove all re-
strictions and limitations when it comes to
how you think about money. The money is
coming but only to those who have possi-
bility thinking. If you think it’s impossible for
unlimited resources to come to you, it be-
comes impossible for money to come to
you. But when you think it’s possible, you
become a wealth magnet.

In this year of Wonders without Number,

your thoughts are vitally important now
more than ever. The money is coming to
those with prosperous minds, those whose
minds are filled with possibility thinking. Al-
ways remember, if you can think it up, you
can bring it down. If you think poor, you will believe poor, act upon being
poor, and ultimately become poor. But if you think big, you will believe big
and obtain big results. If you cannot think it, you cannot get it. But when you
think big, every limitation is removed!

I call the shots wherever I go! I think BIG! I believe BIG! I act
upon that which is BIG! And I get BIG results!

Philippians 4:8


Zechariah 1:17
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; My cities
through prosperity shall yet be spread

God is not in the business of borrowing

from the wicked. He is in the business of
plundering them. He did it in the days of
Moses when He masterminded the plan
for the plundering of the wealth of the
Egyptians, and He’s doing it now. The
wealth of the wicked has been stored up
for you (Proverbs 13:22), and the greatest
wealth transfer is underway right now!

Know that it is God’s will for you to be rich,

just as it was His will to let the plunder of
the Egyptians become a success. Also,
know that as you increase financially,
the money that is coming to you is mon-
ey with a mission. Yes, God expects you
to have and enjoy the best as royalty
should. He wants you to have a life filled
with abundance. And out of the surplus of that abundance, He is counting
on His children to finance His projects to get the Gospel of His Grace to every
corner of the Earth. We are the end-time Kingdom financiers ushering in this
end-time harvest of souls!

I am a child of God, and it is my right to have God’s best in life.
I am ready for wealth with a mission! By my prosperity, I am an
end-time Kingdom financier of the preaching of the Gospel to
every creature!

2 Corinthians 9:8


Ecclesiastes 10:19
A feast is made for laughter, and wine
maketh merry: but money answereth
all things.

The purpose of prosperity is that we, hav-

ing enough, will be able to further the
spreading of the Gospel. It is money with a
mission! Kingdom-building for the expan-
sion of the Gospel is our primary agenda
for getting money. That is why the Church
should not be poor, and the child of God
should never be broke. We are supposed
to have plenty and in abundance so that
we can be a blessing to others.

The Bible says money answers all things.

That does not mean that money is the
answer to all things. It means that when-
ever there is an issue, or wherever you see
people struggling and arguing, the issue
of money has been introduced. Both God
and money serve the same purpose – to
answer all things. God has answered your poverty with prosperity, your lack
with abundance, and generational curses with generational blessings. Take
what is yours, for there is a conglomeration of opportunities for money to
come to you in this year of Wonders without Number.

I am redeemed from the curse of poverty, and I now loose the
abundance of God upon my life. All that rightfully belongs to me
now comes to me under grace in a perfect way.

Mark 16:15


Psalm 35:27
Let them shout for joy, and be glad,
that favour my righteous cause: yea,
let them say continually, Let the Lord be
magnified, which hath pleasure in the
prosperity of his servant.

When God wants to be entertained, He

does not turn on Netflix or watch a foot-
ball match on TV; He looks at your bank
balance. Our verse for today tells you that
it pleases God greatly to see you prosper.
He was so desperate to see you prosper
that He came in a flesh suit called Jesus
and divested Himself of His riches so that
you, through His poverty, might be rich.

God wants you to have financial plea-

sure, not financial pressure. He wants you
well and rich. He wants you to possess the
financial power to do His work on Earth
so that He can increase and gain more
ground for His Kingdom. Joy and gladness come to those who favour God’s
righteous cause, and you favour God’s righteous cause by financing it.
When you start financing God’s righteous cause, God will overwhelm you
with abundance because you simply cannot outgive God. When you surren-
der your best for the sake of the Gospel, God gives His best to you.

I refuse to be broke, busted, or disgusted! Money without num-
ber and health without end is coming to me now! My days are
spent in prosperity and my years in riches, in Jesus’ Name!

2 Corinthians 8:9; John 10:10

Sunday, May 8 MONEY TALKS

Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, “Go ye into all
the world, and preach the gospel to ev-
ery creature.”

Everything starts with how you think, and

how you think determines what you say.
The Bible says that you speak from what
is in your heart, and by those words, you
create the life you want or don’t want. It
is impossible to talk defeat and expect to
be victorious. You cannot talk failure and
expect to be successful. Neither can you
talk poverty and expect to be rich. This
year, more than ever, your words must
come into alignment with God’s will for
you to prosper.

Everything around you is listening to what

you say. The walls can hear you. Your
body can hear you. Your bank account
can hear you. Money itself can hear you.
That is why the Lord tells us to preach good
news to every creature, not every person. Every created thing is waiting for
your words. Declare good news to your body by declaring your covenant
right to divine health. Saturate the atmosphere in your home with prayer.
Speak life into your relationships, business, and ministry. Declare that wonders
without number come to you.

I am rich beyond my wildest imagination! I was born into the
right family of God where the money was and still is. I was born
in a place of peace, health, and wealth created just for me!

Romans 8:19


Psalm 78:40-41
How oft did they provoke him in the wil-
derness, and grieve him in the desert!
Yea, they turned back and tempted
God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

God does not always get what He wants.

In His Word, He makes it clear that He
wants everybody to be saved, but some
people reject that salvation. He tells us
that it is His will for you to be well in your
body, yet there are Christians who are
sick. He says He came to make us rich,
still there are Christians who live in pover-
ty, struggling continually in their finances.
In His wisdom and love for you, God has
given you the ability to choose what He
wants for you or not.

God is not personally limited by anything

or anyone. But when it comes to us receiv-
ing from Him, we can limit what He wants
to do through us or for us. He limits or con-
fines His ability to your free will and your faith. If the power of faith isn’t work-
ing in you, He will not work independently of you. God can do exceeding
abundantly above anything you can think up or dare to dream or imagine,
but it is according to the faith at work in you. You have the power to cooper-
ate with God by acting out your faith based on what you believe in His Word.
That is how you take the limits off God.

In this year of Wonders without Number, I am working the Word
like never before. I am not waiting for wonders to happen; I am
making wonders happen. I work miracles! I take my healing! I
lay hold on my money by the force of my faith!

Ephesians 3:20


Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist
until now the kingdom of heaven suf-
fereth violence, and the violent take it
by force.

The Kingdom has to be received and

entered or taken. That is why the Bible
says the righteous “take it by force.”
That means your prosperity is not a pas-
sive event. Believing you will be rich is not
enough. Believing is a noun, whereas faith
is a verb, and a verb is an act. You do
not get all God has for you just because
someone prayed for you. You have a part
to play. The money is coming! But for it to
come to you, you must actively and ag-
gressively take it by faith.

Prosperity is the right of every Christian.

Welcome prosperity into your heart, but
don’t stop there. Seize your wealth by ac-
tively receiving it. You do that by believing
in your heart what God has said concerning your prosperity and then acting
out your faith based on what you believe. Act like things are already so be-
fore things change in the natural. Talk like you are already paid! The money
is coming! Begin to move in its direction by acting on what you believe, and
take it as if by force!

The wealth of the wicked is stored up for me, so I confess it’s mine
now in the Name of the Lord Jesus!

2 Corinthians 1:20


James 2:14
What doth it profit, my brethren, though
a man say he hath faith, and have not
works? …

Successful Christians confess daily what

poor Christians confess occasionally.
But the reality is, you must talk and act
wealthy if you want to be wealthy. Con-
fess the reality of your prosperity every
day of your life. That is how to get your
future to move into you before you move
into it. Acting upon what you believe will
be the definitive factor by which you take
over the wealth of the wicked. Therefore,
you must have your faith intact.

Let your actions match your confession. If

you believe you will be a great business
person, register a company and start do-
ing business. Find your local real estate
meetup and start networking if you be-
lieve you’ll be the next real estate mogul.
If you believe you will be a billionaire investor, open a brokerage account
and arm yourself with the knowledge to start investing. Talk about and act
upon what you believe!

I am the stimulus for my economy. The wealth of nations comes
to me, and I am a wonder in my generation!

James 2:26


Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaveth an inheritance to
his children’s children: and the wealth
of the sinner is laid up for the just.

The Church at large seems to be more

aware of what the devil appears to be do-
ing than what God has already done. But
that is shifting! It is high time for us to leave
off speaking about the futile plans of the en-
emy, and such things as generational curses,
and embrace generational blessings. You
are not cursed, but if you believe yourself to
be, then it shall be so for you.

God always plans for the long term, and

in His plan of salvation, He made provision
for every aspect of your prosperity. Sin and
sickness were destroyed on the cross, pov-
erty was annihilated, and the devil was de-
feated. The Bible says that Christ became
a curse so that we could be delivered from
every curse (Galatians 3:13). Therefore, there
should be no generational curse for a person
who is operating rightly as a New Testament Christian. The provisions for prosperity
are for you, your children, and your children’s children.

