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STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning

After you have implemented each lesson in the unit, as well as completed the post-assessment,
collaborate with your cooperating teacher/mentor to analyze the results of the post-assessment
and determine student learning. Review your data and whether there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives and discuss what you will do to further develop
students’ knowledge and skills.

Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.
Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient
1 1
1 1

Partially Proficient 0 0
Proficient 0 0
(69% and below)
Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class
Analysis of the data collected from pre- and post-assessments indicated the level of proficiency remained

unchanged for both students. The student identified at the highly proficient level in the pre-assessment did

not utilize time after the post-assessment to double-check answers and their test score decreased from

100% in the pre-assessment to 91% in the post-assessment. The student identified at the proficient level in

pre-assessment utilized time after the post-assessment to double-check and self-correct answers and their

test score increased from 84% in the pre-assessment to 88% in the post-assessment.

An analysis of post-assessment data indicates that student learning did occur from the instruction delivered

in this social studies unit on ancient Egypt. Although the level of proficiency remained unchanged, the

student identified at the proficient level who utilized time after their post-assessment to double-check and

self-correct answers increased their test score. The student identified as the highly proficient level who

decreased in test score finished their unit exam quickly and failed to utilize any time to double-check or

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self-correct mistakes made in the true or false section of the post-assessment. Based on the evidence of

learning, further instruction is warranted on the goals identified through Tennessee content standards.

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection

Both students in the class are males and have IEPs requiring accommodations for their IDEA eligible

disability category. The instruction delivered to both students aligned with each of their IEPs. Of the two

male students, both remained at the same levels of proficiency demonstrated in the pre-assessment.

However, test results show one student’s score increased while the other student’s score decreased.

Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient
1 1

Proficient 1 1

Partially Proficient 0 0
Proficient 0 0
(69% and below)
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup
Although test scores varied on the post-assessment, both students remained at the level of proficiency

demonstrated on the pre-assessment.

According to the post-assessment data, the instruction delivered was effective for both students. The

student who dropped in test score finished the post-assessment quickly and failed to utilize extra time

available to double-check and self-correct answers that could have helped them achieve a higher score. In

other areas throughout the 5-day unit, both students actively participated in lessons and demonstrated their

understanding of the content presented on formative assessments throughout the week. To reinforce the

instruction given, strategies like masking test items so only single items are visible or permitting breaks

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after each test section for self-review will be incorporated into lessons related to other ancient


Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient
1 1

Proficient 1 1

Partially Proficient 0 0
Proficient 0 0
(69% and below)
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

The class profile consists of two male students with IEPs. Both students receive special education related

services and accommodations to address their individual needs.

Based on this analysis of student learning, the next steps for instruction will introduce students to the

geographic features and political, economic, and sociocultural structures of ancient Israel. The learning

objective for the additional lessons will be: “Students will be able to apply geographic awareness and

analysis skills to examine and explain the impact of geographic, political, economic, and sociocultural

structures of ancient Israel.” The instruction delivered will include interactive and interest-based learning

experiences to allow more opportunities for students to apply their geographic awareness and analysis

skills to examine the geographic features, social classes, key figures, and achievements of ancient Israel.

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