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Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies


Comparison of Monopole and Hybrid Wind Turbine Tower Response

for Seismic Loading Under Operational Conditions
Hemal J. Shah1   · Atul K. Desai2

Received: 28 December 2021 / Revised: 24 March 2022 / Accepted: 2 April 2022

© Krishtel eMaging Solutions Private Limited 2022

Aim  The wind turbine supporting tower experiences time-varying cyclic loading of rotor and nonlinear seismic loading
during its life span that has potential to magnify dynamic response of conventional monopole tower. Structural system com-
posed of hollow circular section known as monopole structural system is commonly used to support wind turbine generators,
but this structural configuration encounters technical limitations due to slenderness effect for elevated hub height of tower.
Challange  In recent years, various attempts have been made by researchers to increase the height of wind turbine tower to
harvest more energy for this conventional monopole configuration, but as load is resisted by bending stiffness of the structure
under the influence of rotor cyclic loading, this conventional monopole tower becomes uneconomical.
Method  In the present research, to reduce dynamic magnification in tall wind turbine towers, a new hybrid structural sys-
tem, which is a combination of mono and lattice system, is proposed and 1:40 scaled model, comprising nacelle and rotor of
78 m high prototype monopole tower, was prepared in the laboratory. An appropriate model of hybrid tower was therefore
prepared in the laboratory.
Conclusions  This research summarizes the results of laboratory shake table tests conducted on scaled model of both towers
to evaluate seismic response under four ground acceleration time history and cyclic loading of wind turbine rotor. Three-
dimensional numerical simulations are presented, and the results showed that the predicted values of simulation are in good
agreement with the measured experimental results on shake table. The dynamic response of both towers is examined in the
form of displacement in time domain and base shear under rotor cyclic loading. From experimental results and its numerical
simulations, it can be concluded that the hybrid structural system can be embraced to construct tall wind turbine towers in
seismically active regions.

Keywords  Hybrid wind turbine · Shake table study · Dynamic response · Base shear

Introduction several factors have led to growing concern about these

sources of energy. The use of fossil fuels has led to carbon
Fossil fuels are used as a source of power to complete emissions and other greenhouse gasses in the environment
society’s basic tasks worldwide for 100 years. The abun- which affects the carbon credit of the country. To reduce
dant supply of these sources in the world allowed prices to carbon emission and carbon footprint of the country, many
remain low and stable; nonetheless, over the last few years countries have initiated the use of alternative energy such
as wind energy, solar energy, and tidal energy. The shift
of conventional sources of energy to alternative sources of
* Hemal J. Shah energy has been gradual and looking at data, alternative
sources are growing more worldwide in recent years. Due
Atul K. Desai to various advantages, such as lower power generation cost,
lack of pollution and easy construction in existing farms,
Applied Mechanics Department, Government Engineering wind energy source has become more popular than other
College, Bharuch, Opp. Government Guest House, Old alternative sources of energy. It has also been found that, in
National Highway 8, Bholav, Bharuch, Gujarat, India
2018, a total of 51.8 GW of new wind energy was installed
Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National in the world, which shows a slight 4 percentage decrease in
Institute of Technology, Ichhanath, Surat, Gujarat, India

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

comparison with the wind energy installation of year 2017. shell [4]. It was shown that the steel concrete hybrid tower
Considering the installation up to year 2018, it can be noted can be an economical solution for greater heights.
that the total cumulative installation of wind power in the A major problem in a tall windmill tower are the vibra-
world is 591 GW and a developing country like India has tions due to rotor, and these can be reduced by the use of a
also procured 2.2 GW capacity in the year 2018 [1]. pendulum tuned mass damper; unlike in the conventional
The power produced by wind energy is proportional to the design approach, innovative mass tuned dampers strive
second power of wind velocity; therefore, to increase power to reduce the vibration of the tower structure under rotor
production, the height of the wind turbine tower must be ele- dynamic loading [5] . Mass tuned damper works as a passive
vated. In addition to this, at higher elevation higher and stable control device and absorbs energy added to the structure by
wind velocities are available; consequently, by increasing the dynamic loading of the wind turbine rotor. Finite element
hub height of the wind turbine tower greater wind power can analysis with mass tuned damper was performed and it was
be generated at given locations. The variation of wind velocity recognized that mass tuned damper reduced displacement at
is very less at higher elevations, and a larger amount of wind the top of the tower due to rotor cyclic loading [6]. The steel
is also available for longer durations, which results in greater concrete 120 m-high hybrid tower was designed with ultra-
power generation, proving to be an economical solution to high-performance cementitious composites with compres-
the problem. In normal cases, the supporting tower of wind sive strength 200 MPa. This design includes a top steel tower
turbine is constructed with conventional monopole system, and the middle and bottom parts consist of a prefabricated
which consists of a hollow circular section having large diam- UHPCC segment [7]. The small wind turbine can be used in
eter and thickness at the base and the diameter is reduced at the residential area and the Persian wind turbine design was
higher elevations. Owing to the tower having elevated hub the oldest wind turbine system used to harvest wind energy
height, with conventional mono system less thickness of wall on a small-scale basis. The design of these small wind
and greater height of the tower results in a greater slenderness turbine is modified by providing a movable outer shroud
ratio. The other supporting system for tall wind turbine is for vertical axis wind turbine, resulting in an efficiency of
the lattice type system which consists of angle and channel- 0.4–0.5 which was 0.15–0.20 before modification [8].
shaped axial members joined together by welding or riveting It is always not possible to perform full-scale testing on
with each other. This system resists forces by axial stiffness structures, as it proves very expensive, and more resources
of the members. To increase the height of wind turbine tower are required. One of the methods to predict the behavior of
and diminish the slenderness effect of the conventional wind the structure under dynamic loading is scaling down of the
turbine tower, a combination of mono and lattice structural prototype structure using established scaling-down relation-
systems known as hybrid structural system is proposed and ships. The scale-down model of wind turbine tower prepared
the dynamic response of both wind turbines are studied in the considering three different scales of wind turbine tower and
present investigation. response was investigated for three different foundations.
In the past few years, many efforts have been made by This experimental investigation concluded that the symmet-
mechanical engineers and researchers to modify the wind- ric foundation is desirable and prudent for rotor cyclic load-
mill generator design to harvest more wind power, but by ing for long life span of wind turbine towers [9]. To prepare
elevating the position of the wind turbine generator above a scale-down model of the prototype structure, similitude
ground level, more energy can be harvested. To find an relationships are required; therefore, an overview of the scal-
innovative solution for a wind turbine-supporting structure, ing relationship for various physical quantities are presented
researchers have proposed hexagonal columns with post- based on the relationship experimental tests carried out on
tensioning and rectangular or tapered shape panels as brac- physical models of wind turbine [10]. The long-term cyclic
ing elements [2]. By modifying the properties of concrete, rotor loading plays an important role in the design of the
it can be used in tall towers; therefore, high-strength or tower; therefore, to study the effect of long-term rotor cyclic
ultrahigh-strength concrete was used for fabricating panels loading, a scale-down model of wind turbine was prepared
and a100 m-high tower was designed using this hexacrete and subjected to 172,000 cycles of 3P loading. The change
method. The height of the tower can be increased by using in the natural frequency of the tower was studied [3]. Instead
two different materials: so steel and concrete were used to of modeling the blades of the wind turbine tower, the blade
increase the height of the wind turbine tower. In the lower masses can be applied at the center of mass and transferred
portion, ultrahigh-performance concrete was used to resist to the nacelle. The rotor of the wind turbine tower was simu-
higher bending moments and in the upper portion steel was lated using electric motor and cyclic loading of rotor applied
proposed and designed to resist dynamic forces [3]. To avoid on the experimental model considering the soil below the
the turbulence of wind due to trees in forest areas, the height foundation and the significance of the modeling soil below
of the tower is increased by designing a hybrid tower with a the foundation was emphasized in the research. Results
lower concrete part and an upper part with conventional steel showed that the fundamental frequency of the wind turbine