This year of Wonders without Number shall not pass before I es-
tablish a legacy of wealth for my generations. I bind every force
that stands against my success, whether spiritual or physical,
and I now declare all curses against me and my family void
and harmless!

Jeremiah 31:27-29

Friday, May 13 USE YOUR POWER

Deuteronomy 8:18
It is He that gives you power [emphasis
added] to get rich ….

I could hand you the keys to one of my cars

and authorise you to drive it. I am certain you
would get excited about being given the
opportunity and authorisation to drive the
car and gladly receive those keys. However,
standing there holding the keys in your hand
and admiring the car will not get you any-
where. You have to exercise the power that
has been given you by getting into the car,
switching on the ignition, and actually driving
it. The same is true of your power to get rich.

Your riches are not far from you. They have

been heaped up and are waiting for you to
use the power God provided to take it into
your possession. It is not the wealth but the
power to get wealth that God put into your
hands. You must use it. So, do not cry to God
for money, and do not hesitate to take what
belongs to you. Awaken to the reality that
you have all the power you need to be rich. All that is left for you to do is use it!

I am power in motion! I take my seat at the table of influence,
and my words shall not be ignored. They shall know my name in
the corridors of power. The money is coming, and I boldly move
towards my prophetic destiny!

Isaiah 14:26-27


Psalm 103:20
Bless the Lord, you His angels, who ex-
cel in strength, who do His word, heed-
ing the voice of His word.

Angels respond to the sound and fre-

quency of the Word of God. You have
been given the ability to speak on that
same frequency. When you agree with
what God says and vocalise what you be-
lieve, your soundwaves create roadways,
bridges and highways for angels to get
money to you. Without this transportation
system, there is no way for money to get
to you.

Declare at every opportunity that the

money is coming. When you lie down
at night, declare the money is coming!
When you wake up in the morning, de-
clare the money is coming! In so doing,
you are creating the right sound waves for
angels to travel and deliver your money
to you. It is not a confession; it is an affirmation of a spiritual reality. You are
confirming that angels are coming with your money. Do it right now! Shout,

By the sound of my words, I energise the environment of angels
creating roadways and highways for them to bring money to
me. They are in motion right now, moving towards my store-
houses – my business and my bank accounts – with speed. THE

Hebrews 1:13-14


Ecclesiastes 11:3
If the clouds be full of rain, they empty
themselves upon the earth ….

Consistently declaring that the money

is coming activates a principle found in
the scripture. In the book of Isaiah, God
reveals a system by which you can speak
on the same frequency as God. He says,
when I give you a word, it is like rain com-
ing down. Then as you return that word
back to Him, it is like clouds gathering

The world encourages you to “save for

a rainy day,” but you are not expecting
rainy days. God has given you His own
weather forecast: the clouds over your life
are heavy with abundance. It is a super-
natural meteorological process whereby
your words go out into the spiritual realm
and saturate the atmosphere. The more
you declare that the money is coming,
your words create a tipping point, a time when the angels you activated
arrive delivering that which you confessed. Like clouds filling with rain, your
words are producing results, and angels are set in motion. So, don’t stop
saying it. Keep talking about the money coming.

I am making spiritual deposits into a supernatural system that
brings me wealth. My clouds of prosperity are full, and wealth
pours into my life, showering me with abundance. The money
is coming!

Isaiah 55:10-13

Monday, May 16 AGREE WITH GOD

Ephesians 5:1
Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him
and follow His example], as well-be-
loved children [imitate their father].

The diameter of the sun is nearly 1.4 mil-

lion kilometres. The Sequoia trees native to
California can grow 84 metres high with
trunks up to 8 metres in diameter. The ark
God instructed Noah to build was over
155 metres long, nearly 26 metres wide,
and over 15 metres high. That’s taller than
three double-decker buses stacked on
top of each other. Its storage capacity
was enough to hold about 450 standard
semi-trailers. God does not think small,
and neither should you.

When you think big, you are agreeing with

God. That also means that when you do
not think big, you disagree with God. He
says ask of me, and I will give you the na-
tions (Psalm 2:8). He expects you to be a
possibility thinker. Impossible is not in God’s vocabulary, and if you agree with
God concerning your prosperity, it will be in yours. When it comes to your
influence in the marketplace, soul winning, your money, or any endeavour,
never fear to think big. God said you should imitate Him, so agree with God
and think BIG just as He does!

My mind is the container for God-sized thoughts. I am a
world-changer; I think on a global scale. I have the capacity to
receive wealth that wins nations in a day, and I turn this world
upside down for Jesus!

Job 22:21; Acts 17:6


Romans 4:17
As it is written, I have made thee a father
of many nations,) before him whom he
believed, even God, who quickeneth
the dead, and calleth those things
which be not as though they were.

You are a creative being with the ability to

call those things which be not as though
they were. If only you knew how power-
ful you are! You can have anything you
desire and create the life of your dreams
by decreeing how you want things to be.
The only stipulation is that what you de-
cree be in the will of God for you. I know
you are wondering, how can I know what
God’s will is? The answer is simple. The will
of God is His Word contained in the Bible.

When you read the Word of God, you are

reading God’s will for your life. Take the
best parts as your own. If He has said His
desire is for you to be well, it ought to be
well with you. If He said that He became poor so that you might be rich,
know that a life of riches and abundance is His will for you. Then, after know-
ing His will, unleash your imagination picturing the outcome of what will man-
ifest in your life. As you engage your imagination, declare His will, and then
act as if what you believe and have spoken is already so.

In this year of Wonders without Number, I see myself rich! I see
myself taking over. I see myself controlling the economies of
this world. I see the money coming by the millions, and I am an
end-time Kingdom financier to the glory of God!

Genesis 1:1-2


1 Chronicles 29:12-13
Both riches and honour come of thee,
and thou reignest over all; and in thine
hand is power and might; and in thine
hand it is to make great, and to give
strength unto all. Now therefore, our
God, we thank thee, and praise thy
glorious name.

I don’t really like to cook, but I like to

watch food being cooked. I appreciate
the technicalities involved with cooking
and baking. I have observed in baking
there is something called a starter, which
is a leavening agent that causes dough
to rise. A starter does not work on its own.
You add it to ingredients that you have
already combined to accelerate the pro-
cess. A starter is said to leaven or “breathe
life” into the bread.

That is how thanksgiving works. As you de-

clare God’s will over your life, imagine the
outcome of that desire being fulfilled, and act as if it is so, your thanksgiving
breathes life into your miracle. Keep thanking God for what you have re-
ceived even though it is not yet evident in the physical. In so doing, you are
breathing life into your miracle and activating an agent that ensures the
outcome you desire.

Thank you, Lord, for strategically positioning me in this end time.
Thank you for sending me out with provision and plenty. Thank
you for making me an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven. I
represent the richest government and country there is!

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thursday, May 19 WORK SMARTER

Proverbs 23:4-5
Labour not to be rich: cease from thine
own wisdom. Wilt thou set thine eyes
upon that which is not? for riches cer-
tainly make themselves wings; they fly
away as an eagle toward heaven.

With all we have been saying about the

money is coming, our verse for today
seems like a contradiction. It tells us that
we should not labour to be rich, yet the
average person takes a job as a way to
get wealth. They work solely for the pur-
pose of obtaining money. But that is a
poverty mindset. Money is not an end; it
is a means to an end – a tool. Foolish peo-
ple work themselves to death because
they do not understand the true purpose
of money. They may have money, but
they still think poor.

Jesus has indeed commanded us to do

business until He comes back. However, it
was never God’s will for Christians to work for a living. In fact, it is a curse
to sweat for a living, and we are not under a curse. Therefore, we are re-
deemed from sweating for a living. We work for a giving understanding that
our money is for the work of God. When you have this mindset concerning
money, you attract wealth because wealth is attracted to those who un-
derstand it. Wealth has a purpose. As you do business, concentrate on the
purpose of wealth and not the wealth itself, and money will stampede to
your accounts!

I am created for a godly purpose, and my money is for godly
purposes. The money is coming to me to be used for the King-
dom! I refuse to sweat for a living, for I am blessed to prosper,
and I work for a giving!

Luke 19:11-13


1 Kings 17:5-6
So he went and did according unto the
word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt
by the brook Cherith, that is before Jor-
dan. And the ravens brought him bread
and flesh in the morning, and bread
and flesh in the evening; and he drank
of the brook.

It is a proven fact that you cannot outgive

God. He is a King who protects His repu-
tation at all costs, and that reputation
is secured by means of His vast wealth.
Therefore, it is impossible to outgive Him
because, as the ultimate King, He needs
that value ascribed to Him. But here is
where I don’t want you to miss it. God
can use the most unexpected source to
get provision to you.

