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Toolbox Safety Talks

Topic – Driver Safety

Many motorists falsely assume that trucker drivers can see the road better because they sit
twice as high as the driver of a car. While trucker drivers do enjoy a better forward view and
have bigger mirrors, they still have serious blind spots.
Rear blind spots
Unlike cars, trucks have deep blind spots directly behind them. The truck driver can't see your
car in this position and your own view of traffic flow is severely reduced.
Following too closely greatly increases the chance of a rear-end collision with a truck.
Side blind spots
Trucks have much larger blind spots on both sides of their vehicles than passenger vehicles
(cars). When you drive in these blind spots for any length of time, truck drivers can’t see you.
Motorists lingering in these blind spots increase the chances of a crash.
An excellent rule of thumb for motorists sharing the road with a truck is, "If you can't see the
truck driver in his side mirror, he can't see you."
Truck and van drivers
▪ Check to see that your mirrors are properly adjusted and clean before you leave. Get
▪ help, if necessary.
▪ Add blind spot mirrors where possible.
▪ When backing, always get out and scout the area for obstructions, pedestrians, etc.
Again, get help where possible. Try not to rely solely on your mirrors.
Top ten tips for driving in a work zone
1. Slow down! Slower speeds save lives.
2. Turn on your headlights.
3. Put your cell phone down.
4. Turn your radio down.
5. Don’t eat or drink.
6. Keep both hands on the wheel.
7. Don’t drive aggressively.
8. Obey work zone directions and merge early.
9. Watch for work zone activity.
Toolbox Safety Talks
10. Pay extra attention driving through work zones after dark.
Top ten rules of defensive driving:
1. Pay attention
2. Don’t trust other drivers.
3. Any question- Yield. Be prepared for drivers who don’t yield the right of way.
4. Don’t speed.
5. Don’t drive impaired.
6. Wear seat belts.
7. Use safety devices: child restraints, and air bags.
8. Motorcyclist – protect yourself! Motorcyclist always loose in a collision.
9. Don’t run Red.
10. Drive precisely. Know and follow traffic rules.
▪ Where are blind spots on large r trucks located?
▪ What are some things to keep in mind when driving a truck or van?
▪ What are three safety tips to follow when driving in a work zone?
Toolbox Safety Talks

Top 10 Rules for Defensive Driving (Myanmar Language)

1. Avoid distractions

(အာရုံ ထ ပွေ ာြား/ ျံ့လင

ွေ ထ
့် ေမည့် အပ ြုအမူမ ာြားကုံ ထ ာင့်ကကဉ် ါ)

• Eating (အောောြားပြင့်ြား)

• Talking On Phone (ဖုံန့်ြားထပ ာပြင့်ြား)

• Taking your eyes off the road ( ါတ့်ဝန့်ြားက င့်သ ုံ ထငြားထမာပြင့်ြား)

2. Always focus on the field of vision (horizon)

(မမထ ျံ့ မကာြားကသ

ုံ ာ အာရုံ မေုံက့် ဲ ထ ျံ့သထက
ုံ ာ့်ကကည/့် ပဖန့်က က့်၍သာ သတနငထ
့် မာင့်ြားနင့် ါ)

3. Always drive in one lane

(သတ့်မတ့်ယာဉ်ထကကာအတွေငြား့် သာ ထမာင့်ြားနင့် ါ)

4. Watch out on lane changers

(မကကာြဏ ယာဉ်ထကကာအထပ ာင့်ြားအလဲ လုံ ့်၍ မဆင့်မပြင့် ထမာင့်ြားနင့်တတ့်သ ူ မ ာြားကုံ

သတပ ြုထမာင့်ြားနင့် ါ။)

5. Never forget to watch blind spots

( Blind Spot ထနရာမ ာြားကုံ (အမမဲ) သတပ ြုထမာင့်ြားနင့် ါ။)

6. Never have eye contact with another driver

ုံ ည/့် ြုံကရ
့် န့်ပဖေ့် ွောြားထေမည့် အပ ြုအမူမ ာြားကုံ ထ ာင့်ကကဉ် ါ။)

7. Beware of intersections

(လမ့်ြားဆ/ုံ လမ့်ြားြွေ နင့် မြား ွေြုငမ

့် ာြား ပဖတ့်သန့်ြားထမာင့်ြားနင့်ရာတွေင့် (အ ြားူ ) သတပ ြု ါ။)

8. Understand all rules of swerving

( ယာဉ်ထကကာထပ ာင့်ြားလဲ ထမာင့်ြားနင့်မည့်ဆုံ ါက ယာဉ်ထကကာ င့်ြားမသာ ကူြားထပ ာင့်ြား ါ)

Toolbox Safety Talks
9. Avoid bad drivers

( မဆင့်မပြင့် ထမာင့်ြားနင့်တတ့်သမ
ူ ာြားကုံ သတပဖင့် ထ ာင့်ကကဉ် ါ။)

10. Do not tailgate

(ထမာ့်ထတာ့်ယာဉ်တေ့်ေြားနင့် တေ့်ေြား လထ
ုံ လာက့်ထသာ အကွောအထဝြားမသာ ထမာင့်ြားနင့် ါ၊

အလွေန့်နြားက ့်ေွော ထမာင့်ြားနင့်ပြင့်ြား မပ ြုရ။)

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