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

structure increases with the number of cyclic rotor load- Long-term cyclic load creates significant effect on wind
ings [11]. The similitude relationships to prepare the scaled turbine, so turbine with monopile foundation was simulated
down model of wind mill tower in laboratory is derived and considering the soil pile model and it was observed that the
presented by the researcher [12]. mean and variance increased by increasing the number of
In addition to wind turbine towers, various building mod- cycles. The investigation also suggests that bending moment
els were prepared and tested in the laboratory on a shake also increases with increase in the number of cycles [22]. In
table. Researchers prepared 1/50 scaled model of hybrid another research the longtime behavior of wind mill turbine
building structure in the laboratory and obtained the funda- was studied considering effect of soil and change in natural
mental frequencies of the experimental model by performing frequency of wind mill tower was presented under long term
testing on the shake table [13]. Shaking table tests were also cyclic loading [23]. In case of tall structures like the wind tur-
used to study the dynamic behavior of the building by prepar- bine, effect of soil stiffening plays a significant role and the
ing a 1:30 scaled model [14]. The experimental test model natural frequency of tower can be altered considering the soil
was tested for near-field and far-field seismic excitation and stiffness below the foundation. Tuned mass dampers are effec-
the effect of pile soil interaction was studied. To study the tive tools to reduce magnification in the response of a tower
effect of pile foundations, experimental models of building under dynamic forces of rotor [24]. The natural frequency of
were excited by different seismic excitations on the shake the tower in the first and second mode was governed by the
table [15]. The shake table test results suggest that the pile stiffness of the soil, and the structural design of the wind tower
foundation reduces displacement at the top of structure under was also governed by the soil stiffness for softer soil conditions
severe seismic excitation. Various similitude relationships [25]. More recently, a seismic investigation of 1.65 MW Ves-
were used to prepare 1/25 scaled model of 33 story build- tas turbine performed by simulation in finite element software
ing and tested for severe seismic acceleration loading on the ANSYS [26] resulted in the development of fragility curves
shake table [16], and the design of the existing structure was by incremental dynamic analysis. Finite element simulation
found to be satisfactory under the applied dynamic loading. can be used to investigate the effect of the soil below the foun-
Experimental shake table testing executed on shake table on dation on the dynamic properties of the wind turbine tower
1/30 scaled building model and the detailed procedure to considering the soil strata below the foundation;, therefore,
scale down seismic acceleration time history were carried soil strata modeled using spring elements and the effect of soil
out and applied on the shake table [17]. The relation between stiffness on wind turbine was investigated [11].
dynamic behavior of full-scale prototype and small-scale The wind mill tower natural frequencies must be kept away
model of building was studied in the laboratory and showed from wind turbine operating frequencies; otherwise, it results
that strong correlation existed between full-scale and scale- in the resonance of the tower. THE CBO algorithm is an
down models prepared using appropriate scaling laws [18]. effective tool used to optimize the natural frequencies of the
The finite element simulation of 5 MW NREL wind tur- tower for jacket supporting wind mill tower structures [27].
bine tower was carried out, and the effect of different wind The mathematical tool MATLAB can be used to optimize the
velocity and different seismic forces considering different various parameters of wind mill tower in frequency domain;
operational conditions was studied. It was shown that seis- therefore, all these parameters were coded in MATLAB and
mic loads play an important role in the design of wind tur- the optimized solution was obtained in terms of reduction of
bine structures [19]. The finite element simulation of wind total weight of the wind mill tower [28]. In the other research,
turbine was studied and showed that selection of appropriate the OCS reference jacket design was performed using CBO
foundation plays an important role to avoid resonance condi- and ECBO algorithm by considering various operational loads
tions [20]. The research investigated the effect of different such as hydrodynamic and dynamic loads and the design of
foundations by finite element simulation for three different the wind mill towers was optimized [29]. The data of Horns
capacity turbines and recommended appropriate foundations Rev I offshore wind farm located in the coastlines of Denmark
[21]. The effect of severe seismic excitation on wind turbine in North Sea showed that the total weight of offshore wind
of heights ranging between 50 and 88.5 m were studied by mill structure was optimized considering various structural
numerical simulation and forces. Moments and displace- constraints, environmental constraints and frequency con-
ments were compared. From research, it is noticed that the straints [30]. The detailed foundation design was performed
displacement increases by 231% if the height is increased by by finite element simulation of various wind turbine towers
177 percentage. The numerical simulation of a 38-m-high located in Alaska and optimized design of tower with founda-
450 KW capacity wind turbine was achieved and subjected tion to avoid resonance under operational condition of wind
to static and dynamic forces considering soil structure inter- turbine rotor [31]. The design of wind turbine tower located
action. Refined finite element modes are required because is Alaska was carried out considering soil and two different
a higher accuracy in modeling and analysis is required at types of foundation and researcher had optimized the design
critical locations of the tower [9]. of wind mill tower [32].