In a time of drought and famine, God sent

ravens to minister provision to His servant
Elijah. A raven is a most unlikely creature
because it is both dirty and selfish. Yet when God’s servant did as the Lord
instructed, God employed ravens to bring bread and meat to Elijah.

You are becoming a wealth magnet. And you must understand that what
you need may come through an unexpected source, even something you
might be tempted to undermine. But remember that sinners are heaping
up riches for you. That means someone you might consider unclean, infe-
rior, even selfish may be the vessel God chose to transfer the wealth of the
wicked to you.

As I pray, my spirit is sensitised to my opportunities in this allot-
ment of time. I am being positioned to receive all that is stored
up for me. I am always in the right place at the right time, for the
Spirit of God directs my steps.

Ecclesiastes 2:6


2 Kings 4:3
Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from
everywhere, from all your neighbours—
empty vessels; do not gather just a few.

You can limit God by not choosing the

blessings that He wants to give you. And
you can also limit Him by thinking too
small. In 2 Kings 4, we see a widow wom-
an who was broke and left to deal with
her husband’s debts. She needed mon-
ey, but all she had was a little jar of oil. It
was not enough to do what she needed.
But notice, she did not run to a bank for a
loan, she did not run up her credit card,
neither did she look for some illegal way
to get money. Instead, she sought a word
from the Lord concerning her situation.

She was given a simple instruction – go

borrow containers, and do not gather just
a few. She was further instructed to act
out her faith and start pouring from her jar
into the containers. God filled as many containers as she had with oil, and it
only stopped flowing when she ran out of containers. In this year of Wonders
without Number, do not set a limit on what God will do for you. Put “contain-
ers” out everywhere, not just a few. Let every container represent the areas
of need in your life, then start acting in faith, doing what you can do. You will
see the God of Wonders fill them to overflowing!

The Holy Spirit is compelling sinners to hand me riches I did not
work for! I have favour with foreigners, and ideas for business are
coming to me from every direction!

2 Kings 4:1-6; Isaiah 61:5


Psalm 118:25
Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord: O
Lord, I beseech thee, send now pros-

God has never slept, so He does not have

a yesterday. He does not sleep, so He
does not have a tomorrow in which to an-
swer your prayers. God lives in one eternal
now. Because God lives in one eternal
now, He requires that faith be done to-
day and not tomorrow. That is why the
Word says, “now faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen.”

I am not one of those preachers who tells

you, “Your blessing is right around the cor-
ner.” No! Today is the day of salvation, not
tomorrow! It is in the now that a change
of mind has to take place concerning this
revelation of money coming to you. The
greatest wealth transfer is now. Therefore,
believe in God bringing your wealth today. Refuse to spend another day in
poverty, lack, and insufficiency. Exercise faith, and move into your wealthy
place now!

My blessings shall never be postponed, delayed, or cancelled.
My faith is now! Wonders of wealth are upon me, and I move
into my wealthy place now!

Hebrews 11:1


Jeremiah 32:27
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all
flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

Many Christians are suffering from a

doubt problem. They read the Bible and
are more apt to believe that the devil is a
bad devil rather than believing that God
is a good God. That is why they are more
aware of evil and doubt the blessings that
are theirs by covenant right. Still, the Bible
is replete with information that is there
for your benefit. So why believe only the
bad parts and doubt the best God has for

If you are to be a recipient of money

that makes you a financial wonder, you
must learn to use doubt to turn the tide
in your favour. Doubt directed at the dev-
il is good. In fact, when you doubt your
doubts, that is faith. So, whenever the
voice of doubt whispers things will never change, or this sickness will never
leave my body, or things will never change in my family, or this transfer of
wealth may happen for others but not for me, doubt your doubts! ONLY BE-
LIEVE, and you will experience wonders without number this year!

Divine health is mine. Abundance is mine. Quality is mine. Sup-
ply is mine. Success is mine. The wealth of the wicked is mine,
and money comes to me in the mighty Name of Jesus!

Mark 9:23


Proverbs 22:7
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the
borrower is servant to the lender.

A debt-free life is what God has ordained

for you. He has established that you are
the lender, not the borrower. The wealth
being supplied to you is more than
enough to shift the economy of nations.
But you must employ spiritual principles
that ensure that when the money comes
it does not fly away from you. Debt will
make a slave out of you, for the Bible says,
“the borrower is slave to the lender.” That
is not God’s will for your life. He needs you
to be unencumbered so that as money
comes to you, it does not need to be redi-
rected to pay off unnecessary debt.

Money listens to you; debt also has ears.

Your bills can hear you, and by the author-
ity of the Holy Ghost, when you speak to
debt, it has no option but to vacate the
premises and disappear from your life. At the same time, you must under-
stand that you must exercise wisdom in your financial affairs as a good stew-
ard of wealth. Take control of your spending; live within your means, and limit
your appetite for things. God is giving you supernatural strategies to remove
all debt this year and principles that will keep you debt-free. You shall enjoy
your riches without interference in Jesus’ mighty Name!

In the Name of Jesus, I declare that all my debts, mortgages,
liens, and other notes are paid in full, cancelled, and dissolved!
My time of living in debt is over!

Romans 12:18; 13:8

Wednesday, May 25 LET GOD SHOW OFF

Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the store-
house, that there may be meat in mine
house, and prove me now herewith,
saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open
you the windows of heaven, and pour
you out a blessing, that there shall not
be room enough to receive it.

The Bible is truly written, but not everything

in the Bible is true or for you. For example,
in his distress and sorrow, Job declared,
“the Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.”
However, that is what Job said, not God.
God assures us that His gifts are without re-
pentance. In other words, He will not gift
you something and then turn around and
take it back from you. So, when God in-
structs you to give your tithe and offering,
never be deceived into thinking He needs
your money or is trying to take something
away from you. That is not and will never
be the case.

Understand that God is the One who gives you power to get wealth. Any
work you manage to accomplish is a result of the spiritual, mental, and phys-
ical capabilities He has provided. Therefore, you could not tithe or give of-
ferings if He did not supply resources for you to do so. Tithes and offerings
protect God’s investment of wealth in you. The abundance of money in your
life allows God to display His wealth and prosperity through you. He wants to
show the world that He can take the little you give Him and prove that we
are co-owners with Him of Earth and all its resources.

I am the proof of God’s immeasurable riches. Through my tithes
and offerings, I protect my prosperity and finance the Gospel.
Through me, the work of the Kingdom shall flourish! Hallelujah!

1 Corinthians 4:7; Malachi 3:7-12

Thursday, May 26 RISK MANAGEMENT

Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;
and he that winneth souls is wise.

Wisdom is a hedge against inflation and

loss. Wise people employ means to pre-
serve and increase wealth because they
understand that money runs away from
foolish people. The Bible says that if you
walk with wise people, you become wise.
So, in this year of Wonders without Num-
ber, your fellowship with the Lord is para-
mount. Chris is our wisdom; therefore, as
you spend time with Him in prayer and in
the Word, you inevitably become wise.

That is one of the best investment strat-


Another investment strategy preserves

your wealth, and that is winning souls.
Why? Because the Bible says that the fact
you win souls indicates wisdom is present.
Soul winning is partnering with God in His biggest and most important invest-
ment. He wants Heaven full and Hell empty. So, as money comes to you this
year and you consider ways to preserve and increase wealth, make sure
winning souls is a big part of your risk management strategy.

I am a soul winner, and winning souls is easy for me. Prophetic
soul winning happens in my life, and because of this commis-
sion, I win people all over the world!

Proverbs 13:20


Psalm 68:1
Let God arise ….

Prayer is the bedrock of Christianity. Prayer

does not change God; prayer chang-
es you and sensitises you to what God
wants. Prayer is designed to make you.
And the person you become when you
pray is more important than your prayer
points. During your prayer time, focus on
who God wants you to be. The Word of
God already makes it clear that He wants
you to be rich, fearless, a passionate soul
winner, etc. So, when you pray, you are
not asking for these things. Instead, you
are allowing God to make you become
that person He has already ordained you
to be.

When it comes to money, you are not

praying for God to give you money. You
are simply aligning yourself with His will for
you to be rich and sensitising your spirit to
what God wants to do in and through you. In this year of Wonders without
Number, let God arise in your prayer life. Spend long hours fellowshipping
with Him in prayer. Set aside time to sit down with Him and talk to Him about
the things that are important to you, just as you would with your dearest con-
fidante. Turn off your devices and have times where you spend time praying
in tongues. Have your notebook and pen ready so you can write down what
He says to you. He will tell you where to find your money, how to position
yourself to receive it, and what to do with it once you have it in hand.

I am a house of prayer! As I pray, God is arising in me and caus-
ing me to become all He wants me to be.

Matthew 21:22; 1 John 5:14-15

Saturday, May 28 REJECT POVERTY

Romans 8:16-17
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our
spirit, that we are the children of God:
and if children, then heirs; heirs of God,
and joint-heirs with Christ ….

