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Treat DAO Platform Development

This document is intended to facilitate discussion and organization toward continuing to build out the
TREAT DAO platform and the $TREAT community.

There are some major plans already in place with broad consensus and a fairly defined roadmap. Jebus911
is working on a high-level overview discussing these plans and making a proposal for the DAO to consider. I
expect approval. I won’t spend much time on this because Jebus911’ document will cover it in more detail.

Current Roadmap:

1. Deploy The Sweet Shop – Soft launch – a marketplace for all

2. Release DAO Proposal for $TREAT 2.0 – Jebus911 is on this. The main proposal for approval
relates to modifying the token itself increasing supply, setting aside more for development
and marketing under DAO supervision, and adding a small tax to help with LP and
dev/marketing as well. Will also discuss the roadmap.
3. Release LP Farm – The Melon Farm! – Earn Melons which will buy exclusive NFTs by
providing LP
4. DAO Governance – Set up a system for $Treat holders calling votes so we become more
functional as a DAO

All of these are BIG steps forward for TREAT in and of themselves and these will be the main focuses of the
development team, in the order seen above. We don’t have a timeline, but basically ASAP one after the
other. I think realistically each will take a couple of weeks, but it could be more or less.

But what else? Or what next?

That’s the main focus of this document. These ideas are not necessarily fully approved by the team or the
community. So please give feedback. If there is consensus around these ideas, we can begin to build them
out. If you are reading this and you want to help with one or more, please speak up. This is a community
project and there is plenty to do.

I am dividing development ideas into 2 main areas: Platform Development and Treat Community
Development (creators, holders, investors, devs). And I have further subdivided into various areas.
Platform Development

Referral system and tools

 Referral address collected during application

 Referral links
 Announcement and marketing about referral

Basic Functionality Improvements (User Experience)

 Business model explained (splits, referrals, DAO)

 Overall loading speed
 Buy Multiple
 Notifications
 Descriptions displayed
 Continuous improvement
 Many other specifics in airtable

DAO Transparency

 DAO web presence

 Treasury details with all expenditures explained at least in general terms
 DAO voting history
 Future DAO proposals
 General description of DAO functionality

Tracking and Reporting of Activity

 Individual NFT sales history

 Just sold communication
 Creator dashboard showing sales history
 Total sales reporting for individual creators and platform
 Site wide sales stats reported regularly (running tickers #of NFTs sold, BNB totals)
 Residual Fee and Referral Fee reporting

Onboarding and Recruiting

 Webpage educating potential content creators

 Telegram group for creators
 Optimize the verification process
Treat Community Development

Telegram community development

 Improve bots
 Improve moderation
 Create engagement
 Organize and encourage helpful actions
 Formally title one or more community organizers

Communication with $TREAT holders and the public about development

 Medium articles
 Reddit posts
 Publish meeting notes
 Share more details about development

Promotional materials

 Creating material to promote the platform

 Creating material to educate and promote the project
 Develop contests

Platform Marketing

 Develop a budget
 Develop a process for decision making about marketing
 Create and deploy marketing


 Improve the Airtable where the project is organized

 Find ways to encourage engagement with the Airtable by devs
 Assist in taking notes at meetings

Budgets and Bounties

 Gather information on the difficulty of tasks and time requirements

 Community helps set the priority of various tasks
 Create appropriate bounties for needed work
 Publish the bounties and recruit workers
 Communicate about who is doing what

 Define key roles

 Build consensus around individuals filling those roles
 Assign and announce roles publicly

Adding team members

 Develop an onboarding process for additional devs

 Create overviews for people considering joining or recently added
 Recruit talent

DAO governance development

 Build out communication tools / facilitate and organize communication

 Build or automate functionality as needed


 Decide on appropriate opportunities

 Decide who will go
 Provide promotional materials

TOTW process improvement

 Create an effective team for this

 Automate information collection
 Encourage the referral system
 Continuously improve support for TOTWs

Facilitate Ideas

 Encourage submission of ideas for project development

 Record and organize the ideas (Airtable)
 Encourage feedback, develop consensus

I don’t want to give the impression that work is not being done already in many of these areas. Work is
happening all the time! But there is still a lot to do!! And there is room for improvement in many areas
and a need for additional talent as well. And it is hard to do everything at once. So this document is
intended to help organize, prioritize, and implement as much development as possible as soon as possible,
prioritizing based on the wishes of the $TREAT community. Your feedback is essential!!! Thank you so
much for taking time to read this. I am glad you are a part of Treat DAO!

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