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

In India, states like Gujarat have 1600 km-long coastal area The scaling laws to prepare a scaled model in the labora-
which can be effectively utilized for wind power generation. tory based on the prototype structure is discussed as follows.
Research shows that, in the Gujarat region, 25% higher wind In literature, it has been shown that for 1 g scale mod-
velocities are available at 110 m elevation compared to 80 m eling, geometrical scaling factor λ is defined as the ratio of
elevation [33]. The tall windmill towers constructed in Gujarat geometric dimension of the prototype structure to model in
region may also be subjected to strong seismic excitation dur- the laboratory. The following relationships are used in the
ing their life span. The windmills constructed in this region present research to prepare a scaled model in the laboratory
of the country was subjected to one of the most severe earth- [17].
quakes having magnitude 7.7 in the year 2001. During strong
seismic shaking, it may be possible that wind turbines may be (a) Mass density is scaled by factor 1. In the present
in parked condition or in operating condition. Therefore, before research, material for scaling-down model and proto-
designing tall wind turbine structures, it is required to study type structure is the same.
the seismic response of these structures under strong shaking (b) The masses and forces to be applied on scale-down
with rotor operational frequencies. In the present research, the model are required to be decreased by the cube of
main objective is to compare the seismic performance of con- scaling factor λ.
ventional monopole with innovative hybrid structural system (c) The acceleration to be applied in scale-down model
of wind turbine under operational conditions. The investigation is same as the prototype structure, so scaling factor is
was carried out by preparing a 1:40 scale-down model of pro- one.
totype structure in laboratory and tested on shake table under (d) The time of scale-down model is required to decrease
four severe seismic excitations under operational frequencies by square root of the scale-down factor λ.
of wind turbine. The response of both systems is presented in (e) The frequency of the scale-down model is decreased
the forms of various parameters such as base shear and varia- by λ −0.5.
tion of displacement in the time domain at the top of the tower.
The prototype wind turbine tower selected in the present
experimental research work is a 78 m-high wind turbine
Preparation of the Scaled Model tower with 1.65 MW capacity wind turbine at the top of the
tower [26]. The height available above the shake table in
As discussed earlier, the tall wind turbine towers are subjected to earthquake laboratory is 2.2 m. Therefore, depending on the
operational dynamic loads and seismic forces, so it is required to height of the prototype tower and height in the laboratory, a
evaluate the response of the tower under strong shaking. One of geometrical scaling factor (λ) of 40 is decided and a scaled-
the methods to study seismic response is full-scale test at the site. down model (1:40) of wind turbine tower is prepared in the
The 65 KW wind turbine is tested at the site by applying seismic laboratory. At the top of the tower, nacelle and rotor are
excitations [25]. This test is performed under actual site condi- installed. Depending on the scaling factor of 40 and scaling
tions and gives accurate results. The major disadvantage is that laws, the mass of the nacelle and rotor in the scaled-down
as full-size structures are used, large capacity shake tables are model is reduced by λ3. The dimensions of the prototype
required which is not cost effective. In addition to this, due to dif- structure and the scaled-down model prepared in the labora-
ferent boundary conditions, it is not possible to perform shaking tory are presented in Table 1.
table test easily. To overcome this difficulty, another alternative
is to prepare a scaled-down model and simulate realistic condi-
tions in the laboratory and study the response of structures on Table 1  Details of (1:40) scale-down model
the shake table. The preparation of the scaled-down model is a
more economical alternative compared to full-scale tests [17]. Sr. no. Parameter Prototype 1:40
structure scale-down
Looking at available literature, many researchers have per- [26] model
formed shake table testing on wind turbine and buildings by
preparing a scaled model. However, any researcher has not tried 1 Height 78 m 1.95 m
to test the scaled-down model of wind turbine under seismic 2 Diameter at the bottom 3650 mm 90 mm
loading and operational loads of rotor on wind turbine. To study 3 Diameter at the top 2282 mm 60 mm
the seismic response of wind turbine under various operating 4 Eccentricity of rotor from tower 3447 mm 87 mm
top (e)
conditions, the scaled model is subjected to different seismic
5 Height of nacelle from tower top 1800 mm 45 mm
excitations on the shake table with different scaled operational
6 Mass of nacelle 52,000 kg 0.8125 kg
frequencies. Various researchers have suggested scaling factors
7 Mass of rotor 43,000 kg 0.671 kg
to scale down the prototype structure in the laboratory.
8 Material Mild Steel Mild Steel

