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Miner Production Games

The game I am proposing to make is a new twist on a classic style. Action platformers are

a somewhat common genre of games, so it could seem easy to blend in with the competition. But

my game will stand out with this new spin on the classic format. This game will have two

playable characters, that the player can switch between at almost any time. The characters will

have a variety of differences. One of them will focus on mele attacks and speed, while the other

is slower but uses a ranged weapon.


The basic mechanics of this game are enemies with different abilities (shooting,

punching, or just walking), a health bar, and a special feature for limited lives. The biggest

mechanic of the game is the players ability to switch characters. The characters have different

abilities and stats. Generally the mele attacks do more damage, but the ranged attacks are safer.

If the player loses all their health, they won’t fully lose right away. The character they are

playing as will die, and they will be forced to play as only the other character until they get

another life or die completely.


The biggest choice for the player is how they utilize the different playable characters of

the game. They will both be useful for different for certain situations, with some areas only being

accessible to one of them. The mele character will be able to jump higher and reach platforms
inaccessible to the gunner. And the gunner will be able to move while lying down, allowing him

to crawl under areas that the mele character cannot. Aside from reaching different areas, the

characters attacks will be useful against different enemies. If the player loses a life, they will

have to deal with the loss of one of the characters and will be greatly disadvantaged. They will

have less options of how to complete an area, but it will never be impossible, just more difficult.


The story for this game is basic, but enough to urge the player to move on, fight all the

enemies and enjoy the game. The aesthetics will pair with and enhance this aspect of the game.

The assets will have vibrant colors with enough contrast to easily follow along. The music will

also flow with this and give the player something nice to listen to and keep them going.


I plan to make this game using the Godot engine, and progress through development in the

following way

MVP – November 18th

- Basic mechanics, characters/enemies will be implemented

Alpha – November 24th

- Some assets will be added, and the mechanics will be expanded

Beta – November 28th

- Assets should be complete and basic levels established

Final Build – December 4th

- Implement changes after beta testing, and add finishing touches

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