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1. Gossiping or talking bad about another person.

Filipinos are fond of talking about other people’s

business. Although I don’t backstab people, I do join in the conversation about an issue if many
people are talking about it. To positively conform where I still know the events and issues around me,
I will only talk to my dearest friends and family while making sure that what we will talk about will
not ruin the image of the person (i.e., subject) in case other people discover our conversation. We
will also end our conversation about the issue by saying that we hope it will be resolved and not
blaming the person. I must always consider the consequences of what I will say and do to help me
decide if I will continue the conversation or action, which will help me avoid hurting other people and
their feelings (i.e., begin with the end in mind).
2. Filipino time. Before the pandemic, I am
sometimes late during group meetings and I
do tell the people I am going to meet that I am
stuck in traffic even though I am not. I cannot
conform to this bad habit. Instead, I will
eliminate it by getting out of the house early,
already assuming that there will be heavy
traffic. This way, I will always arrive on time or
even earlier than the meeting time. I must
always consider the meeting time to know
what time I should wake up, how much time I
can spend eating and showering, and what
time I should leave the house to have enough
time commuting even if there will be heavy
traffic (i.e., begin with the end in mind).

3. Living beyond my means. I try what is trending

even though I can’t afford it to show that I am
not left behind. To conform to trends, I will
save small fractions of my daily allowance to
try them (i.e., trends) at least once. But I will
not force my self to spend all my allowance,
leaving me penniless for the rest of the day. I
don’t need to try the trends immediately nor
frequently. As long as it is still trending, trying
it once is enough. I must always consider what
would happen after trying the trend (i.e.,
begin with the end in mind). In the example,
since it is expensive, I first need to save, or else,
I will spend all my allowance and will not have
any money to spend for actual things I need
for the rest of the day.

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