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Types of Bicycles

Road Bike – known for their downward-curving handlebars and skinny tires that are usually lightweight,
making it good for racing and long-distance rides.

Mountain Bike – designed with excellent breaks and shock-absorbing features to handle serious bumps,
rocks, and dirt trails. They are made for uneven and steep terrain.

Folding Bike – from the name, it can be folded and carried by cyclists with limited storage. It has small
wheels, long chairs, and long handle stem

BMX – an acronym for Bicycle Motor Cross. It is ideal for performing tricks and jumps. This bicycle has
small frame, small wheels, and a single gear.

Cruiser – this bicycle is meant for leisurely rides to go around the city or neighborhood. It has
comfortable seats for relaxed seating.

Electric bike – a bicycle of any type that has an electric motor that can be charged by plugging into an
outlet. When peddling, the motor provides assist to go faster and go uphill easier.

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