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MA in ELT (Weekend)

Department of English
Topic: Necessity of DEATH PENALTY
Course & Course title: CC002-ESL/EFL Reading and Writing skills

Submitted to-
Manmay Zafar
Assoc. Professor
Department of English
Jahangirnagar University
Submitted by-
Ayesha Siddika
ID: 1201037
Reg No: ENG19001469
Semester: Spring, 2020
Submission date: 13 November 2020
Death penalty
There is a saying “Hate sins, not sinners”. But it doesn’t befit if you are the victim. There are some
vicious sins (such as: throwing of acid, acts of terrorism, planned murder, trafficking of drugs,
rape, abduction of woman and children) that you can’t help yourself from hating the sinners. And
these vicious crimes or sins that are punishable by death is called the capital crime. And the
punishment is called death penalty, death sentence or execution. This death penalty is a
controversial issue as some people say it’s against human right. Some say everyone deserves a
second chance. Though it is a controversial issue, I support death penalty as long as no innocent
got punished mistakenly. In my opinion, those vicious criminals don’t deserve to live.
A person who killed someone in a vicious way like throwing acid, poisoning or by burning or raped
someone, is the worst kind of a person. There were so many serial killers in history who killed or
raped innocent just for pleasure. Any normal innocent person of the society is in danger of his/her
sinister act. He is a threat for any innocent life. Society or government can’t ensure the life security
of the people as long as this type of criminals are free. They are a threat to others life as long as
they are alive. To protect the society from these most dangerous murderers, the only recourse is
the finality of capital punishment.
Another reason for supporting death penalty is that when a person kills someone or cause a great
harm to someone’s life, it would be painful for the victim or victim’s family to see that the criminal
is alive, living his life. Even if he is sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. It would not be equal the
suffering, the victim has gone through. For example, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, a 20 years old guy,
a supremacist had killed 51 people and injured 40 others in a terrorist attack at a mosque during
Friday prayer on 15th March 2019.He was so brutal that he posted the killing footage of innocent
people at Facebook. And when he got arrested there was no guilty feelings in him. This guy was
sentenced to life imprisonment on 26th march 2020 by the court of New Zealand. This punishment
doesn’t seem satisfactory for a person who killed innocent people during prayer.
Moreover, if a criminal is executed there would be no doubt that he would ever commit another
crime. There are some case where criminal got released or somehow escaped and he committed
the crime again. For example, Willie Horton who was sentenced to life time imprisonment for rape
and murder case as there was no death penalty in Massachusetts. On a furlough, he was released
to see his family but through negligence, he flees the state. During his escape he abducts a young
couple. He brutally beats up the boy and rapes the woman. So, if there was death penalty in
Massachusetts, this criminal wouldn’t be able to destroy another life. He doesn’t deserve a second
chance in life. And it would set an example for other criminals who think they can escape the
punishment by any chance. Death penalty would help to reduce crime rate by warning the criminals
about the punishment. Like, in Bangladesh and India the crime of rape increased in recent years.
Government is unable to control the situation. But if the government execute few rapists then it
would put an example of the consequence of a rape. It would stop criminal minded people to do
crime for their pleasure.
To conclude, I would say that sometimes death penalty is necessary to put an end to a cruel crime
and to do justice to the victim and to ensure the safety of innocent people. But the justification
process must be accurate as death is irreversible and not every criminal deserves this punishment
for their crime. Some severe crimes like throwing acid, rape, terrorism deserve no tolerance. They
should be hanged until death.

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