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NĂM HỌC 2017 – 2018
(Đề thi gồm 12 trang)
Thời gian: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)
PART ONE. LISTENING (50 points):
Question 1: Listen to the recording and complete the table below with ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (10 points)
Date of the fete: 1 ..............
Expected weather: 22 degrees and 2 ..............
Fundraising purpose: In aid of the roof of the 3 ..............
Fundraising goal: £4000
Last year's tickets: 400 adult tickets at £5 each, plus 4 ..............
discounted tickets at £2.50 each
Total from ticket sales 5 ..............
last year:
Amount needed from food and drink sales to reach £1250 (assuming total from ticket sales is the same
overall target: as last year)

Question 2: Listen to a talk about the program named Focus on the Arts and decide whether these
statements are true (T) or false (F).
6. The National Arts Center is a well-known place for music performances of different types.
7. The National Arts Center provides a variety of entertainment choices.
8. The Center has been situated in the heart of the city since 1940.
9. The City Council, the National Sympony Orchestra and National Theatre Company are based in the
10. There are 2-3 days a year when visitors cannot go to the Center.
Question 3: Listen to Matt and Jess talking about their assignment. Choose the correct answer
11. What are Matt and Jess planning to study?
A different species of insects
B different species of plants
C old photos
12. How far apart are the plots supposed to be?
A 12 feet apart
B 10 meters apart
C 10 miles apart
13. One person throws the frame and the other person
A turns on the spot
B smiles and waves
C marks out the squares
14. The instructions sound complicated because
A they are in writing
B there is so much turning around
C there are so many squares
15. Jess thinks Matt should do the throwing because
A he has more experience
B he has a stronger arm
C he is more accurate
Question 4: You will hear part of a presentation by a woman called Linda Brown, who is the
director of Woodley community college. For questions 16-25, complete the sentences with NO
Summer school classes start on (16) ……………….
People expressed interest in the college after several (17) were broadcast on the radio.
The (18) ……………….will declare the college open.
Other figures at the opening ceremony, include a famous (19) ………………. who will make a speech.
Local (20) ……………….will teach courses at the college. The emphasis will be on (21)
……………….subjects. The college will be (22) ……………….about who it allows to enrol for courses.
Students may not have the (23) ……………….required by traditional colleges.
It is hoped that an (24) ……………….office in the city centre will generate interest in the college.
People interested in courses should first refer to its (25) ……………….for more information
