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Monreal Vázquez

Leadership and Organizational behavior

May 5th, 2022

Canchola CO. is an organization with two locations, one of which is located in México,
which has as a main client Luxury Ma. Which is generating the 50 – 70% of the total net
income per month for Canchola, they were planning the end of the project where Canchola
is being part 2 or 3 years ago, but the success of this project was huge, finally, the end of
the project is at the knocking the door at the end of 2020, with no more than another 2
clients on the pocket Canchola suffered a big loss, and with no more plans on the view to
cover the Luxury project departure.

Some months after this fact the Operation Manager, the main head on MX announce his
thanks to Canchola and told him, he will work for 3 weeks and with no opportunity to
negotiate his coming goodbye, the headboard located out of MX, decided due to the less
utility generated bye MX and the current status of the company, to not hire anybody that
replace him, instead, they decide to create another strategy to control the business with
the current staff, in order to give confidence to MX and see how the perspective looks,
they made travel to MX, they interviewed every person of the staff with the intention to
reach the best decision to help the profitability of Canchola.

As a result of these changes, I joined the committee staff who was chosen to take control
of the local business, with three-person on the top, given that I'm the newest on the
company that is part of the committee, I was hopeful that one of them take the control and
start to coordinate and see how the business will work for future plans.

Not too much clarity at the end, I start realizing the next 3 or 4 months that the other two-
person on the committee has a lot of experience and they were pretty committed with their
areas but not more beyond this, that was my main concern.
Here, at this point is where more than to be a good leader on my department I decide to
go beyond and implement better organization through the organization with a clear
perspective where we are as a company and where we want to go for the next years, as a
leader I decided mainly to make frequent meetings with the committee I order to keep
track all the business, where review financial, production, human resources, and all the
staff we that make the success of the business, take with the production team giving them
the organization status and sharing with them the liability to attract more business,
inversion and grow as a whole, creating a big team where all the areas will work for just
the organization goals besides the goals for each department.

Salvador Monreal, may.-22

I realize that may be the biggest challenge to work with an organization is trying to align all
the person and make every single head on the company to thing as a team and obtain the
best of each.

Why did this happen?

I consider that talking specifically about the departure of the operation manager of MX,
there were so many miss conceptions between the headboard and him, He is a pretty
smart person but as a leader, in my personal point of view, he has the opportunity to grow,
mainly on the communication, where I feel we felt with no support from the corporative and
was one of the main reasons what he left.
He was confident to obtain more business to reach the old financials again but lack of
communication between both sides of the company I think was the reason to loss one
important person for the company.

What class concepts are relevant to this situation?

Here I found some attitudes that were not best managed for the headboard and the
operation manager, when Luxury left there was not too much communication with the
person telling that it was a real fact that could happen at any moment and reinforcing the
commitment to support the organization along this hard journey, from the headboard, I
could think that they had also some risk assessment related and at least a speech with
your main staff to transfer good attitude that can get better job performance along the
areas to go beyond the work demands.

What did you learn from this?

A leader is not just a person who knows what the direction is, and has all the knowledge to
come across this track, a true leader has to deal with many things, which personal skills he
(she) has to develop to give a better impact, what factors are the relevant that the team
finds as a good guide, the job attitudes of the organization turn critical to obtaining the best
job performance, how the leader can persuade the team to get those goals real and even
closer than they seem.

Salvador Monreal, may.-22

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