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Preferences Name ways to establish or create each

Cognitive Preference In which the students will be able to construct
and develop to give meaning to a certain
discourse. Ask yourself how you process
experiences and knowledge and how you organize
and retain information.
Teaching Preference It’s a way to establish and connect certain topic to
the learners in which they will thoroughly
understand and express their selves freely .
Social Preference Describe the human tendency to not only care
about one`s own material payoff. But rather the
ability participating with the community.
Module 8

Posttest No Appendix H

Module 9:


1. What is instructional Design? And how does it differ to lesson planning?

- Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that
results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.
- And it is Differ to lesson planning because lesson planning is just a guide for the teacher or
detailed description of the course of instruction or learning trajectory for a lesson.

2. Which instructional design do you think is appropriate to learners with different needs and
- The most effective instructional design in the learning environment are those based problem in
involve the students in the 4 distinct phases of learning;
- Activation of prior experience
- Demonstration of skills
- Application of skills
- Integration of skills

Posttest appendix I (excluded)

Module 10


1. Thinking is learning and learning is thinking?

- Thinking is essential for Learning thinking is inextricably intertwined with learning teaching
thinking refer to teaching critical and creative thinking skills and problem- solving tasks. Critical
thinking incorporates reasoning logical judgement, metacognition.
2. what is learning pedagogy? how does technology support the process of learning?

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