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Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Unit ini mahasiswa di harapkan mampu

1. Memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

2. Memberi salam dalam bahasa Inggris
3. Menggunakan yes/no questions dan WH questions
4. Membuat kalimat simple present tense yang benar

1. Introducing Self

Usefull Expression

Greetings  Hello
 Hi
 Good (morning/afternoon/evening)
Introducing yourself and initiating nursing  I’m nurse …..(your name)
interventions  I’ll take care pf you today
Addressing someone  How can I address you…?
 Is it”Miss or Mrs…?
 May I address you with …?
Response Please address me with …
Call me …
You may address me …
Why don’t you call me …
Pre - Closing  Now, I need to visit other patients
 If you need (anything/a
help/something/assistance). Please just press
the call button, a nurse will help you
Practice the dialog below with your partner

Nurse : Good morning Mr. Rieke, How are you?

Mrs. Rieke : Good Morning, Nurse
Nurse : How are you this morning?
Mrs. Rieke : not very well, I think
Nurse : I’m nurse Ina, I will take care of you today. Your name is Mrs Rieke, isn’t it? How can I
address you?
Mrs Rieke : Please call me Rieke
Nurse : Mrs Rieke, if you need my assistance, please just call me. I will help you
Mrs Rieke : Ok, thank you nurse
Nurse : Now, it’s time for me to visit other patients. I’ve really go to go. See you
Mrs Rieke : see you

Task 1
Introducing yourself to a colleague
Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions, and then practice with your partner

Nurse Mellissa : Hi, what‟s your name?

New Nurse : …………………………………………………………………………
Nurse Mellissa : I‟m Mellissa. I haven‟t see you before
New Nurse : …………………………………………………………………………
Nurse Mellissa : Where are you from?
New Nurse : …………………………………………………………………………
Nurse Mellissa : How long have you been in this country?
New Nurse : …………………………………………………………………………
Nurse Mellissa : How do you like this country?
New Nurse : …………………………………………………………………………
Nurse Mellissa : Nice to meet you.
New Nurse : …………………………………………………………………………

2. Asking Question

Asking question for nurses and midwife is an important part to identify patient’s problem.
In English, we have basically 4 types of question which are commonly used in speaking (1)
Yes/No question, (2) Information question, (3) Choice question, and (4) Attached/negative
question/T ag question. The following explanation below will address the four question:

Yes/no questions Short answer

(+Long answer)
Do you know Yes, I do (I know Yusuf) Yes or No
Yusuf? No, I don’t (I don’t know question is
Yusuf) question
Are you ready to Yes I am that can be
go an operation? answered
yes or no
(1) Yes/no question and short answer

(2) Information question

A question that asks for information by using a question word: 5W & 1H
How have many uses.

(1) One use of how is to ask about means (ways)

- How pain is your chest?
- How to measure Blood Pressure?
(2) How often: asks about frequency
- How often do you wake during your sleep?
- How many times a week does your family visit you?
(3) How far: The most common way of expressing distance
- How far is your house to Dr. Soetomo Hospital?
(4) How long/ how many (time): asks for information about length of time
- How long will an operation are run?

Who, Whom, and What

(1) Who: is used as the subject(s) or question
- Who come? Someone come
(2) Who (m): is used as the object (O) in a questio n
- Whom did you see? I saw someone
(3) What: can be used as either: S and O
- What happened with your stomach?
- What do you think about nursing profession?
(4) What kind of: asks for information about specific type
- What kind of medicine did you receive?
(5) Which: is used when the speaker wants some to make a choice, when the
speaker is offering alternatives
- Which one of leg is fracture?
(6) Where: asks for place
- Where are you going to see a doctor?
(7) When: asks for time
- When should Mrs. Ani get a laboratory test?
(8) Whose: asks about possession
- Whose book is this?]
(3) Choice question
A question that can be used first by using to be (is, are, am, were, was) and do,
does, did, has, have, etc
- Is your pain in the left or right of your chest?
- Are you hungry or suffering?

