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Transpiration is the loss of water from a plant in the

form of water vapor. Water is absorbed by roots from the

soil and transported as a liquid to the leaves via xylem.

In the leaves,water to escape as a vapor through the stomata .

The rate of transpiration decreases as the relative

humidity increases

When the RH was 10% the rate of transpiration was 25cn^3

when the RH was 100% the rate of transpiration was 5cm^3

The plant looses water through treanspiration in the day

because of the light intensity and absorbs water at night

because of the low temp

The structure and substances transported by animals transport systems

are different form plants.

for unicellular animals As the transport mechanism, simple diffusion is used.

In the multicellular animals , simple diffusion, active and passive transport

and osmosis is used .

Animals store food as fat. It is important because in there is no food

avaidable the animal or plant acn convert the fat into food
Cell membraine
Cell wall


Large vacule


Plants cells have a large central vacule where as the animal cell

has a small vacule

Plants cells have a chroplast where as animal cell do not

The plant cell expand

Osmosis The water moves moves from high concentration to lower

concentration through a semi permiable membrain

The cell will burst

There is no cell wall to keel the structure from breaking

Light bounces off the paseg in the pook and enters the eye through

the cornea into the pupil .The iris constricts and expans to allow

a curtain amount of light to enter the pupil . The mouscles

on the lense contract to allow the lense to focous

on items closer in view .lens focouses

the light into the retna which interperates in due to potoresepters

and sends the nesessary signals to the brain for processing of the

The mouscle in the lens relax stretching the lens into focous for

viewing long distances

Concave lenses
John has problems seeing things far away

By doing so, minus lenses move the focus of light in a

nearsighted eye from a point in front of the retina backward —

so it falls directly onto the surface of the retina.

There is less light under the shaded tree so the pupil dilates to takin mare light

whereas under the sun the pupil will constrict so less light will enter
Respiration plants

Burning gas for transport : The use of fossil fuels when burned releases co2

Deforestation: The cutting down of trees . there would be less trees to

extract co2 from the air

Gas for Heating of homes: releases co2 into the air by burinig of fossel fuels
Use eletric cars

Use renewable energy


Co2 and nitrus oxide


Heigh blood pressure Flue

Heigh plood pressure
The vacine contains the dead virus , when injected into the body

the immune system takes the virus and create new antibodies for it .

This will help build an immunity to the virus

Drink plenty water ,Eat less salt ,Eat more vegetables
The human skin containg swet glands that produce swet to cool the body

The skin also contains hair that stand streight when the person is cold

to absorbe the sourounding heat

Human beigns use blubber and hair to trap heat

While invertibrates absorb heat because they are cold bloded

Both animals absorb heat to keep warm

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