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Chapter 1



In December 2019, a new coronavirus outbreak was discovered in

Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has

resulted in the cancellation of numerous scientific conferences, travel restrictions,

social isolation, and unprecedented prevention measures. COVID-19 virus

spreads through droplets produced by infected people's respiratory systems,

most commonly during coughing or sneezing. Cases have already been imported

from other countries since then. Cities in China and around the world have been

affected, raising concerns about a global outbreak. The Department of Health

investigated the first suspected case in the Philippines on January 22, 2020.

As a result, the Philippine education system is now embracing blended

learning. It was decided to establish public schools. On October 5, 2020, they will

resume their classes across the country. Despite calls for an academic freeze in

response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Department of Education maintains

that education should not be jeopardized. "Education cannot be postponed,"

DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones says.

The government implemented a distance learning approach to ensure the

education of millions of Filipino students. Students and teachers communicate

digitally via distance learning, often known as correspondence education or

home study. There are three types of this modality. For most typical Filipino

students, modular distance learning is one of the most convenient options.

According to the Learning Enrollment and Survey Form results, it was also

the most preferred learning system of most parents/guardians (LESF). This

research will determine the efficacy of modular learning in Grade 6 pupils

enrolled in Bayugan Central Elementary School. If the pupils are still learning or

excess effort to learn more midst the crisis, we have been experiencing. Before

the pandemic, modular learning is not yet in use. Still, now it is, and this research

will determine if the pupil can learn through modular learning and satisfaction

ratings for the effectiveness.

The researcher surveys the parents and their grade 6 pupils to measure and

know the significance of modular learning to their children. It gives the people an

outlook on the survey results if modular learning is highly effective or not.

Theoritical/Conceptual Framework

Modularity Theory also known as the Theory of Interdependence and

Modularity, it is a framework for explaining how different parts of a product’s

architecture relate to one another and consequently affect metrics of production

and adoption. Broadly speaking, modularity is the degree to which a system's

components may be separated and recombined, often with the benefit of

flexibility and variety in use. Despite these nuances, consistent themes

concerning modular systems can be identified.

Modular learning is the approach where the focus is on learning outcomes,

and its success relies on connecting outcomes to student learning and course

design. These areas combine to make a course constructively aligned as

discussed by Biggs (1999).

A product is modular when there are no unpredictable elements in the design

of its parts. Modularity standardizes the way by which components fit together —

physically, mechanically, chemically and so on. The parts fit and work together in

well-understood, crisply codified ways.

A product is interdependent when the way one part is made and delivered

depends on the way other parts are made and delivered. Interdependency

between parts requires the same organization to develop both components if it

hopes to develop either component.

This modular theory is a development of packet theory (Kirkpatrick, 2002;

Kirkpatrick & Church, 2003) that adds a distinction between pattern and strength

memories, as well as contributing closed-form equations. We describe the theory

using equations related to a flow diagram and illustrate it by an application to an

experiment with repeated acquisitions and extinctions of a multiple-cued-interval

procedure using rats. The parameter estimates for the theory were based on a

calibration sample from the data, and the predictions for different measures of

performance on a validation sample from the same data (cross-validation). The

theory’s predictions were similar to predictions based on the reliability of the

This study involved the effectiveness of modular learning in grade 6 pupils—

the profile of respondents in terms of their sex and age.

Age is one factor in knowing the milestones achieved by the pupil. That the

level of the learning and knowledge of the pupils is enough for their age, sex

appears that boys were among likely reported in being laziness and tardiness.

While girls mainly were the organized in studying.

The Dependent variables include awareness, capabilities, and

responsiveness. Awareness is used as a variable if the pupil is aware of the new

blended learning.

Capabilities are used as a variable if the pupil can handle the modules and

answer them in time. Responsiveness is used to know how quickly the pupil

response to the given tasks and assignment.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables



Statement of the Problem

The overall issue addressed in this study is that students are combining new

learning methods that our country has to offer in order to continue youth

education. The study's goal was to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age; and

1.2 sex

2. How do grade 6 pupils understand the effectiveness of modular

learning enrolled in Bayugan Central Elementary School in terms of:

2.1 Awareness

2.2 Capabilities

2.3 Responsiveness

3. Is there a significant difference in the performance of the learners before &

after exposure to the developed module?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be meriting the following: School Administrator,

the result of this study could serve as a baseline data to improve the pupils'

learning. Teachers, the result of this study may serve as an eye-opener to create

and innovates new learning methods through modular education and the use of

varied teaching strategies.

