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Soraya Firdausi Nuzzila
NIM 1910231048



Presented to
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
In partial fulfillment on the requirement for
the degree of Sarjana in English Language Education

Soraya Firdausi Nuzzila
NIM 1910231048




“Tersenyumlah walaupun sedang tidak baik-baik saja”

“You only live once, enjoy and be happy!”

-Soraya Firdausi Nuzzila


This is to certify that the Sarjana thesis of Soraya Firdausi Nuzzila has been

approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by the Board of Examiners.

Jember, December 21th 2021

Advisor I

Fitrotul Mufarida, M.Pd


Advisor II

Kristi Nuraini, M.Pd



This is to certify that the Sarjana’s thesis of Soraya Firdausi Nuzzila has been
approved by the Board of Examination as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana
in English Language Education in __th December 2021.

Board of Examiners,

______________ Chair

Fitrotul Mufarifah, M.Pd Member

NPK. 03 12 446

Kristi Nuraini, M.Pd Member


Acknowledge by
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Dr. Kukuh Munandar, M.Kes

NIP. 19641114199103 1 003


First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT.

Because of His blessing, I can complete this thesis entitled “Students’ Reflection
on Online Learning in SMAN 02 Bondowoso” in a timely manner.
I would like to thank those who have helped me in every way, so that the
research can be finished. May Allah reward all their kindness. Aamin
Hopefully this thesis can have a positive impact on being able to improve
the online learning process further (if online learning is still applied) and hopefully
this thesis can provide an evaluation for teachers in the application of online
learning in the future. The researcher would like to thank to all of those who given
the contribution. Recommendations and suggestions are needed to make this thesis

Jember, December 21th 2021

The Writer


The researcher expressed her gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT for giving
strength and health to complete this thesis as a partial requirement for getting a
Sarjana Degree of English Education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. In
addition, I want to express my sincere thanks to:

1. Drs. Kukuh Munandar, M.Kes, as the Dean Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.
2. Nurkamilah, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Program, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.
3. Fitrotul Mufaridah, M.Pd., as my first supervisor who has guided and
advised me in finishing my thesis.
4. Kristi Nuraini, M.Pd., as the second supervisor who gave me advice and
feedback in finishing my thesis.
5. All lecturers Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas
Muhammadiyah who gave me knowledge, advice, and motivation.
6. Staff of FKIP, thank you for your good service and your kindness.
7. Qurrotul Aini S, S.Pd and Homsatul Istiqomah, S.Pd who really really really
always support me in ups and downs. Thankyou for having me, may Allah
blessed you.
8. My beloved friends who always support me in ups and downs. Thankyou
for having me, may Allah blessed you.
I do realize that there are many weaknesses in my thesis. Therefore, I hope for
advice and suggestions to make this report of the final project better.

Jember, December 21th 2021

Soraya Firdausi Nuzzila



I would like to dedicate my thesis to;

1. My beloved mother Sri Kasiyati who raise me sincerely and have given

encouragement and prayers to be able to finish this thesis and my study at

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember.

2. My beloved family who give me the best prayer.

3. My besties, Homsatul Istiqomah, S.Pd and Qurrotul Aini S, S.Pd who give me

their spirit when I feel down and help me to finish my thesis if I face the

difficulties. Those girls are my best support sistem

4. My beloved friends, Saidah Ajilatun N, Hikmatul Hosdiana, and Zakiyah Nur

Kholisoh. These guys are best support system.

5. My beloved almamater Muhammadiyah university.

This Final Project is a present for those I have mentioned before. Hopefully, it will

give benefit for everyone.

COVER .................................................................................................................. i
TITTLE SHEET ................................................................................................... ii
LOGO .................................................................................................................... iii
MOTTO .................................................................................................................iv
AGREEMENT SHEET .........................................................................................v
PREFACE ............................................................................................................ vii
ACKNOWLEGMENT ...................................................................................... viii
DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................x
LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................ xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................... xiv
ABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................xv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Research .....................................................................1
1.2 Problem of the Research ...........................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Research .......................................................................3
1.4 Operational Definition of the Research ....................................................3
1.5 Significances of the Research ...................................................................4
1.6 Scope of the Research...............................................................................4

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .....................................................5

2.1 Online Learning ........................................................................................5
2.1.1 The Difference Between Tradiotional Learning and Online
Learning .........................................................................................5

2.2 Experience ................................................................................................6

2.3 Difficulties in Online Learning .................................................................7

2.4 Reflection..................................................................................................7
2.5 Previous Studies .......................................................................................8

CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...............................................11

