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YouTube knowledge

How Are YouTube Views Calculated?

Because YouTube wants to be sure that its videos are watched by actual humans and not a
bot trying to skew the view count, a video view system has been put in place to separate
legitimate views from the rest. YouTube only counts views when the following criteria have
been met:
 A user has to physically click the play button to begin the video.
 The video has to be played for at least 30 seconds.

This helps YouTube know that a viewer is intentionally watching a video, tallying it as a
What does this mean for marketers? Regardless of how long a video is, a view is a good
indication that the provided video content was engaging and worth watching. If certain
videos are getting a higher number of views compared to others, this can be a guide for
what kind of video content to create down the road.
It’s important to note that YouTube videos will continue to receive new views only if they
abide by YouTube’s standards. So, for example, embedding a video on a website and forcing
it to auto-start will not provide countable views. Nor will purchasing views by using view
bots. Attempting these spam workarounds could get your video removed from YouTube,
putting you in a position to lose monetization privileges—or worse, get your account

How Do Repeat Views Factor into View Totals?

Repeat views on YouTube can count toward total views. While not every repeat view will
be counted to an overall view total, YouTube understands that its users might see a video
and want to watch it multiple times or show it to people within their social circles, so
multiple views can happen from one device or account and trigger new views that will be
added to the total.
After a certain point—some believe around 4 or 5 views—YouTube will stop counting
repeated video views from that device or account within 24 hours. If the same user
watches the video again outside of that 24-hour window, the view will be counted again.

How Are Paid Video Ads Counted?

For any brand utilizing YouTube’s TrueView in-stream video ad system—which can display a
video on both YouTube and throughout the Google Display Network—view counts work
roughly the same as organic views.
Views will be counted when:
 A user watches a complete video ad between 11 and 30 seconds long
 A user watches at least 30 seconds of a longer video
 A user interacts with the ad by clicking on it

Why Do Video View Totals Appear Stuck?

One thing you may notice when looking at YouTube view counts after posting a new video
is that the view counter can seem stuck at 301 views for a period of time. When this
happens, don’t worry. YouTube puts a hold on videos that get more than 301+
views because it takes their system some time to process views. The reason the platform
does this with anything over 301 views is because this is the threshold for being able to
monetize a video and show up on the YouTube homepage or in trending searches.
If your video was just posted within the past few hours, it’s likely YouTube’s system is still
filtering views to determine which are legitimate and which are coming from bots. After
this process is finished, the view count should update more frequently and give you a
more accurate representation of your views.
Why Do YouTube Views Look Different in Analytics?
To make matters more confusing, view counts can vary between the video view page, the
search page, and your analytics, which means you could be seeing two to three different
numbers. Thankfully, there’s a clear explanation of why these view counts look different.
With YouTube Analytics, brands can monitor video views more closely through the Realtime
Activity metric. This number is different from the video watch page and search page
because it shows the estimate of potential view activity based on your video’s history. So
even though the number may be slightly different from what you can see on the video
watch page, it’s not an overestimation to inflate numbers. Rather, it’s a way to help brands
better understand if their video will see continued success or if views are beginning to level
Understanding view counts can help you establish a more robust video marketing strategy
for your brand. If you pay attention to which videos are doing well and which ones may be
lagging behind in terms of views, you can steer your video production toward video content
that’s working and engaging consumers.

Does replaying a YouTube video count as a view?


YouTube treats a view as a count when you play video for 30 seconds or more.

Now if a video is shorter than 30 seconds so YouTube will treat it as count on

complete video play. Like video is 20 sec long so had to watch for 20 sec to get a

YouTube never stops anyone from viewing a video until its private or blocked
in a country or have +18 content.

That means even owner can watch that video for 30 times. But it is against the
ads clicking by the owner.

Replaying a video would give a count. If you watched 50 times a video so 50 views
would be added to the total count.

One more thing that YouTube keeps that 30 sec playtime to treat as a count is
because no one could completely judge what a video contains with a thumbnail. In
that case you need and according to a survey a normal user need 20–30 sec to
judge whether to watch or not.

And its total 30 seconds count if you skipped to the middle part and watched
for 20 sec and then skipped to last part and watched for 10 sec so it will be
treated as count.

Update 2

Spam Note: If you continuously play a video a lot on repeat in a row, YouTube
will stop counting views on that video after sometime to protect spam even
though you are good there (This happens for sometime then like next day you
watch again your views will count again). Hope this helps.
Many people want to know if I watch the same YouTube video twice,
does it count it as one or two views.
The answer is one. YouTube cares about view very much with a black-box algorithm.

A view is counted after you watch a video at least 30 seconds.

If you skip the video from time to time, it is OK only if the total length is more than
30 seconds.

If you refresh the page and play it over and over again, YouTube will stop counting the
view, which means it is not useful to let your friends or bots to increase views.

So, the final answer is that it will count it as one view.

For this question I will give my own experience

I have uploaded a video on YouTube and I watched up to 25 times surprisingly my

all views counted. I thought it worked and started to do the same thing from my
other accounts then I got 150 views by doing this process but the YouTube has not
updated the views in search list and after few days I lost my views. So by my
experience I say that it doesn't works , it works for just 3–4 views per account that
too before completing 24 hours of upload. Later it doesn't works.

This is YouTube's official response: "A view is counted whenever someone watches a
video on YouTube. We do not get more specific than this to avoid attempts at artificially
inflating view counts."

It is clear however that watching the same video endlessly thousands of time from the
same IP address won't make it count as thousands of views.

What is 100% sure and clear though is that channels are built on subscribers not views
and that is an easy count. If you are trying to build your channel and would like to make
sure you are doing it right, you could try this super simple tool we called "YoupTimizer".

Always upload Sensational videos after a time gap

No... To make legal video views.

- Download CCleaner, clear cache and browser data.

- Change proxy (use proxy server or VPN).

- Watch video for at least 10-15 sec.

Now, it got counted as a new i


- try to go to the video by searching it then watching instead pasting the url and start

- repeat the same and change the proxy every time.

Sl no. Sweta’s vlogs Ideas

1 Cooking while watching Kapil Sharma show.
2 Sanjeev kapoor/ other chefs dish try at home
3 Street food
4 Travel with food
5 restaurants
6 Bhabiji Ghar pe hain sponsor Rajesh masala se cook

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