This study will help the pupils develop their interest in modular learning and

appropriate the importance of the teaching even in the current crisis we have

experienced to the parents who are directly concerned with their children's


Lastly, to the future researcher, the result of this study can served as a

basis for further research on modular learning in elementary pupils.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on twenty (20) grade 6 students at Bayugan Central

Elementary School in Bayugan City. This entails conducting a survey among the

students in grade 6 at the school, as mentioned above. Because there are many

grades six students at Bayugan Elementary School in Bayugan, Agusan Del Sur,

the selection of respondents is random sampling.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to help the reader understand the

context of each

term in this study:

 Modular approach is an approach in which the entire program will be split

into different parts or modules so that the execution process is made


 Self-learning is defined as: “a process by which individuals take the

initiative, with or without the assistance of others, in diagnosing their

learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material

resources for learning, and evaluating learning outcomes

 Individualized instruction is a method of instruction in which there is

one-to-one teaching and self-paced learning based on an outline of

progressive goals leading to the course/curriculum objectives. Courses

appropriate for individualized instruction are usually those that require skill


 Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning

Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies

(MELCS) provided by DepEd. The modules include sections on motivation

and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers' and

students' desired competencies.

 Blended learning is generally applied to the practice of using both online

and in-person learning experiences when teaching students. Also called

hybrid learning and mixed-mode learning, blended-learning experiences

may vary widely in design and execution from school to school.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the various foreign and domestic literature and

studies that have significantly aided the researcher in the development of

the theoretical foundation of this study.

Related Literature and Studies in Foreign Setting

According to carrying (1994), "The modular approach employs

programmed materials that are meticulously organized in a logical

sequence through which the learner advances at his or her own pace, with

each of his or her responses immediately confirmed or corrected."

According to Robinson (1992), individualized instruction and

assessment are closely related to the concept of mastery learning when

most students master objectives at a uniformly high level. It is a

component of systematic instruction concerned with understanding,

improving, and applying learned principles at a given time.

On individual instruction, which is a strategy in the modular

approach. Lewis (1993) began by thinking of individual uniqueness, which

is the degree to which group members are similar to one another, as a

collective expression of individualized learning.

Creager (1996) identified the following benefits of using modular

instructional materials:

1. Self-instructional units allow the teacher to focus on the students'

deficiencies in subject matter that must be correct.

2. Serve to eliminate the need to cover subject matter already known

by the students.

3. Provide a method of assessing the student's progress in learning.

Modular teaching is one of the foremost widely used and

recognized teaching-teaching techniques in many countries, including

the opposite Western European countries and the Asian region. The

modular approach in most disciplines, including natural sciences,

especially biology, medical education, related fields, and computer

education. Manlove and David (1985). It considers the individual

differences among learners, which necessitates the design to utilize

the foremost appropriate teaching techniques to help the individual

grow and develop at their own pace. Kandarp Sejpal's formal name is

Kandarp Sejpal (2013)

A module could indeed cover one element of subject

material content or a bunch of content elements that conjure a discrete

unit of material or level of specialization. A module has clearly defined

goals, preferably in behavioral form (Daries, 1981). Various teaching

methods will target combining ways that will best realize creative and

constructive engagement with learning activities that results in

comprehension Ramsden (, 1992). Even very well-designed modules

with very well-defined learning outcomes can fail if the edification

strategies are insufficient to inspire and support learners in meeting the

specified learning outcomes. Toohey (1999)

A teaching strategy may be a learning plan that features the

teacher's presentations, the exercises and learning activities designed

for college students, and therefore the aids that may supply college

students to figure during which they exemplify their growing

understanding and capability.

The modules' goal is to produce instructors with resources that will

enable them to remodel their classrooms into active, student-centered

learning environments. Valorie L. Wilkerson and Joanne L. Stewart


The module design process characterized how to identify the

needs of the target population and select the topic. The situation,

intellectual capacity, object, action, tools, or other constraints by

Pareek and Rao (1981); Gagne and Briggs (1973). Collect relevant

information on the subject and confirm the need for a new program or

module. Make preparations for the module's development. Based on

the results of the need assessment, develop module objectives.

Choose your learning opportunities. These can be the most effective in

achieving the goals and should be organized logically

Related Literature and Studies Local Setting

Camarao (1990) believes that instructional materials answer the

needs of developing countries such as the Philippines, which has inadequate

logistics and a rapidly growing school population. Individualized instruction could

help students learn even when they are not in school. He stated that the writers

of supplementary instructional materials should say the objectives of learner

behavior and skills.

According to Cesareno (1993), teaching schoolchildren to read

and learn without the necessary books and instructional materials is akin to

teaching them to swim without providing them with the benefit of actual

swimming experience in a body of water. He went on to say that the seriousness

of the textbook issue pervades the educational program. The purpose of

textbooks and instructional materials is to facilitate learning and improve teaching


According to Torres (1994), the art of teaching encompasses the

act of providing adequate resource materials rather than the mere dissemination

of information. As a result, the classroom must be transformed into a space in

which every student can perform the act of delivery. Sufficient instructional

materials should be provided to students to ensure concept alignment. Learning

is a process in which the learners are actively involved. A learner learns from his

feelings and thoughts. Personal experiences provide comprehensive and long-

term learning.
Education contributes to the spread of knowledge in society. That is possibly

the most notable aspect of education. Furthermore, education facilitates the

transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next. Education

contributes to the advancement and innovation of technology. Most importantly,

the more education there is, the more technology will spread. Education

contributes to significant progress in military equipment, medicine, and computer


According to UNESCO, "values, attitudes, and behaviors" should focus on

learning so that people can coexist in a diverse society. Education plays a vital

role in society; children learn societal and cultural norms, values, and how to be

successful, active, and productive members. The role of education in society is

just as important as education's role in society. We've all heard the expression "it

takes a village," which means that it's society's responsibility to help, guide, and

support its students' education.

