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1a) Define the terms
(i) Anatomy
(ii) Physiology
b) Explain the meaning of the following sub-divisions of anatomy
(i) Gross anatomy
(ii) Histology
(iii) Embryology
2(a) what is meant by the term anatomical position?
(b) With the aid of a diagram/illustration explain the following planes
(i) Sagittal plane
(ii) Coronal plane
(iii) Transverse plane
(iv) Mid sagittal plane
(v) Parasagittal plane
(vi) Frontal plane
c) Using examples explain the following relative directional terms
(i) Lateral
(ii) Proximal
(iii) Distal
(iv) Peripheral
(v) Dorsal
(vi) Medial
3a) what is meant by?
(i) Axial body part
(ii) Appendicular body part
b) What is meant by?
(i) The ventral body cavity
(ii) The dorsal body cavity
4. The abdominopelvic cavity can be subdivided into four quadrants and nine regions
a) Using illustrations diagram show the above sated regions and quadrants
b) State at least three organs found in each quadrant and region
5. Explain the meaning of the following anatomical movements and demonstrate them
a) Flexion g) Pronation
b) Extension h) Supination
c) Abduction i) Inversion
d) Adduction j) Plantar flexion
e) Medial rotation k) Dorsi-flexion
f) Lateral rotation l) Circumduction

1a) Draw a well labeled diagram structure of a typical human cell
c) State the functions of each labeled part of the cell
2. Describe the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane using a well labelled diagram
b) State the functions of the plasma membrane (good short answer question)
3. What is meant by the body’s cytoskeleton?
b) List the structural protein-based filaments that make up the body’s cytoskeleton
c) For each of the protein-based filaments, state their functions
4. With illustrations where possible, describe the following cell transport mechanisms
(a) Diffusion (d) Facilitated diffusion
(b) Osmosis (e) Phagocytosis
(c) Active transport (f) Pinocytosis
5. a) Describe using illustrations the following cell divion
i) Mitosis
ii) Meiosis
b) Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis
1. With examples, describe the six levels of structural complexity.

Level 1 Description Example

level II
Level III
Level IV
Level V
Level VI

2. a)Define the term homeostasis

b) Describe the following homeostatic mechanisms
(i) Negative feedback
(ii) Positive feedback

c) List the physiological variables that are regulated by

(i) Negative feed back

(ii) Positive feed back
d) Describe the following controls
(i) The control of body temperature by negative feedback
(ii) The control of erythropoiesis by negative feedback

1a) State the four main types of tissues
b) What are epithelial tissues?
c) State the function of epithelial tissues
d) Copy and complete the table below with respect to epithelial tissues
Type Description Location in the body
Simple squamous
Simple cuboidal
Simple columnar
Keratinized stratified epithelium
Non-keratinized stratified
Transitional epithelium
2. Briefly describe the following types of muscle tissue
(a) Skeletal muscle
b) Cardiac muscle
c) Smooth muscle
3a) Define connective tissue
b) State the main functions of connective tissue
c) State the six primary cells of connective tissues
d) For each of the cells stated above, state their functions
e) Copy and complete the table below with respect to different types of connective tissue

Type of connective tissue Description location

White adipose tissue
Brown adipose tissue
Lymphoid tissue
Dense fibrous connective tissue
Dense elastic tissue
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic fibrocartilage
4a) Define an epithelial membrane
b) State the four principle types of epithelial membranes
c) List three sites in the body where serous membranes are located

5a) Distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands

b) Classify exocrine glands basing on
i) Structure
ii) The way they release their secretions


Question one
a) State the function of blood
b) state the physiological properties of blood
c) what are the functions of blood
d) In tabular form list the components of blood, stating the function of each component
e) Distinguish between serum and plasma

Question two
a) What is haemopoiesis?
b) Describe the process of haemopoiesis
c) Describe the control of erythropoiesis

