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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Paper Writing


Nadiva Rahma Mira

NIM 0142.S1.C.018.058




1443 H / 2022 M

Name : Nadiva Rahma Mira

NIM : 0142.S1.C.018.058

Department : English Education Department

Proposal Title : The Comparison on The Using of

Traditional and Authentic Assessment in

English Learning Classes at Junior High


It has been approved for examine.

Bogor, 07 April 2022.

Advisor 1 Advisor 2

Wawat Srinawati, M.Pd. Meita Lesmyati Khasyar, S.S., M.Pd.

NIK. 19880324071 NIK. 19830512036

Head of English Education Department

Meita Lesmyati Khasyar, S.S., M.Pd.

NIK. 19830512036


I. Personal Details

Name : Nadiva Rahma Mira

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Bogor, February 11th 2001

Nationality : Indonesia

Marital Status : Single

Religion : Islam

Addres : Kp. Pabangbon II. Rt. 001 Rw. 002. Desa

Pabangbon. Kecamatan Leuwiliang.

Kabupaten Bogor – Jawa Barat. 16640.

Email :

II. Formal Education

2006-2012 : SDN Pabangbon 02

2012-2015 : MTS Darussalam

2015-2018 : SMA Islamiyah Sawangan

2018-2022 : STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor




Nadiva Rahma Mira

NIM: 0142.S1.C.0180.58
English Education Department
STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor


The purpose of this research is to investigate assessment practices in English

learning classes at junior high school, particularly in education, and to know what
kinds of assessments are often used by English teachers. This study will use a
qualitative descriptive method using observation and interviews. The object of this
research is three English teachers who teach English at SMP Negeri 4 Leuwiliang.
Therefore, the writer hopes this research will give helpful information for anyone
directly or indirectly related to education.

Keywords: Education, Traditional Assessment, Authentic Assessment

First of all, praise is to Allah SWT for all His mercy and guidance so that
the writer can finish writing this proposal. Shalawat and salam always go to the
true revolutionary, Prophet Muhammad SAW.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to my family, who have always
supported me. My father, Alm. H. Acang Wira, my mother Anih, and my sister
Lita Wira have never stopped providing support in preparing this proposal
The writer realizes that writing this proposal cannot be separated from
other people's help. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude to the
following people:

1. Dr. H. Edi Sukardi, M.Pd. as the Chairman of STKIP Muhammadiyah

2. Meita Lesmiaty Khasyar, S.S., M. Pd, the head of English Education
3. Wawat Srinawati, M.Pd. as an advisor I and Meita Lesmiaty Khasyar, S.S.,
M. Pd as advisor II, who gave their time, help, suggestion, and guidance
while completing this proposal.
4. Irma Wahyuni, S.S, M.Pd. as academic supervisor of eed'18, has motivated
me to prepare this proposal.
5. All of the lecturers in the English Education Department of STKIP
Muhammadiyah Bogor gave the writer the knowledge.
6. All beloved friends of 7B semester that cannot be mentioned one by one
and all friends in the English Education Department 2018 of STIKP
Muhammadiyah Bogor have to fight together for approximately four years
and other majors in college. Thank you very much for everything that has
been given to the writer, and it always is the best.
7. All people who cannot be mentioned one by one for their support to the
writer. Thank you very much.

Finally, hopefully, all the help that has been given by all parties above can be a
good deed and get a reward from Allah SWT. The writer realizes that this
proposal is far from perfect. The writer hopes that this proposal can be helpful for
readers and anyone who needs it.
Bogor, Rajab 1443 H/February 2022 M

The writer,

Nadiva Rahma Mira


PROPOSAL ADVISOR APPROVAL...................................................................i
CURRICULUM VITAE........................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1
A. Research Background.................................................................................1
B. Research Question......................................................................................3
C. Research Objectives...................................................................................3
D. Scope of the Research................................................................................4
E. Research Benefit.........................................................................................4
F. Definition of Terms....................................................................................5
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................6
A. Description of Theory.................................................................................6
B. Previous Study...........................................................................................24
C. Conceptual Framework.............................................................................25
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................27
A. Time and Place of the Research................................................................27
B. Research Design........................................................................................28
C. Research Participants.................................................................................29
D. Research Instruments.................................................................................30
E. Data Collecting Technique........................................................................30
F. Data Analysis Technique...........................................................................31


2.1 Conceptual Framework...................................................................................25


3.1 List Activity..........................................................................................27

3.2 Coding Of Teacher And Assessment....................................................33



1.1 Research Background

Teaching and assessment are the foundation of any educational system. The

first offers a basis for development, whereas the latter, when appropriately

executed, gives valuable information on whether or not that progress has been

made. Teachers who lack the knowledge and abilities to assess learners'

achievements properly can rarely assist their students in achieving better levels of

academic accomplishment. As a result, language assessment literacy is critical for

language teachers.1

Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number

20 of 2007 concerning Assessment Standards, authentic assessment should

undoubtedly have been carried out. The Minister of National Education states that

the assessment consists of (1) Tests (written, oral, practice, and performance); (2)

Observations made during teaching and learning activities or outside of teaching

and learning activities; and (3) assignments (structured and unstructured

independent assignments).2

Inbar-Lourie stated that assessment is one of the essential assessment

techniques in the history of teaching and learning, as it is used to rate, level, and

1Solak, Ekrem. (2017). Assessment in Language Teaching.

