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The Fungs

History Fungs Panellus

Originally from the swamps, the Fungs are humanoids The Panellus are known as "those who still run", a name
who succumbed to the power of Raevna, goddess of given to them for being the first to flee from the claws of
plants and decay. She offered them her power in the goddess. During those centuries when all the Fungs
exchange of the promise that they would serve the served without hesitation, the Panellus hid from the sight
goddess for as long as she believed necessary.

of the goddess by living at night, when her vision was

This has kept the Fungs away from the cities, living in easier to evade, and resting by day, concealed like mere
isolated villages in the swamps for several centuries, mushrooms.
although during the last decade many of the younger The Panellus have the ability to produce light at will, which
Fungs have turned away from servitude and decided to
made it easier for them to escape and live in the dark.
move to the cities. What is uncertain is if they were able to regenerate
themselves with the sun's energy from the beginning or if

it was something that they developed after decades on the

Even with these changes in the mindset of the youth, it is
difficult to eliminate habits that have been ingrained for Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by
centuries, and this has resulted in the Fungs isolating 1.
themselves in the cities, usually making the sewers or the
slums their home. Fungus light: As an action you can sheds bright light in a
20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

The light can be colored as you like. You can dismiss it

as an action.
Fung Traits Solar Warmth: If you take a short rest in the sunlight
The following racial abilities are common to all types of and spend at least one hit die you may roll an extra die
Fungs on this list. for free and heal that number of hit points.

Extra Languaje: You can speak, read, and write one

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score extra language of your choice.
increases by 2.

Age: Fungs reach adulthood in their late teens and can

live almost two centuries.

Alignment: The alignment of a fung can be very

variable, this is mainly due to how he feels about his old
traditions and his servitude, if he is a faithful servant of
Raevna he will tend to the side of viciousness.

Size: Fungs stand between 4 and 5 feet tall. Your size is


Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Woodland blood: The Fungs are immune to poison and

can´t be Poisoned.

The Forest's Breath: You have proficiency in the Nature


Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common

and Sylvan.

Fungs Muscaria

Muscaria are known as the warriors of the fung tribe, they

are fierce in combat and never leave their post as
protectors of villages. One of their main advantages
against predators is their poisonous spores, which give
them the ability to control the terrain and weaken their

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by


Toxic spores: As an action you can release spores from

your body, creating a 20-foot-radius sphere centered
on your body. Any creature that starts its turn in the
area must make a CR15 constitution saving throw. A
target takes 2d6 poison damage on a failed save, or
none damage on a successful one. You can’t use this
feature again until you finish a long rest.

Bleed and fight!: As an bonus action you can secrete

liquid poisons, which can be applied to any weapon. A
weapon that has this poison applied to it will deal 1d4
extra poison damage. You can use this ability a number
of times equal to your constitution modifier before you
require a long rest.

Extra Languaje: You can speak, read, and write one

extra language of your choice.

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