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Consumer chemistry

As the center of your home, the kitchen is undoubtedly a place where the quality of your meals
depends. Kitchen hygiene is essential in keeping your food from several pests, including rats and
roaches. Maintaining a clean kitchen also helps to shield your food from other small organisms that
could ruin it and ultimately make you sick. Undoubtedly, a dirty kitchen can serve as a breeding ground
for a variety of diseases, as well as cause food poisoning and contamination. Here are some helpful tips
that you can do to avoid these circumstances. We are group 6 and today we will be demonstrating how
to properly maintain kitchen hygiene. Remember that, don’t be bitter. Stop the litter.

The first thing that you need to do is you must sweep kitchen floor daily and wash and disinfect your
kitchen regularly. The first step in creating a food safety system is the fundamental aspect of cleaning
and sanitizing. Maintaining kitchen hygiene is important to avoid food borne diseases. Keeping our
hands clean is not enough. There are several other factors to keep in mind to make sure that you serve
fresh and healthy food to your loved ones.

Next is that we must always ensure using clean utensils for serving food as this prevents the spread of
bacteria or other harmful microorganisms. Not only that, this also prevents food from spoiling early as
well as cross contamination. The main way that contamination spreads in the kitchen is by the utensils
that we use. And if people do not wash their utensil properly between handling possibly contaminated
foods such as meat and other foods that are likely to be contaminated. This cross-contamination is a
main cause of foodborne disease.

Moreover, sanitize your worktops, chopping tables and utensils thoroughly after they have been
touched by raw meat including poultry or raw eggs. Before starting any preparation, every piece of
kitchen equipment needs to be well cleaned and sanitized. This is particularly significant for equipment
that directly handles food. such as countertops, mixers, blenders, cutting boards, and so on. It is well
known that these areas are home to harmful germs that, when eaten, can result in life-threatening
illnesses. For the same reasons, every piece of crockery and cutlery needs to be cleaned.

In addition, keep the kitchen bin covered, empty daily, and disinfect once a week. Your kitchen trash
needs to be cleaned every single day. Food that is spoiled will certainly alter the atmosphere in your
kitchen. A filthy trash can is surely a haven for various bacteria and insects. Keep your garbage can
closed at all times, and be sure to clean it every day. If you keep it full for a long time, bacteria may build
up and create an unclean kitchen atmosphere.

Lastly, always wash worktops or chopping tables and utensil before food preparation. Maintaining a
clean kitchen top will help prevent cockroaches, ants, and flies from contaminating your food. The stove
or gas top also needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Since, Greasy areas help bacteria hide and cannot be
eradicated without removing the grease.

Other tips in maintaining or improving kitchen hygiene includes: wiping up any spoiled foods right away,
separating cloth for kitchen and bathroom and not allowing pets and all domesticated birds and animals
out of the kitchen at all times including night.

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