2 PeraturanMenteri Pendidikan Nasional RI No. 20 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Penilaian
identify students' progress.3 Teachers use various assessments such as

standardized tests, mid-term exams, final exams, tests, quizzes, etc. In the twenty-

first century, traditional assessment techniques have been replaced by authentic

assessment to improve student performance. Furthermore, numerous innovations

have been established in education to measure students' performance.4

Authentic assessments in English classes are becoming increasingly

common. It can be demonstrated in the utilization of more diverse learning

activities. Aside from that, teachers encourage students to participate more

actively in class. In other words, when teaching the target language, a student-

centered approach should be used. According to Jones, a classroom environment

with a student-centered approach is where the teacher considers the students "as a

group or individually, and constantly urges them to engage in the learning process.

Teachers have a limited role in involving students. "To accomplish maximum

learning goals, both the learning process and the students themselves must be

involved. Assessments to identify what students have and what elements require

improvement should also be modified during this learning process.5

From the short interview with some English Teachers, the writer found that

many English teachers rarely use Authentic assessments in their classes.

Traditional assessment is usually teacher-centered and includes written exercises,

multiple- choice tests, true-false tests, short answers, and essays.6 In the writer's

opinion, it

3 Inbar-Lourie, Ofra. 2008. Constructing a Language Assessment Knowledge Base: A Focus on

Language Assessment Courses. Vol. 25.
4 Ibid,
5 Jones, L. 2007. The Student-Centered Classroom. Cambridge University Press.

Bailey, Curtis, Andy, Kathleen M. 2015. Learning about Language Assessment : Dilemmas,
Decisions, and Directions.

should be combined with any Authentic assessments to dig deeper into students'

language proficiency than what they got from traditional assessments.

In line with previous studies, Phongsirikul (2018), with the title Traditional

And Alternative Assessments In ELT: Students’ And Teachers Perception,

concluded that students and teachers showed a greater preference for traditional

pencil and paper kinds quizzes and exams. In addition, they stated that traditional

assessment tool is more valid and reliable, especially when compared to authentic

tools. This study investigates the use of traditional and authentic assessment in

SMP Negeri 4 Leuwiliang with different situations, and conditions.

Based on the research background above, the writer chose the research

entitled The Comparison On The Use Of Traditional And Authentic Assessment

In Elt (A Case Study Of Teachers At Junior High School).

1.2 Research Questions

The research question are “how traditional and authentic assessment is used in

English language teaching in junior high school?” and “Which assessment is more

dominant to be used by teacher and the influencing factors?”

1.3 Research Objectives

The research objective is to investigate the use of traditional assessment and

authentic assessment in English language teaching in junior high school.

1.4 Scope Of The Research

In this research, the writer focuses on determining the use of traditional

assessment and authentic assessment in English language teaching in junior high


1.5 Research Benefit

The benefit of this research is that it is expected to make a valuable

contribution, especially for the English teachers and the writer. These

contributions could be mentioned as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefit

Generally, the results of this research are expected to give more knowledge

about the use of traditional and Authentic assessments on English learning in

junior high school.

2. Practical Beneficial

a. English teachers

The writer hopes the result of this research will be helpful for the other

teacher in applying traditional and Authentic assessments for assessing

students’ ability in English learning class. So, the teacher can make

good decisions for the students and improve their assessment method to

be more creative, accurate, and varied.

b. Writer

For the writer, this research can be used as information and reference in

choosing kinds of assessment in the English learning process in English

learning class.

1.6 Definition of Terms

To explain, the writer defines key terms of this research as follows:

1. Assessment

Assessment in education is collecting information and making judgments

or generating opinions about a student's knowledge, skills, and abilities. It

generally involves preserving a record of such decisions, whether informal

or official. The ability to assess well is an essential professional

responsibility for all teachers.7

2. Traditional Assessment

Traditional assessment is the same thing as testing, grading, or scoring.

Traditional assessments are a particular kind of formal assessment

procedure carried out under controlled conditions.8

3. Authentic Assessment

Nasab reveals that “Authentic assessment raises the potential for

motivating and inspiring students to investigate and exploit different

aspects of themselves and the world around them. The Authentic

assessment offers the teachers a chance to realize their students'

weaknesses and strengths in variant situations”.9

7 Inbar-Lourie. Loc. Cit..

8 Ibid,
9Inbar-Lourie, Ofra. 2008. Constructing a Language Assessment Knowledge Base: A Focus on

Language Assessment Courses. Vol. 25.



A. Theoretical Description

1. Assessment

a. The Definition of Assessment

Assessment refers to assessing or deciding the amount, value, quality, or

importance of something or the judgment or decision made. According to

O'Farrel, he explains that "assessment can be defined as the systematic and

ongoing method of gathering, analyzing and using information from measured

outcomes to improve student learning in terms of knowledge acquired,

understanding developed, and skills and competencies gained."10

Although the terms testing and assessment are sometimes used

interchangeably, assessment refers to all forms of measurements used to assess

student progress. Therefore, the terms should be distinguished. According to

Nasab, "Assessment is the informal gathering of information about a student's

current state of knowledge using various data collection strategies at various

times and in varied situations.” On the other hand, testing is official and

standardized, and it provides students with feedback on the activities they have

completed. It is a one-time, one-component concept assessment and timed

movement that serves as the sole

O’Farrell, C. 2004. “Enhancing Student Learning through Assessment. A Toolkit

Approach’.” Centre for Academic Practice and Student Learning (1–26.)

criterion by which student learning may be assessed.11

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that assessment is a conclusion-

making activity by the assessor by giving a test to determine the test takers'

ability, knowledge, and comprehension.

b. The Role of Assessment

Assessment is undoubtedly one of the most challenging and essential aspects of

teachers job. To understand the importance of the assessment in the learning

process, especially in formal education, we must first understand the role of the

assessment. "Assessment plays an essential part in the educational process,"

according to Rust. "it influences much of the work students to perform, impacts

their attitude to learning, and, it may be claimed, is an indicator of which

course components are regarded most highly."12

Assessment should be viewed as a tool to assist teachers in guiding students

along their learning path. Furthermore, according to Frank, "There is no single

procedure that can meet the needs of all learners and situations," so "we must

remember to incorporate a variety of tools to help students can see how far

they've come and assess the effectiveness the methodology and materials


To find out what assessment's functions are, O'Farrel listed them as follows:

1) To determine if the course's planned learning goals are being met

Nasab, Loc. Cit.


