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Bacharelado em Tecnologia da Informação
Disciplina: Práticas de Leitura em Inglês
Profa. Ms. Lorena Azevedo de Sousa
Aula 09

I am… I am not… Am I…?

You are… You are not… Are you…?
He is… He is not… Is he…?
She is… She is not… Is she…?
It is… It is not… Is it…?
We are… We are not… Are we…?
You are… You are not… Are you…?
They are… They are not… Are they…?

I like… I don’t like… Do I like…?

You like… You don’t like… Do you like…?
He likes… He doesn’t like… Does he like…?
She likes… She doesn’t like… Does she like…?
It likes… It doesn’t like… Does it like…?
We like… We don’t like… Do we like…?
You like… You don’t like… Do you like…?
They like… They don’t like… Do they like…?

Jim is watching television.

He is not playing the guitar.

But Jim has a guitar.

He plays the guitar in a band.
I will… I will not Will I…?
You will… You will not Will you…?
He will… He will not Will he…?
She will… She will not Will she…?
It will… It will not Will it…?
We will… We will not Will we…?
You will… You will not Will you…?
They will… They will not Will they…?

will not = won’t

I am going to dance
You are going to dance
He is going to dance
She is going to dance
It is going to dance
We are going to dance
You are going to dance
They are going to dance
1. Prediction
2. Inference
3. Skimming
4. Scanning
5. Typographical clues
Krijmi i vetëm i disa regjioneve industriale në botë tregon për
moshzhvillimin e barabartë të industrisë. Në katër regjionet e
mëdha industriale (Anglo-Amerikë, Evropë, BRSS dhe Japoni e
Australi) është koncentruar prodhimtaria e energjisë elektrike
(89%), e çelikut (92%), e automobilave (96%) dhe e shumë
prodhimeve të tjera industriale.
Shkaqet e përhapjes jo të njëjtë të industrisë (dhe industrializmit
si proces) janë të shumta, por shkaku kryesor është mënyra
kapitaliste e prodhimit dhe e ndarjes, qëndrimi i gjatë i periudhës
kolonialiste dhe shfrytëzimi i lëndëve të para e të fuqisë punëtore.
Vendet që së pari e zhvilluan industrinë i shfrytëzuan përparësitë
e saj per rritjen e kapitalit dhe të profitit me anën e të cilit e
shfrytëzuan edhe më tepër botën e pazhvilluar. krijimi i disa
degëve industriale ka ndihmuar zhvillimin e degëve të tjera dhe
koncentrimin e tyre gjeografik.
Vendet e pazhvilluar dhe ato në zhvillim kanë lëndë të para dhe
burime energjetike mirëpo atyre u mungon fuqia kualifikuese
punëtore, kapitali dhe teknika e teknologjia moderne.
Niveli jo i njëjtë i zhvillimit ekonomik, e sidomos atij industrial, e
ka ndarë botën në Veriun e zhvilluar dhe Jugun e pazhvilluar,
respektivisht Veriun e pasur dhe Jugun e varfër. Rjitja e
dallimeve mund të ketë pasoja të këqia për tërë botën.

(Fonte: Asllan Pushka dhe Ibrahim Ahmetaj: “GEOGRAFIA ME BAZAT E VETËQEVERISJES SOCIALISTË” , Prishtinë, Jugoslavija, 1986.)
Responda às perguntas:
a) Qual o assunto principal do texto, de acordo
com as palavras cognatas?
b) Quais regiões/países são citados no texto?
c) Qual região produz mais carros?
d) Qual região tem a maior produção de Energia
e) Quanto é a porcentagem de produção de aço
na África?
f) Qual a relação entre o texto e o gráfico?
• Definição de alguns termos da área de TI
(sociedade, instrumento, recurso, técnica e tecnologia);
• Vantagens e desvantagens do uso da tecnologia
nas relações familiares/sociais;
• Sociedade da Informação;
• Cyberspace;
• Information Technology (IT);
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
• Social Networking;
• Impactos positivos e negativos das TICs;
• O futuro (presente?) dos smartphones;
Parents 'struggle to get children off devices'

The charity has published tips to help families

reduce the amount of time spent on screens
1. What do these numbers refer to?
a) 23.1%
b) 10%
c) 17.5%
d) 5%

2. Answer the questions in Portuguese:

a) The charity has published a series of tips to help
families reduce the amount of time children spend
watching television and using screens. Explain them.
b) Explain, with your own words, what Carol Iddon said.

3. True or False?
Correct the false ones.
a) ( ) Muitos pais do Reino Unido têm dificuldades em
fazer com que seus filhos desliguem os telefones, laptops
e TVs.
b) ( ) O texto apresenta algumas dicas de como os pais
podem reduzir seu tempo gasto com celulares.
c) ( ) De acordo com um estudo da Universidade de
Cambridge publicado em novembro, duas horas extras por
semana de televisão, internet ou jogo podem estar
relacionadas com boas notas.
d) ( ) Outros especialistas alertaram que os alunos
podem chegar na escola cansados após passar um tempo
na frente de uma tela até tarde da noite.
4. Find sentences in the following tenses:
a) simple present (be)
b) simple present (other verbs)
c) present continuous
d) future
Parents 'struggle to get children off devices'
Many UK parents find it easier to get their children
to do homework, go to bed or have a bath than
turn off their phones, laptops and TVs, a poll finds.
A survey for the charity Action for Children found
almost one in four mothers and fathers (23.1%)
struggle to control their children's screen use.
But just 10% found it hard to get them to do their
homework, while 17.5% struggled to get them off
to bed.
Just under 5% found it difficult to get their offspring
to have a bath.
Tips for families
The charity has published a series of tips to help
families reduce the amount of time children spend
watching television and using screens.
The suggestions include:
• planning family activities that do not include
• creating a weekly schedule based on the idea of
one hour of technology use equalling one hour
on other activities
• recreating favourite childhood games
• parents turning off their devices at the same time
as children have screen-free time.
Carol Iddon, managing director of operations at Action for
Children, said: "Technology is an often necessary part of
the lives of children and parents alike, but it's important
to maintain a balance with other activities and quality
family time.
"We know from our extensive work with families that
strong relationships with parents build resilience in
children, making them less susceptible to bullying or
abuse outside the home, and encouraging them to speak
to their parents about any fears or concerns.
"As well as the conscious effort to cut down on screen
time, some parents benefit from additional support, such
as dropping in for a chat or attending support groups at
children's centres, to learn how to better connect with
their children."
The survey findings come amid continuing concerns that
many young people may be spending too much time
online or watching TV.
A Cambridge University study published in September
suggested an extra hour a day of television, internet or
computer game time in Year 10 was linked to poorer
grades at GCSE.
The researchers recorded the activities of more than 800
14-year-olds. When they analysed their GCSE results at
16, they found those who had spent an extra hour a day
on screens saw a fall in results equivalent to two grades
Other experts have warned that pupils may arrive at
school tired after spending time in front of a screen late
at night.
(01) same (11) ordinary (21) enterprise
(02) through (12) between (22) to encompass
(03) in order to (13) to exchange (23) to employ
(04) such as (14) knowledge (24) thus
(05) goal (15) to improve (25) although
(06) field (16) to achieve (26) to overcome
(07) task (17) aim (27) to provide
(08) resource (18) wealth (28) to enable
(09) skill (19) to retrieve (29) to increase
(10) environment (20) business (30) growth
(01) currently
(02) actually
(03) instead of
(04) rather than
(05) besides
(06) however
(07) almost
(08) while
(09) as well as
(10) most

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