(4) Attached/negative questions/tag questions

The statement sentences which a speaker supposed to be or already known the
- You look very pale, don’t you?
- You are felling well after taking medicine, aren’t you?
Example of asking question
Asking question purpose to gather information needed in order to explore
and identify the relevance data.
For example:
1. Excuse me, can I ask you something?
2. What symptoms do you have?
3. Do you have pains here?
4. Are you covered by any health insurance?
5. Are you allergic to any antibiotics?
Practice the dialogue:
(1) Preparing patient’s equipment
N: Good morning, Mr. Joni. How are you today? P:
Fine thanks
N: Have you been fasting since last night?
P: Yes I have
N: Good. Are you ready for the urine and blood test now? P: Of
N: Do you want anything for your breakfast afterwards?
P: Yes please. Something light.
N: You mean fruit…cereal…or…
P: Just one apple and banana, thanks.
N: Not a problem.

3. Simple Present tense

Bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan bahwa pekerjaannya dilakukan pada waktu
sekarang sebagai suatu kebiasaan.

Pola Kalimat :
(+) S+V1(es / sorang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it)+O…
She goes to hospital everyday
(-) S+does/do not V1+O…
She does not go to hospital everyday; They do not go to hospital everyday
(?) Does/do+S+V1+O…
Do you smoke?

Bentuk spelling kata kerja pada orang ketiga (she,he, it, Jeny) tergantung dari akhiran kata kerja (verb)
1. Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran –o, -ch, -sh, -x, -z, s tambahkan –es
 Go – goes
 Catch-catches
 Wash-washes
 Kiss-kisses
 Fix-fixes
2. untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran konsonan + Y, hilangkan Y, dan tambahkan –ies
 Carry-carries
 Study – studies
 Worry- worries
 Marry – marries
3. Sedangkan, untuk kata kerja yang berakiran vocal +Y, cukup tambahkan –s
 Play-plays
 Say-says
 Enjoy-enjoys

Waktu sekarang sebagai kebiasaan, dinyatakan dengan keterangan waktu seperti :

Every day : setiap hari
Every week : setiap minggu
Every month : setiap bulan
Every year : setiap tahun
Every Friday : setiap hari Jum'at
On Friday : setiap hari Jum’at
Twice a week : dua kali seminggu
Once a week : sekali seminggu
In the morning: di pagi hari

Adverb of Frequency
Always : selalu
Sometimes : kadangkala
Usually : biasanya
Seldom : jarang-jarang
Often : seringkali
Never : tidak pernah
Hardly ever : hampir tidak pernah

4. Simple Present Progressive

Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung saat

Pola Kalimat :
(+) S+to be (is, are, am)+ V1 -ing+O…
I am studying English now
(-) S+to be +not+V1+O…
She is not leaving now
(?) To be+ S+V1-ing+O
Is she coming this morning ?

Task 2. Directions: Use either the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Diane can’t come to the phone because she (wash) is washing her hair
2. Diane (wash) .............. her hair every other day or so
3. Kathy (sit, usually) ................ in the front row during class, but today she (sit) ...... in the last row
4. Please be queit, I (try) ............................. to concentrate
5. (you, lock, always) ........ the door to your apartment when you leave?
6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’t answered my letter yet. I ( wait,still) .... for a reply
7. After six days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) ........................... again today.
8. Every morning, the sun (shine) ...................... in my bedroom window and (wake) ................ me
9. A: Look! It (snow) ...........................
B: It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It (snow, not) ............. in my country
10. A: Close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What (I,do) .......................?
B: You (rub) ..................... the top of your desk with your hand.
A: Close, but not exactly right. Try again
B: Aha! You (rub) ...............your hands together.
A: Right!

Task 3. Directions: Match the questions with the answers

1. Where were you born? A year ago
2. What do you do? Three times a week
3. Are you married? In Solo
4. Why are you learning English? Because I need it for my job
5. When did you start learning English? I’m a nurse students
6. How often do you have English No, I’m single

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