3.1 Kind of the Research ..............................................................................11
3.2 Place and Time .......................................................................................11
3.3 Research Data .........................................................................................12
3.4 Research Procedure ................................................................................12
3.5 Respondents ............................................................................................13
3.6 Data Collecting Methode ........................................................................14
3.7 Data Collecting Instruments ...................................................................14
3.8 Data Analysis ..........................................................................................14
3.9 Data Validity...........................................................................................16

CHAPTER 4. RESEARCH FINDINGS ............................................................17

4.1 The Results of Questionnaire .................................................................17
4.2 The Results of Interview.........................................................................22
4.2.1 Seeking Better Location for a Better Internet Connection ...........22
4.2.2 Ability to Take Own Note and Review The Material ..................23
4.2.3 Asking The Teacher to Give More Explanation ...........................24

CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION ...............................................................................25

5.1 Students’ Experience During the Online Learning in SMAN 02
Bondowoso .............................................................................................25
5.2 The Strategy Used by Students to Overcome Their Problem in Online
Learning .................................................................................................26

CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS .....................................28

6.1 Conclusion ..............................................................................................28
6.2 Suggestion ..............................................................................................28

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................30

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................33


Table 4.1.1 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................18

Table 4.1.2 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................18
Table 4.1.3 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................19
Table 4.1.4 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................19
Table 4.1.5 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................19
Table 4.1.6 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................20
Table 4.1.7 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................20
Table 4.1.8 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................21
Table 4.1.9 Students’ answer of statement one ......................................................21
Table 4.1.10 Students’ answer of statement one ....................................................22


Appendix 1. Questionnaire Draft ...........................................................................33

Appendix 2. Interview Unstructured Draft ............................................................35
Appendix 3. Questionnaire Validation Instrument ................................................36
Appendix 1. Interview Validation Instrument .......................................................39


Nuzzila, Soraya F. 2021. Students’ Reflection on Online Learning in SMAN 02

Bondowoso. Thesis. English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. Advisor: (1)
Fitrotul Mufaridah, M.Pd (2) Kristi Nuraini, M.Pd.

Key Words : Reflection, Online Learning

Online learning is implemented in Indonesia because of a virus called the
COVID19 virus. Online learning is implemented stop the spread of the COVID-19
virus where teachers and students do distance learning or not in the same room.
Online learning is implemented from march 2020 until now. During online learning,
there must be difficulties faced by students during online learning and many others.
Therefore, it is very important for students to do a reflection. Therefore, the writer
researched about students’ reflection. Reflection is very important for deep learning
and problem solving because reflection is known as a type of self-evaluation
(Cavilla: 2017).
There is some problem that faced by the students. Therefore, in this research
students recalled the experiences did the students have during the online learning
that cover the difficulties faced by students, online learning media used by students,
and interaction beetwen teacher and students.
This research conducted in SMAN 02 Bondowoso. The place is locatedin Jl.
Letjend Suprapto No.153, Kabupaten Bondowoso. This research conducted from
October 2021 until November 2021. The kind of this research is descriptive
qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research that focuses more on
education such as ethnography, naturalistic inquiry, narrative research, case studies,
interpretive research, fieldwork, field studies, and participant observation (Ary et
al: 2010). This research is survey reseach. The first thing to do by the writer is
spread the link of questionnaire. After that, the writer interviewed some students
that answered “neutral” in questionnaire.
After doing the research, the writer found several problems faced by students
during online learning. The biggest problem faced by students is the problem of
poor or slow internet connection. Some students stated that they would go to a
better place to get a better internet connection. Some of them also stated that they
went to a friend's house to get WiFi.



This chapter discussed what the writer researched. It covered background of the

research, problem of the research, objectives of the research, operational definition

of the research, significances of the research, and scope of the research.

1.1 Background of the Research

Currently, online learning is applied in Indonesia. This refers to Surat Edaran

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 tentang Pelaksanaan

Kebijakan Pendidikan Dalam Masa Darurat Penyebaran Coronavirus Disease

(Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia: 2020). Online learning

is implemented because of a virus called the COVID19 virus. Online learning is

implemented stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus where teachers and students

do distance learning or not in the same room.

According to Moore, Dickson-Deane, & Galyen (2011) in Firman (2020)

Online learning is learning that uses the internet network with accessibility,

connectivity, flexibility, and the ability to bring up various types of learning

interactions. Therefore, online learning is carried out in different places or with

flexible times without having to make physical contact between teachers and


To facilitate the online learning activity, the government provides free

internet data to students and teachers. This facility is stated in Peraturan Sekretaris

Jendral Nomor 14 Tahun 2020 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Bantuan Kuota Data

Internet Tahun 2020 which states that the Internet Data Quota Package for

Primary and Secondary Education Students is 35 GB/month consisting of 5 GB for

general quota and 30 GB for study quota. Where the general quota can be used to

access all applications and the study quota can be used to access learning

applications. This free quota facility aims to relieve students or teachers in the

online learning activity.