12 Rust,C. (2002). Purposes and Principles of Assessment. Retrieved from:
13 Frank, Jerrold. 2012. “The Roles of Assessment in Language Teaching.” English Teaching

Forum 32.
2) Provides students with feedback on their learning to improve their


3) To encourage students to do practical work

4) To assist and lead students in their learning

5) To explain student achievement to influence judgments about

advancement and prizes.

6) To show that suitable standards are being followed.

7) To assess the efficiency of instruction.

In Indonesia, the education assessment model has undergone several

changes, and most recently, in 2020, Nadiem Makarim, Minister of

Education and Culture (Mendikbud), recently replaced the National

Examination (UN) with a National Assessment, also known as a Minimum

Competency Assessment (AKM). This is part of the Free Learning policy,

which President Joko Widodo fully supports. It is a marker of educational

assessment paradigm change. However, the primary purpose of changing

the National Examination is to encourage improvements in the quality of

learning and student learning outcomes. According to Nadiem, the

fundamental change in the National Assessment is no longer evaluating the

achievements of individual students but assessing and mapping the

education system in the form of inputs, processes, and outcomes. 14 The

2021 National Assessment maps the quality of education in all schools,

madrasas, and

14 Penjelasan Mendikbud Terkait 3 Aspek Asesmen Nasional Pengganti UN 2021. accessed on

7th April 2022. from

equality programs at the elementary and secondary levels. The National

Assessment consists of three parts, namely the Minimum Competency

Assessment (AKM), the Character Survey, and the Learning Environment


By obtaining data, assessments are utilized to design improvement

strategies at all levels of the educational system. Teachers gathered

information on student knowledge and changed their teaching to match the

identified learning needs. At the school level, assessment is used to identify

areas of strength and weakness throughout the school and create and

enhance teaching-learning practices. Officials or stakeholders at the policy

level utilize information acquired through national or regional assessments,

school performance monitoring, steer funding for schools and teachers, or

determine broad educational priorities.16

Above all, the primary role of assessment is to gather information about

student knowledge, which will also be used in improving teaching methods

and finding out the advantages and disadvantages of the learning activities

carried out.

c. The Problem of Assessment

Every assessment has flaws, and there is no such thing as a flawless

assessment procedure. Choosing the best assessment technique relies on

what are attempting to examine in terms of the test taker's abilities,

15 Asesmen Nasional sebagai Penanda Perubahan Paradigma Evaluasi Pendidikan. accessed

on 7th April 2022. From
16 O’Farrell, Loc. Cit.

knowledge, and comprehension.

Furthermore, "the basic difficulty in assessment procedures of higher

education courses is the mismatch between the learning aims defined and

the techniques and criteria teachers use to rate and grade their students."17

It has been a difficult concept, but it has also been a problematic concept

and attempts to capture an agreed-upon definition have sparked debates

among teachers and practitioners. The optimal approaches to construct and

implement the assessment and its conclusion have yet to be agreed upon.

As a result, there are concerns about the policy of curriculum creation. The

review will not be balanced unless it is connected with student objectives in

various ways.

We should also consider the differing viewpoints among practitioners on

the assessment technique. Nasab concluded that "There is no one

assessment approach sufficient since each has its advantages and

disadvantages. It is important to remember that fairness is critical for any

assessment. If an approach is fair, it is more probable to be reliable and


There is no perfect assessment as happened in the assessment system in

Indonesia. The assessment system in Indonesia has gone through several

changes due to problems; we can see that the existence and application of

the National Examination, which was held from 2005 to 2020, has


17 Mikre, F., (2010).The Roles of Assessment in CurriculumPractice and Enhancement of

Learning. EthiopJournal of Education & Science. 5(2) 101-114. Retrieved from:
18 Nasab, Loc. Cit.

debate and criticism. The set of Critics is made up of seven disagreements

related to the national examination matter, including only evaluating

cognitive aspects with the result that it cannot be used as a standard,

determining the passing grade of the examination incompetence, taking

away the teachers' right to evaluate students' achievement, establishing to

measure up education quality, and disregarding the diversification of the

student's achievements. The national examination assesses only the

momentary and absence of teachers. The national and regional governments

take away the teachers' right to end the examination without indicating the

quality of education.19

In brief, the writer concluded that the problem of assessment is a topic of

debate among teachers and practitioners. Each assessment has its

advantages and disadvantages. Its use can be adjusted to the needs of


d. Kinds of Assessment

Generally, there are two kinds of assessment, they are:

1) Summative Assessment

Summative assessment is an assignment or task that occurs at the end of

the learning process and shows a learner's learning outcomes. For

grading, summative assessment is utilized.

