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Enrollment Number _________________


(MAY – 2021)
TIME: 2 HRS. Max. Marks: 50
1. Mention the section number and question number clearly.
2. Read the questions clearly before answering.

Total Marks: 30
Time 80 Minutes
Total Marks: [6x5=30]

Answer the following questions. Attempt any 3 out of 5 questions.

1. A CEO at an organization observes that the morale of employees to work diligently is decreasing
day by day. A meeting is conducted among higher authorities and it is concluded that if the
organization increases the salary, give them more vacation benefits, arrange for some more
engagement activates the morale of employees can be boosted. After a thorough analysis of all the
employees, it is found that many have supplemental incomes. The CEO doubts that for such
employees raise in salary would not provide a boost. Increase in salary will only boost morale for
employees who have only one income source
List and label the variables in this situation. Perform a 5 why analysis and write down the problem
statement. Explain the relationships among the variables and illustrate them by means of diagrams.
2. The green product purchase intention has recently seen a surge. It includes individuals are
buying environmentally friendly products which are usually recycled and bring benefits to the
environment. The individuals who have positive attitude towards green brands, more green
knowledge and have more access to green brands are seen to have greener product purchase
intention. Consumer act of consuming the green product becomes an act of commitment.
Develop a theoretical framework on the above.
This framework should include:
a. an appropriate dependent variable;
b. a conceptual model that describes the relationships between the dependent variable, at least one
independent variable, and either a moderating or a mediating variable;

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3. What are the differences between exploratory and conclusive research design?
4. The board of a university in India wants to determine the attitude of their students post pandemic.
The university was founded in 2001, with 8000 students. The university has specialization across the
streams of social sciences and engineering and has thirty two faculties, ten research departments,
two post-graduate schools. You are appointed as a researcher and the university is asking you to
propose a sampling plan.

Prepare a sampling plan which includes the following details:

a) Target population
b) Sampling Frame
c) Sampling technique
d) Sampling Size
5. What is a hypothesis? Differentiate between null and alternate hypothesis. Give examples.


Answer the following questions. Attempt any 3 out of 5 questions.

Q.1.What is a Chi Square test used for? Give an example. Answer the following questions with respect
to a Cross tab table containing two nominal variables having a 2X3 design (2 rows and 3 columns)

(a) Assumption of expected cell frequency

(b) Test to be used to check the strength of association between the two variables in case the
association is significant.
(c) Provide an interpretation of table 1. (Test of association between gender and age group)

Table 1. Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1- Point
sided) sided) sided) Probability
Pearson Chi-Square 15.429a 2 .001 .000
Likelihood Ratio 16.878 2 .000 .000
Fisher's Exact Test 15.689 .051
2.578b 1 .108 .128 .070 .028
N of Valid Cases 76
a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.21.
b. The standardized statistic is 1.605.

Q.2. Mr. A has purchased Air India Company and wants to convert it into a low-cost flier from a full-
service carrier. For this, he wants to know which services to give more emphasis to and which services
to eliminate. He has a data of 1000 customer reviews capturing the customers review on a scale of 1 to
5 on the following variables:
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Seat comfort, Cabin crew, Ground service, Food and beverage, In-flight entertainment, value for
money. Answer the following questions:

(a) Identify the independent and dependent variables.

(b) Which test should be used? What are the assumptions of the test? How do we test the
(c) How will we know from the results which service is important/not important/ redundant?

Q.3. Develop a questionnaire to answer the following research objectives:

(a) To examine the effect of gender on online shopping behaviour.

(b) To examine the effect of age on online shopping behaviour

(c) To examine the effect of income on online shopping behaviour

(d) To determine the preference towards online shopping companies.

(e) To determine the payment preference in online shopping.

Q.4. Define and differentiate between focus group interviews and in-depth interviews. How is
laddering different from an unstructured interview?

Q.5. What do you mean by probability sampling? Define the various types of probability sampling

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