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Academic Railukata’s

(By Husnain Raza)

Husnain raza is a professor at FAST-NUCES, teaching English language

and communication in the institute for years. As an educational and
political analyst as well as coordinator for English language, he has
published various articles criticizing the educational and political system
of Pakistan. This article titled ‘Academic Railukata’s’ was published on
April 21, 2021.
The main idea of this article is to highlight the realistic fact that the
prestige profession of teaching has been destroyed by the involvement
of Academic Railukata’s in the profession. The author explains the fact
that how our educational system has been destroyed by the approach
of our teachers towards materialistic gain and greed for earning money
through the easiest way rather than to gain respect through knowledge
and expertise. The author tells us that Academic Railukata’s are not in
one team but in both teams (teachers and students). Teachers choose
this profession as easiest way to secure future and students are more
interested in jobs than learning. The author explains the fact that the
Railukata system works by hiring Railukata teachers to produce
Railukata students. The author gives the importance of word
‘Motivation’ in the profession of teaching. He ironically says that the
teacher has actual motivation for many lies in earning money through
the easiest way. Teaching is the only remaining and effortless
profession for them.
The tone of this article is critical and ironic. The author is criticizing our
current educational system and stakeholders who instead of taking the
responsibility come up with similar answer they prepared during their
joining interviews. The author criticizes the teacher for instead of taking
this profession as an opportunity to flourish through responsibility they
prefer to act as Railukata and taking the chairs as well as students for
granted. The ironicity of this article is that the author gives the
importance of word ‘Motivation’ in this profession. The motivation for
Railukata’s through many lies in earning money through the easiest way
in this profession.
The author organizes the article writing cause and effect as a dominant

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