2) Formative Assessment

As mentioned in Iahad, "Formative assessment, on the other hand, is an

19 Silverius,
Suke. 2010. “Kontroversi Ujian Nasional Sepanjang Masa.” Jurnal Pendidikan Dan
Kebudayaan 16(2):194. doi: 10.24832/jpnk.v16i2.446.

assessment that supports learning and is established at the start or

throughout the learning process. It is intended to aid the learning process

by providing feedback to the learner, which may be utilized to identify

areas that require more research and performance improvement ".20

It aims to assist learners in learning more successfully by providing

feedback on their performance and suggestions for improving and

maintaining it. Students' reflective practice can occasionally help with

formative assessment. In a prior study, both forms of reviews were

looked into. However, because the primary goal was to determine the

importance of feedback in learner-centered assessment, formative

assessment, such as multiple-choice questions (MCQs), received more

significant attention.21

3) Traditional Assessment

a) The Definition of Traditional Assessment

Traditional assessments are also known as standardized examinations,

and they frequently include questions such as true/false, multiple-

choice, matching, short-answer, fill-in-the-blank, and essay. Belle

stated, "Traditional assessment" refers to assessments such as

standardized and classroom achievement exams with largely closed-

20 Iahad,Noorminshah, Emmanouil Kalaitzakis, Georgios A. Dafoulas, and Linda A. Macaulay.

2004. “Assessment of Online Assessment: The Role of Feedback in Learner-Centered e-
Learning.” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 37(C):81–
90. DOI: 10.1109/hicss.2004.1265051.
21 Ibid,

ended items like true/false, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blanks.22

b) The Kinds of Traditional Assessment

1) Multiple-choices

One of the tests that used informal assessment is the multiple-

choice item. According to Davis, multiple choices may be utilized

to assess simple knowledge and complicated ideas. The contents of

multiple- choice questions may be swiftly answered, and the

teachers can test students' comprehension of numerous topics in a

one-hour exam. Furthermore, the products can be scored quickly

and accurately.23

2) Essay

This is the most common exam utilized nowadays, especially in

writing classes. Furthermore, it is widely used and appears simple,

although it has several flaws. Additionally, according to Rust, as

cited in O’Farrell, "essays are simple to plagiarize, and

disproportionate weight is sometimes given to elements such as

style, handwriting, especially in a language class that also focuses

on the grammar of the target language."24

3) True-false Tests

22 Belle, Dana. Traditional Assessment versus Authentic assessment. 1999-05-00 58p.;

Master’s Thesis, Kean University of New Jersey.”
23 Davis, B., G. (2009). Types of Tests.
24 Inbar-Lourie, Ofra. 2008. Constructing a Language Assessment Knowledge Base: A Focus on

Language Assessment Courses. Vol. 25.

Another kind of test of traditional assessment is a true-false test.

These tests are less reliable than other exams because random

guessing will produce the correct answer half the time. Some

format of this test, which uses true-false questions, adds a

"explain" column where students can write one or two sentences to

support their response.

4) Matching Tests

The matching format effectively tests students' recognition of the

relationships between words and definitions, events and dates,

categories, and examples.

5) Short-answer question

Davis describes that Short-answer questions might be as simple as

one or two sentences or as complex as a whole paragraph. Short-

answer questions are more accessible to write than multiple-choice

questions, but they take longer to score. They also give some

opportunity to see how well students can express their thoughts,

though they are not as helpful as longer.25

c) The Usage of Traditional Assessment

The traditional assessment has long been the most common method

of assessing achievement and competency in language acquisition.

According to Frank, "despite the rising popularity of alternative kinds

of assessment, most teachers still employ this old standby, and

25 Davis. Loc. Cit.

standardized tests lead teachers to focus emphasis on only those areas

that are taken into account in the examinations."26

As cited in Nasab, Bailey stated that "The dominance of assessment

serves as an umbrella over the whole curriculum in the educational

system. It impacts the usage of various test formats by instructors'

methods at the academic level. It also encourages students to use

surface rather than deep learning approaches”.27

In conclusion, traditional assessment is still the widely used method

because it is included in the standardized test administered by the

government, even though the popularity of authentic assessment is

currently on the rise.

d) The Problem of Traditional Assessment

The issue with traditional assessment is still a concern for every

teacher, even though this kind of assessment is the most commonly

used in assessing students for testing.

The result from traditional assessment problems also hardly avoided,

"Students fail to get the authentic experience as a whole from the test

because this kind of test does look not only very simple but also

because many of students' comments about assessment were about the

utility of feedback and comments on assessed work, which in most

cases fell below their expectations."28

26 Frank, Loc. Cit.

27 Nasab, Fatemeh Ghanavati. Loc. Cit.
28 Mike, Fisseha. 2010. "Review Article : The Roles of Assessment in Curriculum." Ethiop.J.Educ

and Sc. 5(2):101–14

Traditional assessments are frequently used to test receptive skills.

They have a lot of advantages, including the fact that they are simple

to administer and assess. Furthermore, grading is relatively objective.

However, they have the drawback of developing high-quality exams

that do not consider students' productive language comprehension.

Furthermore, Nasab stated, referring to Mathies, that "conventional

assessment has focused on examinations that are perceived as

demonstrating the students' educational ability." According to

research, traditional assessments have failed to capture the multi-

dimensional features of what kids have previously learned. Another

feature that separates the two kinds of assessments is using a

criterion- based standard."29

It differs from the conventional one, which pits students against one

another to be the best in the classroom.30 Authentic assessment goes

beyond rote learning and memorization by requiring students to

complete tasks that, in some way, involve them in problem-solving

activities. The genuine assessment presents students with various

fascinating real-world functions or simulations of real-world events.

Although traditional assessments are widely used in implementing

tests, there are several problems in practice. Traditional assessments

are said to be unable to examine students' productive language

29 Nasab, Loc. Cit

30 Ibid,

comprehension, and traditional assessment files describe the breadth

of aspects of knowledge that students have learned.

