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Don Quixote, hero of Cervantes' immortal novel, rode forth -

to see the world and seek fortune

to see his king and country

in quest of the holy grail

-to defend the oppressed and right the wrong

2. If you're a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your
neighborhood can be your health club. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment to
get a good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes.

This paragraph best supports the statement that:

fitness walking is a better form of exercise than weight lifting.

walking outdoors provides a better workout than walking indoors.

a membership in a health club is a poor investment.

-fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise.

3. The line from the Koran, "Woe to every backbiter," talks of _____________.

punishment for those who say good things

-misery for those who talk ill of others

anguish for those who defend unrighteousness

sorrow for those who oppose other's opinion

4. Have you ever been to my __________________________?

brothers-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage

-brother-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage

brother's-in-law repair shop, Gus' Garage

brother-in-laws repair shop, Gus' Garage

5. TAILOR is related to NEEDLE as MECHANIC is related to ____________.



tool chest


6. PORCINE is related to PIG as BOVINE is related to ____________.





7. The ash from Mt. Pinatubo has been found to have gold content of only 20 parts
per billion which is far below commercial levels. As such, officials have warned
against hopes of a new "gold rush".

There is a new hope for boosting the economy of the Philippines.

There is need to explore what else lies beneath Mt. Pinatubo.

-The gold content of the ash from Mt. Pinatubo does not have commercial value.

There is a possibility of existing gold mines beneath Mt. Pinatubo.

8. According to the current linguistics theories, which of the following is the best
definition of the meaning of a word?

-Its use in a particular situation.

Its general, dictionary definition.

Its object to which it refers.

Its corresponding idea in the mind.

9. Parents admit that text messaging is an easy way of knowing their children’s
whereabouts. However, they are worried about its effect on _______.

communicating through guessing.

-ability to spell words correctly.

shortening messages effectively.

ability to guess words correctly.

10. The Greek dramatist authored “Alcestis” and “Andromache.”





11. Adults acquire new words and experience primarily through-

-exposure to their use

formal instructions in school

casual explanations from peers

use of thesaurus

12. A breath of fresh air and a change of milieu is what you need to regain your health.






A. The strength of a company’s ethical culture lies in the extent to which the
organization makes doing the right thing a priority.

B. Hence, it is imperative to continually share expectations and policies to create a

clear understanding of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour at the workplace.

C. This creates a culture where employees independently behave in an ethical


D. And, if a zero-tolerance policy towards unethical practices is adhered to, the

myth of nice guys finishing last will be shattered.




14. Which sentence clearly and effectively states the idea and has no structural errors?

-The interest at a loan company is higher than at a bank

The interest of a loan company is higher than in a bank.

The interest at a loan company is higher than a bank

The interest if a loan company is higher than a bank

15. "Once I passed through a populous city imprinting my brain for future use with its
shows, architecture, customs, traditions. Yet now, of all that city I remember only a
woman I casually met who detained me for love of me." This passage is an example


blank verse

metered poetry

-free verse

16. Please read the chapter __________________.

Filing Your Income Tax Returns

"Filing your Income Tax Returns"

-"Filing Your Income Tax Returns"

Filling your Income Tax Returns

17. I was speaking to Raquel on the phone when suddenly we were _____.

hung up

-cut off

broken down

18. It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher Columbus that was the
world's first great traveler. His name was Marco Polo. With his father and his
uncle, he traveled from Italy to China, crossing mountains and deserts to get there.
In China a king called Kublai Khan was pleased to see the Polos and had them live
near to him. They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai Khan sent Marco to other
countries to do business for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote all
about his adventures in a book, which was read by Columbus and many other
people, who also became interested in traveling to strange countries.

This story is mainly about:

Marco Polo and Kublai Khan.

-the world's first great traveler.

why Polo went to the far east.

traveling from Italy to China.

19. Teacher Michelle always tries to help people, but recently she has been _________
kind and generous.





20. Mang Kanor's nipa hut was destroyed _________ by typhoon Manghut.

at all

all together



21. One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United
States want an anthology that includes the complete works of William Shakespeare.
And what accounts for this renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars point out,
his psychological insights into both male and female characters are amazing even

This paragraph best supports the statement that

-people even today are interested in Shakespeare's work because of the characters.
academic scholars are putting together an anthology of Shakespeare's work.

Shakespeare's characters are more interesting than fictional characters today.

New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the work of Shakespeare.

