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TEST Chapters 1-5

1. Write the names of the characters (Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Lanyon, Mr. Utterson, Mr.
Hyde) to the descriptions:

 A prominent and upstanding lawyer, well respected in his community. He is a kind

and good man, though shy and reserved. ________________

  A violent and cruel man. Everyone who sees him describes him as evil and ugly — yet
no one can say exactly why. __________________

 A respected scientist. He is seemingly a prosperous man, well established in the

community, but he believes that he has done wrong and deserves punishment for that.

 A doctor, a well respected and successful scientist, who has chosen a different way
from his friend. He plays only a minor role in the novel’s plot. 
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2.Circle the correct answer:
1. What two characters begin the book with a walk?
A. Dr. Lanyon and Mr. Poole
B. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson
C. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
D. Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield

2. What city is the book set in?

A. Dublin
B. Paris
C. New York
D. London

3. Who witnessed the trampling of the young girl?

A. Mr. Guest
B. Mr. Enfield
C. Mr. Utterson
D. Mr. Poole

4. Where was the girl who was trampled going?

A. Running away from her family, who mistreats her
B. To get dr. Jekyll
C. To find Mr. Utterson
D. To get the doctor for an ill family member

5. What remedy does Mr. Hyde make ot he family of the trampled child?
A. He is jailed for five years
B. He must pay regular sums ot he family
C. He makes one sum payment
D. He calls a doctor

6. When paying off the trampled girl’s family, Hyde produces a check on whose
A. Mr. Utterson’s
B. Dr. Lanyon’s
C. Dr. Jekyll’s
D. On his own

7. When was the first time that Mr. Utterson encountered the name of Mr. Hyde?

A. At a dinner party at Dr. Jekyll’s house

B. In Dr. Jekyll’s will
C. When Enfield tells the story of him trampling the girl
D. When a police officer tells about him

8. Where did Mr. Utterson first physically encounter Mr. Hyde?

A. At a dinner party of Dr. Jekyll’s
B. In the street in front of the mysterious door
C. At Dr. Lanyon’s house
D. At his own (Mr. Utterson’s) residence

9. What does Mr Utterson do immediately after hearing Enfield’s story?

A. Meet Mr. Hyde personally
B. Read Dr. Jekyll’s will
C. Read Mr. Hyde’s will
D. Meet Dr. Jekyll personaly

10. Why are Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon no longer friends?
A. Lanyon knew of Jekyll’s bad behaviour
B. Lanyon married Jekyll’s wife
C. Lanyon disagreed with Jekyll’s scientific method
D. Jekyll married Lanyon’s wife

11. Who did Mr. Hyde murder in the book?

A. Sir Danvers Carew
B. Dr. Lanyon
C. Mr. Poole
D. Dr. Jekyll

12. What instrument was used to kill Sir Danvers Carew?

A. A gun
B. A candlestick
C. A walking stick
D. A knife

13. Who witnessed the murder of Sir Danvers Carew?

A. Mr. Utterson
B. Mr. Guest
C. Mr. Poole
D. A maid

14. Who disappears after the murder of Sir Danvers Carew?

A. Mr. Guest
B. Mr. Hyde
C. Dr. Jekyll
D. Dr. Lanyon

15. Where did Mr. Utterson meet with Dr. Jekyll after the murder?
A. In Dr. Laynon’s residence
B. At a dinner party given by Mr. Utterson
C. At Dr. Jekyll’s residence
D. In Mr. Utterson’s residence

16. Who discovers that Hyde’s letter is in Dr. Jekyll’s handwriting?

A. Mr. Poole
B. Mr. Utterson
C. Mr. Enfield
D. Mr. Guest

17. When Mr. Utterson learns that Dr. Jekyll’s handwriting is identical to Mr. Hyde’s
letter, what does he fear that Dr. Jekyll has done?
A. He has murdered Sir Denvers Carew
B. He has stolen the letter
C. He has got the letter from the police
D. He has written the letter

18. When Mr. Utterson visits Dr. Lanyon, how does Lanyon react?
A. He doesn’t let him into his house
B. He gives him a letter
C. He asks him not to mention Dr. Jekyll’s name
D. He sends his greetings to Dr. Jekyll

19. What does Dr. Lanyon tell to Mr. Utterson about the cause of his death?
A. Someone has poisoned him
B. He has had a shock
C. He has done wrong and he is being punished for it
D. He has decided to commit suicide

20. What does Dr. Jekyll write to Mr. Utterson about himself?
A. He and Mr. Utterson are no more friends
B. He is going to travel somewhere far away
C. He is dying soon
D. He has done wrong and he is being punished for it ___ / 20
3.Who said these words, to whom and about what?
 ’I gave it to him long ago.’
Who said: __________________ To whom: __________________
About what: __________________

 ’I’ve finished with him for ever.’

Who said: __________________ To whom: __________________
About who: __________________

 ’Don’t speak that name in this house’

Who said: __________________ To whom: __________________
About who: __________________

 ’Something is worrying him, but he won’t tell anyone.’

Who said: __________________ To whom: __________________
About who: __________________
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4.Choose the best word to complete this passage:

The police could not _______________ Mr. Hyde because he had ________________. For
two months things seemed normal, and then Dr Jekyll suddenly ________________ to see
visitors. Dr. Lanyon became ____________, and told Mr. Utterson not to _____________
Dr. Jekyll’s ______________ in his house. Then Dr. Lanyon ____________ and left Mr.
Utterson an _______________, which was not to be opened until the ______________ or
__________________ of Dr. Jekyll.

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