During online learning, there must be difficulties faced by students during

online learning and many others. Therefore, it is very important for students to do

a reflection. Therefore, the writer researched about students’ reflection. Reflection

is very important for deep learning and problem solving because reflection is

known as a type of self-evaluation (Cavilla: 2017). Evaluation is carried out by the

teacher where the teacher can fix what needs to be improved. This also applies to

students. In this research, students recall the experiences did the students have

during the online learning that cover the difficulties faced by students, online

learning media used by students, and interaction beetwen teacher and students.

This research is aimed for SMAN 02 Bondowoso.

1.2 Problem of Research

Based on the background of the research, the writer formulated the problems

as follows:

1. What experiences did the students face during the online learning in SMAN 02


2. How did they cope with their problems? What did they do to overcome their

problems related to online learning media used by students, and interaction

between teacher and students?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

Based on the problems above, the purpose of this research are:

1. To describe the students’ experiences during the online learning in SMAN

02 Bondowoso.

2. To describe how did they cope with their problems. Describe what did

they do to overcome their problems related to online learning media used

by students, and interaction between teacher and students.

1.4 Operational Definition of the Research

The operational definition of the research aims to provide understanding the

readers. This aims to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity of the terms used by

the writer. Those are:

1.4.1 Students Reflection

Reflection learning is how students can become aware of their own thought

processes and can be open to others. With reflection students can understand

the "how" and "why" of learning is carried out. In this research, students

recalled what experiences did the students have during the online learning.

1.4.2 Online Learning

Online learning is learning that utilizes the internet by using online learning

mediafor learning and teaching process. With online learning, teachers and

students do not need to meet in a real room. In this research, the writer

researched the implementation of online learning that has been implemented

in SMAN 02 Bondowoso.

1.5 Significances of the Research

This research is expected to give significant contributions to these following


1.5.1 Students of SMAN 02 Bondowoso

The results of this research can be used as a reflection for SMAN 02

Bondowoso students during online learning.

1.5.2 Teachers of SMAN 02 Bondowoso

The results of this research can be used as a reflection for SMAN 02

Bondowoso students to improve their subsequent learning.

1.5.3 Other researchers

The results of this research can be used as a reference for other researchers

who will to conduct research in the same field.

1.6 Scope of the Research

This research is about students’ reflection during online learning and this

research focuses on analyzing the experiences did the students have during the

online learning that cover the difficulties faced by students, online learning media

used by students, and interaction between teacher and students in SMAN 02




This chapter discussed review of literature that support this research. It covered

online learning, experience, difficulties in online learning, reflection, and previous


2.1 Online Learning

Online learning is teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers and

students by utilizing the internet network. Anderson and Fathi (2004) stated that

Online Learning is a collection of practitioners and academics who are actively

working in the field of distance education. Distance education requires a

communication device that is connected to the internet network. Distance education

requires a communication tool that is connected to the internet network. That way,

teachers and students can carry out teaching and learning activities without having

to gather in one room.

Since 2020, Indonesia has implemented distance learning or commonly

known as online learning. This learning change from traditional learning to online

learning has been implemented since the corona virus spread in Indonesia. This

effort was made to stop the spread of this virus because by implementing online

learning, teachers and students would not meet face to face but meet in a device

supported by the internet network.

2.1.1 The Difference Between Traditional Learning and Online Learning.

Before the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia, learning was carried out

as in general, namely carrying out teaching and learning activities in one room face-

to-face. Rahman et al (2020) stated that Traditional learning has a positive impact,

for example students are able to solve tasks efficiently because it is done face-

to- face which involves a two-way interaction between teachers and students or

between students to gain knowledge effectively. When traditional learning is used,

teachers usually use blackboards, textbooks, and laptops connected to LCD

projectors to transfer knowledge. This is clearly different from online learning.

2.2 Experience

In oxford dictionary, experience is skill that have been gained through doing

something for a period of time. While, according to Hohr (2012) experience is a

central aspect of interaction which is a communicative, historical and cultural

phenomenon. Experience is something that has been experienced, lived or felt, both

for a long time and recently happened (Saparwati: 2012). From some of the

definitions above, it can be concluded that experience is something that has been

experienced, lived or felt which is then stored into one’s memory.

Experience is broad, even educational experience. One person who has

educational experience is the student. Joplin (1981) stated that anytime a person

learns, they must "experience " the subject — significantly identify with, seriously

interact with, form a personal relationship, etc. However, experience is not enough

to be called experiential education, so there is a process of reflection that can turn

experience into experiential education (Joplin: 1981).