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Preparation of Hybrid Tower severe shaking were collected from data for the strong
motion center [34]. In the present research, the acceleration
As the height of wind turbines are increased, the support- data applied on the shake table consists of one near-field
ing tower constructed by a hollow circular section becomes and three far-field earthquakes with peak ground accelera-
slenderer due to greater height and lesser thickness. To resist tion ranging from 3 to 8 m/s2. The peak ground acceleration
the forces and moments more efficiently for tall wind turbine recorded in New Zealand earthquake is 11.68 m/s2 having
structure, new innovative hybrid structural system with lat- value more than gravitational acceleration value (g).
tice configuration at the bottom and monopole supporting The windmill towers are subjected to different seismic
system at the top is proposed in this research. By chang- excitations during their life span. In the state of Gujarat,
ing the geometrical shape of the tower, the load-resisting most of windmills are constructed in high seismically active
mechanism in the bottom part of the tower is converted to region. This seismically active region were triggered by
axial load-resisting system from conventional-bending load earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in 2001. To simulate this earth-
resistance system. To compare different structural systems, quake, records having Richter magnitude 6.8 to 7.8 were
one criterion should be kept identical: the dimensions and selected. In Gujarat, some windmill towers are constructed
arrangement of various structural members, such as main near the epicenter, so to investigate the effect of near-field
leg member, and bracing in hybrid tower are adapted in such and far-field earthquakes both types of seismic excitations
a way that the mass of the monopole and hybrid system were selected in the present study. To study the effect of the
remains identical. data of acceleration in the time domain shown in Table 2
In hybrid configuration, the total 1.95 m height is divided can be directly applied to prototype structure in filed, but
into two parts: bottom 1 m and top 0.95 m. The lower por- in the present investigation scale-down model of prototype
tion of the tower consists of the lattice system made up of the structure is prepared to evaluate the dynamic response in
main leg member and bracing system using 4 mm diameter the laboratory. The experimental testing is to be performed
M.S. bar. In the lower 1 m portion, five cross bracings with on scale-down model, so it is also required to scale down
0.2 m height are provided to resist forces by axial stiffness. acceleration time history. The scaling-down factor for accel-
To secure a physical model of tower on the shake table, a eration is 1, but scale-down factor for time is square root of
0.3 m-wide base plate is provided at the base and the width λ [17]; therefore, the time step is reduced by square root of λ
of the tower is reduced to 0.15 m at 1 m height. Holes are and based on this scale-down acceleration time history of all
drilled at predefined location in base plates to connect the four seismic excitation is derived. The variation of accelera-
tower securely with the shake table. To design the connec- tion in the time domain for Kobe earthquake before scaling
tion between the top monopole and the bottom lattice por- and after scaling is presented in Fig. 2. The acceleration time
tion, adequate rigidity is provided at 1 m level using gus- history of all seismic excitations is modified before applying
set plate to join the monopole and the lattice portion of the to shake table according to the above scaling criteria.
hybrid tower. In the top lattice portion of the tower, 950 The shake table input unit is shown in Fig. 4c. This con-
mm hollow circular section of mild steel material is pro- trol unit consists of the monitor to display the time and
vided. The schematic diagram of the experimental model acceleration value, start and stop button and emergency stop
and details of the physical model prepared in the laboratory button on it. To apply this acceleration time history to shake
is presented in Fig. 1. table, all values of time v/s acceleration are inputted from
the computer in the shake table. After inputting all values
Scaling of Earthquake Time Histories and Operating in the control unit of the shake table, it is once checked and
Frequencies the platform of the shake table is kept in the central position.
To apply the seismic excitation, the shake table was started
To study the seismic response of both wind turbines under and the inputted acceleration time history was applied by the
operational conditions, four acceleration time histories of control unit of the shake table on the tower base.
Kobe, Landers, New Zealand and Uttarkashi were selected The wind turbine tower is subjected to dynamic loading
for experimental shake table testing. In the present study, of rotor and heavy static loading of nacelle is provided at
both models were excited by the horizontal component of the top of the tower. Due to rotation of blades of wind tur-
this seismic time history and the vertical component of seis- bine, dynamic loads are generated and transferred on the
mic acceleration was neglected. Table 2 shows the details of tower structure. The rotor of wind turbine rotates at vary-
seismic acceleration time history considered in the present ing speed depending on the velocity and amount of wind
analysis. In any seismic excitation, an important parameter is available at given location. The rotors are designed in such
acceleration observed at the ground, which is known as peak a way that, they are operational at lower and higher range
ground acceleration (PGA). The data of variation of accel- of wind velocity. This revolution per unit time (RPM) has
eration in the time domain recorded at the ground during lower range and higher range depending on the design

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 1  a Schematic diagram of

the monopole tower. b Sche-
matic diagram of the hybrid
tower. c Physical model of the
monopole tower. d Physical
model of the hybrid tower

of the rotor and generator of the wind turbine. The lower causing dynamic loads on tower such as rotor unbal-
range and higher range of this frequency is known as ances, shear generated due to wind and shadowing effect
1P frequency. In addition to this, there are other factors on tower. The frequency associated with these effects are

