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Apple Management problem

In present, many large and small companies have faced complex and critical problems. Apple
likes others company also face these problems. There are many problems that cause by a poor
management such as modern slavery issue, child labor issues, gender gap issue and decreasing in
sales rates. These management problems also related to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
concept. It has become an important thing for all companies to show their responsibility to the
social welfare to make economy, community and environment of the society better. The
company that trying to contribute to CSR will receive a positive impact from customers and
society. In this topic we are going to focus on gender gap problem in Apple that cause by the
poor management condition.

Gender gap is the problem that many companies have faced for decades. Many companies and
organizations are trying to solve this problem and it have seen as an important problem for the
human rights especially for a woman. Apple also faces a gender gap in its organization too which
cause by their poor management. Apple CEO, Tim cook, said inclusion and diversity are on the
highest priorities for apple. In addition, the organization declared that it has been supported and
participated several sponsoring organizations and education by millions of donations such as the
Human Rights Campaign and National Center for Women & Information Technology. This
show that Apple concerned about gender gap problem.

Even though, Apple concerned about gender gap and trying to eliminate it. Apple still face this
problem in its organization in every country that its operated in. Apple UK has a report about
gender pay gap in every year to show its improvement to make a higher representation of women
in its workforce. These statistics show the gender gap in 2017 in Apple UK workforce. Apple
pays female employees up to 26% less than men in some parts of its UK and European
operations, according to the company's gender pay gap report. There are also only 30% of
women in Apple UK workforce since 2014 to 2017. The hourly pay rate for women is 5% lower
than men. The bonus pays for women in Apple among all employees is 22% less than those paid
to men. From the pay quartiles graphic shows that in each level of employees include upper,
upper middle, lower middle and lower they are less than 32% of women get paid in each level
because of there are more men in the workforce than the women. All of these are a gender gap
that Apple UK has faced.
Pay quartiles

Apple has a gender gap problem in its workforce, and it is trying to close this gap. Apple
showed us the improvement and progress in 2018 from its report. Apple UK show the gender
gap report and its improvement from past years. The progress Apple achieved in 2018 is equal
pay for equal work, women earn the same as men when performing similar work (£1women =
£1men). Apple also reduce the gender gap for the same employees year on year by 2 percentage
point. As you can see, Apple has an improvement from past years but it’s still not enough to
close the gender gap.

Apple also give a commitment to hiring and promoting more inclusively, compensating
equally, and fostering a workplace culture that allows people to do their best work. This is some
example of the thing Apple is going to do. Apple will not ask candidates about their pay history
to ensure that all employees are paid equally and fairly. It’s developing woman leaders and grow
diverse talent to create a network of woman leaders, this will help to increase woman presence
rate in a higher position. Apple also give a mentoring to employees who interested. In 2017, 68
percent of mentees in the program were women.

Gender gap is a big problem that Apple concerned as a priority and we can see from the report
that Apple are trying to close this problem in every year with new ideas. Apple has some
improvement and continue to make it better in the future but now gender gap is still one of the
problems for Apple that cause by a poor management problem.

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