Reflection and experience have a very close relationship. In Refleksi :

Pentingkah Bagi Dosen Pendidikan Kedokteran? Research by Liliswati (2013),

reflection occurs when the experience encountered in practice then thinks about

how to make it better in the future called reflection on action, this reflection is

done after the experience occurs.

2.3 Difficulties in Online Learning

In the online learning proccess there must be difficulties or obstacles faced

by students or teacher. Currently learning in Indonesia is carried out by online

learning. In online learning, teacher uses applications and websites as online

learning media. By utilizing online learning media, teacher can provide material

to students that should be given in the classroom. Although online learning has

many benefits, there are technical drawbacks when using the medium (Sitzmann

et al: 2010)

The difficulties faced usually refer to things that are technical in nature such

as signal problems, or problems with the device. In a research journal entitled

Kendala Pembelajaran Daring Selama Masa Pandemi di Kalangan Mahasiswa

Pendidikan Matematika: Kajian Kualiatatif Deskriptif by Hutauruk and Ropinus

(2020) describes the difficulties faced by students when doing online learning. The

difficulties they faced are there is a problem with a slow internet network in their

place so there are problems when submitting assignments. In addition, there are

frequent blackouts from the Electricity Service Provider (PLN). This problem

makes students left from online learning media.

2.4 Reflection

Wald (2015) stated that reflection is a metacognitive process that connects

with feelings that occur during and after situations with the aim of developing

awareness and understanding of self, other people, and situations (p 697). In

education context, reflection is a process of rethinking so that it can be interpreted

or analyzed (Sandars: 2009). To achieve the success of reflection, Sandars (2009)

stated that successful reflection requires individuals (both students and teachers)

to recognize the importance of reflection for personal growth and professional


Roskos, Vukelich, and Risko (2001) in Chang (2019) summarize three types

of reflection, there are reflection based on function, structure, and timeline. First,

the type of reflection based on its function is personal reflection and class

reflection. Second, the types of reflection based on structure are scaffolding

reflection, reframing, and debriefing. Third, the types of timeline reflection are

retrospective reflection (reflecting past actions), contemporary reflection

(reflecting activities in action), and anticipatory reflection (reflecting future


Reflection is very important. It can be seen from the theory of experts. CALT

Learning Support (2007) in Park and Kastanis (2009) summarize the importance of

reflection in learning. There are: it can help students to better understand their

weaknesses and strengths; identify and question underlying values and beliefs;

acknowledge and challenge the assumptions on which their ideas, feelings and

actions are based; identify areas of potential bias or discrimination; admit fear; and

identify deficiencies or areas for improvement.

2.5 Previous Studies

There are some previous studies that supported this research. They are as


a. According to the research conducted by Kagwesage (2012) entitled

Higher Education Students’ Reflections on Learning in Times of

Academic Language Shift has the result that some university students in

Rwanda experienced difficulties in understanding courses that used

English due to limited general vocabulary and subject-specific terms such

as different lecturer accents, speaking speed.

b. According to the research conducted by Ulfia (2020) entitled

Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Refleksi Para Siswa

has the result that the implementation of online learning by students

illustrates that there has been an increase in the intensity of online

learning during the pandemic. This is because all schools are required to

conduct online learning. Students who previously only did 1-3 hours a

week, during this pandemic, they had to do 12 hours every week.

c. According to the research conducted by Fatimah (2021) entitled Analisis

Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di

Sekolah Dasar has the result that implementation of online learning in

Islamic School Ahmad Dahlan has been implemented quite well. The

teacher prepares online lesson plans, materials, and media such as making

videos before teaching. the implementation of online learning is carried

out using the Zoom and Whatsapp applications. Zoom is used to explain

the subject matter, while Whatsapp is used to communicate with students

and parents regarding the implementation of online learning, besides that

the teacher also sends information about online learning via Whatsapp.

d. According to the research conducted by Asmuni (2020) entitled

Problematika Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dan Solusi

Pemecahannya has result There are 3 sources of obstacles to online

learning due to COVID19. The first is the problem of the teacher in the

form of weak IT mastery and limited access to student supervision. The

second is from students in the form of inactivity in participating in

learning, limited support facilities and internet network access.

Meanwhile, from parents, it is in the form of limited time in accompany

their children during online learning.

e. According to the research conducted by Sadikin and Yelianti (2021)

entitled Dialogic Feedback to Promote Deep Learning for EFL Speaking

Learners in Online Learning Environment: Students’ Voices. The result of

this research is there are difficulties faced by students in feedback in online

speaking classes. Students revealed that there was one problem related to

the internet connection, which was not hearing voices when learning to

speak in online classes was carried out.

f. According to Airey and Linder (2006) entitled Language and the

experience of learning university physics in Sweden. The result of this

research is the students in this research showed that when they took notes

in a lecture, they were better able to simultaneously follow the course of

the lecture.



