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A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of the Basic Education Department
St. Catherine of Siena Academy of Samal Inc.
Poblacion, Samal, Bataan

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2




October 2018


TITLE PAGE……………….………………………………………………………..i

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………ii




Statement of the Problem………………………………………………4

Significance of the Study………………………………………………5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study…………………………………..6

Notes in Chapter I……………………………………………………...8


Relevant Theories…………………………………………………….9

Related Literature…………………………………………………….12

Related Studies……………………………………………………….22

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………….28


Definition of Terms…………………………………………………...30

Notes in Chapter II……………………………………………………32


Methods and Techniques of the Study………………………………..36

Population and Sample of the Study………………………………….37

Research Instrument…………………………………………………..38

Construction of the Instruments………………………………………39

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………….40

Notes in Chapter III…………………………………………………...41




Social media is defined as “forms of electronic communication through which users

create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other

content”. (Merriam- Webster, 2014) Today, people are hooked with modern technology.

Social media usage is so rampant. It is used for instant communication with other people.

It is also used to share their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, where they are interested and even

what they feel. The use of social media goes beyond simply sharing one’s personal life or

interests and has been extensively used in various contexts. (Volkova, Han, & Corley, n.d.)

In the Philippines, social media is a form of communication to establish their

relationships with others. Filipinos are great in dealing when it comes to connecting with

others. Social media also is one of the most active web-based activities, engaging in it is

the number one activity among internet users as its user-generated content allows for real-

time updates from people all over the country. (Estares, 2017)

Because of this rampant usage of social media in the Philippines, according to a

global study called Digital in 2018, the country has taken the leading place in time spent

on social media for the third year in a row.

In a global research by Universal McCann entitled, “Power to the People Wave 3”,

apparently, the students or Filipinos aged 15 to 24 years old are usually the social media

users. It is alarming that many Filipino youths are engaging themselves in social media

posting massive contents, updating statuses, uploading photos and videos. Because of

spending more time in using social media, it becomes their freedom wall in posting the

problems that they are going through. Also, a great part of this generation’s social and

emotional development are occurring on the Internet, smartphones and gadgets. (Duque,

San Antonio, & Brazil, 2017)

There are positive aspects of using social media, it enables communication to the

people. Also, engaging with it can deepen the relationship with others. Social media can

be used to educate young people and enabled more young people to be creative and

innovative. However, there are instances that social media can cause negative effects on

the people using it frequently such as bullying, depression, anxiety, addiction and releasing

of private information. The combinations of these factors can affect the socialization,

emotional development and even well-being. (Howard, 2014)

In connection with the effects of frequent using of social media, it is alarming that

many youths are engaging themselves and even their whole life on it. They even post their

private information and personal problems. They cannot handle their emotions when it

comes to social media. It is possible to think that social media can affect their emotional

well-being because of these habits. (Duque, San Antonio, & Brazil, 2017)

Emotional well-being is “characterized by a stable mood, ability to experience,

manage and express emotions, acceptance of self and others, a positive outlook and

freedom from worry”. (Mental Health Foundation, 2015) Also, emotional well-being is “a

positive sense of well-being enables an individual to be able to function in society and meet

the demands of everyday life; people in good mental health have the ability to recover

effectively from illness, change or misfortune”. (Vital Worklife, 2016)

In defining the word emotional well-being, according to Mental Health Foundation

(2015), it is generally said that it is a positive outlook within the self of a person and to the

other people and it is define also as the ability to manage your emotions. In connection to

the usage of social media, it is truly possible to think that exposure to social media can

affect the emotional well-being of a person. Because according to the studies above, youths

that are using social media frequently cannot handle their emotions when it comes in

posting their thoughts, ideas, and personal information in this web-based activity.

In line with the connection of social media exposure and emotional well-being of a

person, Shensa, Sidani, and Primack (2016), found that individuals who spent more than

two hours per day on any combination of the most popular social media platforms had

significantly decreased odds of reporting higher levels of perceived emotional support.

Individuals with low perceived emotional support may subsequently spend more time on


Similarly, a study conducted by The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) found

that more than half of adolescents access online social networking sites more than once a

day. It is reasonable therefore to expect that acceptance and integration in these online

settings would be key factors for adolescent socialization and emotional well-being.

Based on the above discussion about the rampant usage of social media that affects

the emotional well-being of the students not only in other countries but also in the

Philippines. In line with that, the researchers want to assess the relationship between the

social media exposure and emotional well-being of Senior High School students at St.

Catherine of Siena Academy.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: What is the relationship between the Social

Media Exposure and Emotional Well-Being of Senior High School students at St.

Catherine of Siena Academy Academic Year 2018 -2019?

Specifically, the study aims to seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 sex; and

1.2 attitude towards social media?

2. How does the social media usage affect the emotional well-being of the students in

terms of:

2.1 frequency of using; and

2.2 types of social media used?

3. How does the emotional well-being of the students relate to the social media

exposure in terms of:

3.1 emotional intelligence; and

3.2 self-control?

4. How does the social media exposure relate to the emotional well-being of a student?

5. How does social media exposure affect the emotional well-being of a student?

6. What are the implications of the findings about the relationship between social

media exposure and emotional well-being?

7. What insights can be drawn from the findings of the study?

Significance of the Study

Information and data elicited can be used by various interest groups in social media

and emotional well-being. The result of this research will give better insights to the


For the Students. This research study will give a deeper insight about the

relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being. Also, it will help the

students to control the usage of social media. This study will also serve as a learning tool

in their everyday lives. It can help the students in controlling insights about social media

that can affect their emotions. And it will give students a bright idea about social media

exposure and emotional well-being.