There is something called “tacit consent”

or “tacit agreement.” It refers to giving
approval to something without actually
saying so. You stay quiet, and when you
remain quiet, it is taken as agreement.
When it comes to the issue of poverty, you
cannot afford to be quiet. Everything in
you should hate poverty. I did not say you
should hate poor people, but rather, hate
poverty itself. Poverty and lack are not of
God. It is God’s will for you to be rich and
to live in abundance. So, when you hate
poverty, you come into agreement with
God’s will for you to be rich.

After you’re born again, poverty is com-

pletely unacceptable in your life. You be-
come an heir of God, and all the wealth in this world belongs to you. Once
you accept this truth in your spirit and allow it to dominate your thinking, it
will give you a wealthy mindset. You will not be silent about your riches. Quiet
Christians die quietly, and quiet broke Christians die broke. Speak boldly of
God’s will for you to be rich. At every opportunity declare, “THE MONEY IS
COMING!” It will be impossible for you to walk in lack.

I am a joint heir with Christ. I own this world and everything in it!
Therefore, I refuse to be poor! THE MONEY IS COMING, and I live
in the realm of superabundance!

2 Corinthians 8:9

Monday, 29 November NO SHAKING

Acts 20:24
None of these things move me ….

There is no such thing as the “prosperi-

ty gospel.” There is the Gospel of Christ,
and that Gospel clearly includes pros-
perity. When I speak of prosperity, I am
not talking about spiritual blessings only,
but physical blessings also – cars, hous-
es, planes, etc., plus the bank balance
to match. The spiritual will get you to the
physical if you accept all the parts of the

Your life is ordained by God to go from

one level of glory to another. You were
created for success, divine health, pros-
perity, and the good life. All things are
yours by right of inheritance in Christ Je-
sus; they are included in the salvation
package. So do not worry when you are
criticised by those who oppose your spir-
itual and physical blessings. It is not your
portion to concentrate on those who oppose you. Know that persecution
comes with prosperity, but never let the opinions of naysayers move you,
and never apologise for your success.

I am powerful in spirit and packaged with prosperity. I perform
miracles and preach the Gospel, as well as drive the best cars,
live in the best houses, control the economies of the world, and
live posh here on Earth!

Mark 10:29-30


Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with Your good-
ness, and Your paths drip with abun-

When you read a scripture like today’s

verse, you cannot help but give a shout
unto the Lord! When you read the word
‘crown,’ you immediately think of the or-
namental headdress worn by royalty. A
crown symbolises royalty, wealth, author-
ity, power, and divinity. In this verse, the
Spirit of the Lord takes the imagery even
further because the word ‘crown’ literally
means to encircle, surround, or compass
about. Then it says the year is crowned
with God’s ‘goodness.’ That word ‘good-
ness’ carries many different meanings. It
includes everything good or excellent; it
also means beautiful, wealth, rich, plea-
sure, and sweet. Hallelujah!

This is descriptive of the year God has or-

dained for you. It is a year of Wonders without Number, a year where you are
surrounded by goodness, excellence, beauty, wealth, riches, and pleasure!
And it does not end there. The scripture goes on to say, “Your paths drip with
abundance!” God is telling you that not only is your year surrounded with
goodness, but He has also set paths or an entrenchment around the year,
and that entrenchment is dripping with abundance! How can you fail this
year? How can you lack? It is just not possible!

In this year of Wonders without Numbers, money is my defence.
Abundance surrounds me on every side, and I am protected by
prosperity in Jesus’ mighty Name!

Ecclesiastes 7:12

Tuesday, May 31 IT’S PAYBACK TIME

2 Corinthians 4:15
For all [these] things are [taking place]
for your sake, so that the more grace
(divine favor and spiritual blessing) ex-
tends to more and more people and
multiplies through the many, the more
thanksgiving may increase [and re-
dound] to the glory of God.

Many of God’s children have not even

scratched the surface of what belongs to
them. As a result, they are going without
what belongs to them by right. Right now,
the great wealth transfer is on the lips of
Christians and non-Christians alike. The in-
vestment community is buzzing with what
they think is a new catchphrase. But for us
Christians, it is more than a catchphrase
because the Bible says all things – includ-
ing this great wealth transfer – are taking
place for your sake.

For too long, the devil has used money to

control Christians, but those days are over! Now we are here to plunder the
devil together, and we are taking back everything that belongs to us. It is
high time we start owning our workplaces, the banks we bank with, the build-
ings we live and do business in, and the marketplace. The greatest wealth
transfer the world has ever seen is taking place for our sakes, and it is time for
the devil to pay back what he stole!

I am taking over Satan’s financial stronghold, for I am the just
and the wealth of the sinner is heaped up for me. Power chang-
es hands now!

Proverbs 6:30-31

Wednesday, June 01 SPIRITUAL STAMINA

1 Corinthians 14:4
He that speaketh in an unknown
tongue edifieth himself ….

Many sports experts confirm that stamina

plays a pivotal role in many sports disci-
plines for one to over power or score vic-
tory over an opponent. Stamina is one’s
ability to sustain prolonged physical or
mental effort. It is that physical and men-
tal strength which an individual possesses
and those with great stamina seem to
score major victories on the field. In the
same vein, the devil is our generational
foe who always try to take us down but
those with great spiritual stamina will put
him where he belongs which is under your
feet. Remember the name devil is not only
a name but a job description, it means
one who pounces over and over until he
pierces through. He tries by all means to
take you down but it’s your stamina that
resist him and put him under your feet.

The bible reveals that when we pray in an unknown tongue, we edify our-
selves. The moment you take time to pray, you are like one in a holy ghost
gym building a strong spiritual stamina. Every physical victory can be traced
back to a kneeling knee. This year if you are ready to see wonders and vic-
tories, neglect not your prayer life. Take time to recharge yourself in prayer.
Have your personal time to commune with the divine.

It’s not too late for you to create a prayed up life. Start today as you hear
this prophetic instruction. It might not be hours but those few minutes will
create a muscle in your spirit. Let that discipline be induced in your spirit this
very minute, spring forth in tongues and build yourself up on the most holy
faith. Hallelujah.

My spirit is charged and energized. God is giving me the power
both to will and to do. My prayer life is priority till rapture in the
name of Jesus. Amen

Jude 1:20

Thursday, 2 June HIS TRACK RECORD

Jeremiah 1:12
Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast
well seen for I will hasten my word to
perform it.

In this world, I have seen contracts draft-

ed between siblings, parents with kids or
church members. It might be very weird to
think that even parents can rope in a law-
yer to draft an agreement between them
and their kids and All manner of binding
clauses are embedded in the documen-
tation. This is done because of the incon-
sistent nature of a human being. Some
change based on circumstances and
environments. As you are reading this pro-
phetic message you are actually thinking
of someone who just turned or departed
from the expected course .

The is only one who doesn’t change and

he has a track record of keeping his word.
He is not a man that he should lie or a
son of man that he should repent. If he said this year you shall experience
wonders without number, you shall surely experience them in every area of
your life. Our scripture says he will hasten which means he shall be very alert,
watching over his word to see it coming to pass. It’s like God putting a garri-
son of army to protect his word concerning you. There is no two ways about
it, you shall experience wonders without number this year. Hallelujah

Keep this in your spirit that no matter the circumstances, God shall surely
bless every area of your life as he promised. Today go out expecting to see
the manifestation of what God said concerning you and everything that
pertains your life.

My life is a wonder for my God always fulfills what he said about
me. My days are filled with love, joy, peace and prosperity. God
takes pleasure in my prosperity and I shall live long to declare
his goodness in the name of Jesus.

Malachi 3:6


Luke 1:37
For with God nothing is impossible

If you go to an educational institute, you

get an academic qualification, at a hos-
pital you get medication and at a cinema
you expect all sorts of entertainment. Each
and every environment is garnished or char-
acterized by its own assortments. There is an
atmosphere of Jesus, the environment of the
divine where nothing is impossible. When you
pray or worship you are communing with
an atmosphere of possibilities. It’s a realm
where nothing is unachievable. God himself
doesn’t know of anything which is impossi-
ble. His dimension is a dimension of possibil-
ities and those are in God will never see any
unachievable thing.

Our scripture for today Jesus says that with

God nothing is impossible, even that very sit-
uation that you perceive to be difficult and
rocky. In Jesus we live, move and have our
being which means we are an embodiment
of his environment. In this environment there is a buffet of possibilities, an assort-
ment of all wonders. This month be expectant, for God is showering you all manner
of wonders because you are an embodiment of his own environment

Go out like a king ready to conquer for you walk with an atmosphere of possibil-
ities. Greater is he that lives in you than he that is in the world. Never allow any
situation to rule you but infuse your surrounding with possibilities. Make decrees
and declarations like a king and your environment shall yield possibilities in the
name of Jesus.