This chapter discussed what method used by the writer. It covered kind of the

research, research data, respondents, place and time, data collecting method,

research procedure, data collecting instruments, data analysis, and data validity.

3.1 Kind of Research

The kind of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative

research is a research that focuses more on education such as ethnography,

naturalistic inquiry, narrative research, case studies, interpretive research,

fieldwork, field studies, and participant observation (Ary et al: 2010). This research

is survey reseach. In survey research, researcher ask questions about peoples’

beliefs, opinions, characteristics, and behavior (Ary et al: 2010).

3.2 Place and Time

This research conducted in SMAN 02 Bondowoso. The place is locatedin Jl.

Letjend Suprapto No.153, Kabupaten Bondowoso. This research conducted from

October 2021 until December 2021. The reasons for choosing this place are:

a. The school is a prefence one, where the school has good online learning.

b. The topic of the research is found in this school. So that, the writer

can prove whether use of online learning in the school is really good or not.

c. The location is accessible in terms of time and distance

3.3 Research Data

Data is a collection of facts that can be measured by the instrument (Aditya:

2013). The type of research used is qualitative. Where the writer took and got data

in the form of sentences about the difficulties faced by students during online

learning and the experiences of students during online learning. To obtain data,

writer must use research instruments to be able to find conclusions from the results

of this research. In this research, the writer used questionnaire and interview as the


3.4 Research Procedure

There are 6 basic steps from Ary et al (2014). Those are:

1. Planning. In this first step, the writer will find the problem and makes research


2. Defining the population. In this second step, the writer will choose to whom the

survey will be distributed and if the population is large enough, the writer will

can limit the population.

3. Sampling. The writer will choose a sample from the population.

4. Constructing the instrument. The writer will arrange the instrument that will be

used for data collection from the sample.

5. Conducting the survey. The writer will distribute the questionnaire and verifies

the accuracy of the data collected.

6. Processing the data. The writer will proces the data obtained from the results

of the study by interpreting the results in the form of words.

In the research process, the writer used some of them because there is one

step that didn’t appropriate to this research. It is sampling. So, the writer used 5

steps in this research. Those are:

1. Planning. In this first step, the writer found the problem and makes research


2. Defining the respondent. In this second step, the chose to whom the survey


3. Constructing the instrument. The writer arranged the instrument. In this

research, the writer used google form as a survey platform.

4. Conducting the survey. The writer distributed the questionnaire to the


5. Processing the data. he writer processed the data obtained from the results of the

research by interpreting the results in the form of words and the writer consulted

with a validator.

3.5 Respondents

Respondents in this research are students of class XI MIPA 1 at SMAN 02

Bondowoso. There are 33 students of XI MIPA 1 with 15 males and 18 females.

The writer thinks that class XI students are the right class for research subjects. If

the writer chooses class X students, they are still new to the school so they still need

to adapt to the high school environment. While, if the writer chooses class XII

students, they are already in their final year who must focus on school graduation


3.6 Data Collecting Method

The writer used questionnaire and interview as data collection instruments.

The questionnaire distributed to class XI MIPA 1 students in SMAN 02

Bondowoso. Because the questionnaire is an online questionnaire, the writer used

google form to write the questionnaire. The writer gave 10 questions using close

questionnaire, where respondents chose the answer that has been provided by the

writer. After the data from the questionnaire was collected, the writer conducted

the online interview. Questions in unstructured interview are conveyed in a flow

like everyday conversation in informal situations. In this interview, the writer chose

10 students who answered “Neutral” in questionnaire by WhatsApp application.

3.7 Data Collecting Instruments

In this research, the writer thought carefully about what type of research used.

So, the writer can determine the next step in collecting research data. After the

writer determines the type of research, the writer determines to whom she

conducted the research and where she conducted the research. In this research, the

writer used a survey as a research method by distributed online questionnaires by

google form and the questions include 2 points that was researched. After

conducting the survey, the writer conducted open interview with 10 students who

answered “Neutral” in questionnaire by WhatsApp application. By open interview, the

writer can found a definite answer from them.

3.8 Data Analysis

Data analysis is the most important part of the scientific method, because

dataanalysis is used to solve research problems (Nugrahani: 2014). The raw data

collected is useless if it is not analyzed. Therefore, data analysis was carried out

after the process data collection is complete. Miles and Huberman (1984) in

Nugrahani (2014) Interactive Analysis has three main components in qualitative

data analysis, there are: data reduction, data display, and draw conclusion or

verification. Therefore, the writer used that data analysis to analyze the data.

a. Data Reduction.

