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Name: Jovy Ann S. Asistol

Course & Year: BTVTED – 3

Direction: Kitchen is one important part of the house where food is prepared.
You have to make sure that it is cleaned, sanitized and organized. What methods
should you apply to ensure the cleanliness of your kitchen? (Add table if needed)

Supply the table with your answers.

How can we keep our kitchen clean Important because?

and safe?

1. Make sure that you mop the floor Mopping and cleaning the floor is
once or twice a week. And don’t important factors in ensuring the
forget to keep it dry & clean every cleanliness and safety of our kitchen
day. because there are instances that if
there is something wet on the floor,
there is a big possibility that someone
will get slip. And this method can
also help to wipe out all the dirt and
bacteria found on the floor and helps
to avoid tripping hazards in the

2. Dispose your kitchen waste properly It is important to dispose our waste

and clean your garbage disposal or properly and making sure that the
trashcan more often. garbage disposal is clean because as
we all know, germs and bacteria love
to live in a dirty places or areas. With
this method, it helps to prevent
bacterial growth and other biological
hazards. Aside from that, we cannot
only keep our kitchen clean and
fresh, but we can also contribute and
help our environment.

3. Always wash, clean, and sanitize the Kitchen tools and equipment are
kitchen tools and equipment before essential and plays an important role
and after you use, including kitchen in preparing foods in the kitchen.
areas and surfaces. And with that, our priority is to
ensure that these tool and equipment
must be cleaned, washed, and
sanitized before and after we use it
including the areas in the kitchen.
The reason for this is that this may
prevent recontamination from prior
use and helps us to stop bacteria
from spreading to the food. This
method helps us to be more secured,
far from bacteria, and other causes of

4. Don’t forget to unplugged the This is very important reminder that

kitchen equipment/s that are we really need to unplugged the
unused. equipment or appliances that are
unused in order to reduce the risk of
fire or to minimize the fire hazard,
accidents, burns, injury, and other
possible damage or arm potential
which may be caused. That is also
the reason why need to learn about
fire safety training and other skills to
prevent this fire from occurring.

5. Wash immediately the dirty dishes It is important to wash dishes

and keep it dry first before placing it immediately so that the bacteria and
to its container. germs won’t grow and spread around
the kitchen. Aside from that, if we will
just let the dishes unwashed, it can
attract the cockroaches and other
pests that can increase a person’s
chance of getting a health problem.
That is the reason why dishes must
be cleaned, rinsed, and dried in order
to avoid contamination.

6. After washing the dishes, don’t forget It is important also that you should
to clean and sanitize the sink consider cleaning the sink after
regularly. washing the dishes because it keeps
the good smell and tidy look of our
kitchen. Aside from that, it also helps
to keep away all the bacteria and
germs left in the sink and enables to
keep the vibrance of our kitchen.

7. Make sure that you clean, maintain It is important that our utensils and
and properly stored the kitchen equipment in the kitchen are properly
utensils and equipment. store, well maintained, and clean
because it helps us to prevent
recontamination prior to use and help
us save spaces in the kitchen. Aside
from that, it will also help prevent the
infestation of insect that can carry
bacteria and viruses on our kitchen
utensils and equipment. That is the
reason why we need to stored our
tools and equipment in dry and clean
place in order to prevent bacteria to
spread and to save life.

8. Keeping your refrigerator clean It is important that we need to clean

regularly and throw away any and sanitized our fridge regularly
expired and moldy food inside your because most of the time, this is
fridge. where we store our foods and with
that, this is an important factor to
avoid having germs and harmful
bacteria to our food that further
cause food poisoning if neglected.
With regards to this, it also important
to regularly check the expired food
inside your fridge in order to avoid
illness such as diarrhea, poisoning,
and etc.

9. Make sure that you have a first aid Having a first aid kit in your kitchen
kit in your kitchen and if possible, is very essential because it protect us
provide a small fire distinguisher in from having severe or serious injury
your kitchen. that we may get from cooking in the
kitchen. Aside from that, first aid kit
also provides us a quick treatment
whether it is a minor or serious
injury. In addition, it is also a great
idea if you will provide a distinguisher
in your kitchen in order to prevent
possible fire hazard in your home.

10. You need to be wise in choosing the Choosing the effective cleaning
right and best dishwashing products in your kitchen is very
detergents and cleaning products in important because there are some
your kitchen. products that contains hazardous
chemicals that may affect someone’s
health. Since we were talking about
the cleanliness and safety in our
kitchen, it is essential to wisely
choose the product that helps to fight
against germs and bacteria so that it
will help us protect our family from
any harm, infections, and other
illnesses. That’s why we need to be
critical in choosing the effective and
safe cleaning products in our kitchen.

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