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Educación Integral para un Futuro Exitoso; e-mail:
Km. 5 vía Suba - Cota Teléfono: 6 80 62 80 Telefax: 6 92 98
Bogotá D.C – Colombia


DOCENTE/TEACHER: Diego Acosta Hernández PERIODO/TERM: First

Grade 902 Week: 7 Day: 2 Date: March 30

Lesson Title Introduction to Problems involving with system of equations (Time 45 Minutes)

Learning Identifies the method to solve word problems with system equations

Preparation (Activities to start the class): System of Equation, Problems

Problems of different problems with the help of linear simultaneous equations:

We have already learnt the steps of forming simultaneous equations from mathematical problems and
different methods of solving simultaneous equations.

In connection with any problem, when we have to find the values of two unknown quantities, we assume the
two unknown quantities as x, y or any two of other algebraic symbols.

Then we form the equation according to the given condition or conditions and solve the two simultaneous
equations to find the values of the two unknown quantities. Thus, we can work out the problem.

Presentation and Practice (Student Learning Activities and Classroom Activities):

The students are going to develop some problems using some different techniques to solve system of

1. Last month, he sold 50 chickens and 30ducks for $550dollar. This month, he sold 44 chickens and 36
ducks for $532.
2. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 7. When the digits are reversed, the number is increased
by 27. Find the number.
3. A man has 14 coins in his pocket, all of which are dimes and quarters. If the total value of his change is
$2.75, how many dimes and how many quarters does he have?
Assessment and Expansion:

The students are going to solve this exercises on the notebook, for the next class the students are going learn
how to solve systems of equations 3x3 in a Quiz

Grade 902 Week: 7 Day: 3 Date: March 31

Lesson Title Introduction to Problems involving with system of equations (Time 45 Minutes)

Learning Identifies the method to solve word problems with system equations

Preparation (Activities to start the class): System of Equation, Problems

Problems of different problems with the help of linear simultaneous equations:

Presentation and Practice (Student Learning Activities and Classroom Activities):

The students are going to develop some problems using some different techniques to solve system of

1. The sum of two numbers is 16. One number is 4 less than 3 times the other. Find the numbers.
2. Two times a number plus ten times a second number is twenty. Thirty times the second number plus
three times the first number is 45. What are the two numbers?

Assessment and Expansion:

The students are going to solve this exercises on the notebook, for the next class the students are going learn
how to solve systems of equations 3x3 in a Quiz

Grade 902 Week: 7 Day: 6 Date: April 5

Lesson Title Quiz II (Time 90 Minutes)

Learning Solves system of linear equations 3x3 by elimination


Preparation (Activities to start the class): System of Equation, Elimination Method

Quiz II

How to assessment the acknowledge; the students are going to develop Quiz on the notebook students can
take the time to solve every exercise, they will be supported this evidence on a sheet given

Presentation and Practice (Student Learning Activities and Classroom Activities):

The students are going to develop a quiz about all topics related to the acknowledges. It is important to know,
the students develop problems and exercises, to improve the ability and the acknowledge of this term.

Assessment and Expansion:

The students are going to solve this quiz on sheet and it will after if all the students end the quiz on time, the
teacher will do the feedback, for the next class the students are going to apply all the method sees in the term,
in the reinforcement Workshop

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