I am a member of Jesus’ body and in him I live, move and have
my being. I decree and declare that my environment is filled
with power, peace and prosperity in the name Jesus.

Mathew 19:26

Saturday, 4 June RHEMA TO LOGOS

Mathew 4: 10
Then Jesus saith unto him, Get thee
hence Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt
worship the Lord thy God and him only
shalt thou serve.

The word of God comes in two common

forms known to the church which is “Lo-
gos” and “ Rhema” These two Greek
words reveal different paradigms of the
word of God. Logos is the written word
of God, the words you are reading from
the bible and quoting everyday. On the
other hand “Rhema” is the spoken word
of God.

Our scripture above shows Jesus’s re-

sponse to the pestering of the devil who
wanted him to bow down and worship
him. Take note that the devil had the au-
dacity to go for “Jesus “ not a disciple,
after Jesus fasted and prayed. This shows
that the enemy is not afraid of fasting or
prayer but something beyond. When the
devil tempted Jesus for the first and second time, Jesus was giving him “lo-
gos”: written word. On the last time, the scripture revealed that Jesus com-
manded the enemy from his mouth, “get away Satan, for it is written...” He
was dismissed by the words which Jesus spoke himself not just quoted.

The enemy is not afraid about what comes from your Bible or from a book
written by your man of God but by God ‘s word that comes through your
mouth. This is something that you say from your inner self. It is the word that
you took to be part of your life and you speak it with conviction. Today feed
the logos and turn it into Rhema, and you shall come back with a testimony.
Declare every blessing and positive word upon your life .

I am blessed of the Lord and his word is in my heart. The enemy
has no power over me, for God is my fortress and my strong
tower. I am the blessed of the Lord. Hallelujah!

Proverbs 18:21

Sunday, 5 June BOLDNESS

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salva-
tion. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the
stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of boldness. Bold-

ness is a gift from God to is children. Bold-
ness is the opposite of fear and fear is hav-
ing faith in the devil. Boldness is the ability
to approach anything with confidence
and tenacity without any inch of doubt or
fear. The highest level of faith or boldness
is attained when the will of God is known.
When a child of God lives without full
knowledge of the will of God, the devil will
always instill fear and cause defeat.

David the psalmist feared no one be-

cause God was his light and salvation as
the scripture says. He had seen God deliv-
ering him from the bear, lion and the great
giants like Goliath. It was on the basis of this information that the great king
was so confident there was nothing to fear. Remember you are a child of the
King and you carry divine authority and power to dominate and rule your
environment. You were not given the spirit of fear but of power, love and a
sound mind. According to God fear is not part of your fiber and makeup. We
are programmed by the spirit of faith.

Today make bold moves in your business, education or calling because you
have the backing of the parliament heavens. God is your light and your
salvation, you have nothing to fear. What you failed before, you shall surely
achieve it in the name of Jesus.

I am born of the spirit and God is my strong defense. Nothing
shall stop me in my endeavors. I have the spirit of faith to con-
quer new territories in the name of Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, 6 June PAIN TO GLORY

Romans 8:18
For I reckon that the sufferings of this
present time are not worthy to be com-
pared with the glory which shall be re-
vealed in us.

Apostle Paul is one general who encoun-

tered turmoil and catastrophes of life but
he didn’t lose his faith. He was so commit-
ted to his calling that when he was fold-
ing his ministry, he declared that “I fought
a good fight, ran my race and kept the
faith…”. You might be reading this pro-
phetic word thinking that your situation
is beyond the realm of change or trans-
formation but remember nothing is im-
possible with God. Stay with me as we go
deeper with this.

Our scripture states that the suffering or

pain of today are nothing compared to
the glory ahead. Brothers and sisters, there
is glory ahead of you. You slept yesterday
with tears dripping but you shall not close today the same way because
there is glory being revealed through you. When God blesses his children,
it’s not only for sustainability but for His glory to be revealed. Your business
might be down and debts chasing you but all that is nothing compared to
the money coming to you. You might have faced rejection or all manner of
betrayal but God is sending divine helpers who are far beyond those who
left you. Hallelujah!

Creation is eagerly waiting for your manifestation, go out today and witness
the glory of the Lord manifesting in your life. Your miracle shall turn many to
Christ. Be expectant of wonders without number as you step at your work
place, school campus or home.

I’m an embodiment of the divine and my life is a wonder. The
glory of the Lord is revealed through my life. Every area of my
life shall reveal the power of God. Hallelujah!

Luke 1:37


Mathew 11:11
Verily I say unto you, Among them that
are born of women there hath not risen
a greater than John the Baptist: not-
withstanding he that is least in the king-
dom of heaven is greater than he.

Many sons and daughters of God are still

living in some form of mediocrity believing
that the level at which the generals in the
Bible operated cannot be reached by
anyone living today. It is far-fetched for
them to know that we as New Testament
creatures can do far beyond what the
generals of the old did. The greatest news
for your day is to know that you and I can
do greater than what was done in the old
testament. The bible even confirms that
the glory of the later house shall be great-
er than the former.

Our scripture is clear that to all those who

came before John, there was no one
greater than him. It might be Isaiah, Joshua or anyone that you might think
of, there is no one who was graced like John. He was operating at his own
unique level of grace and power. Surprisingly, Jesus went on to say that even
the least amongst the born again Christians is greater than John. Brothers
and sisters, John did wonders but we can do Wonders Without Number. Go
out with this confidence that you are a five-star general of God and you can
shift things in your life. Speak words and prophesy into the atmosphere and
your environment shall yield to your word. Hallelujah

I am a five -star general ,born of the spirit of God .I decree and
declare that my life is more than a wonder .My steps are or-
dered by the most high in the name of Jesus!

John 14:12


Zachariah 4:6
Then he answered and spake unto me,
saying, This is the word of the LORD unto
Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor
by power, but by my spirit, saith the
LORD of hosts.

The political or economic rankings of na-

tions is sorely governed by the level of
possessions in form of gold, precious min-
erals and other physical heritages. Some
have dominance due to military prowess
and powers. It is on this notion that some
are regarded to be superpowers; they
dictate the behavior of other countries.
The worldly realm is governed by physi-
cal abilities and those who rely mainly to
world systems are subject to all worldly

Prophet Zachariah gave a powerful

prophecy unto Zerubbabel that his victo-
ry was not based on physical prowess but
by the spirit of God. As you read this, you
might be thinking that you shall qualify be-
cause of your looks, academic qualifications or connections but know there
are people who have better advantage than you when it comes to all those
things. Your victory shall be by the spirit of God. Hallelujah!

God is gracing you with opportunities beyond your personal capabilities.

Where your education or appearance couldn’t take you, His grace shall
take you in the name of Jesus!

I’m graced beyond measure and highways of success are
opened before me in the name of Jesus. No limitation shall stop
me because I have the power from above. Hallelujah!

Psalm 20:7


Luke 4:18
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, be-
cause he hath anointed me to preach
the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me
to heal the brokenhearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives, and re-
covering of sight to the blind, to set at
liberty them that are bruised

Before Jesus healed the sick and com-

manded miracles to happen, he had his
personal encounter for forty days and
forty nights. Any physical encounter is a
product of a spiritual encounter. I have
met many people who only desire the
gift of God that I carry but never desire
to know the encounters that I had with
the ancient of days. Generals of God are
made from encounters and if an encoun-
ter happens, it cannot be overshadowed
by anything. It might happen in private
but the manifestation is like pregnancy,
you cannot hide it.

Be at an environment where you can

have a personal encounter with God. As you read the Bible, commune with
the divine through prayer and follow the teachings of your mentors, you shall
surely have supernatural encounters. You might be on the verge of back-
sliding, sin or circumstances are pulling you down, just know Jesus gave you
all the power to overcome the forces of this world. Gain your grip and your
confidence back and appear boldly before the throne of grace.

It’s your own season for a life changing encounter. Be expectant to expe-
rience the supernatural that will shift your life forever. As you are reading
this word and praying, you are already in the realm of encounters. Wonders
without number shall happen to you in the name of Jesus.

I commit myself to the more sure word of prophecy, which is the
word of God. My spirit is ignited and supernatural encounters
shall surely happen in my life in the name of Jesus.

Zechariah 2:8

Friday, 10 June BURRY THE FLESH

1Corinthians 9:27
But I keep under my body, and bring it
into subjection: lest that by any means,
when I have preached to others, I my-
self should be a castaway.

The Bible says we are born of the spirit. This

means the Spirit should take dominance
in our daily life. As Christians we are not
supposed to be governed and function
by the flesh. There is always tension be-
tween your flesh and your spirit as the Bi-
ble expresses but as you grow in the word
of God, your spirit gains mastery over the
flesh. The carnal or the flesh is the source
of doubt, backsliding and all manner of
failure. When you use the flesh to discern,
you get misinformed decision because
the flesh is deceiving. There are people
you are no longer talking to, duties you
quitted in church or some relationships
that you broke because your flesh gave
you negative information.