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Table 2  Details of utilized ground motions [34] laboratory, due to insufficient headroom above the shake
Ground Country Year Richter Type PGA m/s 2 table, modeling of the blade is not possible.
motion magni- Instead of modeling blades, the mass of the blade along
tude with the cyclic loading device can be provided at the top
of the wind turbine tower [36]. In the present research, to
Kobe Japan 1995 6.9 Near Field 8.04
simulate the nacelle of the prototype structure, AC motor
Landers USA 1992 7.3 Far Field 7.98
having mass identical to scaled mass of nacelle is installed at
New Zea- New Zea- 2016 7.8 Far Field 11.68
land land the top of the tower. To apply cyclic loading of rotor on the
Uttarkashi India 1991 6.8 Far Field 3.04 experimental model, scale-down mass of rotor is connected
with the axis of the AC motor at an eccentric distance using
Allen key bolts joining mechanism.
termed as 3P frequency in three-bladed wind turbine and To apply variable rotational frequency on the tower struc-
it is three times the 1P frequency of turbine. ture using cyclic loading mechanism, special electric con-
In the present research 1P frequency of Vestas 1.65 MW troller is installed to control the rotational frequencies of
wind turbine is 10.8–14.4 RPM (0.18 to 0.24 Hz) [35]. the rotating mass connected with nacelle. The details of the
The scaling relationship between frequency of model and nacelle and rotor mass are presented in Fig. 3.
prototype structure is λ −0.5.To obtain the frequency to be Before performing the experiment, it is required to cali-
applied on the experimental model, the frequency of the brate the rotational frequency to be applied to the wind-
prototype structure is to be reduced by λ −0.5; therefore, by mill tower. The nacelle mass is fixed on the motor and the
applying this scaling factor the rotational 1P frequency tachometer is attached to the nacelle mass as shown in
to be applied on the experimental model is 1.14–1.52 Hz Fig. 3c and d. The rotational frequency is changed with the
(70 to 95 RPM).To obtain 3P frequency of the prototype controller and measured with the tachometer. The percent-
structure, the 1P frequency is multiplied by three, which age required on the controller is noted down for 70 RPM, 90
results in 0.54–0.72 Hz, and from the above relationship RPMM, 205 RPM and 275 RPM, and during experimental
the scaled 3P frequency to be applied on the experimen- work this percentages is set to apply the required rotational
tal model is 3.41 Hz–4.55 Hz (205 RPM to 275RPM). In frequency of the windmill blade.
the present research, lower and higher range of 1P and
3P frequency, namely 70 RPM, 90 RPM, 205 RPM and Experimental Setup and Data Acquisition System
275 RPM, is selected as the excitation frequency on scale-
down model during experimental work. The experimental shaking test was conducted at earthquake
The prototype wind turbine structure is provided with laboratory in Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Tech-
nacelle having heavy mass at the top in which the machine nology, Surat. The shaking table is uniaxial and electrically
parts of the generator are installed; in addition to this, rotat- operated, consisting of a hydraulic actuator with shaking
ing blades are connected with this nacelle at the specified platform of 2 m × 1 m size. The maximum payload capacity
eccentricity. The blades are very long in prototype struc- of the shake table is 1000 kg with ± 50 mm displacement.
ture and rotate at the designed RPM depending on the wind The maximum shaking frequency to be applied on table is
velocity at the given location. In scale-down testing in the 5.5 Hz.

Fig. 2  Original and scaled time

history of acceleration records
for kobe earthquake

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 3  Experiential setup details

for a nacelle and rotor in scale-
down model, b details of the
controller to change the rotor
frequency used in experimental
studies (c). d Calibration for 70
and 205 RPM

Shake table testing on scale-down model is an effective The results are recorded during experimental testing at
tool to evaluate the dynamic response of various structures. some critical locations of the tower. The response quantity
In the present research, scale-down model of the monopole under dynamic loading of the rotor and seismic force is
tower and hybrid tower was secured to the shake table using variation in the acceleration and displacement in the time
bolts at appropriate locations and the effect of different tower domain and peak displacements at the top of the tower.
geometries for the wind turbine tower were investigated. In The accelerometers having model number NI cDAQ-9174
addition to seismic loading, the actuator to apply cyclic load- of National Instruments Corporation were installed on the
ing of rotor mass was installed on top of the tower rigidly to tower to monitor dynamic response and variation of accel-
transfer the dynamic loads generated due to rotation of the eration in the time domain under the given loading. The
blades of wind turbine tower. variation of acceleration is used to obtain displacement
During testing, firstly the monopole tower is secured on by double integration in the time domain using LabView
a shake table firmly using base plate and bolts at appropri- software. The final setup of fixation of accelerometer at the
ate locations to transfer shaking of the table to the model. top of the tower, data acquisition system and recording of
The vertical position of the model is checked to avoid any data in the computer are shown in Fig. 4.
eccentric loading on the tower model during the experi-
mental work. To apply dynamic loading of rotor during Shaking Table Test Under Operational Loading
shaking on the shake table, the nacelle is installed on top Conditions
of the tower at scaled CG distance from the top of the
tower. The mass of the rotor is fixed with the axle of the Time history analysis was conducted on scale-down experi-
nacelle by using Allen key bolting. The details of nacelle mental model of monopole tower on shake table consider-
and rotor mass secured on top of the tower is presented ing cyclic loading due to rotation of blades for a specified
in Fig. 3. number of cycles. The experimental models were excited

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 4  Final setup of shaking

table tests on a monopole tower
with nacelle and rotor mass b
hybrid tower with nacelle and
rotor mass. c Data acquisi-
tion system. d Fixation of
accelerometer to record lateral

on the shake table by four unidirectional earthquake ground vertical position of the tower is checked with leveling
motion with cyclic loading of four different scaled rotational instruments.
frequencies at the top of the tower. Looking at seismic time (2) The actuator installed at the top of the tower at scale-
history details, it can be noticed that the longest time dura- down CG distance as presented in Table 1 in such a
tion is for New Zealand earthquake, so the number of cycles way that dynamic loads are transferred to the tower
is selected such that the total time duration is 30 s for rotor model. The scaled mass of the rotor is attached with
cyclic loading. actuator using Allen key arrangement. The detailed
To control the rotational frequency of cyclic loading experimental setup of the monopole tower on the
applied by the rotor and actuator, it is connected to a fre- shake table with actuator, rotor and controller is pre-
quency controller as shown in Fig. 4 with AC electric supply. sented in Fig. 4.
A trial run is performed on the model to check the effect of (3) To control the rotational frequency of the actuator,
rotor harmonic loading on the tower structure and after the the special controller is connected with the actuator.
trial run, the experimental setup was found to be satisfac- The controller shows the percentage to be applied,
tory. In the present work, a series of experimental tests was so the relationship between percentage and rotational
conducted as per the following procedure. frequency is established in the laboratory to apply the
required rotational frequency of the rotor.
(1) The scale-down model of monopole tower is secured (4) The experimental model is instrumented with accel-
in the proper position on the shake table. The bolts are erometer at the top of the tower as presented in Fig. 4.
used to connect the base plate of the model with the The node located at the top of the tower is selected,
shake table platform at appropriate locations. The true because under dynamic loading the acceleration is

