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 Keep the information and emphasize studies about the harm caused by exposure to

tobacco leaves and recommend a solution for the problem.

As a concern of expanded tobacco agriculture, there are short-term economic
benefits for some farmers, but there will be long-term social, economic, health and
environmental harms not only for them but also for many others. Tobacco growing
usually involves substantial use of chemicals including pesticides, fertilizers and
growth regulators. It can bring harm to our health to the farmers who are exposed in
the production of tobacco leaves.
Health is the greatest wealth we will ever have. We should prioritize our health
because without it we will not be able to perform tasks and do our jobs properly. We
must be responsible for our own health. To switch to these crops, tobacco farmers
need a great deal of technical advice and support. Various fruit and vegetable crops,
however, are viable alternatives for tobacco farmers. The strategies should also
promote innovation and technical improvements on farms in order to save resources
through new forms of handling and use of plants.
Policy options and recommendations on alternatives to tobacco growing involve
broad, environmentally-oriented tobacco control interventions for both tobacco
growing and non-growing countries. Identify, prevent, treat and monitor health
effects related to tobacco growing among farmers and workers. Initiatives in this area
should include programs of family health and training of community health workers in
prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cases of green tobacco sickness,
pesticide, poisoning, and other health problems related to tobacco growing.

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