In this step, the writer identified the data that is considered important by

determining the boundary of the problem. It aims to clarify and focus on what

was researched.

b. Data Display

In this step the writer processed the data into sentences. This data display is an

assembly of organizational information in the form of a description or

narrative that is compiled and presented using the writer's language that is

logical, and systematic, so that it is easy to understand.

c. Draw Conclusion or Verification

In this step, the writer carried out the verification process by carried out

research and traced back all the research steps that have been carried out,

including checking the data collected in the google form. Therefore, the writer

can draw conclusion. Drawing the final conclusion should be made short and

clear so that it is easy to understand. Conclusion must be verified during

the research, so that they can be accounted for and the data must always be

testedfor truth so that their validity is guaranteed.

3.9 Data Validity

The writer must validate the data to ensure that the data collected is valid

data.The write used source triangulation from Moleong (1990). This triangulation

leads the writer to collected data from various available sources. The writer

compared the observational data with the results of interview. Therefore, the writer

used source triangulation, it directs the writer to collect data from various available

sources. To found out whether the data is valid or not, the writer consulted with a



This chapter discussed the result of data findings which focused to

students’ reflection on online learning in SMAN 02 Bondowoso . The data finding

was taken from questionnaire and interview.

Data collecting activity that used in this research were questioner and

interview. The first data collecting activity was questioner. The activity was

conducted from Oct, 11 2021 until Oct, 18 2021 through Google form. There were

33 students of XI IPA 1 in SMAN 2 Bondowoso that were the respondent of the

research. After the writer shared the link of Google form in the class group in

WhatsApp, each student should fill the form based on their experience during the

online learning. The form consisted of 10 questions and in the form of 5 point of

Likert scale answers. Each student might answer Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral

(undecided), disagree and strongly disagree. Then, the second activity of data

collecting method was interview. The interview was conducted after the questioner

given. However, only 10 students who were interviewed by the writer because they

had undecided answer based on their result of questioner. So that the writer needed

more explanation through interview. The interview process was conducted through

WhatsApp video call with each student. From those activities in collecting the data,

The result findings were explained below.

4.1 The Results of Questionnaire

Based on the result findings from the questionnaire. There were results of

students’ answer from statement 1, “The lack of prepared internet data affects the

process of online learning”

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 11 33 %
2 Agree 12 36 %
3 Neutral 5 15 %
4 Disagree 3 9%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 6%
Table. 4.1.1 Students’ answer of Statement one

From the table showed, it can be seen that there were 23 students from

total amount of 33 students who agreed that the lack of prepared internet data

affected the process of online learning.

Students’ answer from statement 2, “The blackout affects the process of

online learning”

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 24 73 %
2 Agree 4 12 %
3 Neutral 2 6%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 3 9%
Table 4.1.2 Students’ answer of Statement two

From the table showed, it can be seen that there were 28 students from

total amount of 33 students who agreed that the blackout affected the process of

online learning.

Students’ answer from statement 3, “The devices used (example:

laptop/tablet/smartphone) do not support the online learning process”

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 2 6%
2 Agree 1 3%
3 Neutral 9 27 %

4 Disagree 12 36 %
5 Strongly Disagree 9 27 %
Table 4.1.3 Students’ answer of Statement three

It is seen from the table that there were 21 students from total amount of

33 students who disagreed that the devices used like laptop, tablet, or smartphone

do not support the online learning process.

Students’ answer from statement 4, “Bad signals affect the process of

online learning”

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 25 76 %
2 Agree 2 5%
3 Neutral 1 3%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 6%
Table 4.1.4 Students’ answer of Statement four

Based on the table above, we can found that there were 27 students from

total amount of 33 students who agreed that the Bad signals affect the process of

online learning.

Students’ answer from statement 5, “Noise Interferences affect the

process of online learning”.

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 9 27 %
2 Agree 16 48 %
3 Neutral 5 15 %
4 Disagree 2 6%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 3%
Table 4.1.5 Students’ answer of Statement five

Table 4.1.5 showed that there were 25 students from total amount of 33

students who agreed that noise Interferences affect the process of online


Students’ answer from statement 6, “Interface of the learning application

display is hard to be followed”.

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 4 12 %
2 Agree 7 21 %
3 Neutral 15 45 %
4 Disagree 6 18 %
5 Strongly Disagree 1 3%
Table 4.1.6 Students’ answer of Statement six

We can found from the table 4.1.6 showed that there were 11 students were

agree, 15 students were neutral and 7 students were disagree. From total amount of

33 students, most of them could not defined whether the interface is hard or easy to

be followed.