4) Authentic assessment

a) The Definition of Authentic assessment

Authentic assessment refers to "almost any kinds of assessment other

than standardized tests.". Any assessment that is "part of children's

ongoing lives and learning in the classroom and other regular school

and center settings” is another genuine assessment criterion.31

Furthermore, Authentic assessment describes the multiple forms of

assessment that reflect student learning, achievement, motivation, and

relevant attitudes towards classroom activities.32

Nasab, as quoted in Lew & Eckes, further demonstrates that

"Authentic assessment offers fresh opportunities to motivate and

inspire students to investigate and utilize different aspects of

themselves and the world around them. The Authentic assessment

allows teachers to see their students' strengths and faults in various

circumstances ". 33

b) The Kinds of Authentic assessment

a) Computer-Based test and Computer-Assisted

Students can use computer-assisted assessment to see if they have

learned what the teacher intended. The employment of computers

in evaluating student learning is called computer-assisted

31 Brawley. Loc. Cit.

32 Diaz de la Garza, Ana, Grajales, Williams Paul, &. Morales, Gomez. 2011. “A Guidebook for
Assessing Learning.” 11(January 2011):1–166
33 Nasab. Loc. Cit.


There are several sorts of computer-based systems. Computer-

Aided Assessment (CAA), Computerized Assessment (CA),

Computer-Based Assessment (CBA), and Computer-Based

Testing are some of the terms used by O'Farrel. 34 Computer-based

assessment is when a computer is used to do an assessment

directly. In contrast, computer-assisted review is when a computer

is used to manage or support the assessment process.

b) portfolio

The portfolio is appropriate to employ for producing talents such

as writing. "Another benefit of the portfolio assignment is that it is

an actual learning experience in and of itself." Portfolios can take

the shape of an electronic text, a digital recording, an artistic work,

a clinical diary, or other relevant media forms, depending on the

educational setting and job needs".35 In other words, as part of a

formative assessment, portfolio assignments emphasize the

development of knowledge for the final result through appropriate


Portfolios are beneficial. It is a genuine experience, and they

duplicate procedures that necessitate problem-solving techniques.

This kind of assessment necessitates more accountability on the


34 O’Farrell. Loc. Cit.

35 Lombardi,Marilyn M. 2008. “Making the Grade: The Role of Assessment in Authentic
Learning.” EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. Retrieved March 27:2012.

of the students and more remarkable dedication to the teachers.36

c) project

According to Dikli, he states that "A project may be generated

alone or as a group, and it can include authenticity, real-life

connected concepts, and experience of the learners, such as the

development of plans, artwork, research proposals, and multimedia

presentations. They deliver in various formats, including

multimedia presentations, role-playing, and written reports ".37

c) The Usage of Authentic assessment

Authentic assessment has played an essential part in the assessment

system, providing fresh experiences for both teachers as assessors and

students as test-takers. Alternative kinds of assessment have become

increasingly popular in recent years. Whether the teacher or lecturer

wants to add other forms of Authentic assessment tests in the system,

our focus should always be on obtaining data demonstrating how

effectively students have understood what the teacher or lecturer

attempted to teach them". 38

Furthermore, discussing the use of

Authentic assessment, Nasab said that "Authentic assessment allows

teachers to keep track of a curriculum's success or failure, which aids

in presenting a better framework for organizing the learners'

performance. Furthermore, Authentic assessment offers a variety of

36 Nasab. Loc. Cit.

37 Dikli, Semire. 2003. “Assessment at a Distance : Traditional vs . Alternative Assessments.”
The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology 2(3):13–19.
38 Nasab, Loc. Cit.

benefits for this technique ".39 Not only does Authentic assessment

provide chances for instructors and provide a better framework for

arranging students' achievements, but it also has the following


1) Evaluating the learning process and product, in addition to other

essential learning behaviors

2) Examining and evaluating instruction

3) Producing momentous results for various stakeholders

4) Providing a connection to cognitive psychology and other related


5) Taking a team-based approach to learning

6) Providing psychological assistance to students

7) Supporting self-directed learning.

The authentic assessment provides a new experience in implementing

tests for students and teachers. The authentic assessment gives

teachers a better picture of assessing students' abilities.

d) The Problem of Authentic assessment

Several concerns have been expressed about certain aspects of

Authentic assessment. First, it is argued that this kind of assessment

ent is more time-consuming and costly for both teachers and students,

such as the need for facilities and teachers to conduct in-depth

analyses of the tests to provide accurate feedback to students. Second,


39 Ibid, p. 8

must be skilled enough to successfully implement various authentic

assessment methods to avoid boredom and monotony in the

classroom.40 Third, learners require a lot of guidance and supervision,

which they do not get if used to traditional assessment practices.41

The practitioners are skeptical about the requirements of the valid

application of this kind of assessment to large-scale classes. Those

number of problems on authentic assessment is mainly realized in

terms of the opposition between productions and reproduction.

Furthermore, authentic assessment loses meaning when not applied to

the learning process. Still, it provides a measure of academic growth

measured over time to capture the depth of student learning.42

To conclude, authentic assessment has several problems in its use; it

takes a lot of time and energy because the teacher must analyze in-

depth to assess. The teacher must also have sufficient skills to

implement authentic kinds of assessment. Students must be given

direction that they do not get in implementing the traditional


2. English Language Teaching

There are some definitions of language. Webster’s Thirds New

International Dictionary of English Language in Brown stated that

“language is a systemic means of communicating ideas or feelings by

40 Nasab, Loc. Cit.

41 Ibid.
42 Ibid.

using conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks, having under

understood meanings.” 43
Furthermore, Brown provides a brief

definition of language. He defines language as follows:

1. Language is systematic.

2. Language is a set of arbitrary symbols.

3. Those symbols are primarily vocal but may also be visual,

4. The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they


5. Language is used for communication.

6. Language operates in a speech community or culture.

7. Language is essentially human, although possibly not limited to


8. All people acquire language similarly; language and language

learning both have universal characteristics.