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

maximum at the top of the tower structure. This accel-

erometer is connected to a data acquisition system and
computer to record the variation of acceleration in the
time domain during experiments.
(5) The variation of acceleration in the time domain of all
four seismic excitations is inputted to the control panel
of the shake table. The rotational frequency of the
actuator is set to 70 RPM using a controller attached
to the system. In addition, cyclic loading of rotor and
seismic loading of Kobe excitation are applied from
the control panel of the shake table; thus, the experi-
mental model is subjected to 70 RPM harmonic load-
ing and Kobe seismic loading. The acceleration in the
time domain is recorded by a data acquisition system
and converted into displacement in the time domain
using LabView software.
(6) After applying Kobe seismic loading and cyclic rotor
loading, the forcing regime on the shake table and
rotor is stopped and the monopole model is subjected
to Landers, New Zealand and Uttarkashi seismic exci-
tation on the shake table considering 70 RPM cyclic
loading at the top of the tower.
(7) The rotational frequency on the controller is changed
to 90 RPM and the tower is subjected to four seis-
mic excitations of Kobe, Landers, New Zealand and
Uttarkashi earthquake. The experimental procedure is
repeated by setting the controller of harmonic loading
to 205 RPM and 275 RPM with four selected seismic
excitations on the shake table. All the above loading
was applied on the experimental model for a set time
(8) After completing detailed experimental work on the
monopole tower, the physical model of the hybrid
tower is secured on the shake table and the actuator,
rotor and controller are secured on top of the tower as
presented in Fig. 4b.
(9) The hybrid model is tested for 70 RPM rotor fre-
quency and four different seismic excitations. This
Fig. 5  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the
procedure is repeated for a number of different rota- top of the monopole tower model under the influence of 70 RPM
tional frequencies of 90 RPM, 205 RPM and 275 cyclic loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New
RPM for four different seismic acceleration loadings. Zealand earthquake, d Uttarkashi earthquake

Experimental Test Result and Discussion tower under 70 RPM cyclic loading and various seismic
loadings. As expected, the highest displacement of 40 mm
Response of Monopole Tower Under Seismic is recorded at the top of the tower in New Zealand seismic
and Operational Loading acceleration, because in case of New Zealand the seismic
loading PGA value of excitation is more than the g value.
To study the dynamic response of the monopole tower 1:40 Looking at the obtained experimental results, it can be noted
scaled-down model is subjected to experimental testing in that the number of cycles and displacement under 70 RPM
laboratory under cyclic loading of rotor and seismic accel- cyclic loading of rotor are identical in all seismic excitation.
eration loading. Figure 5 shows the variation of displace- From the obtained results, it can be noted that the varia-
ment in the time domain observed at the top node of the tion of displacement under cyclic loading is independent of

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

seismic loading and gives identical values of 2.5 mm under is increased because 70 RPM frequency is adjacent to the
all applied seismic excitations. natural frequency of the tower which results in the frequency
Considering the 90 RPM cyclic loading of rotor under ratio near the unit value. By observing Fig. 6, it is evident
various seismic accelerations, variation of displacement in that by increasing the rotating frequency of cyclic loading,
the time domain are presented in Fig. 6. The peak displace- the number of displacement cycles observed as response of
ment under seismic excitation is 35 mm, 25 mm 44 mm and the structure is also increased in experimental testing and
30 mm for Kobe, Landers, New Zealand and Uttarkashi this output number of cycles due to dynamic loading is iden-
excitation, respectively. Further comparison of displacement tical to the cycles of inputted frequency.
due to cyclic loading of rotor shows that peak displacement Further comparison of peak displacements at the tower
observed is 5.2 mm, which is higher than 70 RPM cyclic top under 205 RPM cyclic loading under four seismic exci-
loading. The displacement due to cyclic loading of rotor tations are illustrated in Fig. 7. As shown, the displacement
response at the top of the tower under cyclic loading is mag-
nified and the peak displacement is 7.2 mm which is identi-
cal under all seismic excitations applied in 205 RPM experi-
mental testing. From the obtained result, it can be inferred
that the value of the peak displacement under cyclic loading
205 RPM is highest among all applied cyclic loadings. The
reason for obtaining the highest displacement in cyclic load-
ing is that the applied frequency of cyclic loading is near the
natural frequency of the tower which results in resonance
condition during experiments on scale-down model.
Figure 8 represents the variation of displacement in the
time domain for 275 RPM cyclic loading of rotor under var-
ious seismic excitations for monopole configuration. The
cyclic loading frequency increased to the highest value of 3P
rotor loading; therefore, the number of displacement cycles
also increased at the top of the tower as presented in Fig. 8.
The displacement observed under cyclic loading of rotor
is only 1.2 mm, which is less in all cases of rotor cyclic
loading, because the frequency of cyclic loading is far away
from the natural frequency of the tower which averts reso-
nance condition during cyclic lading. As observed during
earlier cyclic loading, New ZealandNew Zealand earthquake
derived the highest displacement value among all seismic
loadings under consideration.

Response of Hybrid Tower Under Seismic

and Operational Loading

Experimental dynamic testing was accomplished in labora-

tory on scaled-down model of monopole and appropriate
model of hybrid tower to study the behavior of the mono-
pole and hybrid system under seismic loading and cyclic
loading of rotor. To study the effect of axial stiffness over
bending stiffnesses, the response of both structural systems
is presented in the form of displacement in the time domain.
Figure 9 displays the displacement variation under 70 RPM
cyclic loading of rotor and four different seismic time histo-
ries for hybrid tower.
The gathered results from experimental testing of hybrid
Fig. 6  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the tower indicates that the hybrid system delivers peak dis-
top of a monopole tower model under the influence of 90 RPM cyclic
loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New Zealand placement of 1.05 mm that is half of conventional monopole
earthquake d Uttarkashi earthquake structural system under the same rotor cyclic loading. The

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 8  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the

Fig. 7  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the top of the monopole tower model under the influence of 275 RPM
top of the monopole tower model under the influence of 205 RPM cyclic loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New
cyclic loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New Zealand earthquake, d Uttarkashi earthquake
Zealand earthquake, d Uttarkashi earthquake

