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What + Noun

How + adj

Adj Noun

Deep: sâu Depth

Heavy Weight → Weigh (v): Cân nặng

Wide: rộng Width

Tall: người Height : dùng cho người + vật

High: Vật

Long length

I …………….. two kilograms when I was born (weight)

My child …………………..twenty kilograms now. (weight)

The Everest is 8.849 meters high

How …………………………………………………
What ………………………………………………..
This actor is 1 meter eight centimeters tall.
How ……………………………………………………………….
What ………………………………………………………………..
This suitcase weighs 5 kilograms.
What ………………………………………………………
How ………………………………………………………
This river is two kilometers long
What ………………………………………………………..
How ………………………………………………………..
This ocean is 2 kilometers wide
What …………………………………………………….
How …………………………………………………….

Hỏi giá 3 cách

Those heavy cases are 5 hundred thousand dollars.
What ………………………………………………………………
How much …………………………………………………………..
What ………………………………………………………………..
Decrease /s/ use /z/
Increase /s/
Practise /s/ raise /z/
Advance /s/ Confuse /z/
Reduce /s/
A. Used B. advanced C. decreased D. reduced
A. Increased B. raised C. confused D. Changed
Khi : ar/ a/

a + phụ âm / /
A. cap B. march C. crab D. tap
A. Apple B. cattle C. marble D. Mango
A. nature B. Nation C. area D. famous
a. regular B. relieve C. cavity D. Exit
A + phụ (-r) + Nguyên âm: …………………./ei/
s nhẹ hoặc Z Ocean Sugar anxious
serious pleasant

: sờ mạnh
You remember to ………………a medical check-up each year.
A. Take B. do C. make D. have E. A&D F. A & C.
Before …………..a surgery, Doctors will …………..your temperature.
A. have/ measure
B. Having/ measure
C. Doing/ take
D. Having/ take
After the successful surgery, I feel ……………….(relieve)
A neighbor’s little son suddenly …………………….(appear) last night.
He decided, very ……………….., not to drive when he was so tired. (sensible).
I am so happy when the locals are always ………….……… visitors. (please).
Having a serious disease like Covid-19 is an ……………….……..experience to
everyone. (please)

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