Students’ answer from statement 7, “Online learning platform are

consuming a lot of Internet data”.

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 7 21%
2 Agree 13 39 %
3 Neutral 11 33 %
4 Disagree 2 6%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Table 4.1.7 Students’ answer of Statement seven

It can be seen from table 4.1.7 that there were 20 students from total amount

of 33 students who agreed that online learning platform are consuming a lot of

Internet data.

Students’ answer from statement 8, “The use of the online learning

platform made me easier to understand the material given by the teacher”.

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 1 3%
2 Agree 8 24 %
3 Neutral 15 45 %
4 Disagree 8 24 %
5 Strongly Disagree 1 3%
Table 4.1.8 Students’ answer of Statement eight

The result of the table above showed that there were 9 students were agree,

15 students were neutral and 8 students were disagree. From total amount of 33

students, most of them could not defined whether the use of the online learning

platform made them easier to understand the material given by the teacher.

Students’ answer from statement 9, “The created interaction by the teacher

make students active during the online learning process”.

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of

Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 5 15 %
2 Agree 13 39 %
3 Neutral 11 33 %
4 Disagree 4 12 %
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Table 4.1.9 Students’ answer of Statement nine

In table 4.1.9, there were 18 students from total amount of 33 students who

agreed that the created interaction by the teacher make students active during the

online learning process.

Students’ answer from statement 10, “The interaction between teacher and

students help them to understand the learning material given”.

No. 5 Point of Likert Scale Number of Percentage of
Student answer
1 Strongly Agree 11 33 %
2 Agree 12 36 %
3 Neutral 8 24 %
4 Disagree 2 6%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Table 4.1.10 Students’ answer of Statement ten

Table 4.1.10 showed that there were 23 students from total amount of 33

students who agreed that the interaction between teacher and students help them

to understand the learning material given.

4.2 The Result of Interview

To figure out the strategies used by the students during the online learning,

the writer conducted an interview to obtain the data. The interview was conducted

through video call using WhatsApp platform. 10 students were chosen as the

respondents during the interview. The respondents were taken from the answer they

have given in the form as they mentioned as “Neutral” in some questions. Those 10

students answered “Neutral” for some questions. So that the writer would like to

know more about their reason beside their answer. The interview was conducted

from 18th Oct 2021. There were around 4 questions that was provided by the writer.

Those questions are open-ended question. Based on the interview result that related

to the questioner result there were some ways used by them to overcome their

problems during the online learning process.

4.2.1 Seeking Better Location for a Better Internet Connection

In this section, many students have the same technical problem that is about

the internet connection. They mostly lost their internet connection when the teacher

was teaching in the class and, sometimes they were running out of internet data.

SF2, “I would buy the data if my data is running out, but sometimes I would ask

my sister to share her hotspot”

SF3, “I would go to my friend’s house to study together and ride on the Wi-Fi.”

SF4, “sometimes, I would like to go to school and ride on the hotspot area there.”

Some students answered that they would buy the data if their run out of data but

some of them chose to go to their friend’s house or school to get better connection

using Wi-Fi.

4.2.2 Ability to Take Own Note and Review The Material

After noticing that actually many students have trouble in following their

lecturer’s explanation. So that, the writer tried to observe more from student’s

answer during the interview. Some of students overcome their problems through

note taking from the lecture’s explanation and some of them were having more

discussion with their friends.

SF7, “I will write my own notes and ask for the PPT file to my teacher.”

SM2, “I will write the important points from the presentation”

SF1, “Usually, I will ask the PPT and review the material given by teacher”

SF6, “I will take a note while my teacher is explaining”

Some students would like to write their own notes in term of the important

point that they have gotten during the teacher’s explanations. Some of them were

also asking the PPT file of the material to the teacher and compare it with their own


4.2.3 Asking Teacher to Give More Explanation

Some students stated that their teacher’s explanation was not clear so that

some of them ask for more discussion with their teachers.

SM1, “I will text my teacher and ask for the presentation file of the material”

SF7, “I will review the material given from my own notes and ask for the PPT

file to my teacher.”

SM2, “I will come to school and ask the teacher to explain the material while

compare it with my own notes”

SF6, “I will discuss the material with my friend and we will learn together, but

if we still don’t understand, we’ll come to school”

From those interview result, we could take the conclusion that some students still

didn’t understand about the teacher’s explanation during the online learning so

that they decided to have more discussion with teachers to have a better



This chapter discussed the data findings that the writer obtained from

questionnaire and interview. Furthermore, the data findings were adjusted with

previous study to answer the research question.