Then, Brown reveals that learning is "acquiring or getting knowledge

of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction."44 Based on

the previous statement, Brown classifies learning as:

1. Learning is an acquisition or "getting."

2. Learning is the retention of information or skill.

3. Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive


43 Brown, h. Douglas. 2000. PRINCIPLES of LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING. Fifth-

Edit. Pearson Education.
44 Ibid, p.18

4. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon

events outside or inside the organism.

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.

6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced


7. Learning is a behavior change.

Related to learning, Brown defines teaching as the process of guiding

and facilitating learning. Teaching also prepares students to learn by

providing them with the necessary tools. It indicates that teaching and

learning are inextricably linked. Teachers' perceptions of learning will

influence their perceptions of teaching. Their understanding of how

children learn will affect the teacher's philosophy of education,

teaching style, approaches, methods, and classroom practices. The

teacher's learning knowledge determines the system, strategies, and

tactics used in the classroom. To put it another way, the concept of

teaching is aligned with education.45

Based on the following statements, English language teaching in

learning involves various factors to succeed. Teachers are required to

set objectives and adapt their teaching approach to meet the

requirements of their students.

45 Ibid, P.19
A. Previous Study

Referring to a study conducted by Irawan in 2017 (2017) entitled

Students’ Perceptions on Traditional and Alternative Assessment, which

compared Authentic and traditional assessments, the study has revealed

several different opinions of students' responses; the result shows that

perceptions of Authentic Assessments get more positive values than the

traditional one.

The other study was conducted by Phongsirikul (2018), under the title

Traditional And Alternative Assessments In ELT: Students’ And Teachers

Perception, concluded that students and teachers showed a greater

preference for traditional pencil and paper kinds quizzes and exams. In

addition, they stated that traditional assessment tool is more valid and

reliable, especially when compared to alternative tools. One of the reasons

to explain this occurrence may be that grammatical points are the main

content of the courses in this study. They have long been generally

believed to be adequately tested by a more objective assessment.46

Referring to a study conducted by Babni (2019), in Alternative assessment

and English language teaching and learning in morocco: high school

teachers’ perceptions and favorite methods and techniques, the findings

revealed that most of the participating teachers believed that alternative

46 Phongsirikul,
Marissa. 2018. Traditional and Alternative Assessments in ELT: Students’ and
Teachers’ Perceptions. Vol. 25.

assessment should be an integral part of the English teaching and learning

process. As for their favorite method, most of them choose performance

appraisal because of its ability to inform teaching and learning. In terms of

frequently used techniques, many of them opt for role-playing, oral

presentations, and mini-projects.47

B. Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework in qualitative research describes how each

variable with its particular position will be studied and applied to other

variables. The aim is to explain how the writer uses the conceptual

framework to learn and understand the problems under study. By

understanding the conceptual map of the various variables involved in the

study, the writer tries to explain the relationship and interrelationships

between the variables involved, which are in each variable to be studied to

be precise.48

Traditional Collecting and On The Use Of
Class Teachers Traditional
and Authentic Observation Processing
Interview And Authentic
Assessment Data
Assessment In

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

In the implementation of English language teaching, an assessment is

47 Babni,Abderrahmane. 2019. “Massalek Atarbiya Wa Atakwine Alternative Assessment and

English Language Teaching and Learning in Morocco : High School Teachers ’ Perceptions
and Favourite Methods and Techniques.” 2:38–47.
48 Sutopo,
H. B. 2006. Metodologi Kualitatif: Dasar Teori dan Terapannya dalamPenelitian,
Surakarta: Pusat Penelitian Universitas Sebelas Maret.

needed to provide valuable information on the learning carried out and as a

reference for the teacher in giving decisions to students. The two

traditional and authentic assessments are compared to investigate how

teachers use the two assessments in learning English in Junior high school.

Traditional and authentic assessments are divided into several tests with

different uses. Both are also used to measure different abilities; traditional

assessments are used more on students' knowledge with the concept of

remembering. Authentic assessment is used to measure students'

productive skills.

In practice, the two assessments are also not free from problems because

there is no perfect assessment. Both have advantages and disadvantages of

each. As in traditional assessment, it cannot be used to test students'

complex language skills, and in authentic assessment, it takes time and

energy to analyze accurately. Teachers must also have sufficient skills to

use various kinds of authentic assessments. This understanding is expected

to improve assessment development and the quality of learning.



A. Time and Place of the Research

1. Research Time

This research will be conducted from January until June 2022. The

detail of the activity is listed in the following table.

Table 3.1 List Activity

No Activity January February March April May June

1 Submission of

the title

2 Designing a

research proposal

3 Writing

proposal and



4 Proposal seminar



6 Collecting data,

and consultation

7 Paper Exam

2. Research Place

The research location is the coverage area that is the basis of the

research. In this study, several teachers from SMP Negeri 4 Leuwiliang

will participate. So the writer will conduct this research about the use of

assessment by teachers in English Language Teaching (ELT) at SMP

Negeri 4 Leuwiliang.

