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Present Tenses Test B1 C) has given / haven't been going

D) has been giving / don't go

Grammar Exercises
7. Why on earth _____ so fast?
Choose the correct answer. The train _____ at four
o'clock and it is only one o'clock.
A) do you drive / has been
1. Liz and James _____ dinner at a leaving
restaurant on B) are you driving / has left
Saturdays, but they _____ at C) do you drive / is leaving
home now. D) are you driving / leaves
A) never eat / are eating
B) always eat / eat 8. Dad _____ as a baker for forty
C) are always eating / eat years and he _____ to
D) usually eat / are eating work for at least another twenty
2. Rick _____ me for some A) is working / wants
money, but he _____ me back. B) has been working / wants
A) always asks / is always paying C) works / is wanting
B) is always asking / is never D) has worked / has wanted
C) has never asked / never pays 9. _____ that small house over
D) never asks / has never been there? I _____ there since
paying I was born.
A) Do you see / have been living
3. More and more people _____ B) Are you seeing / live
of cancer these days, C) Do you see / am living
and we still _____ no cure for it. D) Are you seeing / have lived
A) are dying / have
B) die / have 10. I am not sure, but I think I
C) are dying / are having _____ to France five or six
D) die / are having times so far.
A) am going
4. Your clothes are covered in B) have been
mud, Jason! _____ you C) have been going
_____ outdoors in this weather? D) go
A) Are / playing
B) Have / been playing 11. It _____ awful in this room
C) Have / play because Karen _____ here
D) Do / playing for hours without opening a
5. We _____ it strange, but iron A) is smelling / smokes
and feather _____ at the B) is smelling / has smoked
same speed C) smells / is smoking
A) find / fall D) smells / has been smoking
B) have found / are falling
C) are finding / fall 12. She rarely _____ but she
D) have been finding / are falling usually _____ to get a high
mark in maths.
6. Nancy _____ a party next A) is studying / has managed
Friday, but I _____. I have an B) has been studying / is
important meeting at that time. managing
A) is giving / am not going C) studies / manages
B) gives / don't go D) is studying / has managed
13. We _____ already _____ a
payment. As far as I know, it 19. Steve _____ to the cafe at
_____ all the taxes. lunchtime, but he _____
A) have ... made / includes back in the office now.
B) are ... making / is including A) goes / is being
C) have... made / has been B) has been / is
including C) is going / has been
D) have ... been making / has D) has gone / is
20. The classroom _____ empty
14. She _____ usually _____ that because all the children
way, but these days she _____ out to play basketball in the
_____ very rude to everybody. garden.
A) isn't ... acting / has been A) is / have gone
B) hasn't ... acted / has been B) has been / go
C) doesn't ... act / is being C) is / have been
D) isn't ... acting / is D) has been / are going

15. They _____ just _____ their

job, and they _____ a coffee
break at the moment.
A) have ... been finishing / have
B) are ... finishing / have had
C) are ... finishing / have
D) have ... finished /are having

16. In the latest episode of that

TV series, Jill _____ a
terrible accident, but a handsome
guy _____ her
immediately to a hospital.
A) is having / has been taking
B) has had / is taking
C) has / has taken
D) has / takes

17. Matt _____ lemonade since

this morning, but he _____
only three glasses so far.
A) sells / is selling
B) has been selling / has sold
C) sells / has been selling
D) is selling / has sold

18. Molly _____ driving test four

times, but she is so
determined that she _____ still
_____ to pass it.
A) fails / is ... trying
B) has been failing / has ... tried
C) is failing / has ... been trying
D) has failed / is ... trying

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