5.1 Students’ Experiences During the Online Learning in SMAN 02


Based on the result finding, there are some problems that faced by students

during the online learning. The problems were categorized into two main problems.

They are technical and non-technical problems. The technical problems were

categorized into: signal or internet data connection and blackout. Meanwhile, the

non-technical problems categorized into: less understanding of the material given,

devices usage, problem in noise, platform interface usage, and consumed a lot of


These result findings are supported by the previous study from a book

entitled “Pengalaman Baik Mengajar Pandemi Covid-19 Mapel Bahasa Indonesia”

(Kemdikbud, 2020). From those result of findings most students faced the same

problem that was the internet connection. They mostly lost their connection and ran

out the internet data because of the online learning consume a lot of data. However,

for some students, the problem about low internet connection is not a big problem

because they still have other options to get a more stable connection.

5.2 The Strategy Used by Students to Overcome Their Problem in Online


There were three strategies that students used to overcome their problems

during the online learning. They are as follows:

a. Seeking Better Location for A Better Internet Connection

As stated in the result of the interview in question “how do you

overcome the problems?”. The result showed that from 10 students

who was interviewed by the writer, there were 70% students answered

that they tried to ask for the internet connection to their families or

relatives during the online learning. Sometimes they would also go to

their friends’ house to join the Wi-Fi.

This finding was supported by a study from Asmuni (2020) that stated

if students faced the internet problem, they can overcome the problem

by tethering internet connection to their families or save the data usage

by using it when they need it only. Which means by doing that ways

students can solve their problem in term of the internet connection.

This result is aslo supported by Arinda and Sadikin (2021) that stated

the challenges in online learning are the existence of internet

connection and the internet data used costs quite a lot.

b. Ability to Take Own Note And Review The Material

As also stated in the result of the interview question “how do you

overcome the problem if you don’t understand well about the

material?”. There were 70% students answered that the given material

from the teacher was not clear enough for them so that most of them

take their own notes based on the teacher’s explanation and the

Presentation given. They prefer to listen only and wait until the teacher

notes something on presentation for them to copy. This result seems to

be in line with Airey and Linder (2006) who note that students are

likely to gain help from extensive writing on the board when the lecture

is in second language medium of instruction.



This chapter discussed about the conclusion and suggestion of this research

that have been researched by the writer through spread the questionnaire and


6.1 Conclusion

Based on the result findings, almost all students in SMAN 1 Bondowoso

faced problems during the online learning process. There were technical and non-

technical problems. The technical problems mostly was about the internet

connection. There were 30 students who faced the problem on their internet

connection. Furthermore, in term of non-technical problems, students mostly faced

the problem was about less understanding of the teacher’s explanation.

The result also showed the strategies used by students to overcome those

problems were seeking the better place to get the internet connection and taking

their own note and reviewing the material given by teachers.

6.2 Suggestion

a. For students

During the online learning, students must be actively participated in the class

discussion and use their mobile phone maximally to support their learning


b. For lecturers

Before doing or conducting the learning process through, teachers should make

the interactive media to support their explanation during the class and teacher

should guide their students whether the students has already understood or not

about the material given.


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Appendix 1. Questionnaire Draft.

1. To describe the The The lack of data packages that have
students’ experiences difficulties been provided affects the online
during the online faced by learning process.
2. learning in SMAN 02 students Power outages affect the online
Bondowoso. learning process.
3. The device used does not support
the online learning process
4. Bad signals affect the online
learning process.
5. Disruption of noises at home affects
the online learning process.
6. To describe how did Online The display of online learning
they cope with their learning applications is difficult to follow
problems. Describe media used by the steps
7. what did they do to students Online learning applications that
overcome their are often used take up a lot of
problems related to internet quota
8. online learning media The use of online learning
used by students, and applications make me easy to
interaction between understand the material explained
teacher and students. by the teacher

9. The interactions that are built make
Interaction students active during the online
beetwen learning process
10 teacher and Interaction between teacher and
students student helps students understand
the learning material better


SS : Strongly Agree

S : Agree

N : Netral

TS : Disagree

STS : Strongly Disagree

Appendix 2. Interview Unstructured Draft.


1. To describe the The difficulties faced Based on
students’ experiences by students questionnaire data
during the online
learning in SMAN 02

2. To describe how did Learning media online Based on

they cope with their used by students questionnaire data
problems. Describe
what did they do to
overcome their
3. problems related to Interaction between Based on
online learning media teacher and students questionnaire data
used by students, and during online learning
interaction between
teacher and students.

Apendix 3. Questionnaire Validation Instrument

Apendix 4. Interview Validation Instrument


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