For the Parents. This research study will help the parents on how to discipline

their child in using social media. Also, it will help the parents to cope and understand their

child. It also give parents enough knowledge and information on what can social media do

in the emotional well-being of their child. The parents can do some actions on how to

prevent their child in using social media too much.

For the Teachers. This research study will help the teachers to have an enough

knowledge and information about social media exposure and emotional well-being. This

study will also help the teachers to understand the behavior of their students and to educate


For the Guidance Counselors. This research study will help the guidance

counselor to acquire new knowledge about the relationship of social media exposure and

emotional well-being of the students. It also help the guidance counselor on how to cope,

how to help and how to handle students with this case.

For the Future Researchers. This research study will benefit to the future

researchers as their reference and source of information to improve and enhance their

ability to write a new study. And this can be a comparison on how future researchers can

relate it on their research study.

Scope and Delimitation

The study aims to know the relationship between social media exposure and

emotional well-being of Senior High School students at St. Catherine of Siena Academy

Year 2018-2019 in relation with other variables. The respondents of the study include

Senior High School students.

Specifically, the study will identify the profile of the students in terms of sex, and

attitude towards social media. The research also focuses on identifying how social media

usage affects the emotional well-being of the students in terms of frequency of using and

types of social media used by the students. Also, the study focuses on identifying how does

emotional well-being of the students related to the social media exposure in terms of

emotional quotient and self-control. This study will also identify how social media

exposure relate to the emotional well-being of a student and how social media affect the

emotional well-being of a person.

The study will be delimited among SHS students because they are in the generation

that uses social media frequently and on the adolescence period where the stage of physical,

psychological and emotional development generally occurs. The study considers St.

Catherine of Siena Academy as a research locale of the investigation for the convenience

of the study.

Notes in Chapter 1

Howard, C. (2014). Social Media Young Adult’s Well-Being. Retrieved July 30,
2018 from

Volkova, S., Han, K., and Corley, C. (n.d.). Using Social Media to Measure Student
Wellbeing: A Large-Scale Study of Emotional Response in Academic Discourse. Retrieved
August 18, 2018 from>VHC_SocInfo16

Estares, I. (2017). 3 Reasons Why Social Media in the Philippines is Huge.

Retrieved August 15, 2018 from

Ortega, H. (2018). The Philippines is Still the Social Media Capital of the World.
Retrieved August 15, 2018 from

Duque, G., San Antonio, D., and Brazil, L. (2017). A Correlational Study on
Social Media Involvement and Parental Relationship among Students of Asia Pacific
College. Retrieved August 20, 2018 from

Emotional Well Being Definition (2016). Retrieved August 15, 2018 from

Shensa, A., Sidani, J., and Primack, B. (2016). Social Media Use Perceived
Emotional Support Among US Young Adults. Retrieved August 18, 2018 from

Bourgeouis, A., Bower, J., and Caroll, A. (2014). Impacts of the Use of Social
Networking on Social and Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents in Australia. Retrieved
August 18, 2018 from



This chapter presents the relevant theories, review of related literatures and studies,

conceptual framework, hypotheses of the study, synthesis of the study, definition of terms

and notes in chapter II.

Relevant Theories

This study is supported by the theories proposed by Leon Festinger (Social

Comparison Theory), Jacob Moreno (Social Network Theory), and William Schulze

(Theory of Finite Resources).

According to Social Comparison Theory (1954) of Leon Festinger, people have an

innate drive to evaluate themselves, often in comparison to others. People make all kinds

of judgments about themselves, and one of the key ways that we do this is through social

comparison, or analyzing the self in relation to others. For example, imagine that a high

school student has just signed up for band class to learn how to play the clarinet. As she

evaluates her skills and progress, she will compare her performance to other students in the

class. She might initially compare her abilities to the other members of the clarinet section,

particularly noting those who are better than her as well as those who are worse. She may

also compare her abilities to those of students who play other instruments as well.

This theory also stated that increased social media use is linked to more frequent

social comparison with others. These comparisons are more likely to be negative in

direction. Most direct empirical support for this theory comes from the studies in university

student samples, found that students who spent more time on Facebook were more likely

to think that other people were happier and had better lives than their own.

This theory is related to the present study because it discussed on how social media

exposure can lead a person to compare their life other people that is clearly part of our

emotional well-being. Also, this theory stated that more frequent usage of social media

increases that social comparison of a person to others. This help the present researcher to

determine on how social media exposure and emotional well-being is related to each other.

Also, according to Social Network Theory (1930) of Jacob Moreno, study of how

people, organizations or groups interact with other inside their network. Understanding the

theory is easier when a person examine the individual pieces starting with the largest

element, which is networks, and working down to the smallest element which is the actors.

This theory also stated that a person who engaged to social networks can interact with

others easily. Their well-being can be enhance, leading them to strived for their goals, be

motivated and have a good social and emotional well-being by sharing their own thoughts,

ideas and feelings within the network where the person belong to.

This theory is relevant to the present study because it discussed on how a person

interact with other people through social network that can lead them to have a good social

and emotional well-being by sharing with other people. This shows that social network that

also can be gain in using social media can lead to have a positive effect on emotional well-

being of a person engaging in it.

In addition, the third theory that supports the present study is what we call the

Theory of Finite Resources by William Schulze (1974), which suggests that extensive time

spent on social media encroaches on other activities known to be beneficial for emotional

well-being such as face-to-face socializing, sports or exercise participation and mental

relaxation. Recent work has shown that the link between Facebook use and subsequent

negative mood may be mediated by the interpretation that people have wasted their time

on an activity that was meaningless, and there is evidence that passive use of social

networking site is worse for emotional well-being that active usage.

This theory is relevant to the present study because it discussed about the effect of

usage of social media or the social media exposure to the emotional well-being of a person.

