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Clasificación de los adjetivos:

 Adjetivos calificativos de color; expresan

caracteristicas de color y se pueden apreciar

Black Gray violet white Orange

Yellow Blue Sky blue brown red

Pink purple Beige turquoise Green

We are on red alert This T- shirt is red.

Adjective + noun

 Adjetivos calificativos de tamaño y medida expresan

si el sustantivo es grande, pequeño, altura y

Big Large small tiny heavy

Light Thick Thin low Tall

Wide Huge narrow long Short

Low economy affects Ecuador.

adjective + noun

 Adjetivos calificativos de edad expresan longevidad

de un sustantivo por ejemplo si una casa es nueva o

Old young New modern Ancient

Updated fast outdated quick Slow

Mary is older tha Chris.
The snail is slower than the tiger.
My father is faster than my uncle.
My phone is newer than Iphone.
Mario is faster than Mary.
Elizabeth is younger than Catalina

My cellphone sounds lower than the tv.

Titan is shorter than Yagger.
Fruits are lighter than the rice.

I have a fast internet connection.

Adjective + noun

This new car is incredible.

 Los adjetivos calificativos de materiales expresan el

material por el que se compone el sustantivo.

The tire is of rubber

Iron Rubber Paper Woolen Plastic

metal caucho lana

Wooden Glass Leather gold Cotton

Mader vidrio cuero

Mexico has a gold medal in triathlon.

adjective + noun
 Los adjetivos calificativos de estados o condiciones
expresan las circunstancias físicas, mentales,
civiles, entre otros.

Crazy sick Healthy drunk sober

Asleep busy empty full Tired

A healthy mind in a healty body.

adjective + noun adjective + noun

 los adjetivos calificativos de apariencia permiten

expresar la forma, el aspecto, o la imagen.

Beautiful ugly clean dirty Simple


Complex easy safe dangerous strong

intelligent jealous selfish optimistic honest


Steve Jobs was an intelligent and optimistic guy.

adjectiv adjective +

adjective + adjective + adjective + noun

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