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What British journal ranks first (SJR) in the demographic’s category in


Seleccione una:
a. Demography
b. Population and development review
c. Mobilities
d. European Union Politics

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Population and development review

2. A Cronbach’s alpha of .85 for a questionnaire means that:

Seleccione una:
a. The questionnaire has too few items
b. The questionnaire is valid
c. The questionnaire would produce different scores if used on the same people at
two different points in time
d. The questionnaire has good reliability

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: The questionnaire has good reliability

3. What is the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)

Seleccione una:
a. The number of citations divided by the number of articles published by an author
b. An impact indicator calculated from data from the Scopus database
c. The number of articles published by an author divided by the number of citations
d. The indicator that measures collaboration in journals

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: An impact indicator calculated from data from the Scopus
4. What is the country (Country rankings) that has the highest rate of
citation per documents in the SJR 2018?

Seleccione una:
a. Spain
b. San Marino
c. Anguilla
d. United States

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Anguilla

5. The difference between the true value of a variable and the value
obtained by a measurement is known as:

Seleccione una:
a. Endogenous latent variables
b. Exogenous latent variables
c. Measurement error

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: Measurement error

6. Which Analysis is better to perform for instruments or scales that have

been tested before?

Seleccione una:
a. Exploratory factor analysis
b. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
c. Structural Equation Modeling
d. Bootstrapping

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

7. A common standard in terms of outer loading should be above the

common threshold of

Seleccione una:
a. 0.70
b. 0.50
c. 0.10
d. 0.35

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: 0.70

8. Do a search using Google Scholar to find out the works published in the
journal Scientometrics in the years between 2018 and 2020 by the
author Delgado López-Cózar. How many citations has the most cited
work received?
Seleccione una:
a. Between twenty and forty seven
b. More than a thousand
c. Less than twenty
d. Between seventy and one hundred

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Between twenty and forty seven

9. It is known as an extreme response to a particular question.

Seleccione una:
a. Middle response
b. Pair-wise deletion
c. Missing data
d. Outliers
Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Outliers

10. A common rule of thumb is that the standardized outer loadings should

Seleccione una:
a. Below 0.60
b. Above 0.90
c. 0.708 or higher
d. 0.95

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: 0.708 or higher

11. Using Google Scholar Citations – Do a label search for the concept
Medical education. Who is the author who has received the most
Seleccione una:
a. Eric Bass
b. John T. Fallon
c. Nelson Sewankambo
d. Surjit Singh

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Eric Bass

12. What is an author’s h index?

Seleccione una:
a. The logarithm of the number of papers you have published
b. The number of articles an author has with as many or more citations than their
c. The average number of references per article you have published
d. The mean number of citations that an author has with as many or more citations
than his h-index

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: The number of articles an author has with as many or
more citations than their h-index

13. In the Google Scholar Citations profile of the CSIC researcher José Luis
Ortega. How many citations did he received in 2013?
Seleccione una:
a. Less than a hundred
b. Between two hundred and four hundred
c. More than five hundred
d. Between one hundred and fifty and one hundred eighty

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Between two hundred and four hundred

14. Diagrams used to visually display the hypotheses and variable

relationships that are examined when SEM is applied
Seleccione una:
a. Inner model
b. Path models
c. Outer model
d. Constructs

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: Path models

15. It is known as an extreme response to a particular question.

Seleccione una:
a. Missing data
b. Outliers
c. Middle response
d. Pair-wise deletion

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Outliers

16. A common standard in terms of outer loading should be above the

common threshold of
Seleccione una:
a. 0.70
b. 0.10
c. 0.35
d. 0.50

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: 0.70

17. A linear combination of several variables that are chosen based on the
research problem at hand
Seleccione una:
a. Ordinal variable
b. Measurement variable
c. Measurement scale
d. Composite variable

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Composite variable

18. How many Spanish Journals are there in the Gender Studies category in
the SJR 2016?

Seleccione una:
a. 2
b. 4
c. 1
d. 3

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: 1

19. Diagrams used to visually display the hypotheses and variable

relationships that are examined when SEM is applied

Seleccione una:
a. Constructs
b. Outer model
c. Inner model
d. Path models

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Path models

20. Variables that are not directly measured and represented as circles or
Seleccione una:
a. Constructs
b. Indicators
c. Manifest variables
d. Items

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Constructs
21. What is the social network used by academics to make their
publications more visible?