It shows the relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being in terms of

types of social media used, and degree of using it.

These three theories support the present study because it is related to the

relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being of a person. These stated

that social media exposure has an impact to the emotional well-being and using social

media can lead the person to interact with other people that they can share their own ideas

and emotions. Also, using social media can lead people to social comparison that can affect

their emotional well-being because a person thought that other people is happier than their

life. In addition, these theories also discussed on how social media exposure can affect the

emotional well-being of a person.

Related Literatures


Sex. The Journal of Psychology (2016), published that men and woman use social

media differently with different frequency. In general, several researchers have found that

women tend to use social media more than men and for different and more social purposes.

Social purposes such as interaction with others and releasing their emotions for relief.

To support the article above Razor Edge Media (2017), published that the men tend

to use social media to gather influence, information, contacts and overall status. They tend

to be more businesslike in their approach and use of social media, they’re more likely to

follow business pages and business accounts than women. That isn’t to say women don’t,

they do, but the percentages of men doing so are higher.

In addition to the discussion Social Media Today (2016), published that for

instance, teenage girls are more likely to post overtly seductive photos of themselves, while

boys are more inclined to share pictures related to risky behaviors, alcohol or sex. Girls

also tend to share more cute pictures, too.

These foreign literatures are related to the present study because they deal on how

sex affects the usage of social media and how it affects the emotion of a person. These

literatures stated also that there is a comparison of male and female on using social media

and the effect of it to their emotional well-being.

Attitude towards social media. International Journal of Management Cases (n.d.),

published that students had mostly positive attitude towards the usage of social media.

They consider social media as a useful tool that can increase the level of interaction with

others and to share their emotions that can improve their emotional well-being.

Also, AIMA Journal Management and Research (2016), published that the beliefs

and attitude of students towards social media was found to be positively affecting their

emotional well-being. It is likely that this occurs because students develop holistic learning

by sharing their knowledge over social media as effective sharing tools in order to affect

the emotional well-being of a person.

In line with that, Geetika Shree (2016), published that for people who are using

social media, their positive attitude towards engaging in it, and the emotional connection

and association with the website actually predicts the exhibition of emotional well-being

of a person.

These foreign literatures about attitude towards social media are somehow related

to the present study because these deals on how attitude towards social media affect the

relationship between social media exposure and emotional well-being of a person. Also,

attitude towards social media also can develop the awareness of a person in using social

media that can enhance his or her well-being.

Frequency of using social media. Pomsakulvanich (2018), published that social

media usage has become epidemic and significant in people's lives and emotional well-

being. Communicating through social media has changed the way people connect with

their social networks. With the various functions that social media offers, it allows users to

do multiple activities such as presenting themselves to others, maintaining existing

relationships, and building new networks and relationships. As a consequence, some users

may spend a great amount of time on social media and their usage may affect social

relationships, physical and emotional well-being.

Also, Tomaritis (2015), stated that the Internet has become a way of life for today’s

youth, internet usage impacting both physical and emotional well-being. It is therefore of

paramount importance that correct and appropriate usage be taught and emphasized.

In line with the discussion, The Impact of Social Media on Emotional Health

(2017), stated that social media is an integral part of our social function, it is correlated

with emotional well-being because of internet usage. It was stated that more people used

social network sites, the greater the frequency of interaction with friends, which had

positive effects on participants' self-esteem and eventually their reported satisfaction with

their emotional well-being.

These foreign literatures about the frequency of using social media support the

present study because it deals with the relationship of social media exposure and emotional

well-being of a person. It is stated in every literature that frequency of using social affects

the emotional well-being of a person. Therefore, these studies are somehow related to the

study of the present researchers.

Types of social media used. The Flinders University (2017), published that there

is variation between the platforms in terms of their potential effects. Perhaps if a person

feel struggling with social media use, the answer isn’t just us it less, but perhaps look at

what sites does a person is using and how the sites was used. For example, use Instagram

to document for favorite hobby, rather than as a casual snapshot of the day.

Also, The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health (2018), stated that different

social media platforms has an impact on health and emotional well-being of a person.

YouTube was rated the most positive for health and emotional well-being, followed by

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and finally Instagram was found to be the most damaging for

one’s health and emotional well-being.

In line with that, The Baltimore Sun (2017), published that social media also can

have a positive effect, however, some research has found that any type of social media can

be resource for teens to find social support when they are struggling with life issues, and

that teens can use the different online platforms as a way to express their emotional well-


These foreign literatures about the types of social media used by a person is related

to the present study because it support the relationship of social media exposure and

emotional well-being of a person by stating that every type of social media has an impact

to the emotional well-being of a person like using the famous social media, Facebook,

when a person is using it he or she has the possibility to be happier.

Emotional Intelligence. The Journal of Nursing and Health Science (2017),

published that emotional intelligence is related to the type of social media used and not to

the total time spent using it. However, the total time spent using social media was related

to the type of stressors the students have faced and their way of dealing with their emotions

that affects their emotional well-being.

Also, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2018),

published that emotional intelligence as predictive power over social media and emotional

well-being of adolescents. Emotional intelligence in social media could promote an

improvement of one’s own emotional comprehension and to others, as well as optimization

of intra-and interpersonal emotional regulation processes in adolescence.

In addition, Pew Research Center (2018), stated that there are the worries about EI

(emotional intelligence) and the technological displacement of labor. And finally, the

addictive technologies that have captured the attention and mind space of the youngest

generation. All in all, digital life is now threatening our psychological, emotional and

political well-being.

These foreign literatures about the emotional intelligence of a person towards the

relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being are somehow related to the

present study because they stated that emotional intelligence can affect the social media

exposure of a person and enhancing the emotional well-being of a person towards it.