I. Choose the best answer.
1. The red cross is……….an international aid organization
a. intriguingly b. intrusively c. intrinsically d. intrepidly
2. The quality papers are a different ……………of fish from the gutter press
a. pan b. basket c. box d. kettle
3. Politicians interviewed on TV seldom see eye………..eye with their interviewers
a. for b. to c. at d. by
4. The invasion of the small country was an……………..act which violated the peace treaty
a. assertive b. aggressive c. affirmative d. abrasive
5. a new………programmers on wildlife will be shown on Channel 4 in the autumn
A. episode b. series c. serial d. sequel
6. The in-depth new bulleting are aimed…….a middle aged, professional audience
a. for b. to c. in d. at
7. I have no idea whether the restaurant will be open- we will just have to take pot……….
a. choice b. chance c. luck d. fortune
8. As I boarded the train, I was suddenly……… the arm and ushered towards a first –class carriage
a. clutched b. grabbed c. caught d. plucked
9. As a result of………….the price of new cars has risen dramatically over the last few months
a. inflation b. escalation c. distension d. extension
10. Although she has three children of her own, this 32 year old mum has …four others for the local
a. upheld b. supported c. fostered d. sustained
11. Conservationist are worried that many potentially valuable …….of plant and animals are threatened
with extinction
a. examples b. variations c. species d. brands
12. My dog is being very difficult at the moment, I don’t know what the trouble is but he just …….not eat
a. shall b. will c. may d. has
13. The evidence that carbon dioxide levels are rising is……..
a. inevitable b. unavoidable c. indelible d. undeniable
14. The pollution problem is in the town have been….by mass tourism in the summer months
a. exacerbated b. developed c. augmented d. contributed
15. During the height of the reason tourists arrive in………….to see Shakespeare’s birthplace
a. loads b. flocks c. shoals d. droves
16. You really shouldn’t buy that car, I know the engine is fine but most of the bodywork has
been…….away by rust
a. eaten b. dissolved c. erased d. crumbled
17. The pyramids are perhaps the most famous of the seven……of the ancient world
a. structures b. spectacles c. wonders d. constructions
18. I have given up trying to make my sister see the sense, and now I am….to the fact that she is going to
marry Jason
a. Adapted b. resigned c. adjusted d. accepted
19. They spilt up on very bad terms and went through a bitter and…….divorce
a. acrid b. Aggravated c. aggrieved d. acrimonious
20. I am rather suspicious of your brother‘s sudden concern for your welfare and fear that he may
a. underlying b. concealed c. secondary d. ulterior
II. Identify the mistakes and correct them in the following passage.
Tony had always wanted to explore the foothills of Himalayas. So when he was offered an early
retirement package by his firm, he decided to take up advantage of the opportunity. First he needed to get
really fit, so he spent a month to train in the Lake District. When he could run up Buttermere Fell without
stopping, he considered he was ready. He booked a trip with a well known trekking company and flew
out to Katmandu, the capital of Nepal. His group were planning to trek in the Annapurna region, but
unfortunately the Nepalese was beginning to get worried about the amount of damage being made to their
ancient mountains by the constant pummeling of climbers feet. So they temporarily suspended
permission for foreigners to climb or use the footpaths in the area. The group leader was very apologetic,
but he laid on rafting on River Trisuli and sightseeing in the capital. After a few days, the authorities
lifted their ban, and Tony was able to trek through some of the world’s most beautiful sceneries, with
breathtaken views of the Mount Everest and Kanhenjunga. At night, the group accommodated in simple
village rooms and ate with the Nepalese. Most of the group were experience trekkers than Tony and
several of them had visited this region before. All in all, Tony reckoned it was the most exciting
experience he had ever had, and vowed to return to Nepal at the very first opportunity.
III. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions
1. The customs knew all about the drug smugglers because they had been tipped……in advance by a
member of the gang.
2. When people demand something for example, a change in the law, we say that they call …a
3. “Please don’t hang ……until I have had a chance to tell you how sorry I am.
4. During the second War World, most messages were sent …….code.
5. He is not lying. Every thing he has told us so far is…….the level
6. The goods were not sold openly but were available ….the counter.
7. I am sorry but Dr. Salmon sees patients……appointments only.
8. It is mush easier to take a clock……..than to put it together.
9. with prices so high I will have to do……a new suit this year
10. He kept bothering her and finally she told him to cut it…..
IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words
Music and the mind
Making music appears to be one of the fundamental activities of mankind: as (character)
…………………….human as drawing and painting. The survival of Paleolithic cave-paintings bears
witness to the (antique)………………….of this form of art, and some of these paintings (depiction)
……………..people dancing. Flutes made of bone found in these caves suggest that they danced to some
form of music. But, because music itself only survive when the invention of a system of notation has
made a written record possible, or else when a living member of a culture recreates the sounds and
rhythm which have been handed down to him by his forbears, we have no information about ………..
(history) music . we are therefore accustomed to regarding drawing and painting as (integrate)
…………….parts of the life of early man, but less inclined to think of music in the same way.
When biologists consider complex human activities such as the arts, they tend to assume that their
(compulsory)………….qualities are derivation of basic drives. If any given activity can be seen to aid
survival or facilitate (adapt) …… the environment or to be derived from behavior which does so, it
“makes sense” in (biology)…………terms. Bt what use is music? Music can certainly be regarded as a
form of communication; but what it communicate is not obvious. Music is not usually (represent)
…………………..; it does not sharpen our (perceive)…………….of the external world or generally
imitate it. Nor is music proposition , it doesn’t put forward theories about the world or convey
I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word
Today, more and more women are actively participating in (1)______activities both in urban and rural
areas. Specifically, they have shined brightly in even many fields commonly (2)_____as the man's areas
such as business, scientific research and social management. In some areas, women (3)____show more
overwhelming power than men. The image of contemporary Vietnamese women with creativeness,
dynamism, success has become popular in Vietnam's society. The fact reveals that the gender (4)____has
been remarkably narrowed and women enjoy many more opportunities to (5)____their social careers and
obtain success, contributing to national socio-economic development. According to Ms, Le Thi Quy,
Director of the Gender/and Development Research Centre under the University of Social Sciences and
Humanities, Hanoi National University, gender equity in Vietnam has (6)_____a high level over the past
decade. The (7)____of Vietnamese women becoming National Assembly (8)____from the 9th term to the
11th term increased 8.7%, bringing the proportion of Vietnamese women in authority to 27.3%, the
highest rate in Southeast Asia. There is no big gap in the level of literacy and schooling between men and
women. Women (9)____for about 37% of university and college graduates, 19.9% of doctoral degree
holders and 6.7% of professors and (10)___professors.
II. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank
Harry Potter is a heptalogy of (1)_____ novels written by English author J. K. Rowling. The books
(2)____the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with his best friends
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The story is set at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, an
academy for young wizards and witches. The central story arc concerns Harry's conflict (3___)the evil
wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after
which he (4)_______to subjugate the Muggle world to his rule. Since the release of the first novel Harry
Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1997, which was (5)_____Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in
the United States, the books have gained (6)_____popularity, critical (7)_____and commercial success
worldwide. The series has spawned films, video games and Potter-themed merchandise. As of April 2007,
the first six books in the seven book series have sold more than 325 million copies and have been
(8)____into more than 64 languages. The seventh and last book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows, was released on 21 July 2007. Publishers announced a (9)_____12 million copies for the first
print run in the U.S.(10)_____.
1. A. detective B . fantasy C. satirical D. historical
2 A. revise B. illustrate C. chronicle D. engross
3 A. against B. over C. between D. with
4 A. aspires B. inquires C. searches D. seeks
5 A. released B. retitled C. renamed D. recreated
6 A. huge B. great C. immense D. much
7 A acclaim B. applause C. comment D. approval
8 A. trammistted B. translated C. transfered D. transported.
9 A. Record-break B. record-broken C. record-breaking D. record-breaker
10 A. only B. lonely C. apart D. alone
III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer
The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelaion for cave and thema for
deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalactites and stalagmites.Stalactites hang
downward from the ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop after drop of water slowly trickles through
cracks in the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water
dripping from an overhead stalactite. A column forms when a stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they
join. A "curtain" or "drapery" begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a
slope. Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow holes. Streams
sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers may flow from one mountain
to another through a series of caves. Some caverns have sinkholes in their floors. Water often builds up a
rim of dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved minerals as well as
acid. These minerals too will be deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in
the water change, layers of different colors may be formed.
1. Stalagmites are formed by……….
A. drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.
B. underground rivers which flow through the cave.
C. water dripping from an overhead stalactite.
D. water which trickles down a slope.
2. Sinkholes are…..
A. the decorative dripstone features found in caves.
B. natural openings on the surface that lead to caves.
C. colorful layers of mineral deposits.
D. None of the above
3. Which speleothem grows upward from the floor ?
A. Stalagmites B. Stalactites C. Sinkholes D. Curtains
4. An "inclined ceiling" is one which……
A. is straight. B. is crooked. C. is slanted. D. is wet.
5. Which of the following are NOT caused by dripping water ?
A. Stalagmites B. Stalactites C. Slopes D. Curtains
16. The information in the passage is most relevant to which field of study ?
A. Geography B. Archaeology C. Physics D. Geology
7. "Curtains" can also be called……
A. columns. B. draperies. C. stalagmites. D. rims.
8. The word “speleothem” comes from which language?
A. Latin B. French C. Greek D. English
9. Stalactites are formed by…….
A. drops of water which enter the cave through cracks in the ceiling.
B. underground rivers which flow through the cave.
C. water which seeps through the cave floor.
D. water which trickles down a slope.
10. Which speleothem hangs from the ceiling of a cave?
A. Stalagmites B. Stalactites C. Columns D. Rimstones
IV. The reading passage has seven paragraphs: A – G. Choose the most suitable headings 
Yoruba Town
A. The Yoruba people of Nigeria classify their towns in two ways. Permanent towns with their own
governments are called “ilu”, whereas temporary settlements, set up to support work in the country are
“aba”. Although ilu tend to be larger than aba, the distinction is not one of size, some aba are large, while
declining ilu can be small, but of purpose. There is no “typical” Yoruba town, but some features are
common to most towns.
B. In the 19th century most towns were heavily fortified and the foundations of these walls are sometimes
visible. Collecting tolls to enter and exit through the walls was a major source of revenue for the old town
rulers, as were market fees. The markets were generally located centrally and in small towns, while in
large towns there were permanent stands made of corrugated iron or concrete. The market was usually
next to the local ruler’s palace.
C. The palaces were often very large. In the 1930’s, the area of Oyo’s palace covered 17 acres, and
consisted of a series of courtyards surrounded by private and public rooms. After colonisation, many of
the palaces were completely or partially demolished. Often the rulers built two storey houses for
themselves using some of the palace grounds for government buildings.
D. The town is divided into different sections. In some towns these are regular, extending out from the
center of the town like spokes on a wheel, while in others, where space is limited, they are more random.