Question three
a) Describe the structures of a red blood cell
b) What are the advantages of the above described structure
c) What are the functions of the following red blood cell indices
(i) Erythrocyte count
(ii) Packed cell volume
(iii) Mean cell volume
(iv) Mean cell haemoglobin concentration
d) Using an illustration, describe the structure of haemoglobin
e) Describe the fate of old red blood cells

Question four
a) Describe the following terms
(i) Antigen
(ii) Antibody
(iii) Agglutinin
(iv) Agglutinogen
(v) Allele
b) Describe the process of determining blood groups
c) When the following blood groups X,Y,Z,and M were mixed with serums containing anti-A and anti-B
antibodies, the reactions were as in the table below

Blood being tested Serum

Anti-A Anti-B
X Agglutination Agglutination
Y No agglutination Agglutination
Z Agglutination No agglutination
M No agglutination No agglutination

(i) What are the blood groups X, Y,Z,M

(ii) Explain your answer above

Question 5

a) How different are blood cells from red blood cells?

b) Distinguish between granulocytes and granulocytes
c) List the granulocytes and agranulocytes
d) Copy and complete the table below with respect to blood cells
Blood cell Description Illustration Cells/mm3 function
Red blood cells
White blood cells

Question 6
What is meant by?
(a) Haemostasis
(b) Coagulation
(c) Describe the process of haemostasis
(d) What is the relevance of fibrinolysis in haemostasis

Question 7

a) What are the causes of anaemia?

b) Describe haemolytic disease of the new born
c) What is the reticulo-endotheial system?
d) List the cells that make up the reticuloendothelial system

Question 8
Write short notes on
a) Hemophilia
b) Sickle cell anaemia
c) Epistaxis
d) A plastic anaemia


Question 1
a) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe the gross anatomy of the human heart.
b) With an illustration, distinguish between pulmonary and systemic circulation
c) Describe
(i) The blood flow through the heart
(ii) Additional passage ways in the fetal heart and their functions
Question 2
a) Using a labeled diagram, describe the conducting system of the heart
b) Draw and describe the ECG
c) What is the clinical application of the ECG

Question 3
a) With graphical illustration describe the phases of the cardiac cycle
b) Explain the occurrence of the first and second heart sounds

Question 4
a) Explain the meaning of the following terms
(i) Blood pressure
(ii) Stroke volume
(iii) Cardiac output
(iv) Pre-load
(v) After load
b) State the factors that determine blood pressure
c) Describe using illustrations where possible
(i) Short term control measures for blood pressure
(ii) Long term control measures for blood pressure
d) Describe the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone control system of blood pressure control

Question 5
a) State the branches of the arch of aorta
b) Describe blood flow to the
(i) Upper limb
(ii) Lower limb
c) Describe various returns from the
(i) Upper limb
(ii) Lower limb
Question 6
a) State the branches of the
i) Descending thoracic aorta
ii) Abdominal aorta
b) Describe various return from
i) Thoracic cavity
ii) Abdominal cavity (portal vein and its tributaries)

Question 7
c) List the branches of the external carotid artery
d) With an illustration, describe the circle of Willis

Question 8
a) What is pulse?
b) State and demonstrate the anatomical location of palpable arteries
c) Define and state the causes of
(i) Tachycardia
(ii) Bradycardia
d) List the common cardiovascular diseases

Question 9
a) Give differences between arteries and veins
b) How does various flow back to the heart since there is no pump?
c) What is oedema
d) List the causes of
(i) local oedema
(ii) generalized oedema

Question 10
a) What are the functions of the placenta?
b) Describe with the aid of a labeled diagram the special features of fetal circulation


Question 1
a) What is lymph?
b) Describe
(i) Lymph capillaries
(ii) Thoracic duct
(iii) Right lymphatic duct
c) State the function of the lymphatic system
d) What forces are responsible for lymphatic movement since there is no pump?