Self-control. The Pennsylvania University (2016), published that self-control is a

key precondition for balanced relationship between social media use and development of

emotional well-being. Users can only benefit from positive effects of social media use on

emotional well-being if they engage in moderate, self-controlled, and self-determined

forms that increase their autonomy rather than undermining their self-regulation.

Also, Xi Zou (2013), stated that the effects of social networks on emotional well-

being depend on individuals' self-regulatory orientation - a basic motivational the effects


In line with the discussion, Rulu University of Bochum (2017), published that self-

Regulation which focus on the motives, goals, and desired end-states that might drive

Facebook use and the means that are involved. Facebook may be an exemplar for social

online-media use providing us with and for research to study underlying processes of self-

regulation. Thus, we argue that Facebook can be used for self-regulation, serving as a

means to attain a variety of goals (self-esteem, social interaction, materialistic goals, self-

presentation, etc.), ultimately enabling the attainment of hedonically positive end states.

These foreign literatures about self-control of a person towards social media usage

is related to the present study because it deals with the relationship of social media exposure

and emotion al well-being of a person by stating that a person with self-control can regulate

themselves in using social media frequently that can affect their emotional well-being.


Sex. Foundation for Media Alternatives (2015), published that young women social

media user ages 10-18 years old used social media more frequent that young men. Young

Filipino women believed that social media is used for self-expression

According to García, L. & Manikan, F., (2015). For Filipino women, information

and communications technologies (ICTs) have provided vital spheres for self-expression

and asserting their rights than Filipino men.

In addition, Philippines institute for development studies (2017), published that

gender is very important on social media to understand things that users might have a

mistake that they see something on social media that can affect their personality.

These local literature about sex that affect the relationship of social media exposure

and emotional well-being are related to the present study. These literatures stated that

female used social media frequently than male for self-expression that enhance their

emotional well-being.

Attitude towards social media. Arith, M. (2018), stated that attitude towards

social media allows people to pursue interpersonal relationships with distant friends and

family, it can also have a negative impact on people’s emotional well-being.

To support the above statement, Asian Journal (2016), published that Filipinos

became the top users of social media in the whole world. Their attitude towards social

media is positive to the extent that they always used it as a form of communication.

In addition, Erasto et al. (2014), cited that for the Filipinos who are using

social media, their positive attitude towards being interested in it, and the emotional

connection and association with the website actually predicts the exhibition of emotional

well-being of a person.

These local literatures about attitude towards social media are related to the present

study because they stated that attitude of the Filipinos towards social media affects the

usage of it and also affects their emotional well-being. These supported the relationship

between social media exposure and emotional well-being of a person.

Frequency of using social media. Chua (2018), stated that Philippines came in at

a close second when it comes to average time spent on the internet with 9 hours and 29

minutes to Thailand, who’s first with 9 hours 38 minutes. More time in social media affects

mental and emotional well-being of most Filipinos.

Also, Understanding Social media in the Philippines: a yearend report (2018),

published that the use of social networking websites has become so extensive that the

country is now called “The Social Networking Capital of the World.” In fact, social media

affects some youth's physical and emotional well-being because of the excessive used of

social networking sites.

In line with that Holsten (2018), stated that internet was initially used for contact

with strangers, it has later become a platform where people develop and cultivate their

already existing relationships. Internet usage mostly having negative impacts on social life

and emotional well-being, more recent research focusing on social networking sites like

Facebook and Instagram find that users of such sites have increased social capital, social

support, sense of community and improved emotional well-being.

These local literatures about frequency of using social media is related to the

present study because they stated that Filipino who frequently used social media improves

his or her emotional well-being. Therefore, these literatures support the study that aims to

know the relationship between social media exposure and emotional well-being of a


Types of social media used. Baguio Herald Express Online (2018), published that

the used of some types of social media has beneficial effects to students, not only on their

academic needs but also to help them establish a sense of emotional well-being and build

and enhance networking skills.

Also, Manila Bulletin (2016), published that any type of social media use by a

person it has a negative effect on a person’s emotional well-being, mental health, and life

satisfaction among many others.

In line with that Manila Bulletin (2017), published that use of social media such as

Facebook promotes social comparison, in that people tend to compare their lives with those

of others. The problem lies with the fact that social media offers only one side of someone’s

life, often the person puts his or her best foot forward projecting a seemingly perfect life.

These local literatures about the types of social media used by a person are

somehow related to the present study because they stated that every type of social media

used by a person can affect their emotional well-being.

Emotional Intelligence. According to Virgillito, D. (2015), cited in his study on

Emotional Intelligence and Social Interaction, there is a positive correlation between the

ability to effectively manage emotions and the quality of social media interactions that

emotionally intelligent people enjoy.

Also, Loya and Rivera (2013), stated that emotional intelligence has become an

extremely valuable component in engaging in social media platforms. The future of digital

world will be driven by how a person is interacting with other people through social media

that can tap their emotional well-being.

These local literatures about the emotional intelligence of a person towards the

relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being are somehow related to the

present study because they stated that emotional intelligence can affect the social media

exposure of a person and enhancing the emotional well-being of a person towards it.

Self-control. According to Elliot and Santos (2014), self-regulatory is important to

recognize the effect of social media usage on emotional well-being of a person. Social

media users can only benefit from social media use to have a positive effect on emotional

well-being if they have self-control, and self-determination that increase their free will

rather than making them less effective on their self-regulation.

In line with that, Babin, C. (2013), stated that the effects of social media usage on

emotional well-being depend on individuals' self-control awareness- where individuals are

aware on what will happen when they use social media frequently without further knowing

the effects of these to our psychological and emotional well-being.

