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Classification Notes

Define Classification: Grouping of organisms according to their

_____________________ in a logical manner
What is Taxonomy? Taxonomy: discipline of ______________________
organisms & _________________ each organism a
universally accepted name
Linnaeus’s System of K___________________________
Classification P___________________________
A species is a group of 1. Physically similar
organisms that are… 2. Potentially interbreeding
3. _________________________
4. Reproductively isolated
5. Able to produce viable offspring

How do new species form? _____________ or ____________ changes cause portions of

a population to become reproductively isolated from the rest of
the group. “_________________”
What are the six Kingdoms? 🞐 Archaebacteria:
🞐 Eubacteria:
List Examples of organisms ____________________________________
found in each Kingdom. 🞐 Protista:
🞐 Plantae:______________________________________
🞐 Fungi:
🞐 Animalia:_____________________________________
Binomial Nomenclature 🞐 Uses 2 words to identify an organism
🞐 1st word: Genus (capitalized)
🞐 2nd word: species (Lowercase)
🞐 When printed, must be underlined or italicized
🞐 Example: Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens
Cladogram Notes
What does a cladogram show us? A cladogram shows ___________________________
between groups of living things

Reading a cladogram The ___________ the two species are on the cladogram, the
__________________ they are related.

Creating Cladograms!

1. Make a table of some

______________ that the
organisms share, and some
that are unique

2. Draw your cladogram.

*Organisms with more of the traits

evolved _________, so they go at
the _____ or on the _________.

*Less evolved organisms go at the

_________ or _______ side.
3. Add in when the different
_________ most likely

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