RPM cyclic loading under different seismic excitations for

displacement from seismic excitation exhibited that axial the hybrid tower.
stiffness reduces the response of the tower and it can be The peak displacement was found to be 2.5  mm for
noticed that peak displacement in New Zealand excitation is 90 rpm cyclic loading which was 5.2 mm in monopole
reduced to 35 mm from 44 mm in the monopole tower; how- tower during experimental testing in laboratory. In addi-
ever, it is detected that in the hybrid system, this reduction is tion to this, displacements under four different seismic
11 mm, 9 mm and 16 mm in Kobe, Landers and Uttarkashi excitations were recorded as 24 mm, 35 mm,16 mm and
acceleration time history, respectively. The number of cycles 17 mm for Kobe, New Zealand, Landers and Uttarkashi
under cyclic loading of 70 RPM is identical to each other in seismic excitation, respectively. This experimental result
all seismic excitations. shows that displacement at the top of the tower is reduced
Figure 10 indicates the time history of displacement in by 95 percentage for 90 RPM cyclic loading in the hybrid
the time domain achieved from experimental testing for 90 tower compared to the monopole tower.

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 9  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the

top of the hybrid tower model under the influence of 70 RPM cyclic Fig. 10  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the
loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New Zealand top of the hybrid tower model under the influence of 90 RPM cyclic
earthquake, d Uttarkashi earthquake loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New Zealand
earthquake, d Uttarkashi earthquake

The variation of displacement of hybrid structural con- in top displacement, because 205 rpm operational frequency
figuration under 205 RPM rotor cyclic loading with dif- is adjacent to the natural frequency of the hybrid tower. The
ferent seismic excitations for hybrid configuration is pre- peak ground acceleration of Uttarkashi seismic excitation is
sented in Fig. 11. As the cyclic loading frequency changes, less compared to other acceleration, so displacement noticed
the peak displacement at the top of the tower under cyclic at the top of tower in experimental testing is less and it is
loading also changes. From displacement variation, it can almost similar to rotor cyclic loading.
be noticed that peak displacement under 205 RPM cyclic The experimental model of hybrid tower is subjected to
loading is 3.3 mm, which is reduced compared to mono- 275 RPM cyclic frequency and four different seismic excita-
pole configuration for identical frequencies. The change in tions and measured variation in displacement is presented
cyclic loading frequency is reflected in the form of increase in Fig. 12. It is noticed that displacement under rotor cyclic

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 11  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the Fig. 12  Variation of displacement in the time domain recorded at the
top of the hybrid tower model under the influence of 205 RPM cyclic top of the hybrid tower model under the influence of 275 RPM cyclic
loading for a Kobe earthquake, b Landers earthquake, c New Zealand loading for a Kobe earthquake b Landers earthquake c New Zealand
earthquake, d Uttarkashi earthquake earthquake d Uttarkashi earthquake

loading of 275 RPM is reduced compared to other cyclic Three‑Dimensional Numerical Analysis
frequencies. The reason for this observation is that the fre-
quency ratio is very less in the given loading condition and The realistic dynamic behavior of monopole and hybrid
resonance will not play a significant role at this stage. Fig- wind turbine tower were simulated in 3D numerical mod-
ure 12 shows that as the input cyclic frequency increases, the eling using finite element software SAP 2000. These mod-
number of cycles in the displacement output also increases. els consist of study on dynamic behavior of tower structure
As observed in earlier loading case of 205 RPM frequency, under cyclic and seismic loading. Shell element was used
the value of displacement under Uttarkashi excitation is less to model the wall and base plate of the tower, the lower
and less variation in displacement is observed during seis- portion of the hybrid tower was modeled using the frame
mic excitation at the base of the experimental model. element and cross bracing of the hybrid tower was mod-
eled as frame element and connected with the main leg

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

element. To simulate truss behavior of axial elements, the

moments in the frame element were released. In hybrid
tower, simulation of the connection between lower lattice
and top monopole portion is important to transfer loads
and moments of monopole portion to the bottom portion,
so they were connected through rigid link elements. The
nacelle and rotor used in experimental testing were mod-
eled by applying joint mass at CG distances above the top
of the tower. It is required to transfer these masses to the
windmill tower. Finite element software has given body
constraint for nodes. Therefore, to transfer loads, all top
nodes of tower and CG of nacelle and rotor are connected
using joint constraints. This body constraints transfer loads
and moments of nacelle and rotor to the tower body.
To simulate correct boundary condition at the bottom of
the tower in simulation, the location of bolts in the physi-
cal model is identified and restrained against displacement
in all directions at the identified nodes. The detailed 3D
numerical model of monopole and hybrid tower is pre-
sented in Fig. 13.
The major loads acting on the tower were cyclic loading
of wind turbine rotor which produces dynamic loads on the
tower. Sine functions given in finite element simulation
were used to simulate cyclic loading of blades. In sine
loading, the rotational frequency, total number of steps
and appropriate size of time step were defined, and the
total number of cycles and total duration of cyclic load-
ing selected in such a way that during this cyclic loading
and seismic excitation can be applied simultaneously. The
nonlinear time history case was defined and in load case
sine loading of rotor and seismic acceleration loading were
applied at the base of the tower. The number of steps is
decided in nonlinear time history loading such that total
duration of cyclic rotor loading is 40 s. The tower models
were excited considering four different rotor cyclic load-
ings at CG of rotor and four ground motion applied at the
base of the tower. The used ground motions are scaled
according to scale-down criteria discussed and applied at
the base of the tower.
It is required to evaluate and validate first the natural
frequency of scaled-down model with prototype structure.
To achieve first the natural frequency of the experimental
model of the monopole tower in the laboratory, the fre-
quency of the shaking table was changed gradually from 1
to 3 Hz. During testing, the first resonance condition was
observed at 2.1 Hz frequency. This frequency denotes the
first natural frequency of the system. The test was repeated
Fig. 13  Three-dimensional numerical model of a monopole and b
serval times to ensure the accuracy of the observed fre- hybrid tower including nacelle and rotor mass applied at the top of
quencies. The time period for the first model is 3.17 s the tower. c First mode of vibration. d Third mode of vibration
[26], which gives first model frequency as 0.322 Hz. The
frequency of the experimental model obtained by apply-
ing scaling relationship λ −0.5 is 2.04 Hz. The first natural
frequency evaluated from experimental testing is 2.1 Hz.