These local literatures about self-control of a person towards social media usage is

related to the present study because it deals with the relationship of social media exposure

and emotion al well-being of a person by stating that a person with self-control can regulate

themselves in using social media frequently that can affect their emotional well-being.

Related Studies


According to Social Networking on Web 2.0: From Emotional Intelligence to

Cyber Emotional Intelligence (2013), one can conclude from these general trends that

people express their emotions through social networks in the cyber space more and more

often. New opportunities are arising both in the private and in the professional areas.

Analyzing the impacts of this dynamic requires taking into account both inter and intra-

personal effects of social networking sites. Cyberspace is considered as a universe of

expression of capabilities and competencies that are not possible in real life. People are

able to exist either in visible or invisible forms, with their own attributes, or create new

personalities. Most of them mix some aspects from their real life with aspects from their

desired life. Starting from this point, every Internet user may express his or her intelligence

through his or her digital identity. This identity is a co-product of technological constraints

such as platforms or cyber worlds and implemented strategies.

Also, Are Close Friends the Enemy? Online Social Networks, Self-Esteem, and

Self-Control (2013), stated that online social networks are used by hundreds of millions of

people every day to communicate and share experiences with others. They have become a

vital tool for connecting people and sharing information. Social networks let people create

profiles containing information about themselves and connect to others in order to expand

their personal networks. They have become an important tool for building friendships and

maintaining family relationships by allowing people to easily share personal thoughts,

pictures, and accomplishments.

Additionally, “status updates” and “tweets” let people share glimpses into their

daily lives with others. From a motivational perspective, people use social networks to

fulfill a variety of social needs, including affiliation, self-expression, and self-presentation.

Thus, social network use can have a positive effect on how people feel about themselves

and their emotional well-being. When adolescents receive positive feedback on their social

network profile, it enhances their self-esteem and emotional well-being. People who are

typically low in life satisfaction enjoy a number of positive social benefits from using social

network such as increased social capital. Emotionally unstable individuals rely on social

networks for social support and to repair wellbeing after negative emotional experience.

In line with that Gender Differences in Usage of Social Networking Sites and

Perceived Online Social Support on Psychological Well Being of Youth (2015), SNSs are

utilized by people of all the age groups but the adolescents and youth use it to the fullest

for various purposes mainly communication. The Internet as a medium of research has

changed drastically since it has become more complex, virtual, social and physical such

that the youth participates and co-constructs something, rather than just simply watching

on the television or personal computers. It is a complex virtual world behind that small

screen on which developmental issues play out. (Deshmukh al., 2014) Online mediums

also connect people in a person-to-person manner which is more direct and interpersonal.

The levels of verbal and affective intimacy can be known through observing the frequency

of posts on popular SNSs.(Kross et al., 2013) The popularity of social networking sites is

not just based on how many people it has but on how many hours or time a user spends on

it daily. Some social aspects like family pattern, age, communication among the members

play a vital role in the youth’s web usage. Adequate parenting plays the role of a catalyst

in serving the social and emotional needs of the youth, devoid of such parenting they result

in fulfilling those needs from online sites. Social media usage behavior is developing and

transforming at a rapid rate leaving its effects on the youth. (Lee, Lee, Kwon, 2011) The

dark side of social Medias that its excessive usage effects all the facets of a youth’s life

including psychological, emotional, physical well-being and social development.

Additionally, Does Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Influence Well‑being and Self‑

esteem among Early Adolescents? (2016), stated that the development of the Internet and

technology has changed dramatically in terms of changing the way of thinking and way of

life of young people. Young adolescents can say a lot more over the network than in real

life, and not feel uncomfortable with this as they have time to think about their idea and

express it more precisely. Today, most young people prefer to blog to get other people’s

opinions on various occasions. The network enables the diffident teenager to feel needed.

Teens upload photos and videos, without fear of condemnation by, and ignoring extraneous

criticism. In the network, they are not afraid to be misunderstood, unappreciated. Many

people think that networking pages are a mirror of the soul of modern youth and contribute

to the development of personality. Some teens even spread their own work – poems, songs,

music videos. It also occurs through their registration pages: interests and hobbies.

In a nutshell, social networks offer and represent everything a young teenager needs

at this age- socialization, communication, self‑expression, the creation of his or her image,

finding interests and the formation of opinions, and most importantly independence.

Also, Social Media and Young Adult's Well-Being (2014), also asserted that social

media has now become a part of our daily lives. Individuals use it for personal

communication, entertainment, business or organizational communication, marketing, etc.

It also comes in many formats. There are social networking sites, bookmarking sites, social

news sites, media sharing sites, and microblogging sites. This barrage can affect many parts

of an individual’s life as well. Social media use can effect individual's interpersonal

functioning, romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships, business

relationships, even social standing.

There are certainly positive aspects of social media; it allows communication and

social engagement that was impossible before. However, there are negative aspects as well.

The saying that "All good things come with price" applies here as well. Social media use

opens individuals up to bullying, ridicule, embarrassment, release of private information,

overuse or addiction, feelings of insecurity, relationship problems, occupational

repercussions, and even legal repercussions. It is very possible that the combination of

these factors is related to emotional well-being in individuals who use social media more.

These foreign studies support the present study because this studies also deals with

the relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being. They stated that using

social media has negative or positive effects on a person’s emotional well-being. Social

media usage can lead to have mental illness but tis usage can also give a person the chance

to interact with other people and share their thoughts and feelings to them that can help to

improve that emotional well-being of a person.


According to Correlational Study on Social Media Involvement and Parental

Relationship among Students of Asia Pacific College (2017), stated that Filipino youths

are currently engaging themselves in social media- posting a massive variety of content,

updating statuses, and uploading and sharing of photos and videos. By being more active

and spending a lot of time in social media, a great part of this generation’s social and

emotional development occurs on the Internet and on their smartphones or gadgets. Due to

absorption in their social media sites, open communication with parents starts to diminish.

