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How an excellent eagle uses the buddy bench!

3 styles of
ss in g w ha t y o u w a n t o r
Passive: not expre
r e ssin g y o u r n eeds
Aggressive: o n ly e xp
t h e rs’ f e e li n gs
sp e c t fo r o
without showing re
f o r w ha t y o u w an t or
Assertive: Askin g
e e d in a fi r m , r e sp e c tful way
How not to play: Passive
How not to join in: Aggressive
How to join and play!
o m m u n i c a t i o n s t y l e
Which c
t h e e a g l e p l e d g e ?
helps us live

❖ Stand nearby,
watch, and listen
ie nd to join you at the
hOW TO A S K a fr
❖ Give a buddy bench
compliment, ask a
question, or offer

❖ Assertively ask to
join in
A very special place A place to sit and
that reminds you to The right way to use the bu
ddy decide what looks
be your kindest bench interesting to you to
selves. play on the
A place to include A place to say “yes!”
people in your play to new friends who
and make new ask you to play
A place to hang out A place where you say
and play with friends The wrong way to use the “no!” to a friend
you already have buddy bench who invites you to

A place where being A place where

mean or hurtful is excluding others is
ok ok
If after trying the
Buddy Bench you
and your friends
still need help, ask
a trusted adult to
guide you toward
an activity or
remind you of the
Buddy Bench rules
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