Apostle Paul wrote to the church is

Corinth that he buried his flesh every day.
This shows you that even the great Apostle was somehow tempted to go
astray but he allowed his spirit to never give an exhumation order to his flesh.
Everyday, remind your spirit through the word and prayer that you are the
master of my life not the flesh. Put nine-inch nails on the flesh every day. You
are born of the spirit so you are governed by the spirit not the flesh.

As you read this prophetic word and pray today, declare that every area
where your flesh was trying to take dominance, the spirit takes over. Never
give your spirit one cold snack and starve it. Give your inner-man a rich menu
of the word of God and see victories coming from all angles.

My spirit is the governor of my life and I empower my spirit by
the knowledge of Jesus Christ. My flesh is a slave to my spirit. I
am spirit led in the name of Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:45


Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords, and
your pruninghooks into spears: let the
weak say, I am strong.

The words that we speak produces sound

waves that carry either demons or angles
on assignment. Every spiritual entity needs
a sound wave to be released through
words for it to move. When you utter yours
words, remember it’s not just mere words
which are you are speaking but you are
creating highways and pathways in the
spirit to transport angels or demons. The
forces in the spirit are moved by waves
and frequencies produced by words we
speak every day.

Prophet Joel prophetically encouraged

the flock of Israel before great wars. He in-
sisted that positive words of strength and
stamina have to be said before going
to war. Let the weak say I am strong. He
didn’t say the weak must become strong and then declare those words. No,
he said whilst they were still weak let them produce positive frequency by
saying “I am strong”. In the same vein, do not talk poor, speak a language of
possibilities. You are an ambassador of Christ and wherever you go speak like
the one who is empowered from above. When you speak rich, the angels
of prosperity are acting upon it and at the same time when you speak poor
demons of poverty are finding highways to muzzle your life.

It’s a brand new day as you are reading this prophetic word. Speak positivity
and never allow anyone who speak negativity to be in your life. Your tongue
is a destiny chatter. Your life is in the power of your tongue, use it positively for
the creation of a glorious destiny. Hallelujah!

My tongue is a weapon to shape my destiny and those around
me. I am strong ,blessed and powerful in the name of Jesus!

Proverbs 18:21


Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and
hearing by the word of God.

Most companies promote individuals

based on knowledge gained. Someone
might start as a janitor at work but as
they grow in knowledge and work ethic,
promotion to supervisory or any mana-
gerial position is inevitable. Some actu-
ally supplement education whilst they
are at work, going for night school only
to get a promotion. It’s a well-defined
system where you are paid or promoted
based on the knowledge you possess or
academic qualification. Performance is
something that is not known on day one,
but your curriculum vitae can make you
get a position and a better salary before
your performance is even assessed.

The spiritual realm is governed by the

same principle whereby one gets pro-
moted by the knowledge they acquire. Our scripture shows us that faith or
any spiritual capability comes through hearing some information. It’s evident
that the amount of knowledge you possess about God is tantamount to the
amount of faith you carry. Weak faith, is a result of poor knowledge of Christ.
Glean the word, grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The
word of God developed muscles to move all the mountains you might be
seeing before you.

Make a personal decision today, to commit yourself to reading and under-

standing the word of God daily. Let the Holy Spirit help you to understand as
you delve deeper into the word of God today.

Today I choose to go for the word and I shall surely come back
with a testimony. I commit myself and my family to the word of
God which is my source of promotion. Hallelujah!

Psalm 119:105


1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, dark-
ly; but then face to face: now I know in
part; but then shall I know even as also
I am known.

Influence in the realm of the spirit or the

flesh is a result of acquired spiritual knowl-
edge which one possesses. Understand
that Judges or any other law enforce-
ment agents function according to the
power invested upon them by the gov-
ernment. They exercise authority based
on the power given to them by a superior
body. You might see someone with a very
small physical structure but they will exer-
cise authority based on the knowledge of
who sent them.

Brothers and sisters, the Bible is not the

biography of God or a book to show
you the acts of God. It is a mirror for you
to look upon until you know God as he
knows you. Knowing God is not enough but we should know him as we are
known by him. He sees a giant, line crosser and a wonder in you. Even in
the darkest part of your life, God knows you as a light bringer and a force to
reckon with. As you read the Bible, bit by bit you get to know him as he knows
you. You get your proper identity through looking into the mirror of his word.

Get into the scriptures today and discover your identity as you are known by
him. There might be circumstances around you challenging your identity but
as you continue to mirror into the word of God, you are shall surely discover
that you are more than what the world sees. You are more than a wonder
and you shall surely see wonders without number. Hallelujah!

I am a wonder and I refuse to live a life of mediocrity. I’m God’s
favorite and I shall live to declare and demonstrate the Good-
ness of the Lord

2 Peter 3:18

Tuesday, 14 June

Mark 3:17
And James the son of Zebedee, and
John the brother of James; and he sur-
named them Boanerges, which is, The
sons of thunder:

There is power in you waiting to manifest,

like a dynamite on hold. You know that a
dynamite might be very small and min-
ute in appearance but when exposed
to pressure it will blast massive rocks and
mountains. The power is not in its stature
but something from within you where age
is but there is power in you waiting to man-
ifest. The Bible also confirms that creation
is eagerly waiting to see you manifesting
the power of God.

Our scripture above reveal how Jesus

had two brothers whom he surnamed
“sons of thunder”. You only get to realize
why these guys were called sons of thun-
der when one city resisted the gospel of
Christ, the two guys requested to call fire
from heaven and burn the whole city. They were not even New Testament
creatures but they were moving with such invincible power and spirit of faith.
If these Old Testament folks did it, what more you who is a new creature in
Christ. Wake up and stir up the violence of the spirit. Take the gospel to all
places and step on new grounds with faith.

There is invincible power within you and today let it out in the name of Jesus.
Carry the gospel to the streets and your work place without fail. Be radical
like never before for the kingdom of God suffered violence but you shall
violently take it by force. Hallelujah!

I’m a dynamite of the spirit and there is raw power inside of me
waiting to manifest. I rise up and challenge all manner of forces
working against my calling, ministry and vision in the name of

Matthew 11:12

Wednesday, 15 June POSITION OF GOD

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you.

In the realms of the spirit you can go miles

in a wrong direction and never know
it. That’s the reason why many can go
astray and only realize it when they are in
chaos and trouble. Some even go to the
extent of what I call rape-case to scrip-
tures, forcing scriptures to mean what
you want. Our above scripture is a victim
of abuse by many sons and daughters of
God. People who already received Jesus
Christ are encouraged to “seek the king-
dom” yet the kingdom is received once
and that’s it .

The context of seeking the kingdom in our

scripture is what not what many think. It’s
all about seeking the heart of God and
what he desires for you to pursue in a
season. It’s not about calling the kingdom to come to you but to know the
position of God’s heart concerning you and the season you are in. If you
received Christ, you received the kingdom already but the context of the
above scripture is about seeking and earnestly desiring to know him more.
God has more to do with you in this season and as you commit yourself to
prayer and his word, he is revealing his ways unto you.

You have the more sure word of prophecy in the Bible and commune with
the divine through prayer and supplication. Take time to fellowship with the
spirit of God today and get his perfect will for you in this season.

I have God in me and his righteousness is within me. I commit
myself wholeheartedly to the call of God and I shall live to his
goodness following me in the name of Jesus.

Colossians 1:27


Acts 17:28
For in him we live, and move, and have
our being; as certain also of your own
poets have said, For we are also his off-

When Barrack Obama landed in South

Africa some time ago, a sizable radius
was declared a no flying zone. This means
there was no plane or anything allowed
to fly at the particular time. His influence
and the power which was invested upon
his shoulders caused him to control the
atmosphere. There was an interjection of
the norm during that particular season in
South Africa because of the presence of
a higher power.

Brothers and sisters, we carry greater pow-

er which is the atmosphere of Jesus. We
don’t only freeze physical elements but
even spiritual elements. Our bible says in
him we move, live and have our being.

It’s no longer you walking, talking or applying for that job or contract but
Christ. If we are walking in him, it means it’s no longer you doing anything
but Christ. When we step at a place or enter an office, we introduce an at-
mosphere of Jesus Christ. We walk with an environment of possibilities where
there are no impossibilities. Hallelujah!

Move like wind, bearing the knowledge that it’s no longer you moving but a
higher office which is Jesus Christ. Nothing shall resist you because you are an
embodiment of grace and power. Go out to knock, phone and approach
those places which seemed to be unreachable before. Nothing shall surely
stop you.

I am an embodiment of extreme grace and power of God. In
Jesus Christ I move, live and have my being. I’m here to move
mountains and create highways of success and prosperity in
the name of Jesus!

Colossians 1:27


Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;
and he that winneth souls is wise.