Social media nowadays become also a tool for posting the problems and sharing emotions

that they are going through.

Also, Facebook Use and Adolescents’ Emotional States of Depression, Anxiety,

and Stress (2014), asserted that in the recent years, social networking sites have gained

phenomenal popularity among youth. The birth of Facebook in 2004 has enabled

individuals all over the world to connect to one another, communicate, develop and

maintain friendships. Facebook, the most inexpensive and convenient way to communicate

with a social network and dubbed as the world’s most well-liked social network service

today has grown to an estimated 1 billion users since its launch in 2004. In Philippines

alone, there are about 30 million active users as of 2012– making it as the 8th country in

the world with high number of use.

Studies indicated that among Facebook users, college students in particular are the

heavy users. Facebook is used by about 85 to 96 percent of college students according to

previous studies conducted. In the Philippines, the largest age group of Facebook users is

currently with total of 12 million users, followed by the users in the age of 25 – 34. Reasons

for joining this site include maintenance of relationship, to meet new people, to

communicate information, to express their beliefs, emotions, and some used Facebook out

of boredom. This phenomenal advancement of social networking is no doubt has

revolutionized the concept of socialization and communication among adolescents.

In spite of the promising advantages these unique technological advances offered

such as social capital and friendship articulation, there have been increasing concerns

regarding its negative outcomes to adolescents’ well-being.

Additionally, New Study Reveals that Using Facebook Diminishes Your Well-

being (2017), discussed that researchers from the Philippines to uncovered how Facebook

influences a person’s psychological and emotional well-being. Analyzing data from 5,208

adults over a two-year period, the researchers found that the average Facebook user’s well-

being over declined time.

Also, according to Social Media and Networking: Its Benefits and Risks to the

Filipino Family (2016), stated that social interaction helps people create and foster

relationships. Although, as social networks has expanded over the past decade, their

downsides have become apparent. Connecting virtually can lead to a decline in face-to-

face relationship and meaningful activities, a sedentary lifestyle, internet addiction and low

self-esteem and emotional well-being.

These local studies are related to the present study because these studies also deals

with the relationship of social media exposure and emotional well-being. They stated that

using social media has negative or positive effects on a person’s emotional well-being.

Also, in the Philippines social media usage that can lead to have mental illness but this

usage can also give a person the chance to interact with other people and share their

thoughts and feelings to them that can help to improve the emotional well-being of a


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

A. Person-Related Factors
 Sex
 Attitude towards
social media

B. Social Media-Related “Degree of Social media exposure

Factors and Assessment to Emotional
 Frequency of using well-being of SHS Students.”
 Types of social
media used

C. Emotional Well-Being-
Related Factors
 Emotional
 Self-Control

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of “Relationship between the social

media exposure and emotional well-being of Senior High school Students in St. Catherine

of Siena Academy Academic Year 2018-2019” as shown in the paradigm of the study.

The first frame presents the independent variables which are classified into three

categories: person-related factors social media-related factors and emotional well-being-

related factor. The person-related factors include sex and attitude towards social media.

Also, the social media-related factors includes the frequency of using and types of social

media used. On the other hand, the emotional well-being-related factors include emotional

intelligence and self-control. The second frame shows the dependent variable which is the

degree of social media exposure and the assessment to emotional well-being.

The solid line symbolizes that independent variable such as person-related factors,

social media-related factors and emotional well-being related factors affect the relationship

between social media exposure and emotional well-being.

Hypotheses of the Study

In this study the following hypotheses were tested:

1. There is no significant relationship between social media exposure and emotional


2. There is a significant relationship between social media exposure and emotional


Definition of Terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study, the following are hereby defined.

Attitude towards social media. Operationally, it is a settled way of thinking or feeling

about social media.

Emotional intelligence. Conceptually, it is the capability of individuals to recognize

their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them

appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage

and/adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal. In this study, it refers

to the thinking and behavior of the students towards social media.

Frequency of using social media. In this study, it is the rate of using social media

repeated over a particular period of time.

Self-control. Conceptually, it is an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to regulate

one's emotions, thoughts and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses. In this

study, it refers to how the students regulate themselves in using social media.

Sex. Operationally, it is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in

the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed.

Social media exposure. In this study it refers to the extent to which audience members

have encountered specific messages or classes of media messages/media content.

Types of Social media. Operationally, it is the different forms of social media such as

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc.

Notes in Chapter 2

Vermeren, I. (2015). How Men And Women Use Social Media Differently. Retrived
October 22, 2016 from

Razor edge media (2017). Men vs Women Social Media Usage. Retrived November
11, 2017 from

Atanasova, A. (2016). Why men and women continue to use social networking sites: The
role of gender differences. Retrived December 4, 2017 from

Foundation for Media Alternatives (2015). Social Media and Privacy: The
Philippine Experience. Retrived October 30, 2015 from

García, L. & Manikan, F., (2015). Social media's influence on Filipinos. Retrived
March 14, 2016 from

Philippines institute for development studies (2017). Internet Users In The

Philippines. Retrived July 24, 2017 from

Lee, Choi, Kim & Han (2014), Effects of Social Network Use on Happiness,
Psychological Well-being, and Life Satisfaction of High School Students: Case of
Facebook and Twitter. Retrieved September 29 from

The impact of social media on emotional health (2017), How does social media
impact happiness?. Retrieved September 29 from

Deehmah Al Ateeq, et. al (2016), Psychological Well-being among Social Network

Users of King Saud University Students. Retrieved September 29 from

Tornaritis, M (2015), Adolescent mass media usage: does the frequency and type
of mass media device influence well-being?. Retrieved September 30 from