They are learning in the new usual presents some challenges for teachers,

students, and even parents. Blended learning is the use of technology to merge

online and offline learning methodologies. Online learning occurs when students

study with their teacher and classmates via a video chat application. In contrast,

offline learning occurs when the teacher provides the students with the lesson,

seatwork, or assignment, which they can complete at their own pace within the

deadline. All tasks are submitted and graded online.

These new ways of learning, brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, can

be a further challenge during this difficult time. And, since returning to the
"normal" we've all become accustomed to isn't going to happen anytime soon,

let's all do our best to adjust and make this current situation work. Remember

that online learning aims to keep students academically engaged for them to

retain what they have learned.

Blended learning allows students to set appropriate learning objectives even

while uplifting them to take responsibility for learning. Its ability to adapt will

enable people to learn at their own pace as they prepare for the future. It is

suitable during the COVID-19 pandemic because it ensures that students can

continue their education at home.

The ways of education changed during the pandemic. The "New Normal" way

of learning brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic can be an additional

challenge during this difficult time. 27.7 million Filipino children and youth are at

risk of significant learning loss as a result of the pandemic's extended school

closures and disruptions. Teachers and students are the most affected when it

comes to adjusting to a new teaching environment.

A lot of school leaders and teachers are focusing on whole-child education,

which appears to be gaining traction in the future. However, during pandemics,

educators have faced inequities in education and society that the virus has


Schools adopted to transition to distance learning. There were huge

disparities that became apparent: we saw children suffering from poverty,

hunger, mental health issues, a lack of computers and internet access, and

consequent fears of falling behind.

Chapter 3


Research Design

In gathering information about the current situation, the researcher

used the descriptive method with qualitative approaches. Creswell (1994) defined

descriptive research as a purposeful process of gathering, analyzing,

categorizing, and tabulating data about current conditions, practices, beliefs,

processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships, and then making adequate

and accurate interpretations about such data with or without the aid of statistical


According to Creswell (1994), descriptive research entails gathering data to

answer questions about the subjects in the study's current state. It is intended to

collect data or conditions that exist at a specific time. The entire process is

centered on the development of theory based on the comparison or contrast of


Research Locale
The research was conducted in Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur. The

researcher mainly focuses on pupil enrolled in Bayugan Central Elementary

School and who are chosen by random sampling.

Bayugan is a 5th class component city in the province of Agusan del Sur,

Agusan, Philippines. It has a population of 109,499 people according to the 2020

census. It is the only city in Agusan del Sur, having been granted cityhood by

Republic Act No. 9405. Bayugan is the province's economic growth center.

Bayugan, located in the northern part of Agusan del Sur, is known as the

province's "cut-flower capital" due to its lucrative cut flower industry. The climate

in the city, particularly in the highland barangays, is ideal for high-yield cut-flower

production. In addition, the city is a major producer of rice and vegetables in the

province, meeting the needs of neighboring municipalities and provinces.

Figure below shows the image of Bayugan Central Elmenetary School

Participants of the Study

The participants of this research cover Grade 6 students who

enrolled on Bayugan Central Elementary School, with a total of 20 participants

who are purposively chosen on gathering information on this research. Each

individual chose whether to participate or not. Since the instruments is


Research Instrument

As one of the data collections instruments, the researcher created an

interview with the respondents. The interview questions were designed to elicit

relevant information about modular learning from grade 6 students.

The study also included a questionnaire designed by the researcher titled



BAYUGAN CITY DIVISION." The instrument's content was based on the findings

of an interview with grade 6 students at Bayugan Central Elementary School.

Data Collection Procedure

First, obtain permission from the Principal of Bayugan central

Elementary School to conduct the survey. Second, the researchers select

random Grade 3 students in the said school. Lastly, the data will be collected

through online survey questionnaire.

Data Processing Methods

A 3-point Rating scale was used to assign a value to the gathered data.

The scoring procedure outlined below will be used. The scoring system will be

used to interpret and analyze the data.

Scoring System


5 5.00-6.00 Greatly affected
4 4.00-5.00 Considerably affected
3 3.00-4.00 Moderately affected
2 2.00-3.00 Slightly affected
1 1.00-2.00 Not affected




An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

Submitted to

The Faculty of Teacher Education Department

Agusan Del Sur College

Bayugan City

In Parcial Fulfilment of The Requirements

For the Degree of





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