22. Which of the following describes the figure of speech utilized in the last line of the





23. We buy only cherry plums since we like ______ best.

those kind

that kinds


these kind

24. "Run from anything that gives you the evil thought.... but stay close to anything
that makes you want to do right."
It is about defeating _______________.




wrong decisions

25. Which of the following job has the stress on the first syllable?





26. Which of the following works by DANIEL DEFOE features a castaway who spends
28 years on a remote tropical island near Venezuela, encountering Native
Americans, captives, and mutineers before being rescued?

-Robinson Crusoe

Moll Flanders

Captain Singleton

Memoirs of a Cavalier

27. What is meant by AT SIXES AND SEVENS in this sentence?

"We moved into the house last week, but I'm afraid everything, is still at sixes and

In an orderly manner.

The things have not been shipped.

The boxes are still intact

-In a state of confusion.

28. ___________ wiring is the cause of the sudden blackout.






A. Following his defeat, he abdicated with the apparent intention of going into
exile in America.

B. At Rocherfort, however he found the harbor blockaded and he decided to

surrender himself to Royal Navy.

C. He was escorted aboard HMS Bellerophon. It was a new experience for him to
see the inside of a ship of the Royal Navy, the instrument of France’s defeat at
Trafalgar a few years earlier.

D. If you or I had been in Napoleon's shoes after his shattering defeat at Waterloo,
we might well have lapsed into a state of inward-looking depression if not despair.
Not so Napoleon.






A. John Calvin died on May 27, 1564.

B. The English Puritans who went to America in the seventeenth century were

C. But by then his ideas had spread from Geneva to much of Western Europe.

D. The Presbyterian and other Reformed churches of today base their religious
beliefs on John Calvin’s teachings.




31. "He is known as a political butterfly", the congressman remarked. This means the
fellow is a _______.

disgraced leader

party royalist

displayed follower

-political opportunist

32. Guest house rooms must be _________ by noon.





33. The games we used to play when we were young have been sidelined by modern
gadgets. Nowadays, we no longer see children and teens playing piko, tumbang
preso, luksong baka, patintero and other enjoyable games our parents used to play.
The young generation of today is so hooked on gadgets that they even have no time
to talk to each other during their free time. This is very unhealthy according to
some social scientists.

From the passage, we can conclude that:

-The young generation of today prefers modern gadgets over piko, patintero and
the likes.

Children and teens will not enjoy playing piko, patintero, luksong baka and tumbang

Modern gadgets should be totally banned to protect our children.

Children and teens who use modern gadgets are sickly.

34. He drank his tea in oceans.




35. I should have returned this book last Tuesday, it is now five days ____.





36. Which of the following is a work of SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS?

The Scarlet Letter

Animal Farm

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

-Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

37. That is the face that caused a thousand ship and men to raise their arms and fight.
Who was referred to by the poet?

-Helen of Troy

Cleopatra of the Nile

Helen Keller

Mary Magdalene

38. The beautiful facade of the building elicited admiration from the guests.





39. He eats like a pig.





40. The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he ________.


-is choosing



41. The Nibelungelied is a ____.

Latin Myth

Russian folk song

-Medieval German epic

Chinese legend

42. The main protagonist acted out the part with great elan.

Supervised movements

-Enthusiasm and style

Memorized dialogue

Great pride

43. The traffic flow at the corner was jammed. Manny feared getting late so he _____
with a bus and leaped at the door.

was catching

-caught up

has caught
catch up

44. The ancient people made a ___________ that the end of the world is near.





45. A Chinese proverb says, "the virtue with the shortest memory is gratitude." This
tells of persons who are:





46. “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day.” This is a famous quote from

Jose Aquino

Benigno S. Aquino

Manuel L. Quezon

-Jose P. Rizal

47. The advent of cellphone is perhaps the best contribution of modern technology to
our communication system. Back then, it would take a week or longer before we
can communicate with our loved ones if we are working in other countries. It was
through letters that we could communicate with them, and letters really took time
to reach their destinations. Today, if we want to talk to our loved ones, even of we
are living in another country, we can do so very easily with the use of cellphones. In
a matter of minute, we are connected with them.

What does the passage say?

Cellphone can reach people in faraway places but letters cannot.

-Communication using cellphones is fast and easy.

Letters are useless in our modern time.

Back then, communication with our loved ones was impossible because there was no

48. Rousseau advised, “Have a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion.”
What is being referred to?





49. GNASH is related to TEETH as LISTEN is related to ____________.





50. We should work for a total ban ____ of pesticides that are harmful to man.

with the use

on using

-on the use

by the use

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