Pomsakulvanich, V (2018), Excessive use of Facebook: The influence of self-

monitoring and Facebook usage on social support. Retrieved September 30 from

Holtsten (2013), How does social media affect your well-being?. Retrieved
September 30 from

Chua (2018), PH top in social media usage for 3 straight years – report. Retrieved
October 1 from

Understanding Social media in the Philippines: a year end report (2018). Retrieved
October 1 from

Airth, M (2018), How Social Media Influences Attitudes & Behaviors. Retrieved
October 1 from

Brown, J (2018), What’s the science suggests so far about the impact of platforms
such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram on your mental well-being. Retrieved October 2

International Journal of Management Cases (n.d.). Student Attitudes towards Use

of Social Media in the Learning Process. Retrieved August 5, 2018 from

AIMA Journal Management and Research (2016). Impact of Students Attitudes

towards Social Media Use. Retrieved October 6, 2018 from

Geetika Shree (2016). An Empirical Study of Online Social Networking on Well-

being of Indian Users. Retrieved September 26, 2018 from


Flinders University (2017). Student Health and Well-being. Retrieved October 10,
2018 from

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health (2018). Retrieved September 15,
2018 from

The Baltimore Sun (2017). Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Emotional

Health. Retrieved August 29, 2018 from

Leon Festinger (1954). Social Comparison Theory. Retrieved August 26, 2018

Jacob Moreno (1930). Social Network Theory. Retrieved August 26, 2018 from

Asian Journals (2016). Attitude towards Social Networking Sites. Retrieved

September 15, 2018 from

Manila Bulletin (2017). Retrieved September 18, 2018 from

Concerns about the Future of People’s Well-being (2018). Retrieved August 29,
2018 from

Media Use and Well-Being: Status Quo and Open Questions (2016). Retrieved
August 30, 2018 from

Social Networks and Life Satisfaction: The Interplay of Network Density and
Regulatory Focus (2015). Retrieved September 18, 2018 from



This chapter presents the research methods and techniques, the population and

sample of the study, research instruments, construction and validation of the instruments,

data gathering techniques and the statistical treatment to be used.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The correlational method of research will be used in the study to determine the

conditions that prevail in cases under study. In correlational design the study focuses at the

present condition. Bhat (2018) noted that it is a type of non-experimental research method,

in which a researcher measures two variables, understands and assess the statistical

relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable. Kowalczyk

(2018) mentioned that the whole purpose of using correlations in research is to figure out

which variables are connected. It is looking for variables that seem to interact with each

other, so that when you can see one changing, you have an idea of how the other will

change. This often entails the researcher using variables that they can't control.

In addition, Siddharth (n.d.) cited that a correlational study determines whether or

not two variables are correlated. This means to study whether an increase or decrease in

one variable corresponds to an increase or decrease in the other variable.

Ramos (2013) explained that focusing on correlation in research, the researcher

must also note that the correlation can be positive or negative. Positive correlations mean

that as variable A increases, so does variable B. A negative correlation is defined as when

variable A increases, variable B will decrease. In line with this study, correlational method

is the most suitable to be employed to determine the relationship between social media

exposure and emotional well-being of SHS students at St. Catherine of Siena Academy

A.Y. 2018-2019. It could be more or less an assessment as the study involves a fact –

finding activity that describes condition that exists at a particular time.

Population and Sample of the Study

The population is 224 students. To determine sample size of the students-

respondents, Slovin’s formula or the formula of estimation of sample size will be used:

S= 1+𝑁𝑒 2

Where S is the sample size, N is the population size, and e is the desired margin of

error with the value of 3%. Applying the formula, there are 186 students-respondents from

the population.

The respondents of the study will compose of 186 respondents consisting of: 27

ABM students, 26 HUMSS students, and 53 STEM students for Grade 11. For Grade 12 it

is consist of: 12 ABM students, 31 HUMSS students, and 36 STEM student. These students

will come from the Senior High School Department of St. Catherine of Siena Academy.

The students will be selected using the stratified random sampling. In stratified

random sampling, the population of students is divided into six groups based on

homogeneity to avoid the possibility of drawing samples whose members come from one

stratum. The distribution of sampling units is proportional to the number of units in each

stratum. The bigger the population, the more sample units are drawn, the lesser the

population, the less sample units.

The study utilized the fish bowl method as a system of selecting the respondents

where in the name of each regular student is written on a piece of paper, rolled, and place

in a fish bowl. The researcher will pick one piece of paper at a time until the total number

of student-respondents has been attained.

Table 1 presents the respondents of the study representing the population and

sample of the study.

Table 1
Population and Sample of the Study

ABM 32 27

HUMSS 31 26

STEM 67 54


ABM 14 12

HUMSS 37 31

STEM 43 36

TOTAL 224 186

It can be concluded from the table that there will be a total of 186 students out of

the 224 total number of students will be selected as respondents.

Research Instrument

For data gathering purpose, the main instrument to be used in the study is the

researcher – made questionnaire which is designed to assess the variables postulated in the

paradigm of the study.

The researcher will prepare one set of survey questionnaire for the students which

will consist of three parts. The first part of the questionnaire will concentrate on the person

– related factors which includes the sex and attitude towards social media.

The second part of the questionnaire will focus on the degree of usage of social

media and exposure to it in terms of types of social media used and frequency of using it.

The last part of the questionnaire will assess the emotional well-being of the

students in terms of emotional intelligence and self-control.

