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Cognitive Development during Infancy (0 to 2 years)

1. Lack of Temporal Knowledge:
 It is about time aspect .Children don’t have the concept of time .Due to the lack of
temporal development .
 Brain development takes place at the age of 5 years.
2. Curiosity
 Brain development is not complete .So they don’t understand at this stage .
 Children observe, taste, listen, feel. Sense organs work but brain don’t function fully
 They observe but don’t understand reason for the things happening around .
 They don’t understand the explanation. So they are curious .Through their activities
their curiosity can be understood.
 The exploring activity of child we term it as their mischievous is the curiosity inside
the child .It is the part of cognitive development .
3. Variety of imagination:
 Children imagine, but the imagination is abstract.(non-concrete) and it is not right .
 As they don’t have knowledge in this age.
4. Solution for simple problems:
 Number of problems are faced by the children at this stage .During first year age
they may not be able to solve the problem. For any problem children cry for the
attention of the adults to solve their problem.
 During second year, they try to solve the simple problem. E.g. : If they hungry or
thirst they ask for it and solve the problem .
 So, finding solution to the problem is cognitive development.
5. Development of memory:
 Memory develops. They remember things. They recognise the family
6. Development of mental ability :
 Simple or crude mental development happens in this stage.
 They try to practice ,handle pencil, pen and imitate the adults .
7. Desire to assist the parents
8. Imitation :
 They imitate the things around .It is basis for cognitive development
9. Create impulses:
 Creativity is present in the child.It can be seen when they play with their toys and
Cognitive Development during childhood ( )
1. Stability
 Stability is seen their thinking , analysis and understanding.
2. Curiosity
 It is maximum in this stage.
 Language development has taken place in this stage. So, verbally they ask lot of
questions out of curiosity.
3. Moral norms
 They differentiate between right or wrong.
 Right or wrong behaviour in home, school or with elders.
 They develop moral values , rules and regulation
4. Imitation
1. They learn by observing .They imitate the people around them .
5. Influence of praised and blame.
They love to be praised. They will not accept the blame. Being parents and teacher
should balance both.
6. Extension of field of interest and thinking
 Fifth year Brain development stops. Cognitive development has taken place.
 Children already experienced many things. So, interest and thinking develops.
7. Problem solving
Advanced problem-solving ability develops .
Cognitive Development during adolescence
1. Mental ability –
 Children have attained the age of 18 years .
 Due to experience in school more scope for development of mental ability.
2. Excessive imagination
 Lot of imagination is seen this stage.
 It is important for cognitive development but it is not good to be excessive .
 Imaginative thinking is required for the present world.
3. Particular interest
 In youngers years interest is varied. They try singing, drawing ,dancing ,sports etc..
 During adolescence it get narrowed to one or two particular area
 Adolescence will come to know their area of interest
4. Development of mind
 As they grow and get experience -development of mind progresses.

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