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To whom it may concern:

This pertains to the concern of your department seeking assurance that the mean target upload
speed for all Internet service subscribers is at least 0.97 on a standard scale in which the target
value is at least 1.0. Each day, upload speed was measured 50 times, the result of which are
thoroughly considered and verified.

Upon statistical analysis and determination, it appears that the Internet upload speed for all
internet subscribers is fluctuating. It may be worth considering upgrading necessary
technological and material requirements to be able to reach the standard scale of upload speed.

Attached herewith are the computations and statistical analysis based on the values provided.
We fervently hope that this research had answered your queries.

You have our sincerest gratitude for conducting services with us. If you have any more concern,
you may reach us at 09xx-xxxxxxx.

Yours sincerely,

One-sample Test Hypothesis

De Guzman, Krisanta G.
Sta. Cruz, Gemino VI T.
MGM Block 8 – Group V


The technical operations department wants to ensure that the mean target for the upload
speed for all internet service subscribers is at least 0.97.

Does the Internet upload speed of internet subscribers reach at least 0.97?

Variable of interest: Internet upload speed

Standard Value of Internet upload speed = 0.97

Step 1:

Ho: µ = 0.97: The average Internet upload speed is not significantly different from 0.97.

Ha: µ ≠ 0.97 The average Internet upload speed is significantly different from 0.97.

Step 2: α = 0.97

Step 3: Test Statistics: one-sample t-test

Step 4: Decision Rule:

Reject the null hypothesis if the p value is less than alpha (0.97), else, fail to reject Ho.


Reject the null hypothesis if the |computed t| > critical value.

Excel Output:

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal



Mean 0.95872 0.97
Variance 0.02433 4.5279E-31
Observations 50 50
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 49
t Stat 0.5114 computed value
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.3057 p-value for one-tailed test
critical value for one-
t Critical one-tail 1.9253 tailed test
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.6114 p-value for two-tailed test
critical value for two-
t Critical two-tail 0.0378 tailed test

Since 0.6114 > 0.97, reject Ho.

Since 0.5114 < 1.9253, reject Ho.

Confidence interval: UPLOAD SPEED

Mean 0.95872
Standard Error 0.022057181
Median 0.985
Mode 1.012
Standard Deviation 0.15596782
Sample Variance 0.024325961
Kurtosis -0.684172287
Skewness -0.134888806
Range 0.665
Minimum 0.621
Maximum 1.286
Sum 47.936
Count 50
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.044325564
lower bound: 0.914
upper bound: 1.003
95% confidence interval for the average
upload speed for all internet subscribers is
0.914 to 1.003.
At 0.97 level of significance, we have enough
evidence to conclude that the upload speed
for all internet subscribers is more or less than
0.97 ( mean target upload speed).

Step 5:

Method 1: p-value

Since (P (T<=t) two-tail = 0.6114) is less than alpha (α = 0.97), reject Ho.

Method 2: Critical value

Since the computed value (t stat = 0.5114) is less than the critical value (t critical 2-tail =
0.0378), reject Ho.

Step 6:


At 0.97 level of significance, we have some evidence to conclude that the Internet upload speed
of all internet subscribers is less than 0.97. This means that the average internet upload speed
of all internet subscribers does not reach the standard scale.

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