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To: Nancy Myers

From: Jordan Pearce

Date: April 12, 2022
Subject: APLED 121

Audience Recognition

 Knowledge of subject matter- does you audience know what you’re talking about?
 Writing for Future Audiences- adding background information will help people understand later
in time

Defining Terms for Audience

 Defining Terms Parenthetically- add definitions to acronyms so people can understand what
you are talking about
 Defining your terms in a sentience- if you define an item then adding distinguishing
characteristics for more information
 Using extended definitions of one or more paragraphs- if information is needed use a
paragraph to define it
 Using a glossary- if you don’t use one of the previous methods then you can add a page number
to the glossary for definitions
 Providing pop-ups and links with definitions- and if all else fails you can use the internet to
provide the extra information

Audience Personality Traits- the personality of the audience can determine how best to approach them

Biased Language—Issues of Diversity- not all people are the same not even close so be carful when
talking about various people


 The global economy- one instance of the need to accommodate a wide different audience
 Cross-cultural workplace communication- everyone in the world works differently and you
need to be prepared for possible differences

Guidelines for Effective Multicultural Communication

 Define acronyms- not everyone will understand acronyms describe them if you use them
 Avoid Jargon and idioms- not everyone will understand idioms, especially in other countries,
avoid them
 Distinguish between nouns and verbs- some words are both a noun and a verb help readers
understand which are which
 Watch for cultural biases/expectations- other cultures don’t view the same images and words
the same way
 Be carful when using slash marks- slash marks don’t usually translate well avoid them
 Avoid humor and puns- humor is not universal
 Realize that translations may take more or less space- words in other languages may take more
or less space if you work is going to be translated try to get it to fit
 Avoid figurative language- figurative words don’t translate well use precise words
 Be careful with numbers, measurements, dates, and times- every country uses different ways
to write distance, dates, and times
 Use stylized graphics to represent people- don’t use realistic images

Avoiding Biased Language

 Ageist language- don’t refer to age

 Biased language about people with disabilities- don’t talk about one’s disabilities
 Sexist language- don’t use sexist language

Audience Involvement

 Personalized tone- using pronouns help readers feel what you a trying to give them
 Reader benefit- involve your audience and motivate them by giving what they need

The Writing Process at Work

 Prewriting- create a list, what do you need

 Writing- get to work
 Rewriting- reread it and adjust as necessary

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