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Comparing the results of the conducted experimental In seismic excitation, base shear develops at the base of the
testing and scale-down frequency of prototype model tower owing to the effect of ground acceleration. This base
as per scaling criteria, it is observed that the values of shear directly depends on the peak ground acceleration, mass
experimental results are in good agreement with scaled and stiffness of the structure. The forces and moments are
frequencies of prototype structure. The first mode of vibra- higher at the base of the tower and lattice portion resists forces
tion obtained from finite element simulation is presented by axial stiffness, consequently, decreasing the base shear at
in Fig. 13c and the hird mode of vibration of the scaled the bottom and displacement response at the top of the tower.
model is presented in Fig. 13d. Results of conducted dynamic shaking test with rotor cyclic
loading and three-dimensional numerical predictions of maxi-
mum lateral displacement at the top of the tower are presented
Comparison of Dynamic Response in Fig. 14. Moreover, results of base shear obtained from simula-
by Experimental and Numerical Analysis tion of both tower structures are presented in Fig. 15. Comparing
the results of conducted experimental testing and predictions of
The primary purpose of the present research is compar- three-dimensional numerical modeling under cyclic loading of
ing dynamic response of both structural system under rotor, it is observed that the values of numerical prediction are in
rotor loading and seismic loading on a tall tower structure. good agreement with experimental dynamic testing.
The response quantity of interest in research is base shear To compare displacement responses of monopole and
at the base of the tower, variation of displacement in the hybrid structural system, the peak displacement values of
time domain and peak displacement at the top of the tower 3D numerical prediction and experimental testing for each
under cyclic and seismic loading. Moreover, the effect of dynamic load cases were determined and plotted in Fig. 14. In
axial stiffness in the bottom of the hybrid tower on dynamic comparison to monopole tower, hybrid tower reduces maxi-
response of both towers is investigated by evaluating base mum lateral displacement by 25% and 45% in New Zealand
shear under cyclic loading. and Kobe earthquake based on experimental and 3D numerical

Fig. 14  Comparison of lateral
deformation by 3D numerical
predictions and experimental
observations under the influence
of a earthquake loading, b rotor
cyclic loading

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Fig. 15  Base shear of the wind

turbine tower structure obtained
from 3D numerical analysis
for monopole tower and hybrid
tower under rotor cyclic loading

analysis, respectively, However, the displacement response is shear is maximum for 205 RPM cyclic loading. There is
maximum in New Zealand seismic excitation for monopole 27% increase in base shear for 205 RPM frequency com-
and hybrid tower among all seismic acceleration shown herein pared to 90 RPM frequency, because it lies near the natural
because it has PGA of 11.68 m/s2 more than gravitational frequency of the tower, The significance of axial stiffness
acceleration. In case of less severe seismic excitations, the can be seen in base shear comparison under various cyclic
reduction in lateral displacement is 36% and 43% in Landers loadings, and it is noticed that base shear reduces by 108%
and Uttarkashi seismic excitation, respectively. and 118% for 90 RPM and 205 RPM frequency, respec-
The peak displacement response of monopole and hybrid tively, in hybrid configuration compared to conventional
structural system under cyclic loading of rotor evaluated by monopole tower. This is due to the fact that by changing
experimental results and numerical simulations are shown stiffness of load-resisting system of tower from bending to
in Fig. 14. By studying the results obtained from experi- axial, the dynamic magnification due to cyclic and seismic
mental work and its numerical predictions, it can be noticed loading reduces; consequently, the hybrid configuration
that displacement increases with increase in frequency up results in effective solution to resist dynamic forces com-
to 205 RPM frequency and reduces for 275 RPM. This is pared to conventional monopole structural system of tall
due to the fact that the natural frequency of the tower lies wind turbine tower.
near the range of operating cyclic frequency which results
in frequency ratio near to one, consequently displacement
increases up to 205 RPM. At 275 RPM operating frequency, Conclusion
the frequency ratio changes, and lateral displacement tends
to decrease. From experimental and numerical results, it can In this paper, the dynamic response of 78 m-high mono-
be noticed that hybrid tower reduces lateral displacement at pole having 1.6 MW wind turbine at the top and hybrid
the top of the tower by 60%, 52%, 57% and 50% for 70 RPM, tower was compared under four seismic excitations con-
90 RPM, 205 RPM and 275 RPM frequency, respectively. sidering four operational frequencies of wind turbine rotor.
In case of conventional monopole structure, the forces are The 1/40 scaled model of monopole tower prepared in the
resisted by bending stiffness of structure, while in the hybrid laboratory by applying scale-down relationships including
structural system forces are resisted by axial stiffness, which modeling nacelle at the top and rotor as joint mass at CG
results due to truss action of members in the bottom lattice of rotor at the top of the tower. In addition to this appro-
portion of the tower, and it reduces displacement signifi- priate model of hybrid tower which is a combination of
cantly compared to monopole tower that resists the lateral monopole in the upper portion and lattice structure in the
forces by the bending action of the tower. lower portion is prepared. A series of four shaking table
The comparison of base shear under four operational tests have been performed by applying scaled time history
conditions of both structural system by numerical predic- at the base of the tower considering four different scaled
tions and experimental work is presented in Fig. 15. The frequency of cyclic rotor loading at the top of the tower.
base shear obtained by experimental work for all operating Employing SAP-2000, a fully three-dimensional numerical
frequencies is identical to results of numerical predictions model was adopted and sine loading was inputted to simu-
with acceptable accuracies. Under operating conditions of late rotor cyclic loading with seismic time history loading
tower at various frequencies, it can be noticed that base at the base of the tower. Boundary conditions according

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

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