Question 2
a) Draw and describe the structure of a lymph node
b) Describe the flow of lymph through the lymph node
c) What are the functions of lymph nodes
d) State the palpable regional lymph nodes
e) List the causes of lymphadenopathy

Question 3
a) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe the anatomical structure of the spleen
b) State the functions of the spleen

Question 4
a) Describe the anatomy of the thymus gland
b) What is the role of the thymus gland?
Question 5
a) What are mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
b) List the components of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
c) List and briefly explain common by lymphatic disorders


Question 1
a) With the aid of a labelled diagram describe the structural components of the urinary system
b) State the functions of kidneys

Question 2
a) With the aid a labeled diagram, describe the gross structure of the human kidney
b) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe the functional limit of the kidney
c) Describe the process involved in urine formation

Question 3
a) With an illustration, describe the forces involved in filtration
b) State hormones that influence selective reabsorption and their effects
c) State the composition of urine

Question 4
a) State
(i) sources of body water
(ii) exit routes for body water
b) How does the body maintain
(i) Electrolyte balance
(i) water balance
(ii) PH balance
Question 5
a) Describe the anatomy of the ureters
b) What are the functions of the ureters?

Question 6
a) Describe the anatomy of the urinary bladder
b) Describe the process of micturition
(i) in neonates
(ii) adults

Question 7
a) Describe the anatomy of the urethra
b) State the functions of the urethra

Question 8
State and explain common urinary system disorders


Question 1
a) State the functions of the skin
b) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe the five layers of the epidermis
c) State the cells of the epidermis and state the function of each cell

Question 2
a) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe the anatomy of the dermis

b) What is the purpose of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands
c) Describe the anatomy of the nail and state kits functions

Question 3
a) How does the body regulate body temperature?
b) With an illustration, describe temperature regulation by negative feedback

Question 4
a) State
(i) systemic factors /condition for wound healing
(ii) local factors that facilitate wound healing
b) Describe
(i) Primary wound healing (healing by 1st intention)
(ii) Secondary wound healing (healing by secondary intention)

c) State the complication of wound healing

Question 5
a) State the common disorders of the skin
b) State the sensory receptors in the skin and their stimulants


Question 1
a) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the anatomy of the nasal cavity
b) State the functions of the nasal cavity

Question 2
a) Describe the anatomy of the pharynx (anatomy means: structure, shape, size Position, relations, histological
layers, blood supply, venous drainage, nerve supply etc.)
b) State the functions of the pharynx

Question 3
a) Using appropriate diagrams, describe the anatomy of the following laryngeal cartilages
(i) Thyroid
(ii) Cricoid
(iii) Arytenoid
(iv) Epiglotic
b) Describe the anatomy of the vocal cords and the process of vocalization
c) State the functions of the larynx

Question 4
a) Describe the anatomy of the trachea (anatomy means: structure, shape, size Position, relations, histological
layers, blood supply, venous drainage, nerve supply etc.)
b) State the functions of the pharynx

Question 5
State and explain the protective mechanisms for the respiratory system

Question 6
a) Describe the gross structure of the lungs

b) State the differences between the right and left lung
c) Describe the anatomy and functions of the pleurae
d) Describe the flow of blood between the heart and the lungs

Question 7
a) Using an appropriate diagram, describe the anatomy of the bronchial tree
b) Explain the source and function of the surfactant

Question 8
a) Define ventilation
b) Clearly stating the actions of muscles involved and the pressure changes, explain clearly the processes of;
(i) Inspiration
(ii) Expiration
c) State and explain the three physiological variables that affect breathing
d) Sate causes of tachypnea

Question 9
Explain the meaning of the following lung volumes and capacities
a) Tidal volume f) Residual volume
b) Inspiratory reserve volume’ g) Vital capacity
c) Inspiratory capacity h) Total Lung capacity
d) Functional reserve volume i) Alveolar ventilation
e) Expiratory reserve volume

Question 10
a) State the difference in composition of gases between expired and inspired air
b) Use the differences above to describe external respiration with an appropriate diagram/illustration
c) Using an appropriate illustration, describe the process of internal respiration

Question 11
a) Describe the process involved in the transport of respiratory gases
b) Describe the control of respiration
c) State all factors that affect respiration

Musculoskeletal system questions to follow


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