The different areas are further divided into compounds called “ile”. These vary in size considerably from
single dwellings to up to thirty houses. They tend to be larger in the North. Large areas are devoted to
government administrative buildings. Newer developments such as industrial or commercial areas or
apartment housing for civil servants tends to be build on the edge of the town.
E. Houses are rectangular and either have a courtyard in the center or the rooms come off a central
corridor. Most social life occurs in the courtyard. They are usually built of hardened mud and have roofs
of corrugated iron or, in the countryside, thatch. Buildings of this material are easy to alter, either by
knocking down rooms or adding new ones. And can be improved by coating the walls with cement.
Richer people often build their houses of concrete blocks and, if they can afford to, build two storey
houses. Within compounds there can be quite a mixture of building types. Younger well-educated people
may have well furnished houses while their older relatives live in mud walled buildings and sleep on mats
on the floor.
F. The builder or the most senior man gets a room either near the entrance or, in a two storied house, next
to the balcony. He usually has more than one room. Junior men get a room each and there are separate
rooms for teenage boys and girls to sleep in. Younger children sleep with their mothers. Any empty room
are used as storage, let out or, if they face the street, used as shops.
G. Amenities vary. In some towns most of the population uses communal water taps and only the rich
have piped water, in others piped water is more normal. Some areas have toilets, but bucket toilets are
common with waste being collected by a “night soil man”. Access to water and electricity are key
political issues.
List of paragraph headings Answers
i. Town facilities Example:
ii. Colonisation Paragraph A__Answer: v
iii. Urban divisions 1. Paragraph B__
iv. Architectural home styles 2. Paragraph C__
v. Types of settlements 3. Paragraph D__
vi. Historical foundations 4. Paragraph E__
vii. Domestic arrangements 5. Paragraph F__
viii. City defenses 6. Paragraph G__
ix. The residences of the rulers
x. Government buildings
Use the word in the passage to fill in the blanks below. (no more than two words for each blank)
The arrangement of the town sections is either 7__________or 8____________, depending the space of
the town. the building for 9___________seem to be located in the large areas, while the building for
residents or economic purpose are usually situated on10________ the.
For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You MUST use between THREE OR
SIX WORDS, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 What are the chances of the film winning an Oscar? LIKELY
How likely will the film win an Oscar?
1. Fewer people live in extended family units in this country nowadays. COMMON
It is ……………………………………………………… to live in extended family
units in this country nowadays.
2. I don't mind where we decide to go for our family holiday this year. DIFFERENCE
It doesn't……………………………………………………… where we decide to go for our family
holiday this year.
3. Gaynor's friends persuaded her not to get married in spring. TALKED
It was Gaynor’s friends………………………………………………………getting married in spring.
4. The pianist performed beautifully and received a standing ovation. GAVE
The pianist………………………………………………………and received a
standing ovation.
5. The group’s popularity increased thanks to word-of- mouth recommendations. LED
Word-of-mouth recommendations ……………………………………………………… popularity of the
6. Damian is sure to finish the race in first place. CROSS
Damian is sure to be the first person to …………………………………………………… in the race.
7. It is quite usual for boys to begin playing football at the age of five. MEANS
It is by ………………………………………………………for boys to begin playing
football at the age of five.
8. Had he spent more time at home, he wouldn't have made so many friends. GONE
If he ………………………………………………………often, he wouldn't have
made so many friends
9. My brother Sam was very surprised to be offered the job. CAME
The job offer………………………………………………………
10. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough money to go to the theatre regularly. ABLE
If I'd had more money, ………………………………………………………to go to
the theatre more regularly.
II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.
11. The minister gave no precise figures about casualities.
The minister didn’t go ………………………………………………………….
12. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended it.
Had it …………………………………………………………………………….
13. Government guidelines really do emphasize the importance of starting education early.
A lot of emphasis ………………………………………………………………..
14. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget it
It's too ……………………………………………………………………………
15. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove………………………………………………………………………...
16. She was so disgusted at the way her friend her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him
17. I didn’t want to buy it, but because he insisted, I bought it.
He pushed ………………………………………………………………………
18. He was suspended for two matches for awearing at the referee.
Swearing at the referee earned him ……………………………………………..
19. She’s just about to cut the birthday cake.
She’s on …………………………………………………………………………
20. Mr. Foster asked me to write this letter to you.
It’s at …………………………………………………………………………….
Write a paragraph about 150-200 words, giving your opinions on the following topic:
“Should art subjects made optional at high school?”

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