Many always ask me this simple question

which sounds to be more serious, “ what
should I do to become wise..” My answer
for today is on the scripture above. Soul
winning is one of the greatest demonstra-
tion of wisdom. The Bible confirms that the
moment you start winning souls, it’s not
only a sign that you are wise but a way to
grow in wisdom. When you commit your-
self to this golden call to win souls, you be-
come the wisest in the sight of God.

Remember the Bible says there is joy in

heaven over one sinner who repents. This
means that the only thing which causes
God and angels to rejoice in the heavens
are souls coming to Christ. Bring souls, you
bring joy to God. Soul winning is for the
wise because it’s not for people who are
pilling request on God but those who are fulfilling the need of God. We are in
the end times and God’s greatest quest is for souls to come to the kingdom
before the curtain is closed.

God gave you a job, marriage, school and all as a chariot to minister his
word. The place where you are spending your day today is a chariot which
God gave you to share his Goodnews to someone. From today, do not think
of what you will wear on Sunday before think of a soul that you are inviting for
fellowship. Go for souls and be the wisest in your generation. Be part of the
wise generation, those who want to populate heaven and make hell empty.

I belong to the generation of the wise. I choose to be an ef-
fective soul winner and I shall not be ashamed of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Hallelujah

Matthew 28:19

Saturday, 18 June TEN TIMES BETTER

Daniel 1:20
And in all matters of wisdom and un-
derstanding, that the king inquired of
them, he found them ten times better
than all the magicians and astrologers
that were in all his realm.

We are living in perilous times where the

world is trying by all means to invade the
church and prove that it’s powerful than
those who call unto the name of Lord. All
manner of inventions and programs are
being birthed to dilute the attention of
the people. The devil is pushing his agen-
da in all angles to try and prove to the
world that he holds some sort of power.
It’s a season for us to shine brighter as the
light to the world. Where gross darkness is
trying to envelope the world, we stand as
restrainers to the efforts of the evil one.

Daniel and his friends were in the Babylo-

nian servitude and these guys refused to
eat defiled meat, instead they went for
vegetables. The normal expectation was
to find Daniel and his companion weary and drowsy but the Bible says when
they were assessed ten days later these guys were ten times better than
those who were eating meat everyday. They proved beyond reasonable
doubt that they were fed from above. Hallelujah!

As you go out today, you are endowed by the power from on high. You
shall be ten times better than those who are of this world. No enemy can
compete with you or your child because you operate by a different set of
rules. You are ten times better than the world. Go and make money, success
and prosperity ten times better than those who plan evil against you in the
name of Jesus.

The spirit of the Lord is in me and I have the spirit of excellence
within me. I operate by a different set of rules. I shall be ten times
better in everything that I do in the name of Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5:20

Sunday, 19 June GREATER GLORY

1 Peter 1:12
Unto whom it was revealed, that not
unto themselves, but unto us they did
minister the things, which are now re-
ported unto you by them that have
preached the gospel unto you with the
Holy Ghost sent down from heaven;
which things the angels desire to look

When you migrate from a third world

country to a first world country, you will
realize that the things that were shock-
ing to you are far less than those that you
encounter in your new environment. You
feel like you are dreaming or something
is happening which is not of this world.
The translation from one place to a bet-
ter place will always cause you to laugh
at the things that you used to desire the

As new covenant creatures, the ones who

have the life of Christ, we are way better than all the generals of
the old. Some of you are thinking if I can be like the prophets of the old or an
angel, I will be great. The Bible says even the angels desired to experience
what we are experiencing today. The prophets prophesied about it but nev-
er experienced God in a way he lives and move in you. We have greater
glory than the one which was there in the days of the old. Elijah called fire
from heaven, Moses parted the seas but know they performed that without
the grace you have as a New Testament creature.

There is greater glory in you and don’t hesitate to demonstrate it. Jesus even
gave you a rubber stamp that greater works than the ones he did you can
perform. Today is your day to see greater glory manifesting in your business,
marriage, ministry, education, health and all. Hallelujah

I carry grace and I am an embodiment of greater glory. I de-
cree and declare that every area of my life shall see God’s glo-
ry in a unique way in the name of Jesus.

Haggai 2:9

Monday, 20 June GOD UNDERCOVER

2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in earthen
vessels, that the excellency of the pow-
er may be of God, and not of us

Most successful companies do an exercise

whereby they hide their bosses or CEO in
janitor uniforms in order for them to expe-
rience workers performance at first hand.
This is called an undercover boss process.
Although the boss might have the pow-
er and all manner of prowess, he or she
will be covered in a less glorious form that
even those who will be working with him
won’t even notice. Some will curse or
speak negativity to their own bosses who
are just disguised in a general outfit.

Brothers and sisters, this flesh you are op-

erating in is like a camouflage, you have
something greater inside of the flesh. You
might be too short or too tall but the truth
is there is someone greater who is hidden
within the package that the world is seeing. The Bible says we have this hid-
den treasure is earthen (fleshly) vessels. No matter the complexion or the
physical qualification, you have treasure inside of you. Christ in you is a trea-
sure and he is the hope of all glory. You have the ancient of days under-cov-
ered in you.

Starting today reveal the boss in you by the words you speak and acts of
faith you do. You are not an ordinary human being but a carrier of great
treasure. Let your environment respond to the greater one who is in you. You
shall not fail or stumble because “I AM “ is operating through you. Hallelujah!

I am God undercover. I command a shift in the spiritual realm
for the sake of my good. Whosoever will come against me, shall
surely encounter the power from on high. I am alive to demon-
strate Gods own word and His will in the name of Jesus!

Galatians 1:15


Acts 9:10
And there was a certain disciple at Da-
mascus, named Ananias; and to him
said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And
he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.

When a head of state travels to a loca-

tion, that location becomes a high secu-
rity zone. Police and all security personnel
will be all over. When you get into such an
environment, even without being told you
will know that someone influential with-
in the radius. We are talking of physical
dominance where one can have over
a territory but there is also spiritual domi-
nance which you can have as a child of

The Bible says in Damascus there was a

certain disciple called Ananias. For the Bi-
ble to say certain disciple means the man
was not even in the greater hierarchy of
those who had position in the church. He
was just a certain leader or a general congregant. Through his prayers and
commune with the Holy Ghost, he developed spiritual dominance over his
territory. When Saul tried to step into Ananias’ region, Damascus, he was
struck by lightning. It was a no-go area through the prayers of men like Ana-
nias. Your house, your company or anything that pertains you is a no-go zone.
Release weapons of mass destruction into the atmosphere through prayer.

You are untouchable. Charge your environment by prayer and declarations

that whosoever will try to cross the line will be taken down. Do not be denied
anything for you represent a superior office. Step into your season of no im-
possibilities in the name of Jesus.

My environment is heavily guarded by the power of God. I fear
no evil because I’m heavily defended and heavily guarded in
the name of Jesus.

Isaiah 54:17

Wednesday, 22 June GOD’S OFFSPRINGS

1 Peter 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible
seed, but of incorruptible, by the word
of God, which liveth and abideth forev-

The scripture above denotes that you are

the seed or the offspring of God, mean-
ing that you’re the replica of love as your
father is LOVE. Everything produces af-
ter its own kind. A dog produces dogs,
a lion produces lions and God produces
“gods”. The Bible even confirms that you
are gods. You are wired and calibrated
from above and this is the uniqueness you
have above everything.

You see, God’s Word shows us who we

are; it’s a mirror. When you look at that
mirror, don’t forget what you’re supposed
to look like: patient, kind, tolerant, not
boastful or proud, loving, humble, rich
etc. True love does not demand its own
way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. The only way
you can maintain a love-less life is through a prayer-less life.

If you have no fellowship with the father gained through long hours in prayer
- you lose your ‘love identity’. If arrogance or hatred tries to vent through
you, refuse and declare, “I’m not arrogant; I’m humble; I’m full of love as
Jesus is; I live in His Name; therefore, I walk and act like Him, hallelujah!”

I’m a seed of God, born from above. I resist pride, disloyalty
and arrogance. I shall live to manifest the goodness of the Lord.

Psalm 82:6

Thursday, 23 June YOUR ADVANTAGE

Philippians 1:7
Even as it is meet for me to think this
of you all, because I have you in my
heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds,
and in the defense and confirmation of
the gospel, ye all are partakers of my

God operates with hierarchy and he re-

spects order beyond anything. Any spirit
that causes one to go against set order,
God resists. He gave us mentors and lead-
ers in our various ministries not as buffers
to our success but as an advantage to
where we are going. Mentors see your po-
tential and push you to reach the peak of
your calling. Sometimes they might sound
as harsh to you and if you misinterpret it,
you might end up thinking that you are
being blocked to do something, yet you
are being pruned for greatness.

Paul said all his children were partakers

of his grace. The word partaker in Greek
is interpreted as an “active participant” in something hence Paul denotes
that everyone who followed him was an active participant of his grace. Ac-
tive participants are there to utilize and enjoy the grace upon their mentors
without struggling to get it. Sometimes what your father prayed for you can
materialise by being humble and submissive to his instruction. Your leader is
an advantage to you not a barricade.

