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CBSE Worksheet-37

Class – VII Science (Transportation in Animals and Plants)

1. Functional unit of kidney is

a. Neuron
b. Nephron
c. Bowman’s capsule
d. Glomerulus
2. Blood cells that protect us from infection are called
a. Red blood cells
b. Erythrocytes
c. White blood cells
d. Thrombocytes
3. Function of heart is
a. Pumping of blood
b. Purification of blood
c. Removal of nitrogenous wastes
d. All of these.
4. Stethoscope measures the
a. Blood pressure
b. Heart beat
c. Pulse
d. Blood count
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Kidney i. Purification of blood
b. Xylem ii. Removal of nitrogenous wastes
c. Phloem iii. Transport of water and minerals
d. Stomata iv. Transport of food in plants.
e. Lungs v. Transpiration

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6. Fill in the blanks.

a. Sweat contain water and ---------------.

b. Haemoglobin is present in -------------------.

c. Thrombocytes is the another name of ---------------.

d. Birds and insects excrete ---------------.

e. ---------------- transport water and minerals.

7. What are tissues? Name any two complex tissues present in plants.

8. Why it is necessary to excrete? Name the main excretory product of human being.

9. What is the function of red blood cells? What makes blood red?

10. Name the following

a. Artery that carries deoxygenated blood.

b. A vein that carries oxygenated blood.

c. Chamber of heart that receives oxygenated blood.

d. Plant tissue that help in transportation.

e. Blood cells that help in blood clotting.

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Answer key

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. (a) – (ii), (b) – (iii), (c) – (iv), (d) – (v), (e) – (i).

6. (a) Salts (b) red blood cells(c) platelets (d) uric acid (e) xylem.

7. Group of cells having common origin and performing similar function are called

tissues. The two complex tissues present in plants are xylem and phloem.

8. During metabolic processes harmful nitrogenous wastes are produced that are toxic to

living organisms. These wastes are removed by the process of excretion.

9. Red blood cells are responsible for transport of oxygen. The Haemoglobin present in

red blood cells carries oxygen. The red colour of blood is due to presence of

Haemoglobin in RBC.

10. (a) pulmonary vein

(b) Pulmonary artery

(c) Left atrium

(d) Vascular tissues

(e) Platelets.

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