B. Research Design

In this research, the writer will use a descriptive qualitative method

that descriptive qualitative research is trying focuses on the use of

traditional and authentic assessments of the teacher in English language

teacher. Descriptive qualitative research is research to understand the

meaning of an individual or group and explore social or human

problems.49 It was further explained that descriptive qualitative is a study

that aims to describe and analyze each individual or group's

phenomenon, event, social activity, attitude, and perception. 50 This type

of research is inductive, where data at the location would be the primary

source of the phenomenon and problems in the observation process. So,

it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative tries to describe asocial

phenomena in the form of words. The primary purpose of descriptive

qualitative research is to describe the state of view as it exists today. It

was stated that this is a fact-finding investigation. In descriptive

qualitative research, conclusions can be accepted, but it does not build a

cause-and-effect relationship.

C. Research Participants

The selection of the subject is based on the uniqueness of the case. In

this study, the participants taken are someone related to English. In this

study, the sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique.

The reason for using the Purposive Sampling technique is that not all

samples have criteria that match the phenomenon under study.

Therefore, the authors choose the Purposive Sampling technique, which

establishes specific considerations or standards that must be met by the

samples used in this study. In this study, the samples are three English

teachers at SMP

49 Creswell,
J. W. (2014). Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approach (Fourth Edition ed.). America: SAGE publications
50 Sutopo,
Ariesto Hadi. Arif Adrianus. 2010. Terampil Mengolah Data Kualitatif. Jakarta:
Prenada Media Group.

Negeri 4 Leuwiliang.

D. Research Instrument

Based on the data collection techniques above, the writer will use

some main instrument in this research, as follow;

1. Observation

In this case, the writer will observe how the teacher carries out

assessments in class.

2. Interview

In this case, the writer will use a semi-structured interview. The

interview will be conducted to obtain accurate responses and

information about traditional and authentic assessments in English

language teaching. The function of the discussion in this study is to

check the data and ensure that the data is genuinely valid.

E. Data Collecting Technique

1. Observation

Observation is a study that involves a systematic recording of a

phenomenon or specific behavior that can be observed in the natural

environment.51 Observation is one way of collecting data by

someone to feel and then understand the knowledge of a

phenomenon. The number of periods and the observations depends

on the collected data.

2. Interview

The interview is one of the best ways to learn or explore

profound information from someone. An interview is a conversation

that aims to gather information in a description of the life of the

person being interviewed in connection with the interpretation of the

meaning of the described phenomena.52 Interviews are extended

conversations to get in-depth information about a particular topic or

subject and through which phenomena can occur and be interpreted

in the sense of meaning carried by the person being interviewed. 53 In

this case, this interview will be conducted to get an oral response

from the third English teacher. The interview design will affect the

depth and freedom of the subject in response. Several interviews

encourage long and detailed reports, while others are designed to

obtain a short and specific answer. There are three kinds of general

discussion; structured, semi-structured, and unstructured


51 Gorman, G.E., and Clayton, P.2005. Qualitative Research for the Information Professional: A
Practical Hand-Book 2nd Edition. London: Facet Publishing
52 Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. London:

Sage Publications, Inc

53 Schostak,J.F. (2006) Interviewing and Representation in Qualitative Research Projects,
Open University press
54 Edwards, Rosalind, and Holland, Janet. (2013). What is qualitative interviewing?. London,

GB. Bloomsbury Academic

F. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis is an integral part of the research process, either in

writing or not. In descriptive qualitative research, the focus of the

research problems demands the writer to conduct systematically,

sincerely, and meaningful. All investigators or writers focus on the

issues studied in descriptive qualitative analysis, guided by the

conceptual or theoretical framework.55.

Data analysis in descriptive qualitative research is often carried out

simultaneously or with data collection. The data analysis in this study

included several steps or stages; coding, data reduction, data display,

and making conclusions or interpretations.56

1. Coding

In qualitative research, data coding plays a vital role in data

analysis and determining the quality of data abstraction of research

results. Codes in qualitative research are short words or phrases that

symbolically summarize, highlight the message, and capture the

essence of a portion of data; this encoding can be based on language

or visual data. With more straightforward language, codes are short

words or phrases that contain the essence of a data segment.

In this research, the writer can analyze some coded data, such as

55 Danim, Sudarwan, MenjadiPenelitiKualitatif, Jakarta: BumiAksara, 2005.

56 Ary, D et al.2010. Introduction to Research in Education.Canada: ThompsonWadsworth
meaning statements, behavior, events, feelings, the action of the

informant, and others depending on what is contained in the data

segment faced. In this stage, after obtaining data, the writer will

collect data by placing all units that have the same code. This would

make it easier when reading data. In short, with this coding, the

writer could underline important data appropriate to the research


Table 3.2 Coding of Teacher And Assessment

No Sources Coding

1. Teacher 1 T1

2. Teacher 2 T2

3. Teacher 3 T3

4. Traditional Ta


5. Authentic Aa


2. Data Reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main thing,

focusing on the essential items, and seeking theme and pattern. Thus
the decreasing data will provide a clearer view and make the writer

easier to conduct further data collection and look for it if necessary.

Data reduction can be assisted with equipment, such as computers,

notebooks, etc. In reducing data, the writer will be guided by the

objectives. In this stage, the writer obtained data from interviews with

the teacher, which shows how teachers use the traditional and

authentic assessment in English language teaching. In this step, the

required data is entered while irrelevant information is not used.

3. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is data presentation. The

data will be presented in the form of narrative text. Giving data will

make it easier to understand what is happening and plan the

following work based on what has been done.57 The writer will

display data using an essay and narrative text; this is the most

commonly used display in qualitative research.

4. Drawing Conclusion

The conclusion is the final stage of data analysis. The decision in

qualitative research is new findings that have never existed before.