Seleccione una:
a. ResearchGate
b. Zotero
c. Mendeley
d. RefWorks

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: ResearchGate

22. It is known as an extreme response to a particular question.

Seleccione una:
a. Missing data
b. Outliers
c. Pair-wise deletion
d. Middle response

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Outliers

23. Once you have created a profile in Google Scholar Citations – Which
author is the most cited if we do a search for the term “music”?

Seleccione una:
a. Graeme Smith
b. Eduardo R. Miranda
c. Perry R. Cook
d. Gunnar Fant

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Graeme Smith
24. Which Analysis is better to perform for instruments or scales that have
never been tested before?

Seleccione una:
a. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
b. Structural Equation Modeling
c. Bootstrapping
d. Exploratory factor analysis

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: Exploratory factor analysis

25. In the 2019 edition. What position does Ecuador have in the category
Education in the SJR?
Seleccione una:
a. 15
b. 13
c. 6
d. 4

Respuesta correcta.
La respuesta correcta es: 6

26. What is the typical structure of a scientific article?

Seleccione una:
c. IMR(D)C

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: IMR(D)C
27. Latent variables are classified as either:

Seleccione una:
a. Indicators or items
b. Direct or indirect
c. Endogenous or exogenous
d. Independent or dependent

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: Endogenous or exogenous

28. In the 2012 edition. Which quartile does the Journal of Law and
Economics have in the category Economics and Econometrics?
Seleccione una:

a. Q4

b. Q2

c. Q3

d. Q1


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: Q2

29. What h index does professor Adela Cortina from the University of
Valencia have? Check the closest alternative.
Seleccione una:

a. 90

b. 14

c. 25
d. 54


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: 54

30. A common standard in terms of outer loading should be above the

common threshold of
Seleccione una:

a. 0.35

b. 0.10

c. 0.70

d. 0.50


Respuesta incorrecta.

La respuesta correcta es: 0.70

31. How to calculate the impact factor of a journal in a year?

Seleccione una:

a. Dividing the total number of articles published in the journal during the previous
two years by the citations that the works published during the previous two years
have received that year

b. Dividing the citations that the journal has received by the total number of articles
published in the journal

c. Dividing the articles that the journal has published by the citations it has received

d. Dividing the citations that the works published during the previous two years
have received that year by the number of articles published in the journal during
those two years

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: Dividing the citations that the works published during the
previous two years have received that year by the number of articles published in
the journal during those two years

32. Diagrams used to visually display the hypotheses and variable

relationships that are examined when SEM is applied

a. Inner model

b. Constructs

c. Outer model

d. Path models


Respuesta incorrecta.

La respuesta correcta es: Path models

33. What is the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)

Seleccione una:

a. The indicator that measures collaboration in journals

b. The number of articles published by an author divided by the number of


c. The number of citations divided by the number of articles published by an author

d. An impact indicator calculated from data from the Scopus database


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: An impact indicator calculated from data from the Scopus

34. Identify the 4 types of measurement scales:

Seleccione una:

a. Ordinal, nominal, interval, ratio

b. Nominal, ordinal, scale, ratio

c. Nominal, scale, ratio, mean

d. Ordinal, interval, ratio, distribution


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: Ordinal, nominal, interval, ratio

35. A PLS path model consist of two elements:

a. Structural model and Measurement model

b. Direct model and indirect model

c. Formative model and Reflective model

d. Inner model and path model


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: Structural model and Measurement model

36. How many Spanish Journals are there in the Gender Studies category in
the SJR 2016?
Seleccione una:

a. 1

b. 2

c. 4

d. 3


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: 1

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