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Raynan Reyes

Mr. Foster

English 101H

August 11, 2021

For the Sake of Humanity

Humanity has grown in a field of selfishness, whether it's simply wearing a mask or

trying to respect others or care about another person. People make their own choices whether it's

bad or good, at this point it doesn’t matter the world will keep on plummeting. Personal freedom

has gone to the point where people think it’s their own world, and no one can rule over them,

when in reality there are 7 billion people living on the same planet as them. Health risks are one

of the scariest things happening right now due to the pandemic, there are people who damage

everything around and this is the reason why the pandemic is spreading so abruptly. When we

allow individual behavior to endanger others, we’ve damaged both freedom and health, for

example trying to stop the spread of covid has been going on for two years, people think that

they’re always right, and there are people who don’t take health into consideration, regardless if

it’s themselves or the people around him.

Covid-19 has been a ride of emotions and tears, many lives have been lost but people

think that Covid-19 is just a scheme, people are thinking masks are taking their freedom

forgetting about the fact that Covid can take their life all around. Vaccinations were a thing and

most people got it but some decided that it’s fake or the government is tracking us etc, if the

whole purpose is to be free then why can’t they get the shots. At this point we won’t be going

anywhere with this pandemic, I truly think it’s natural selection from here on out which is truly
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sad because people passing is something that I truly despise, but this is how life is going for

everyone as of now. If people think about other people’s health then we can surpass this, or at

least see progress to give us some motivation. Wearing masks doesn’t only save themselves but it

saves people around them, this is the main reason why Covid has been around for so long.

Covid-19 happened all the way back in 2019, so people don’t have patience to wear masks

anymore, which is completely understandable, but I wish we could all work together right now.

When it comes to selfishness this generation has so much of it, our freedom and health

won’t go anywhere with what is going on right now. Everyone has their own opinion and they

put their life on it for some reason. I understand wanting to be right is rewarding to yourself. I

get that feeling too sometimes, but thinking out of the box sometimes will really make a big

difference. People don’t care if you’re sick, people won’t listen to you if you tell them that they

have to wear a mask in the restaurant, people have created their own world and we are just living

in it. Before the years of 2000’s everything looked so simple and fun, right now everything is so

negative and foul, and this is all for no reason, people just want to act the way that they want to

and there’s nothing we can do to stop that.

Health is something that people used to care about so much, but nowadays everyone

doesn’t acknowledge anyone around them. Planet earth is just crippling, so many things are

happening around us and we won’t be here for very long from here, which is sad because

everything that was done is now irreversible. Covid is something that has killed around 4.4

million people already and you would think that everyone would work together to stop this,

instead people want to make their own campaigns against masks because they want personal

freedom, totally flying by the fact that there is evidence that masks make a difference, same goes
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with vaccinations. Crimes have also been skyrising, many shootings, drive-by’s, carjacking, etc,

us people have been surrounded by these activities, whether it’s through your own eyes or

through the news, this motivates everyone around us to do those things. When it truly comes to

it, everything that we are doing with the earth, cutting papers, having diesel or lots of pollution in

the air, or the mass amounts of garbage in the ocean, we all have contributed to it at least a little

bit, and it will continue to keep growing because everyone influences each other, I just hope we

take care of everything a little more.

All of these actions people do have their own reason for why they did what they did, and

some things can be necessities and some things can be absolutely unnecessary, which is

completely understandable, because who am I to stop a person from doing what they want.

Cutting trees equals paper, we need paper, driving cars equals carbon emissions, but we need to

get from A to B, electricity equals even more carbon emissions, but we need everything around

us to function correctly. There are things that we need and there are going to be drawbacks with

some of them, so I can’t really blame the people for doing what they’re doing, I just want people

to care about each other instead of being so negative with people.

Humans have been going downhill since the 2000’s, and no one really cares about anyone

around them anymore, whether it comes to health or anything else that has to do with another

person. Selfishness has just been getting worse for people and it gets way too hard to

communicate about simple things because they’re so close-minded with their opinions. We’ve

damaged both our freedom and health and it won’t be getting any better from here on out, from

now we just have to live our best lives while we can.

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