Results can be in the form of a description of an object before still

dim or even dark, so after being investigated becomes clear. This

conclusion can be either a casual relationship or an interactive

57 Miles, M.B, et al. 2014.Qualitative Data Analysis Method. The USA. Sage Publications
hypothesis or theory. In the conclusion stage, the writer began to see

and examine all data and then tell the story by making a relationship

between the story to get the results and conclusions from the



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Appendix 1 Consent Letter


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya:

Nama :

Alamat Rumah :

Alamat Sekolah :

No WhatsApp :

Setelah mendapat penjelasan tentang maksud dan tujuan serta memahami

penelitian yang dilakukan dengan judul: THE COMPARISON ON THE
Yang dibuat oleh:
Nama : Nadiva Rahma Mira
NIM : 0142S1C018058
Lembaga : STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor
1. Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa: Saya bersedia untuk berperan
sebagai partisipan dalam penelitian dan menjawab pertanyaan dari
peneliti dengan jujur & sebaik-baiknya.
2. Informasi yang saya berikan harus dirahasiakan dan hanya digunakan
untuk kebutuhan penelitian saja.
3. Saya sewaktu-waktu bisa mundur dalam penelitian jika ada hal yang
melanggar kesepakatan.
Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan penuh kesadaran tanpa ada
paksaan dari pihak manapun.
Bogor, 07 April 2022

Yang membuat pernyataan

Appendix 2 Interview questions

No Interview Questions

1. Are assignments the only tool for measuring student ability?

2. Is one assessment enough to assess a student's ability?

3. What do you think about traditional assessment?

4. What do you think about authentic assessment

5. How does traditional and authentic assessment compare to the accuracy

of students' answers with the assessment rubric that the teacher has


6. Which assessment most represents the student's ability? And why?

7. How do students react to traditional and authentic assessments?

8. In terms of correction, how do you think about traditional and authentic


9. How do the two assessments compare in the flexibility of use?

10. Do you think all teachers know how to use traditional and authentic

Appendix 3 Instrument of Observation

Instrument of Observation

Purpose Aspects that are observed

To investigate traditional and 1. Teacher’s behavior when

authentic assessment in English carrying out traditional and

language teaching at junior high authentic assessments

school. 2. Students' attitude when doing

traditional and authentic

Appendix 4 Observation Sheet


Teacher :
Class :
Subject : English
Observer : Nadiva Rahma Mira


0 1 2 3 4 5

A. Pre-Assessment

The teacher greats the students

The students respond to the

The teacher asks the students’


The students tell their conditions to

the teacher

The teacher checks the attendance.


The teacher instructs about

the assessment
The teacher explains the goal of the


The assessments are innovative

C Post-Assessment

students do not experience

students do the test in an orderly

D Class Situation

The students’ enthusiasm/

Time allocation

The teacher’s instruction


5 : Perfect

4 : Excellent

3 : Above average

2 : Average

1 : Unsatisfactory

0 : No applicable
Appendix 5 Students’ attendance list during observation


NO Students name Observation




















Appendix 6 Example of Traditional and Authentic Assessment

Speaking Assessment Rubric as an Example of Authentic Assessment

Multiple-Choice Question Item and Rubric as an Example of Traditional


I.Choose the letter a, b, c, or d as the correct answer!


No Trespassing Beyond this point.

The violator will be arrested immediately

1. What is the purpose of the sign above?

a. To invite someone to come c. To prevent someone to enter

b. To arrest someone violating d. To make someone trespass

2. What will happen if people are trespassing there?

a. They will be short at will c. They will be violated

b. They will be arrested d. They will be put in jail


When the program includes a “15” film,

No person under fifteen years can be admitted

3. The above Notice means…

a. This program consists of 15 film

b. Anyone over 15 can see this film

c. The program lasts about 15 minutes

d. The program was made for people under 15 years old

4. Where can you find this kind of Notice?

a. at the harbor c. at the skate park

b. at the hospital d. at the movie theater

To : Miyadah

Congratulations, you have bought a bigger house, which

you’ve always dreamt about. I hope you will feel more


Don’t forget to invite me to your house–warming party.


5. Why did Miyadah buy a bigger house?

a. She wanted to invite all her friends c. She always wanted to have a

bigger house

b. She wants to feel more relaxed d. She dreamt of inviting his

friends to a party

6. “I hope you will feel more comfortable. “

The underlined word can be replaced by….

a. think b. say

c. wish d. spend
Read the advertisement and answer questions 7 and 8!


Experience our brand new peaceful ambiance decoration in a luxurious

band comfortable hotel room for an affordable price

Telephone : ( 0234) 611 850

Fax : ( 0234 ) 339 387

Address : Plaza Ghani Timur, JlnSumuradem 78-79 SukraIndrmayu

7. What is being advertised in the advertisement above?

a. Hotel b. House

c. Decoration d. Restaurant

8. Where would the above advertisement possibly post?

a. Police station c. Restaurant

b. Recreation Object d. Prison

Read the advertisement and answer questions 9 and 10!

Young Red Cross Association of SMP N 1 Patrol – Indramayu

To : All members

I order to celebrate our Independent day, we will go camping at Ciremai

Mountain. Camping site from 14 to 16 December 2015

The contribution is Rp.60.000.Those who want to join the activity,

please contact Mr. Daniel or Mr. Ginanjar.

Registration will be opened starting from 5th December 2015

For further information, please contact the committee.



9. Whom should you meet to register for the program?

a. The Chairperson c. Mr. Daniel or Ginanjar

b. The committee d. Aswati

10. The camping will start on….

a. 5 December 2015 c. 15 December 2015

b. 14 December 2015 d. 16 December 2016

Multiple-choice assessment rubric

Number of questions : 10

Question weight 5

Ideal score 50

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