As you are reading this prophetic word and believing in my prophetic utter-
ances, may you partake of my grace. What I carry is yours and what I prayed
for shall manifest upon your own life. Let the same grace that works for me,
be your grace today in the name of Jesus.

I partake the grace of God upon my mentor. Today I make a
decision to follow instruction and footsteps of those set before
me by God. I shall see wonders without number in the name of

1 Corinthians 4:15


1Corinthians 4:1
Let a man so account of us, as of the
ministers of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God.

For most people the moment they gaze

a title, they think we are talking about
preachers or some kind of ministers of the
gospel. Our scripture above Paul uses the
word “ministers” to denote all those who
are actively participating in the mission
field of God. The word “minister” is the
same word as “under-rower” or “sub-row-
er” which means those who row the ship
or boat to move forward.

Christ is not there to just do things on his

own but he needs someone like you who
rows the ship ahead. Through your active
participation in soul winning, choir, prayer
or any church department, you are be-
coming a minister of Christ. True Ministers
of God are not those who are waiting for
the pastor or someone to do something but are there to make things hap-
pen. Remember spiritual gifts will not work in heaven, they are for this phys-
ical realm. Any gift that you have, use it to the fullest. Let your ministry and
your family benefit to that which God deposited in your life.

There is a greater call of God upon your life and today so chose to be an ac-
tive participant in the grace of God. Don’t go to church to hear what God
is doing but go there to participate in what God is doing. Commit, dedicate
and run in your lane and one day God shall call you faithful servant.

God called me and deposited something in my spirit. I am com-
mitted to minister the gospel and bring more souls to the king-
dom in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 104:4

Saturday, 25 June PRESENT TRUTH

2 Peter 1:12
Wherefore I will not be negligent to put
you always in remembrance of these
things, though ye know them, and be
established in the present truth.

Information is dynamic from time to time.

What was relevant twenty years ago
might not be that relevant in this modern
day and age. The cars or brands which
were mouthwatering in the past might not
be that attractive in this modern day. The
same principle govern the spiritual world,
revelation is not stagnant but very dy-
namic and diversified.

Our scripture above ends by commend-

ing us to get established in the present
truth. Note, for there to be present truth,
there need to be past and future truth.
Some revelations are barely old truth
which the church is still riding on. You
know God as the one who performs mira-
cles, it’s a revelation but old revelation; now we know that in him we move,
live and have our being which means we are the ones performing the mira-
cles today. We are the miracle workers. Christ is doing everything through us
not for us. This is the present truth brothers and sisters. Hallelujah!

As we go for the word and commune with the divine through prayers and
supplication, you get fresh manna from heaven. God will begin to release
present truth, relevant information for your destiny and you shall be more up
to date than tomorrow’s newspaper.

I’m established in the present truth and in Christ I live, move and
have my being. My destiny is governed by God’s word which is
a more sure word of prophecy. Hallelujah

2 Corinthians 5:17


2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is
a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become

A generic understanding of scriptures de-

notes that Christ died for us and we cause
him to be bruised and crucified on the
cross. It’s pathetic how the body of Christ
buys into this old understanding. It’s not
scriptural for us to be taken as the cause
of Jesus Christs death. We are the result
of his death. We didn’t cause Jesus to
be persecuted and crucified but we just
emerged as a result of all that.

Our scripture says if any man be in Christ,

he is a new creature. The word “new” is
the Greek word “kainos” which means
something which never existed before.
You are the product which never existed
before. The one who cause Christ to die is
not you but the old you. We never existed before! You have no connection
with the old you who caused Christ to be crucified. We are the result of his
death and resurrection not the cause of his death. Hallelujah!

Go forth with this understanding that you are new creature which never ex-
isted. Your past is totally over and it’s not even existent. You are not only
forgiven but you don’t have any sin, you are totally NEW! It’s your time to
manifest and show you are God’s workmanship.

I am a new creature in Jesus Christ. The righteousness of Christ
is my garment .I shall live to reveal God ‘s wonders in the name
of Jesus!

2 Corinthians 5:21

Monday, 27 June WORD JUICE

2 Corinthians 4:9
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast
down, but not destroyed;

Whenever you hear of mango juice, gua-

va juice and all sorts of juices, it means
there are fruits crushed to produce that
favorite juice of yours. Fruits go through
all processes of preservation, grading
and crushing. Whilst you are holding your
juice, you can test it and do a reverse pro-
cess to know which fruit produced such
drink. The fruits will produce what they are
made of the moment they go through the
pressing and crushing.

Paul mentioned all manner or forms of

persecution will happen to us as children
of God but the best thing is that we are
not destroyed or finished. When the world
presses us, they should know what we are
made of. We are born of the spirit and we
feed on the word of God. The word is our
genetic makeup. We drip the word of God and our power is beyond human

When pressed what comes out of us is “word juice” because we are made
up of the word of God. Nothing shall shake you or your family because you
are deeply rooted in his word. You are standing on Christ the solid rock and
no flood or persecution shall shake you in the name of Jesus.

The word of God is my fiber and genetic makeup .I shall not be
moved by persecution, pain or slander in the name of Jesus

Matthew 4:4

Tuesday, 28 June ANCIENT OF DAYS

Daniel 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down,
and the Ancient of days did sit, whose
garment was white as snow, and the
hair of his head like the pure wool: his
throne was like the fiery flame, and his
wheels as burning fire.

Many a times when situations befall us, we

end up undermining the capacity and
capabilities of God. Because of lack of
faith, the voice of your problem is being
amplified. God is so concerned that he
pays attention to the strands of hair upon
your head and is too powerful to write off
every situation that you might be facing

Daniel called him the “Ancient of days..”

, when God is referred as the ancient of
days, it means even the days respect him
as the old one. He existed before time
began, the days call him old. When you
worship him remember you are not worshiping an idol which was sculptured
yesterday but the one who existed before time began. He knows you in and
out and your situation is nothing new to him. Hallelujah!

You worship a great God, the one who can’t be voted in or out. He who sits
in the circumference of himself. Go out and see a turnaround in every facet
of your life because the Lord’s hand is upon your life. Glory!

My God is the ancient of days , he existed before my situation
.There is nothing impossible with him and today I shall see turn-
arounds in the name of Jesus!

Revelation 22:13

Wednesday, 29 June GOD UNDERCOVER

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless
I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by the faith of the Son of God, who
loved me, and gave himself for me.

Today’s scripture speaks volumes about

how we ought to live as Christians. We
don’t live by our will but God’s will. When
you submerge yourself with the Word, you
become less of you and more of Him.
This is the only way for you to truly die to
yourself. You were bought with a price not
to just have you say that you are saved.
You received the life of Christ so Christ
can function through you. Glory to God!
The life that you now live is through Christ.
Colossians 1:27 states, “….which is Christ
in you, the Hope of Glory”. My God! This
walk is all laid out for you, all you need to
do is let God work through you.

When law enforcement agents go undercover, they are pretending to be

something they are not inorder to obtain a specific result. To go further, the
devil even disguises himself as an angel of light. Why? To deceive you and to
destroy everything that God has planned for you. We are in this world but not
of this world. When people see the glory of God upon you, always remember
that it is God working through you. Don’t get caught up in the results of God
using you but get caught up in Him. Some people will never step foot in a
church but when they encounter you, they will see God. Hallelujah!

God lives in me. My will is to do His will. I am an ambassador of
Christ. I now live by His Love and Grace. Glory be to His Holy

Romans 6:6

Thursday, 30 June PROSPERITY IS MINE

Psalm 35:27
Let the Lord be magnified which hath
pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

As parents, we always want to showcase

how brilliant our children are. Even if what
they achieve is not so brilliant, it does not
make a difference. Parents are always
proud of their children and will share the
story with anyone who is willing to listen.
Now, in today’s scripture, we are told that
God our Father has so much pleasure to
see His children prosper. Apart from other
things God takes pleasure in, the prosperi-
ty of His children is what He loves the most.
God wants you to be rich, successful, and
be in good heath.

As Prophet Uebert Angel says that Chris-

tianity is not about the poor trying to be
rich, but the rich discovering their inex-
haustible riches and inheritance in Christ.
The Apostle John says it this way in 3
John 1:2 “Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be
in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Do you now know what brings joy
to God. It’s not fasting, worship or prayer where you are begging God to
prosper you. God has given us everything pertaining to this life. Understand
who you are and partake of the Grace that is available to you. It is God’s
uttermost desire, His pleasure to see you prosper beyond measure. We serve
a prosperous and rich God. Change your mindset today knowing you live a
life of abundance. The Money is coming. Hallelujah!

I am blessed beyond measure. I live a life of supernatural in-
crease, prosperity and abundance in Christ. I will never lack
any days of my life. My prosperity will make my Father proud in
Jesus name!

Psalm 1:1


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