In the administration of the questionnaire, the respondents will be asked to rate

these components based on their observation and actual experiences. They will be

instructed to use a 5 – point scale described as follows:

Scale Descriptive Equivalent Descriptive Interpretation

5 Always (A) Strongly Agree
4 Often (O) Slightly Agree
3 Sometimes (S) Agree
2 Rarely (R) Disagree
1 Never (R) Strongly Disagree

Construction and Validation of the Instrument

In prior to the construction of questionnaires, researchers need to read thesis and

other reading materials. Research must be used to the paradigm of the study as their basic

guideline also for further and wider source of the needed information researchers can use

internet that could help in the process of making the said tool.

For content validation and reliability of the questionnaires to be observed, that the

output was first presented to a thesis adviser for some revision and suggestions. After

editing the questionnaires using the suggestions as the guidelines and applying the stated

revision of the expert, it is again presented to the adviser for a finalization and of course

for approval before the distribution to the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to distribute the questionnaires properly, researchers first make a formal

letter to be presented to the school administration for the permission of gathering

information through answering the questionnaire.

Before the respondents begins answering the questionnaires, the researchers will

orient them the part of this orientation the correspondent will be answered of confidentiality

of their answers and how properly it will be used for the purpose of the study. After

accomplishing the respondents’ questionnaire will be orderly collect. The researchers will

now proceed on analyzing and using appropriate statistical methods necessary for the

finalization of the data.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment of Data

The collated data will be tabulated based on the format designed in the specific

problems posed in Chapter 1 of the study.

In the analysis and interpretation, the data will be treated with the most fitted

statistical tool or treatment in order to unlock the problem involved in this study. Frequency

count, mean, and standard deviation for descriptive measure will be employed to describe

the person – related factors, degree of using social media, social media exposure and the

assessment of emotional well-being because by using these methods, the data will be easily

tabulated, analyzed, and presented and the result of the study will be easily found and

presented properly. To determine the relationship between social media exposure and

emotional well-being of the student correlational coefficient will be used. According to

Investopedia, it is a statistical measure that calculates the strength of the relationship

between the relative movements of the two variables. The range of values for the

correlation coefficient bounded by 1.0 on an absolute value basis or between -1.0 to 1.0. If

the correlation coefficient is greater than 1.0 or less than -1.0, the correlation measurement

is incorrect. A correlation of -1.0 shows a perfect negative correlation, while a correlation

of 1.0 shows a perfect positive correlation. A correlation of 0.0 shows zero or no

relationship between the movements of the variables.

Notes in Chapter 3

Bhat, A. (2018). Correlational Research: Definition with Examples. Retrieved

October 21, 2018 from

Devin Kowalczyk. Correlational Study. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from

Siddharth, K. Correlational Research: Definition, Purpose, & Examples. Retrieved

October 21, 2018 from

Research Method of Psychology. Correlational Research. Retrieved October 21,

2018 from

Investopedia. Correlation Coefficient. Retrieved October 22, 2018 from



A.Y. 2018-2019”

Direction: Put a check on the line that corresponds to your answer.

Part I: A. Respondent’s Profile

Name (optional):______________________________ Sex: ___Male ___Female

Grade and Section:____________________________

B. Evaluating Attitude towards Social Media of the Students

Direction: The items will assess your attitude towards social media that could somehow
reflect how it affects your emotional well-being and how other aspects affect you in using
it. Check the appropriate number as to how you rate yourself with given relatives.

5 – always 4 – often 3 – sometimes 2 – seldom 1 – never

5 4 3 2 1

1. I used cellphone, Ipad, personal computer,

laptop and other devices to use social media.
2. I engage myself to social media.

3. I like to frequently use social media every day.

4. I believe that social media portrays an accurate

representation of myself.

5. I compare myself or my life to others based on

social media.

Part II: Evaluating the Types of Social Media used by the students and the
Frequency of Using it.

1. Put a check to the line if you are using the following social media platform.
___ Facebook ___ Twitter ___ Instagram ____ Snapchat ____ Pinterest
______________________________ others please specify
2. Which social media platform do you used the most?
___ Facebook ___ Twitter ___ Instagram ____ Snapchat ____ Pinterest
______________________________ others please specify

3. What is your duration of time in using social media?

___1hr – 4hrs a day ___ 16 hrs. – 20hrs. a day
___ 4 hrs. – 8hrs. a day ___ 20 hrs. to 24hrs
___ 8 hrs. – 12hrs. a day ___ never
___ 12 hrs. – 16hrs. a day
4. How long have you been using social media to network with other people?
___ less than one year ___ between one and three years
___ between three to five years ___ more than five years
5. How often do you post in your social media account/s?
___ several times a day ___ monthly
___ once a day ___ less than one time per month
___ two-three times a week ___ never
___ weekly

Part III: a. Emotional Intelligence

Direction: The items will assess your emotional intelligence towards social media that
could somehow reflect how it affects your emotional well-being and how other aspects
affect you in using it. Check the appropriate number as to how you rate yourself with
given relatives.

5 – always 4 – often 3 – sometimes 2 – seldom 1 – never

5 4 3 2 1

1. If I am sad, happy, excited or angry, I allow

myself to post it in my social media accounts.
2. I am affected with the videos or pictures that
were posted in the social media platform that
shows emotional situation.
3. I allow myself to frequently post on my social
media account about what I feel.

4. I depend what I feel on what I see in my social
media accounts.
5. Social media affect my emotional well-being.

b. Self-Control of the Students

Direction: The items will assess your emotional intelligence towards social media that
could somehow reflect how it affects your emotional well-being and how other aspects
affect you in using it. Check the appropriate number as to how you rate yourself with
given relatives.

5 – always 4 – often 3 – sometimes 2 – seldom 1 – never

5 4 3 2 1

1. I regulate myself in engaging or using my

social media account.
2. I think first before posting on my social
media accounts.
3. Social media helps me to be a better
4. I manage my time in using social media.

5. I control my emotions in posting on my

social media accounts.


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