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1st Summative Test in SCIENCE 5

4th Quarter Score:

Name: _________________________ Grade/Section: ________________________

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answer in your notebook.
1. Which of the following activities of man contribute to the breaking down of rocks?
A. fishing
B. mining
C. studying
D. sky diving
2. How do roots of plant break down rocks?
A. They heat the rocks
B. They split the rocks apart.
C. They absorbed rock particles
D. They leave materials on the rocks
3. How does temperature breakdown rocks?

A. Rocks break when it is cooled.

B. Rocks break when it is heated.
C. Rocks break when it is not exposed to water.
D. Rocks break when it is heated and then cooled.
4. Some animals like the rabbits and moles dig up soil for shelter or to find food. How does its activity contribute to
the breaking down of rocks?

A. Small rocks that be exposed to sunlight.

B. The digging of burrowing of animals breaks the rocks into small pieces.
C. The food that these animals bring underground causes the breaking of rocks.
D. Animals will enjoy staying in the dug holes and cause the rising of temperature inside.
5. Water, people, animals wear away bits of rocks . When this happens, which of these is going on?
A. erosion
B. fermenting
C. weathering
D. mountain building

B. Match Column A with Column B. Write the answers in your notebook.

6 . The kind of rock that is formed from molten rock. A. sedimentary rock
7. The kind of rock that is changed from other rocks. B. sandstone
8. Shale is an example of this kind of rock. C. igneous rock
9. A metamorphic rock formed from limestone. D. metamorphic
10. A sedimentary rock formed from pressed sand. E. marble
C. Directions: Check (/) the items if the situation shows a good effect of soil
erosion and mark an (x) if not.

1. shaping of landforms
2. deposition of mine tailings
3. formation of soil
4. removal of top soil
5. clogging of irrigation
6. decrease in food production
7. pollution of water
8. inability of soil to hold water
9. change in appearance of mountains
10. large masses becoming wonders of nature

D. Directions: Identify what is being referred to in each statement.

Choose your answer from the box.

Illegal Logging Quarrying

Deforestation Overgrazing

___________ _ 1. It is the situation of the land where it is continuously

____________ 2. Refers to the increase of temperature in the forest
wherein it brings wildfire that causes animals
extinction and loss of vegetation and resources.
___________ _3. This causes damage to grassland which
results to desertification and loss of biodiversity.
_____________4. This activity brings noise and dust pollution
wherein heavy equipment can cause damage to
____________ 5. An activity that causes landslides and flash floods.
1. C
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. B

6. B
7. B
8. D
9. B
2nd Summative Test in SCIENCE 5
4th Quarter Score:

Name: _________________________ Grade/Section: ________________________

A. Supply the missing letter to complete the type of weather disturbances as describe in each number.

1. Is an intense circular storm that tends to produce strong winds and heavy rainfall

_YC_O_ _
2. A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds,rains,lightning and thunder

S_ OR _
3. Is a small diameter column of violent air that is also a funnel shape windstorm

T_ RNA_ _

B. Direction :Write True if the statement is correct and false if the statement is wrong before the number.

___________1. A tornado produces strong winds and heavy rainfall.

___________2. A storm is characterized by low pressure and cloud cover.
___________3. Flash floods are due to heavy rainfall.
___________4. These weather disturbances can cause destruction to properties and may cause loss of
___________5. Weather disturbance is a change in the conditions of the atmosphere.

C. WriteTrue if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong. Write your answers in blank before the

_______ 1. After a week of the month, half of the moon is lighted at the right side and is called
New Moon.
_______ 2. More than half of the moon is lighted, is called Last Quarter Moon.
_______ 3. Full Moon, the whole face of the moon has light.
_______ 4. Only small part at the ede of the moon is lighted, is Called Full Moon.
_______ 5. New Moon, we don’t see light in the moon.

D. Supply the missing word to complete the statement.

1. Half of the moon is lighted at the right side and appears first week of the
2. Half of the moon is lighted at the left side and appears after a week of the month,
3. More than half of the moon has light when it is ______________________.
4. Small part at the edge of the moon has light during ____________________.
5. The moon is all white when is it ____________________.
6. During ____________________, the moon appears to be all black
1. False 1. Cyclone
2. False 2. Storm
3. True 3. Tornado
4. False
5. True B
1. True
D 2. True
1. First Quarter Moon 3. True
2. Last Quarter Moon 4. True
3. Gibbous Moon 5. True
4. Crescent Moon
5. Full Moon
6. New Moon
3rd Summative Test in SCIENCE 5
4th Quarter Score:

Name: _________________________ Grade/Section: ________________________

\ A.

B. Directions: On the blank, write:

S -if statement A Is true and statement B is false,
T -if statement B is true and statement A is false;
A -if statements A and B are both true; and
R -if statements A and B are both false.

____ 1. A. Constellations are groups of stars that form distinct patterns in the sky.
B. Constellations can be seen only at nignt.
____ 2. A. Little Dipper and Big Dipper are also considered as constellations.
B. Little Dipper is found within Ursa Minor.
____ 3 A. Polaris is also known as the South Star
B. Polaris is located in Ursa Major.
____ 4. A. The Cassiopeia constellation forms a letter W on the sky.
B. The Orion constellation is referred to as the hunter.
____ 5. A. When the stars are hidden by clouds, there is a great possibility of rainfall.
B. Navigators use Polaris as their guide in determining directions.
C. Directions: Write the correct word/s to complete each statement.

1. __________ are groups of stars that form distinct patterns in the sky.

2. There are __________ constellations that are already identified by astronomers.

3. The _________ or North Star is always pointing to Earth's north pole.

4. __________ is a constellation that consists or five stars and seems to form the letter W.

5. The Zodiac contains __________ constellations.

6. The __________ made a list of the official modern constellations.

7. The Big Dipper is composed of __________ stars.

8. __________ is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky and is visible
throughout the world.

9. Our Sun moves around the galaxy every __________ years.

10. __________ uses guiding star when they are lost in the sea.

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Subject Teacher (Science 5)

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