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Top Notch Test Part B

1-Complete the statements with in, on or to: 0,25 cada

1 His house is ____________ Barker Street.
2 They work ________ the tenth floor.
3 Ms. Cruz takes the train __________. work.
4 It's ____________ 18 Spencer Street.
5 Jack studies French _____________the BTI Institute.
6 Mr. Klein works _____________ the hospital.
7 Ms. Anderson's office is _____________ the fifth floor.
8 Jason's sister works _______________ 5 Main Street.

2-Complete each question with How much or How many. 0,2 cada
1 _______________ sugar do you want in your coffee?
2 ________________onions do you need for the potato pancakes?
3 _________________ cans of coffee are there on the shelf?
4 __________________ meat do you eat every day?
5___________________ loaves of bread do we need for dinner?
6 ____________________ pepper would you like in your chicken salad?
7 ___________________ bottles of oil does she need from the store?
8 ____________________ eggs do you eat every week?
9____________________ oranges are there? I want to make orange juice.
10______________________ pasta would you like?

3-Complete the conversations. Use the simple present tense or the present
continuous. 0,33 cada
1. A: What______________right now? (you / eat )
B: Chicken soup.

2. A: _____________milk in his coffee? (he /want)

B: No, he doesn't. But he would like sugar.
3. A: What ______________ in the fridge?( we /have)
B: Soda, cheese, and an apple.

4. A: I _______________ a dress to the party. How about you? (wear)

B: I never _____________ dresses. (wear )

5. A: _________________ on Saturdays? (Jeff /work)

B: Yes, usually. But this Saturday he______________________soccer .( play)

6. A: Where ________ lunch on Tuesdays? (you / eat)

B: At Eli's Cafe. But today we _______________(eat) City Bistro for my boss's

4-Complete the conversation with questions in the past: 0,4 cada

Actually, I had a great weekend.

2- _____________________________________________________________________
I went to the beach.

3- _____________________________________________________________________
It was sunny and warm.

Some friends from school.

We went swimming and bike riding.
5-Complete the conversations with can or can’t and the base form of a verb. 0,2 cada
1. A: _______you __________English?
B: Oh, yes, and I______ _______ Spanish, too.

2. A:_______ you________ my computer?

B: No.I ______fix cars but not computers.

3. A: _______you __________?
B: Yes, I can paint, but not very well.

4. A: ________ your sister ______ ?

B: No. She sew, but she ______ knit.

5. A: ______ your brothers__________the violin?

B: No, but they _________ ____________the guitar.

6-Answer the questions about your future plans with be going to. 0,25 cada
1. What are you going to do tonight?_______________________________________
2. What are you going to do tomorrow?_____________________________________
3. What are you going to do tomorrow night? ________________________________
4. What are you going to do the day after tomorrow?__________________________

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